
Blade: BINGO!

Sonic: Today we are going to pull out a series of challenges.

Shadow: Then we will democratically select which one of us will do the challenge.

Silver: If you don't do it, then you get a thumbs down.

Blade: *turns whinch while keeping dumb smile* All right whose first.

Silver picks up a challenge.

Silver: Sing "The Jarl Balgruf song!" Ready? VOTE!


Sonic, Silver, and Shadow voted Blade

Blade: WTF!

Sonic: Go sing bitch!

Blade: *marches off* I'm actually scared.

Silver: Hey guys, let's vote for him every time.

Shadow: Perfect idea!

Sonic: Lets do it?

The three did a huddle thing.

Blade: GUYS! Should I do it to this couple here.

Sonic: Sure, don't you have those sunglasses?

Blade looks into a camera and already has his glasses on.

Blade: Gimmie a beat.

Shadow: Here you go.

The song background came up.

Blade: *walks up to the couple* Listen well, slut. I'm Jarl Balgruf, and I be *jumps on table and starts dancing* ballin', ballin' ballin', Jarl ballin', ballin' ballin' swag. Woman I'm LORD of the rings, I'm Jarl of Whiterun, holla if ya need me! Haters gonna hate, OWW! Haters gonna hate, OWW! Bitches gonna hate, yo momma gonna hate, OWW! Swag OWW swag OWW swag OWW swag. *Dances off the table* Holla if ya need me, holla if ya need me reefa, BITCH! *walks away*

Female: ...What just happened?

Male: Skyrim makes you crazy.

Sonic: Good job. Now for another one!

5 more challenges later.

Sonic: Your turn Blade.

Blade just takes one out.

Blade: Might as well go do it.

Sonic: I was going to not chose you for this one you know.

Blade: Don't be ridiculous, its Hug a Hedgehog named Amy.

Sonic: Oh, then I would chose you!

Blade: Hey are you Amy?

Hedgehog: Nope.

Blade: AMY!

Different Hedgehog: I'm married.

Blade: Guys, this is impossible.

Silver: If you do this, then all three of us will be punished.

Blade: Hey, you Amy?

Hedgehog: Nope.

Blade: Are you Amy?

Different hedgehog: Nope.

Blade: AMY!

Random Hedgehog: NOPE!

Sonic: This is the only time he tries to find someone.

Blade: Please be Amy!

Random BLUE Hedgehog: I am...

Blade: AMY! *hugs*

Amy: Ok. Why are you looking for me?

Blade: Long story. I'll tell once you give a thumbs up.

Blade wins.

All other ones are punished.