A/N: I painted my nails purple, that is all.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or the gorgeous characters we know as Minato and Kushina.

It was a Saturday evening, Kushina sat on her bed cross legged while attempting to complete her math homework. Groaning in annoyance, she gave up and tossed the textbook to the side of her and hopped off the bed. Sighing, she went and leaned on the ledge of the window beside her bed.

''I want you to come with me to Tokyo.''

''How the hell does he expect me to give an answer to that?'' She scowled as she remembered that conversation they had a few days ago, ''Then he just... kisses me.'' Kushina twirled her red locks around her index finger, as she remembered how she felt during that time. A smile on her lips as she blew her bangs that fell in her face away.

''Damn hair is such a pain.'' Kushina took a comb and attempted to somehow keep her hair from falling in her face again.

''Why don't you try this?'' Kushina soon found herself having someone place a barrette to keep her bangs in place. Blinking, her hand moved to touch the object in her hair then turned around to have her eyes meet with Minato's gentle gaze

''How the heck did you get in here?!'' She backed up, a little startled by his appearance.

''Mito-san had lend me a pair of keys to the house.'' He grinned while holding up the keys in front of her.

Kushina decided not to continue on the subject, and just rolled her eyes. ''Anyway, what did you put in my hair?'' she poked the barrette that was still in her hair.

''Well, you always complained about the hair that hung in your face so I decided to get you a little gift.'' He turned her around so she can see her reflection in the window, Kushina let out a small gasp when she saw the strawberry barrette.

''It's so cute!'' She beamed happily, turning back around.

''Now I say I deserve a kiss for my generosity?'' he jokingly teased before grabbing her chin.

''How about a punch in the face?'' Kushina shoved his hand away before playfully glaring at him with her arms crossed.

''Awwww, why not?'' He pouted adorably and Kushina tried to resist giving in to that look. Continuing to glare at him, eventually her expression softened and she sighed in defeat.

''You...'' She grumbled before kissing him on the cheek, then backing away since her face started burning up from her embarrassed feeling.

''Minato 1, and Kushina 0.'' He cheered before having to rub his arm from the rough punch Kushina gave him. ''Anyway, the real reason why I came here was to ask if you'd like to go out for dinner with me tonight?'' Minato announced while hugging her waist from behind.

''Y-You mean like a date?'' Her entire body froze, nearly in fear since she never went on a date with anyone. Leave it to this boy to catch her off guard. She was too distracted by her anxious worrying that she didn't even shove him off of her like she usually did.

''Sure, unless you don't want to go.'' He raised an eyebrow, but was secretly hoping she'd agreed since he's been wanting to ask her this for the longest time. Minato even started to consider her, his girlfriend secretly. Minato released his grip around her waist and waited for her answer.

Facing him, Kushina looked up at him with a grin ''I'd love to!' a tint of pink resided on each of her cheeks, ''On one condition!'' she put a single index finger up.


''Give me a piggyback ride.'' An amused smirk formed on her lips.

With a fake cough to clear his throat, he sweated nervously at the thought. ''Why couldn't she just ask for a puppy?'' he dreaded in his thoughts. With a dreadful smile he agreed ''Gladly...'' Minato silently groaned, knowing he'll wake up with a sore back the next day.

Kushina snorted, ''I was only joking, you're such a wuss.'' regardless of it being a joke, Minato for once had an expression that proved he was not amused and didn't find it as funny as she did. Her fits of laughter stop to see his serious face, which made her want to laugh more but she merely decided to hold it back. ''Jeez sorr— OW!'' She yelped from being poked on the forehead. Rubbing the poked area, she looked up to see Minato was gone and nowhere to be seen.

''Where the hell did he go?'' Her tone grew bitter, then she heard him laughing and running downstairs. Instantly, she dashed out her room to look for him and rushed downstairs. Looking from left to right, she tiptoed around the living room in search of what she liked to call ''The Blonde Haired Twit.''

She groaned, obviously annoyed by the game of Hide n' Kill the Blonde Guy. ''Minatooooooooooooooooo, where are you?'' Kushina called out,

''Pssst, behind you.'' a voice whispered, and the instant Kushina turned around she screamed in bloody horror and tripped on the floor before she could run away. A man with a white hockey mask and 'mysterious' blonde hair stood before her.

''Dammit, you know I hate Jason.'' Kushina grumbled, looking away from him.

''I didn't think you'd scream like that.'' Minato attempted to resist a laugh when he took the mask off and held out his hand to help her up. Taking his hand and standing up, her gaze practically shot daggers at him before she angrily went upstairs.

''Uh, where are you going?'' Minato asked puzzled.

''To get dressed, I'm not just about to turn down a free dinner.'' She stuck her tongue out at him before scurrying to her room to get ready.

He shook his head sustaining a grin, ''She's just one of a kind.''

After many bickering and complaints from Kushina, they finally manage to get to the restaurant. It wasn't too fancy, but it wasn't too cheap either. Kushina wore a yellow tank with a jean-jacket on top, along with a jean skirt and high-top converse. Minato wore his casual attire which was a black graphic tee, with a white hooded sweater on top along with the usual blue jeans. The pair sat at a round-shaped table for two, and made their orders. Kushina ordered spicy buffalo wings while Minato ordered a Miso Ramen.

''Won't those wings be a little too hot for you?'' Minato asked skeptically.

''You're talking to The Red Hot Habanero of Konoha High.'' Kushina countered with her arms crossed.

''That doesn't mean you'd be able to withstand the wrath of those buffalo wings.'' He jokingly teased, a smirk formed along with a raised eyebrow on his face. ''I heard they added a new, extra spicy hot sauce.

''J-Just be quiet!'' She snapped in annoyance, I'll prove I can handle those wings.

Minato just shook his head with a small laugh, knowing this wouldn't end good. Kushina always insisted on being stubborn, sometimes it never ended with good results.

Their plates of good finally came, and Minato stared anxiously at Kushina's plate, heat practically emitted off of the wings. It would probably be a good idea to order an extra 5 dozen cups of water after this was over. ''Well?'' Minato looked back at the redhead and waited for her to attempt to eat those terrifying buffalo wings, and began slurping up his miso noodles.

Having second thoughts, Kushina sweated nervously and reached for a wing with a trembling hand. Why did I have to open my big mouth? She internally screamed, and lifted the wing before taking a bite. The spicy taste surrounded her practically burning mouth, and she snatched up her glass of water before gulping it down with satisfaction. Letting out a breath of relief, she saw she only had 12 wings left to eat. Oh the joy.

''You know... you don't have to eat all of it.'' Kushina looked at the blonde across from her, ''I can just order you something else?'' It was obvious that he can tell she wasn't able to handle those wings.

''No, I'll be fine.'' Kushina stubbornly puffed her cheeks, her attitude caused Minato to sigh.

''You can have some of my noodles.'' He offered, gently pushing the bowl her way.

''It's alright...'' Her tone softened, ''I don't like wasting food that people were kind enough to buy me..'' a pink blush formed on the Uzumaki's cheeks as she looked down and reached for another wing and began eating it while surpressing the urge to drink more water. Unfortunately, her eyes were watering so the show she put on wasn't much of a cover.

''You never cease to amaze me.'' His cheek leaned into his hand, while he let out a laugh and sat up to finish eating his ramen.

After 11 wings, and many eye tearing later, Kushina was down to my last wing. Letting out a much needed breath, she determinedly stared at it before reaching for it, only to have it snatched away by another hand. Her head shot up, to see a certain blonde Namikaze who happened to steal off of her plate.

Kushina opened her mouth to speak, but Minato interrupted her ''Yeah, you can yell at me later.'' he said before eating the piece of meat in his hand, ''I just couldn't stand seeing you suffer there. Also, these aren't that bad.'' he gulped down a piece without much difficulty.

''Show off...'' She lowly grumbled, arms being crossed across her chest.

''Anyway,'' Minato began as he wiped his hands, and face with a napkin, ''Lets hurry and finish up here, there's somewhere else I want to take you.'' he got up and paid the bill.

Letting out a sigh of relief about that buffalo wing being over, she paused before looking up at him ''Somewhere else?''

Minato ignored her question, and leaned down to Kushina's face. Soon Kushina's body froze when she felt his warm tongue lick off a sauce stain from her meal. For a moment, she tried to make out what he just did. Was this guy serious? What's he trying to pull by doing something like that? So many thoughts went through Kushina's mind at once, nearly making her unconscious but she managed to keep herself together. Minato backed away when he saw her stand up from where she was sitting, holding up his arms in defense.

''Look, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable or anything, it's that, I kind of was uh-'' Kushina grabbed his face into her hands to pull him into a rough kiss, before pushing him away.

Turning her head, she crossed her arms again ''Your excuses suck, if you just wanted to kiss me, you should of just said so.'' Kushina explained, like it was the most simple thing in the entire world. Which infact, was not true.

''That's partly the reason,'' He rubbed his neck with a nervous grin, before bring a napkin to clean her face ''Also, you got sauce all over your face.''

''You're not my mom, stop it!'' She bickered with him, until she gave him and just allowed him to clean her face. It pissed her off, and it even expressed his feminine side in Kushina's opinion, but she wasn't about to admit that to him, yet.

''I might not be your mom, but I wouldn't want my girlfriend to have sauce all over her face.'' He gave an innocent smile, and ran his fingers through her hair with ease.

Kushina's heart nearly popped out of her chest from the 'girlfriend' remark. She never heard him address her as his girlfriend before. Feeling his hand glide through her hair felt so relaxing, she just wanted to jump into his arms and snuggle close to him.

''What do you mean by girlfriend?'' She quickly shook out of her daze, and shot back with the whole 'tsundere' act and glared at him.

Minato chuckled, ''I don't know, I mean I assume kissing, and always being together meant something other than just friendship.'' His hand still ran through her red locks, practically causing the girl's insides to melt.

''You never even asked me thou-'' without a second though, Minato kneeled down on one knee in front of her. She prayed that he didn't by any chance, pull out one of those 'diamond rings', marriage was out of the option.

He cleared his throat, and they locked eye contact with each other. ''Kushina Uzumaki, would you do me the honors of being my girlfriend?'' he held out his hand for her to take with a warm smile.

''You're such an idiot...'' I muttered before taking his hand with a grin, then tightly hugged around his neck ''I'd loved to.''

''That's a relief.'' He said, before hugging her back and pulling away from the hug. ''Anyway, like I said, there's somewhere I want to take you.''

''Where?'' Kushina blinked as she looked at him.

''I want you to come meet my parents.''

A/N: Now for the challenge, figuring out how I'm going to do his parents.


-throws table-

-throws chair-

-throws sister-

-throws cat-

-throws obama-

uh, Review... please? ;- ;