I was going to do two epilogues, but one long one sounded better. Do not cry because it is over, be happy that it happened. I hope to see your reviews now that this is the end! Thank you!
Ten Years Later...
A girl of three and ten giggled as she hid behind a bush, watching her older brother look for her, "Marian, this isn't funny anymore. Mother will be furious if we're not home soon." It was soon after he walked away that a younger boy huffed, "I say we leave her." Marian jumped out from behind the bush, "Leave me! How cruel of you both!" She pouted and crossed her arms across her chest staring down the two boys just like her mother would do.
Marian carried a bow on her back with arrows and wore a dress of green and black, "Father should give you boys a lesson in how to treat a Lady." Baelfire snorted, "Aye, if we ever get home in time! Come on, Marian."
The three children laughed as they chased each other home and as they passed the gates, Marian saw William Marely riding his horse with his father.
Marian looked back as she kept running, "Not now, William!" William sighed from atop his horse and Bronn looked over at his son, "Never you mind, boy. Now, let's get out in that field to practice your horse riding."
As the three siblings ran through the castle, they finally reached the throne room, but as they entered, their father and mother were waiting for them. Sansa sighed as she saw dirt upon Henry's breeches, "Oh, couldn't you have played in the castle?" Henry smiled as he ran to his mother, "Of course not, mother. Marian and Baelfire were teaching me how to shoot arrows." Sandor smiled from his seat and looked to his tall daughter, "Well done, Marian."
Marian smiled and bowed to her father as Baelfire took a seat next to him. Sandor and Sansa had grown older, but still looked as youthful as they were ten years ago. Sandor's hair was now tied back and Sansa, only twenty-eight in age, looked upon him as though it was the day they first fell in love.
Sansa stood slowly from her seat with the help of Sandor and her hand rested upon her large belly, "Henry, I think you are right. The Maester told me today that it is possible I am carrying twins." Henry smiled and pointed to his eye, "The eye knows, mother." She smiled at his joke as she always did. Never did he complain of being different due to his blind eye, for he could play and horse ride just like any other boy his age. By now, Baelfire was five and ten, Marian was three and ten, and Henry was only ten. Their youngest child, however, was four, and he was a boy named Jon.
Jon was born six years after the war and was named after his Uncle Jon Snow in memory of him. Jon had gone back to the Wall to take the Black, leaving his son Ned and Erik in Sansa's care for a time. It was planned that Ned would join him when he turned ten and two, but only two years after returning to the Wall, Jon was killed in a small battle by the Wildlings. When they found his body, they found a locket around his neck that held pieces of blonde and black hair within it. He was returned to Winterfell, but Sansa and Sandor agreed that his body would be buried in the Barrowlands next to Meg and Arabella.
Ned Snow was now old enough to inherit his family's home there, and he left with several guards to look over him and a Maester. Erik was only ten as well, so he remained in Winterfell, adopted by Sansa and Sandor after his father's death.
In the South, Tommen was still King and he and Margaery had a daughter of only three years. She was a beautiful child with long blonde hair and blue eyes. Tommen had grown into a fine King and he looked just like Jaime. In the west, Jaime and Brienne's son Tytos was a tall boy with blonde hair and green eyes and they also had a little girl, who was also blonde, tall, and had green eyes. Jaime would later seek comfort in Sansa that she looked like Cersei, and it bothered him sometimes.
Tyrion remained in Kings Landing and was still the Hand of the King, while his daughter, Victoria, was a tall girl with black hair just like her mother, but she had her father's eyes. Within the two years, she would marry Baelfire Eddard Stark Clegane and the two would be on their own as Lord and Lady. Tyrion would visit with Victoria and both she and Baelfire would sit together, holding hands, and whispering to one another. Baelfire was told at the age of eight that he was an adopted child and not bound by blood to Sansa and Sandor, which was why he would not be King when Sandor was gone. Sansa and Bronn explained that he was found in the river and he was a gift from the Gods and after several days of upset, he finally understood that he was lucky to be alive.
In the Reach, Arya and John remained husband and wife. Arya was more mature and wiser now at her age of twenty-six. After their miscarriage of a baby boy, Lady Gould found herself to be pregnant again. Nine months later, she gave birth to a healthy boy with brown hair and brown eyes and Arya and John agreed to name him Gendry. John knew how much it would mean to Arya, who was torn apart by news of her dear friends death. Gendry Gould was now nine years old and was expecting to be a big brother within three months.
Sansa looked out into the hall where her children, Erik, and William Marely were talking and laughing at their jokes. William was a tall and strong boy for his age and he and Marian had become close, which Sansa noticed right away. Had Marian not been promised to Tytos Lannister, Sansa knew William would ask her for Marian's hand. Sandor walked over, "Here he is." She looked up and smiled as he handed her Jon, "Mama!" Jon reached up and tried to take the crown from Sansa's head and she laughed. Sandor sat on his throne next to her and mumbled, "Boy is already trying to take your power from you. He wants to be King." Sansa smiled and looked at Henry, who was chasing his sister around the table and she whispered,
"Let's see how Henry is as a King first."
Later that night, Sandor walked into the Crypts to find the heavily pregnant Sansa sitting on a stone bench, looking up at the name, "Robb Clegane". Sansa turned to Sandor and smiled, "He'd be getting married soon if he was alive. Within the next year or so?" Sandor walked over and sat down, his long hair still tied back, no longer hiding the scar upon his face. He was beginning to get gray hairs in his facial hair, showing his age of forty-four. With a sigh, Sandor patted Sansa's leg, "Aye, he's be a tall boy like me, riding horses, and learning to fight." Sansa sighed, "He will always be our first son, won't he?" Sandor nodded and wrapped his arm around her waist, resting his hand on her belly, "And these two might not be the last."
On the way out of the crypt, Sansa stopped and looked into the small grave area and she looked at the gravestone in front of her. With a smile on her face, she whispered, "I think he would have liked to be buried here." The name on the stone read "Gendry" and he was placed there as soon as they returned from that battle ten years ago. With a sigh, Sansa rested her hand on the stone before turning with Sandor and walking back inside of the castle.
"Will you love me tonight?"
Sansa looked up at her husband and smiled, "I think I shall."
15 years later...
Winter was always cold and cruel in Winterfell, but it never bother Sansa before now. She was always afraid of being alone, yet somehow she knew, this day would come eventually.
Laying before her on a marble slab was her husband, Sandor Clegane. He died just the day before of illness that could not be cured. The Maester tried his best to help him, but in the end the goal was to make his passing painless and quiet. Sandor died at the age of fifty-nine, surrounded by his children and Sansa at his side, holding his hand and whispering over and over again, "I love you. I have always loved you more than you have ever known." He closed his eyes with a smile on his face and although he could not talk, Sansa knew he would have said the same.
Sansa turned and saw Baelfire holding Victoria's hand while her free arm held a new baby boy, of whom they named Sandor after his grandfather. He walked over and kissed the top of her head, "The others are wanting to come in." Sansa nodded, "Let them." Upon hearing of Sandor being sick, Baelfire and Victoria traveled back to Winterfell from Kings Landing, while Marian and Tytos came from Casterly Rock, and Arya and John came with their children from the Reach. Before his death, Sansa and Sandor had twins, who they named Robb and Anne. Altogether in the 30 years they were married, Sandor and Sansa had five children by blood and two children by adoption and they could not have been happier about that.
"He looks peaceful."
Sansa looked over her shoulder and saw Tommen standing there. She gasped and quickly ran to him, hugging him close as she cried, "I didn't think you would make it!" Her tears wet the fabric on this shoulder, but he held her there, letting her cry, "He was fine before all of this. I thought it was just something that would pass." Tommen rubbed her back as he looked over her shoulder at Sandor's still body on the marble slab. Tommen gently pushed her back, "He was strong for you in the end, Sansa. He is at peace."
For the next hour, the children came in and kissed their father's cheek. Marian lingered the longest, her black veil hiding her tears as she whispered into his ear before kissing his cheek and forehead. Marian became her father's favorite as she grew, as she knew how to use a sword and ride horses at a young age and she knew how much he loved her. Henry was the last to enter to say goodbye to his father. He was tall just like Sandor, maybe even a few inches taller, his hair short, and his one good eye was a chilling blue. His siblings and the others watched as he walked down the steps of the Sept, his black boots clicking on the stone before he dropped to one knee, bowing his head in respect. He stood after a few moments and looked down at Sandor,
"I'll make you proud, papa. I'll be the best King I can be."
Sandor was buried in the Crypt next to the remains of Eddard Stark and the others. The day after his funeral, Henry was crowned King of the North, Sansa taking on Queen Regent until he would marry.
One Week Later...
Henry Clegane, King of the North, was married to Elizabeth Baratheon, daughter of King Tommen and Queen Margaery, and Princess of the Realm. Years later, when Tommen would die, Henry would become King of the Realm, the North, merging two houses. No one would have ever guessed that a Clegane would rule over Westeros.
A year later, the stories would say Sansa died of the same illness that claimed Sandor, but her children would claim that she died of a broken heart. She stayed alive long enough to see Henry and Elizabeth have a prince and Marian become pregnant with her first child. Sansa went peacefully and her last word was a whispered, "Sandor." Henry and Baelfire had statues made of Sansa and Sandor and they were placed in the Godswood, looking over those that would marry or pray in front of the heart tree.
Thirty years had gone by and their love for one another never died out. Their children were older now, Henry was the Realm, Marian was promised to the heir of Casterly Rock, and Baelfire was given Winterfell and named Lord of the North. Even after all the death, the heartache, the battles, it was still worth it in the end.
In the end, Sansa Stark and her husband, Sandor Clegane, conquered the Game of Thrones.
This is the Epilogue. I was going to do two, but decided that one long one would be fair. Thank you for everything. Without the fans, this story would not have been so popular!