What One Cannot Tell
"No," Fili whispered silently, "It cannot be." He saw the bloody battle field around him, and the countless orcs lying dead at his feet. But it was the body of his brother that caught his eye. Kili lay beyond the countless orcs, breathing shallowly due to a large wound in his side. Fili just couldn't understand why his brother was on the ground. He knew in his heart that Kili was dying, but he couldn't comprehend it.
"Come on Kili, GET UP!" Fili practically screamed at him. But he didn't move. He fought his way over to him and cradled him like he used to when they were kids. His eyes were shut but there was a small rise and fall of his chest to show he was still living.
"Fee," Kili rasped.
"Yes brother, I am here." Fili's voice was soft as he spoke. The orcs were bearing down on them, but neither cared. His brown eyes opened slowly and looked into his brother's dark blue ones. His hands clutched the hem of Fili's tunic for support. Fili could see the light leaving Kili, the wound in his side was deep, probably fatal.
"I couldn't tell you before but I can now," Kili's voice grew weaker by the second. "I am glad to have been your brother and-
"No, please. Don't talk, just rest. The healers will be over soon. You will be okay." Fili was reassuring himself as much as Kili.
"I need to say this. I will love you to the end of time." Kili quieted as he closed his eyes once more. Fili's arms shook with his sobs as he tried to wake his brother. But he knew it was hopeless. Kili has use the last of his life force to say those words. He laid his little brother on the ground and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
"Me too nadadith, me too." And there is where Kili son of Dis took his last stand. His brother's body behind him and his uncle's to his right, he knew there was no reason to live. He knew that Kili and Thorin would greet him in Mahal's halls. And he could not wait to meet them.