It's been a strange month for Team 7, for days it's been quieter. The fact due to Naruto not speaking or being loud-mouthed at all. No one bothered to ask what was wrong pretending not to care or notice yet, they all did especially Kakashi. Today had been the strangest of yet, Naruto actually did something normal.

"Hey Sakura-Chan, Teme, Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto said walking to the training ground with his hands high in the air waving; he had a large grin on his face.

"Baka! I told you not to call me that anymore and Sasuke-kun!" She said punching Naruto in his face.

"…w..why..You're my friend..aren'" Naruto said on the ground rubbing his nose

"Of course I'm not your friend! I don't know who'd be in the right mind to CHA!" Sakura said with her 'inner-Sakura' fuming off inside her large head.

"oh…o..okay" Naruto said, he was clearly: His face began to darken as for his eyes became steel cold blue.

"Alright today you'll be getting your first C- rank mission today" Kakashi said interrupting anything that was going to make the situation worse 'Just when I thought this was turning back to normal' he thought to himself. Once again the quietness returned: Naruto was silently on the ground staring at it…just sitting there, Sakura was standing in awe at her sensei, and last, the forever brooding Last Uchiha actually looked up to listen. "It happened to be Naruto did extra work to get this mission for us , even though he should've been focusing on training on his aim, he still yet surprised us."

Naruto sent a glare to Kakashi. 'How dare he..i'll show him just he wait!' Naruto thought turning around from his sensei. All while that happened Sasuke and Sakura were both left staring at him

'This Dobe couldn't of have gotten us a C- rank mission!' Sasuke thought, as if Sakura read his thoughts , she responded with

"This Baka didn't do anything you're just giving him too much credit!" she yelled pointing furiously at the newly brooding Blond.

She's right, am the most hard working on this team of weaklings. Kakashi sensei would probably teach a new justu on the way since I am the most powerful Genin on this team.

" Well no time to be sitting here playing 21 questions, get home and pack your things and be at the gates in 30 minutes" at that he vanished. Naruto got and walked as did Sasuke who had a Sakura tailing behind.

Naruto was finished packing within 15 minutes of heading home, so he decided to pay Iruka- sensei a visit for some advice.

"Uh…Iruka sensei, i... wanted to know if you can give me any more exercise about chakra control, I got 2 of the basics down but still seems I'm missing something" Naruto his former sensei pleadingly.

"well I guess if it'll help but it takes tons of practice, see look," He picked off a leaf from the tree above and placed it on his forehead "what you do here is focus your chakra on the leaf to lift it off your head like this" the leaf slowly began rising higher and higher as he focused more chakra into it until he let it go "you try" he said handing Naruto a leaf.

Naruto did the exact same thing he did except the leaf blew in the air from too much chakra, it began to sizzle and burn at the as if it was burned 'Oh my that's strange… I'll speak with Hokage-Sama about this'

"Oops!" Naruto said reaching for the leaf, clutching it in his hands "Youch! Damn that burns" he said blowing on his fingers letting go of the leaf. Iruka quickly swatted the leaf it his hands feeling the burn also.

'Just one more thing' Iruka thought again "Naruto, what do you mean when you said you learned 2 basic control exercises? There are only tree climbing and water walking,"

"Oh uh…I …, can you keep a secret Iruka sensei?" he asked motioning for his teacher to come closer "...I...I found some scrolls in the garbage around the village since I can't get anything from the library" Naruto then pulled out 4 scrolls showing them." Well Iruka sensei, I'll see ya later I gotta a mission, it's a C-rank" he said dashing off.

"A C-rank ?! I was never told about this!" but it was too late, the boy ran off faster than he could catch him.

"There you are Baka! You're later than Kakashi sensei" she said pointing to the Cyclops leaning on the wall reading his special 'Icha Icha paradise' book.

"Are these runts supposed to be protecting me? I might as well go by myself!" said a drunken old man

"Sorry I got caught up with someone one" he said holding his hands behind his head "And who's this tubby old man?"

"Don't insult our client! His name is Tazuna, baka" Sakura claimed, Naruto then had a staring contest with the old man till finally, someone spoke up.

"..Whatever, let's go already" said Sasuke

"Okay Sasuke-Kun"

The 4 travelers then left off heading out of the gates of Konohagakure, about 15 minutes later the 3 Genin realized they were missing another white haired man

"KAKASHI SENSEI!" surprisingly all three yelled including Sasuke. Kakashi did nothing but looked up from his book 'It took them a whole mile to notice I'm not there…this is going to be a long mission' thought Kakashi walking to his team.

Please comment and give suggestion and necessary opinions, also check out my other story 'Daddy Hokage'

Baka: Idiot or fool

Teme: Bastard