Okay, here we go… last chapter less I get bored. ENJOY! Note that I was listening to 'Scentless Apprentice' while writing this. So it is weird. If a song has the lyrics 'throw me in the fire and I won't throw a fit' you know it is weird. It is ingeniously weird.

Mary O.C. Sue, on all HerXActual Character Fics. (Translated from Sue-ese for your convenience)

Deer fanfixious,

(Dear Fanfiction,)

Liek, I canot beleef u ppl. Am mar wimmin

(Like, I cannot believe you people! I'm a married woman!)

4 ur informashun, I B mer 2 gay stew sinz u not bro

(For your information, I've been married to Gary Stu since before you were born!)

I so offend! U no rite dis bot mii! Am mare!

(I'm offended. You can't write this about me! I'm married!)

N 4 ur imfornication, I no 6teen y sod! I b live sis fenfissions exiss! 9teen30nin!1!

(And for your information, I'm not sixteen! I've been alive since fanfiction started to exist! That's 1939!)

Cis eerily urs, Maru ooc soo!1

(Sincerely yours, Mary O.C. Sue)