As a matter of fact, I do get my own room. I follow Sam down the hallway as he leads me to the room. I stop though, looking into a room that was decorated with guns hanging on the wall, a dark green blanket on bed. "Who's room is this?" I say to Sam. "Love the décor."

The door is suddenly shut in my face. I turn my head and see Sam giving me a mean look. "It's Dean's," he says. "Stay out of there."

I arch an eyebrow at his back as he continues down the hallway. "So where is this mystery brother of yours?" I ask.

"He…" Sam says. I stop behind him as he stops at a door. "He just isn't here right now."

"Wow, way to be vague," I mumble as he opens the door. Inside is a plain room with concrete walls, concrete floors, and a bed similar to the one in Dean's room only with a red blanket.

"This'll be your room," Sam says. He walks into the room and sets my bags down on my bed. "You can, I don't know, decorate it if you want."

"Oh, I definitely want," I scoff. "You can definitely tell a man decorated this room. At least they got it right with the red blanket. Roll tide."

"Okay, um," Sam says, keeping me from saying anything else. "I have to go out and run some errands, but Cas will be here. Just…make yourself at home."

"Okay, thank you Sam," I say giving him a smile. He gives me a smile that seems forced as he turns and walks from the room.

I spend the next half hour or so trying to make the room less…cold. Once I'm as satisfied as I'm going to be with the limited things I brought with me, I walk out of the room and back down the hallway that me and Sam had come from earlier. In the big common area, Castiel sits at the map table, alone, with a jar of peanut butter, jelly, and a loaf of bread. "Hello," I say to him as I sit down in a chair to his left.

"Hello," he grunts. I watch him as he makes himself a sandwich, carefully spreading the peanut butter and jelly onto pieces of bread.

"I didn't realize angels ate food," I say, watching him press the pieces of bread together.

"We don't, usually," he says, looking at the sandwich. "But I thought I would give it a try."

He looks at the sandwich for a couple more seconds before taking a bite. "So, how is it?" I ask him.

"It's…" he thinks it over for a second as he chews. "Overwhelming."

"Hmm, must be one good sandwich," I say. Overhead, I hear a heavy door open. I look up and see Sam walking down the stairs. "Hi, Sam."

He looks down at me, like he had forgotten I was there. "Oh, hi Audrey," he says. He stops a few feet from the table and stares at Castiel. "Cas, what are you doing?"

"He's eating an overwhelming sandwich," I answer for him.

Castiel looks up at Sam and nods his head. "Okay," Sam says, shaking his head at us. He sits the couple of plastic bags in his hands down on the table before sitting down in a chair next to me.

"So, what's our next move?" I ask him.

"Excuse me?" he says, arching an eyebrow at me.

"Our next move," I repeat. "How are we going to get the tablets back?"

"Um, I'm not sure," Sam says, slowly as if he didn't believe what I was saying. "I'm sorry," he says, shaking his head. "But why aren't you freaking out?"

"What do you mean?" I ask innocently.

"I mean," Sam says, straightening up in his chair. "We just plucked you from your house in the middle of the night, told you that you're a Prophet, you have this insane urge to get the tablets, you're sitting here watching an angel eat a pb&j sandwich…how are you so calm?"

He was right, on the inside I was freaking out. My momma had always raised me to hide that though. So, instead of cracking at the mention of everything I had been through in the last few hours, I give Sam a shrug and plant a smile on my face. "I guess I just adjust really easily Sam."

Sam shakes his head at me as Castiel's phone rings. He sits down the sandwich as he pulls his phone out of the pocket of his trench coat. "Hello Dean," he grunts into the phone. "Yes, I'm here with Sam. Audrey, too." There was a pause. "She's the new prophet." Another pause. "Well, yes, she's here at the bunker." Castiel cuts his eyes towards me and then to Sam. "Okay, we'll-" He pulls the phone away from his ear, looking at it. "He hung up on me. He wasn't happy."

"Wasn't happy about what?" Sam asks. Before Castiel can answer, Sam's phone rings. "Dean," he says, answering the phone. I wince at the indistinct sound of the mysterious Dean shouting at Sam over the phone. The assault continues for a couple minutes. Sam doesn't have a chance to respond before Dean hangs up. "Well, Dean's nice and pissed off."

"About what?" I ask.

Sam shakes his head at me. "It's a long story," he says. "Why don't you, um- why don't you go ahead and get some sleep? It's been a long night."

Normally, I would've protest not getting the answer I wanted. But, a combination of the look on Sam's face and exhaustion catching up with me makes me not. "Okay," I say, nodding my head.


I swear if Abby Lee has eaten my Special K I'm gonna paint her back porch red…I think as I start waking up. I open my eyes slowly as I lift my sleeping mask. Oh, that's right…I'm in the bunker of doom.

I grab my favorite robe off a nearby chair and slowly make my way out of my room. I normally didn't get up this early, but I am so hungry I can hardly stand it. Walking through the halls of the bunker, the only sounds I can hear through my ear plugs is the padding of my own feet. With my eyes half closed, I try my best to remember how to get to the kitchen. I walk past the opening to the common area, not even glancing in there to see if Sam or Castiel was awake. Do angels even slee- My thought is cut off by someone grabbing my arm. Going into full-on panic mode, I ball up my fist and strike my attacker in the throat. My eyes shoot open as I watch the guy grab his throat, falling to his knees.

"What's going on?" I hear Sam say as I pull out one of my ear plugs.

"I don't know!" I squeal. "I was just walking to the kitchen and this guy grabbed my arm!"

"I- I- I was yelling at you!" the guy wheezes out.

"Did you-" Sam says, looking from the guy to me. "Audrey did you punch him in the throat?"

"She's friggin crushed my windpipe!" the guy says, wheezing some more and coughing a couple times.

"Well that's what you get for sneakin up on a girl when she's half awake!" I snap back at him, placing my hand on my hip for good measure. I roll my eyes at him as he lets out a couple more coughs. "Alright princess," I say. I reach down and place a hand under his armpit, Sam doing the same on the other side. "Time to stand up," we lift up on him, pulling him to his feet. Once he's standing he twists his body, shaking our hands off of him. "I didn't even hit you that hard."

"Dude, where did you find this chick?" the guy asks Sam. "The Army?"

"First of all," I say, holding up a finger. "Never, and I mean never refer to me as a 'chick'. Second of all, I learned to throw a decent punch from the self-defense class my sorority hosted."

"Your what?" the guy says.

"Anyways," Sam says, waving a hand in the air, cutting us both off. "Audrey, this is my brother, Dean."

I look up at the guy who is still glaring at me, absentmindedly rubbing at his throat. "Aw, so he does exist," I say, crossing my arms. "Well, it's nice to finally meet you."

"Wish I could say the same," he says, giving me a glare.

I roll my eyes at him as I turn around and start walking towards the kitchen. "Audrey, where are you going?" I hear Sam say. The footsteps of their heavy boots echo off the wall, letting me know they were following me.

"I am going to get some coffee," I say. "It is far too early in the morning for me to be putting up with this sort of verbal abuse."

"You? Putting up with verbal abuse?" I hear Dean say behind me. "How about me putting up with actual abuse? Or have you already forgotten you throat punched me?"

I pad my way into the kitchen, making a beeline for the already full coffee pot. "You know, you really need to learn to let things go," I say. I pour my coffee, adding generous amounts of sugar and creamer. "Also, y'all need to buy some flavored creamer…Almond Joy flavor preferred." I set down the spoon, turning around to face the two brothers looking at me. Sam was giving me a please-don't-egg-him-on look and Dean was still just glaring at me. "Anyways, you were the one who snuck up on me. This early in the morning, before my coffee, I cannot be held accountable for my actions."

"Well, enjoy that cup of coffee," Dean says, leaning against the table opposite of me. "Cause it's the last you're gonna have here."

"Excuse me?" I say, arching an eyebrow at him. I look over at Sam, hoping for some sort of explanation but am met with him glaring at Dean.

"You're going back to where you came from," Dean says. "It's not safe for you to be around this."

"And according to your angel, it's not safe for me out there either," I snap at him. I had hardly known the guy for five minutes and he was already ticking me off.

"It will be if you don't know about what's going on," Dean says.

"Well, ain't it too bad that I'm already hip to what's going on," I say. I set down my cup of coffee and cross my arms over my chest. "Look, I would gladly head back to the house. I'm missing the Sigma Chi mixer tonight where I was in line to be named the Chi Woman of the Year. Do you really think I'd rather be here? Stuck with the male model and the guy who sneaks up on girls?"

"Dean, sending her back home would just put her in danger," Sam says, trying to get through to his brother.

"I'm not going to be responsible for anyone else's death, Sam!" Dean roars at Sam.

"Then don't send me home," I say, causing both the guys to look at me.

"Son of a bitch," Dean mumbles. "What about your family? Huh? You got family you care about? They're going to be-"

"I have no family," I blatantly state. I uncross my arms as Dean glares at me. "My dad died when I was young and my mom was killed when I was a senior in high school. It's just me."

He hangs his head, shaking it before looking at me again. "Fine, you can stay, but there are going to be rules."

"I'm all ears honey," I say. "I lived in a sorority house; I'm used to having rules."

"Yeah, well, this isn't a sorority house," Dean says. "And that's the first rule, you aren't gonna be walking around here, listening to that Katy Perry-Miley Cyrus crap you girls listen to-"

"Um, I don't listen to them," I say, cutting him off.

"Whatever," he says, waving a hand at me. "Second rule, no going out on your own. If you leave this bunker, it is with me, Sam, or Cas. No one else."

"Good, cause I am in serious need of a mani-pedi," I say, looking down at my fingers.

"What?" Dean says. "No, you're not going out for pointless things like-"

"Excuse me, but good hand and foot hygiene is not pointless," I scoff at him.

"Guys, come on," Sam says, clearly getting tired of our bickering. "Audrey, just please don't leave the bunker without us, okay?"

I let out an exaggerated sigh, rolling my eyes at them, mainly at Dean. "Fine," I say, throwing my hands in the air in defeat. "Y'all rule the roost I guess."

"Thank you," Sam says, breathing an audible sigh of relief. "Now, if you will come with us. We'll let you look over Kevin's notes."

"Now we're talkin," I say, suddenly getting excited to look at his notes. "Let me go get dressed and I'll be right out." Ignoring Dean's grumbles, I head back to my room, cup of coffee in hand. A few minutes later I emerge into the main room, freshly dressed in a pair of jeans and an Alabama sweatshirt. "Alright boys, lay the notes on me," I say, rubbing my hands together. I stare at them as they look back at me. Sam's face held an apologetic look, while Dean still just looked pissed off.

Sam lets out a sigh after a moment's silence. "Dean doesn't think it's a good idea for you to look at Kevin's notes."

"Excuse me?" I say, staring at Dean who held the pissed off glare at me.

"How do we know you're not some plant from Metatron?"

I look back at Sam and jerk a thumb towards Dean. "Is he for real?" I turn back to Dean and lean on the back of the chair in front of me. "I'm not a 'plant', Dean."

Dean stares at me a beat longer before speaking. "What does Cas say about this?" He was looking at me, but the tone meant he was speaking to Sam.

"Cas was the one who suggested we bring her here," Sam says with an exasperated sigh.

Dean's green eyes continue to bore into me, reading or deciding something that was unknown to me. "Do you understand what you are getting into?" His eyes narrow as he speaks to me again.

"Yes," I say.

"Do you?" he says, his voice rising. "Do you really understand what is-"

"My God, Dean, yes! I do!" I yell back at him. "I understand that now that I know about all this crap that anyone I care about is in danger! But guess what asshole; everyone I care about is dead. Now, trust me I would much rather be back in Alabama than stuck here in bf Kansas with tweedle-dumb and tweedle-dee. But, here I am, willing to help y'all out with this whole Metatron business or whatever. So quit trying to scare me off and give me the dagum notes!" A stony silence settles over the entire room; me staring Dean down, him staring at me in surprise, and Sam looking between the two of us, waiting to see who was going to snap next. I finally break my stare on Dean and look over at Sam. They both continue to stare at me until I clap my hands loudly, snapping them out of their shocked stupor. "Now!" At my command, Sam jumps a little before hurrying over to a book case.

Dean shakes his head as he lets out a sigh and sits down in the chair in front of him. "Fine, whatever," he says, waving a dismissing hand towards me. He dutifully ignores me as Sam sits down a thick folder, overflowing with papers in front of me.

"Holy…," I say, my eyes going wide, as Sam sits down a second and then a third folder on top of the first, each as thick as the last.

"Yeah…Kevin was very…thorough," Sam says, sitting down in the seat next to me.

I open the top folder revealing a sheet of paper covered in what looks like a child's doodles. "Well," I say, pushing back the sleeves of my sweatshirt. "I better get to work then…huh?"