I do not own Bleach.

~8th squad barracks~

Shunsui slid open the door to his old office. It was Nanao's, but not anymore. He slid off his soaking pink kimono and hung it on the hanger in the doorway. He walked to the fireplace and lit it. The heat chasing the chill from the rain away. But allowing memories from long ago to take it's place.

~57 years ago~

Shunsui laughed as he opened the door to his office. He was soaking wet, as was his Fukutaichou. "Well that was unexpected. Wasn't it, Nanao-chan?"

"You could clearly see a storm was coming! That's what you get for sunbathing so far away from the squad buildings." Nanao trudged off towards the bathroom. She came back out with two towels. "Dry yourself off so you don't catch a cold." She threw them at Shunsui after he had hung up his pink kimono and his Taichou haori.

"As my Nanao-chan wishes. You should go shower before you catch a cold. I would hate for my Nanao-chan to feel unwell. Especially since tomorrow is her birthday." Shunsui smiled at her as he draped a towel over his head.

"Take your clothes off before you start towelling off." Nanao rolled her eyes at him as she turned and walked back towards the bathroom.

Shunsui smiled as he removed his wet uniform and wrapped a towel around his waist. He sat on the window sill and waited for Nanao. He had made the round sill in the office for Nanao to sit and read. She also sat there during rain storms, she loved the rain, just not getting wet.

He watched the rain pour down the glass. The light refracted off of it, making it seem like he was underwater.

"What are you looking at?" Nanao was glad she had left a yukata in her desk drawer, in case she got caught in the rain. She also had a spare uniform, but it was late and she really didn't want to have to wear it just yet. She was drying off her hair with the towel around her shoulders and her glasses were on the desk. She didn't need them, but they helped to limit her power, she didn't want a promotion, she wanted to stay with Shunsui.

"Just the rain, my beautiful Nanao-chan." Shunsui turned his gaze to her. She was beautiful no matter what she looked like.

"Go take a shower before you catch a cold." Nanao pulled her eyes away from him as he walked towards her. Then past her into the bathroom. She found herself looking at his muscular back. 'He's toned. Very toned.' Nanao shook her head. 'He is my superior, not a possible relationship option. He wouldn't go for me anyway. He probably just sees me as a daughter, ot some kind of relative.'

Nanao sighed as she sat on the sill where he had previously been, it was still warm. She smiled as she stared out at the rain, willing it to wash away her feelings for him with it. She didn't need to feel hurt, not after how long she had felt so happy beside him.

"What is my lovely Nanao-chan thinking about?" Shunsui smiled as she just turned towards him, she had gotten used to his sneaking up on her.

"Nothing, Taichou." She sighed as she caught sight of his soaked hair. "Sit down. If you don't dry your hair you'll catch a cold."

"As my Nanao-chan wishes." Shunsui sat down on the floor in front of the window with Nanao behind him. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of her drying his hair. She had done it multiple times before, this wasn't the first time they had gotten caught in the rain, and most certainly not his.

"What are you smiling about?" Nanao sat cross legged on the sill while she dried his hair. She loved how silky his wavy brown hair felt whenever it fell out of the towel and onto her hand. She couldn't count the number of times she had wanted to just run her hands through his hair, but he was her Taichou, it wouldn't be appropriate.

"Just thinking about when Nanao-chan was small and insisted on drying my hair when I came in from a rain storm." Shunsui tilted his head back and smiled at Nanao. She was smiling back at him. "Nanao-chan is so cute when she is caring for me."

"Some one had to back then, you most certainly weren't." She pushed his head back down and finished drying his hair. Running her hand through it to make sure it was dry. "Your good, now go get dressed." She hadn't really noticed that he was only wearing a towel.

Shunsui stood up and kissed Nanao's cheek. "As my Nanao-chan wishes." He walked to his desk and pulled a pink yukata out of it.

"How much pink do you own?" Nanao wasn't surprised by the colour, more by the fact that he seemed to have an endless supply of it.

Shunsui slid the yukata up his arms and fastened it with it parted, showing quite a bit at his chest. "My dear sweet lovely Nanao-chan. One can never have too much pink." He picked up the towel that had fallen to the floor. "I'll take the other towels into the bathroom."

Nanao stared at him wide eyed, he wasn't wearing anything under his yukata. 'Did he wear anything under his uniform?' Nanao shook the question out of her head. She froze when she felt Shunsui standing right in front of her.

"What is my lovely Nanao-chan shaking her head at? Could she be thinking about something naughty?" Shunsui backed away to avoid a punch. "That's not nice, Nanao-chan."

"That was very inappropriate, Taichou." She blushed as she sat back down on the window sill. He had guessed her thoughts easily.

Shunsui dropped the towels on the floor and sat down behind Nanao. Since it was a round window sill, he moved her sideways and she ended up leaned against him. He maneuvered himself so she was leaning against his chest. He had his arms wrapped around her to keep her from leaving. "It's so nice to have my Nanao-chan so close to me."

"Well you are holding me down, Taichou." Nanao tried to sound angry, but she was quite enjoying herself. She sounded more annoyed if anything, but she wasn't.

"Can't you call me Shunsui? We aren't working, so I'm not your superior right now. Although, my lovely Nanao-chan can always call me Shunsui." He whispered softly in her ear and smiled when he noticed her slight shiver.

Nanao was glad Shunsui was behind her, because then he couldn't see how much she was blushing. "We are in the office, Taichou." She wanted to say his name, but she couldn't bring herself to do it.

"Not Taichou, Shunsui, Nanao-chan." Shunsui nozzles against her neck. Her neck was tense. "Nanao-chan needs to relax more."

"Maybe you should do your work. Then I won't have to stress about you doing it." She thought of an idea of maybe getting him to do his work. "If you did your work then I could relax with you...Shunsui." She squeaked as he picked her up and sat her on his lap.

"Nanao-chan is so cute when she is bribing me." Shunsui smiled at her, she wasn't looking at him and she was blushing fiercely. "Nanao-chan is so cute." He kissed her forehead as he leaned back and pulled her with him.

Nanao just laid against his chest, his muscular toned chest, with a soft forest of hair covering it. She couldn't help herself from running her fingers through it. She felt his chest vibrate as he chuckled, she froze.

Shunsui whispered into her ear softly. "Don't stop. It's so rare for my Nanao-chan to be so open with herself." He had a hand on her hip and his other arm was against her back as he held her shoulder. She fit perfectly into his arms.

Nanao smiled as she laid her head against his chest and listened to his steady heartbeat. She felt herself drift off to sleep, it was hard to stay awake with his warm arms wrapped around her and his heart lulling her to sleep.

Shunsui smiled down at the sleeping woman in his arms. He knew she was asleep, he breathing was steady and she looked peaceful with a small smile on her lips. He kissed her forehead as he picked her up. He laid her down on the couch and pulled out another pink yukata he had in his desk and laid it over her. "Sleep well, Nanao."

~Flashback end~

Shunsui picked himself off of the floor. He had laid down in front of the fire place, and probably fell asleep. His clothes were dry and he wasn't sure what time it was, but it was still raining. He sat down on Nanao's window sill. He laid back and noticed something written on the ceiling of it that he hadn't notice before. He ran his hand over the delicate carving. 'Shunsui + Nanao = Forever' writen in a heart.

Shunsui chuckled a bit. 'Just like a school girl with a crush.'

~17 years ago~

Shunsui sat on the balcony connected to his office as he watched the rain fall. Nanao had created a kido that kept the rain from falling onto it. So the rain slid down the side and made it look like it was covered in glass.

"So this is were you were. I was looking for you at your house, but you weren't there." Shunsui looked up and smiled at Nanao. She was wearing a yukata, so he assumed she got caught in the rain and changed once she had gotten into the office. "What are you thinking about?" Nanao sat down beside Shunsui, he didn't have a smile on his face, so it was probably something serious.

Shunsui took a deep breath. He reached out his hand and pulled Nanao close to him once she took hold of it. He tucked her bangs away from her face as he smiled at her. He leaned closer and gently pressed his lips against hers. No matter how many times they kissed, it always felt like their first.

"What's the matter?" Nano looked at him with worry, he was definitely thinking about something serious. "You can tell me, Shunsui."

Shunsui smiled at her. "If only you knew how easily you disarm me, Nanao." He kissed her again before he decided to tell her. "Nanao, I've assigned you as Taichou of 8th squad."

Nanao stared at him in disbelief, then anger. "What?! Why?! Do you not want me around? Are you tired of me? Why would you send me away? Why would you-" She stopped when he placed a finger against her lips.

"I'm not doing any of that. They need a Taichou, and I couldn't leave it to anyone else. 8th has always been your home, not 1st." Shunsui could see tears forming in her eyes. "I could never tire of you, Nanao. I never could, you have me forever." He kissed her sweetly as a tear fell down her cheek. "Please don't be upset."

"I'm just upset that you wouldn't tell me about this sooner." Nanao wrapped her arms around him as she leaned into his chest. "I'll have to move my things back into 8th."

"Or you could move them into my house?" Shunsui noticed the surprise run through Nanao's reiatsu. He hadn't felt that since the early days of her being his Fukutaichou back in 8th.

"What do you mean?" Nanao had already been living at his house, but that was mostly because her barrack had been destroyed and was still undergoing repairs.

"Ise Nanao, will you marry me?" He looked into her indigo eyes and watched them light up.

Nanao launched herself into his arms and laughed happily. "Yes!"

Shunsui laughed and spun with Nanao, she could be a child sometimes, but that was mostly his part in their relationship. And it was a treat to see her act so young. "I love you, Nanao."

~Flashback end~

Shunsui pushed himself off the window sill and towards the desk covered in papers. Lisa was Fukutaichou of 8th, but she hadn't come into work that week, it was always painful on days like this, and on today especially.

He laughed thinking of how all of his most precious memories of her, were on days like this. The pain always came with them, but the sweet happiness that they brought back, was enough of a reward to go through the pain.

~16 years ago~

Shunsui stood at the alter at the end of a long aisle parting a sea of chairs. Each chair was filled with members of the Gotei 13, despite the grey clouds over head.

He was happy that Nanao had agreed to not have a Shinto wedding. He wanted to see her in a puffy white dress. He smiled to himself just thinking of how cute she would look.

"You ready for this my friend?" Shunsui turned to his best friend, Ukitake Jushiro. He had asked him to perform the wedding, and he had, had about the same reaction Nanao had when he proposed. He had been a bit worried for his friend's health.

Shunsui smiled at him. "I've been waiting for this for a long time." He looked towards the door as they opened with the playing music. He sucked in air as he caught sight of Nanao.

Nanao glided down the aisle behind Lisa. She had her eyes stuck on Shunsui. He had a pink tie on with his tux, she had guessed he would, since she had told him not to wear his kimono.

She was a little self conscious about the dress. It had one strap holding the whole thing up. It was lace on the bodice and puffy taffeta on the skirt. She quite liked it, it looked very elegant, and a little bit sexy, but she didn't think it suited her. But Lisa had insisted that this was the perfect dress for her.

She accepted Shunsui's outstretched hand once she reached the alter. She handed Lisa her bouquet of pink flowers before placing her other hand in Shunsui's hand. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves.

"Friends and family of this beloved couple." Jushiro spoke firmly, he was glad he was feeling well today. "We gathered here to witness the union of these two lovely people. If there are any that object to these two being married this day, speak now, or forever hold your peace." Jushiro held his breath hoping none of Shunsui's ex-girlfriends showed up, none did.

Jushiro sighed with relief as he continued. "The couple has writen their own vows, and will now exchange them with each other. Shunsui, you may start." Jushiro smiled at his friend. He hoped he hadn't written anything too...Shunsui like.

Shunsui smiled down at Nanao, she was blushing. "Ise Nanao, my lovely Nanao-chan, you have stayed with me through everything. Kept me from killing my self more than once or twice, more than I am pleased with saying. You have been my strength and my hope.

You are the most beautiful woman in the world, and definitely the smartest when it comes to dealing with me." Laughter rippled through the crowed. "If you will have me, I will always protect you and promise to love you for the rest of my life." Shunsui smiled as he saw Nanao's eyes glisten a bit.

Nanao took another deep breath before started. "Kyoraku Shunsui, you big flirt." Another fit of laughter went through the crowed. "When I first met you, I thought you were sweet, kind, and completely inappropriate with how you treated women. That still hasn't changed, but now I know I am the only woman you will be inappropriate with." She winked at Shunsui and got another laugh from the crowed.

She took another breath, to keep her confidence up. "You have protected me, and taught me to stand on my own. If you will have me, I promise to support you and always stay by your side, forever." She smiled up at him and loved the look he was giving her. She noticed she was getting it more and more often nowadays.

Jushiro smiled at the couple, they were perfect for each other. He turned to Lisa. "The rings."

Lisa stepped towards the couple and gave them the rings, she was acting as both maid of honour and best man. She was glad she was both of their first choices.

Shunsui took the delicate gold and silver swirled band. He lifted Nanao's hand and slid he ring on. "With this ring, I ask you too be mine."

Nanao lifted Shunsui's hand and slid his identical ring onto his ring finger. "With this ring, I accept being yours." She smiled at him, he had a childish grin on his face already.

"By the power vested in me by the Soutaichou of the Gotei 13," He nodded at Shunsui. "I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."

Before Jushiro had even finished his last sentence he already had Nanao in his arms.


Rain started to fall as Shunsui placed a gentle kiss on Nanao's lips. He smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck while the rain became heavier. He picked her up in his arms and walked down the soaked aisle towards the reception tents. He listened to the sound of Nanao's laughter with the rain.

~Flashback end~

Shunsui threw open the doors that led to the porch and the outside world. The rain turned the courtyard into a lake. The sky lit up with lightning as thunder rolled through the distant air. He closed his eyes and leaned against the door as he watched the courtyard fill with more water.

~8 years ago~

Shunsui woke to the sound of shuffling sheets. His ears then tuned into the small cries from the room next to their bedroom. He pulled Nanao back down onto the bed. "I'll take care of her. You get some sleep. You've been getting up for the past few nights."

"Okay." Nanao settled back onto her pillow as she closed her eyes. She smiled thinking of how good of a father Shunsui was being. It was only their first week being at home with the baby. She was definitely exhausted, and he was being very helpful.

Shunsui walked into the pink lit room. They had put in night lights so that they didn't have to turn on the lights at night. He walked over to the crib with his little angel. "Good morning to you too, Akii-chan." He gently picked her up and laid her on his shoulder. She stopped crying once she was on his shoulder.

Shunsui smiled, his little daughter liked him. He patted her back as he waited for her to fall asleep. It took about ten minutes till he heard little snores coming from her. 'Aww! She's so cute!' Shunsui moved to put her back in her crib, but once he took her off of his shoulder, she made a noise again. He cradled her in his arms and smiled down as he met her bright purple eyes.

He sat down on the rocking chair and placed her back on his shoulder. "You don't want to leave your daddy's arms do you, Akii-chan?" He rocked gently as he patted her back. She was soon snoring in his ear again, but he didn't move. He just sat there holding his little girl.

"Is she being fussy?" He looked towards the door and saw Nanao leaning against it's frame. Nanao smiled at her husband and daughter, she had wished for a family like this for a long time.

"No. She just loves her daddy too much." Shunsui smiled as his wife walked towards him. "You should rest. You haven't had a full nights sleep in a while."

"I find it impossible to sleep without my Shunsui beside me." She dramatically leaned on the back of the rocking chair. She enjoyed acting like Shunsui whenever he couldn't react to it, it made her feel empowered.

Shunsui pouted at his wife. "Nanao-chan is being so cute, but it have Akii-chan in my arms and can't hug her. That so mean of you." He smiled when she kissed his cheek. "You missed."

Nanao rolled her eyes as she pressed a kiss to his lips. "You flirt."

Shunsui smiled back at her. "Only for you, Nanao." He stood and walked over to Akii's crib. He gently moved her from his shoulder to her crib. She didn't wake. He leaned on the edge and looked down at his sleeping daughter. She was so cute, curled up with a hand in her curly dark hair.

"Come on. Let's go get some sleep of our own." He felt Nanao lean against his back as she wrapped her arms around his chest. He let her pull him away from the crib and towards their own room.


*baby cries*

Nanao sighed heavily, Shunsui kissed her cheek. "I'll take care of her." He carried Nanao to bed and tucked her in. "Sleep, Nanao." He kissed her lips softly before heading back to his daughter's room. This was going to be a long night.

~Flashback end~

Shunsui snapped his eyes open. He pulled his still soaked kimono off the hanger and dropped it over his shoulders. The cold water seeping into his dry clothes. He walked out into the storm, not paying attention to where he was going. He just needed to get away from the memories. The memories that clung to him like the rain.

~2 year ago~

Shunsui walked into his old office. He peaked over towards the desk covered in papers. "Nanao-chan? You ready to go?" He had chosen Nanao to go with him on a simple mission. It was just a routine check of stations in the outer Rukongai districts. Nothing dangerous, he would never put his Nanao-chan in danger.

"Just a second. Almost done...and done!" Nanao jumped out from behind her desk. "All of this weeks paperwork is done!" She was proud of herself. She knew Lisa could handle the paperwork while she was gone, she was only going to be gone for a day, but she liked the thought of having all the work done for the week.

"So that is why I woke up to no Nanao-chan this morning. She thought paperwork was more important than her husband." Shunsui easily avoided the book she threw at him, but only the first, smaller, one. He pushed the large encyclopedia off of him. "How can you throw that so easily? I can barely lift it."

Nanao smiled down at him. "Maybe you should carry your paperwork. That book is probably lighter. Jushiro picked Akii up this morning?" She stepped around him and stood by the door. "You coming?"

Shunsui smiled at her as he got up. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. "Yep, our little angel is taken care of. Let's go." He picked her up as he stepped into shunpo.

He put her down once they were at the first check point on their route. He held Nanao steady as she rebalanced herself. "I can do that myself you know." She tried to glare at him, but he was grinning at her. "Stop making that face when I'm trying to be mad at you!"

Shunsui gave her a quick kiss on her cheek before walking towards the outpost. He smiled when she grabbed his hand. "It's so sweet that my lovely Nanao-chan wants to hold hands."

"I...I...I just need something to balance with." Nanao looked away as she stammered her excuse. She looked back at him when he gave her hand a small squeeze.

"You don't need an excuse. I'm just happy to have you with me." Shunsui smiled as he pulled his wife along with him.

The next twelve districts where the same as the first twelve, nothing to report. Shunsui was glad there were no incidents, but something kept him from skipping the final outpost.

They walked towards the small building, but they could sense nothing from it. Shunsui placed a hand on his zanpakutou, he noticed Nanao do the same.


Rain began to fall, but they didn't move. They stayed where they were and waited.

*Clap* *CRACK*

They drew their weapons as the small build broke apart. A large Hollow crawled out of its remains. "Taichous? Isn't this a nice surprise? I will devour you both!" The Hollow spoke in a raspy high pitch voice as it lunged at the two shinigami.

Shunsui picked up Nanao with his free hand and moved them out of the way. "Shunsui! I can take care of myself! We need to focus on destroying that Hollow!" Nanao glared at him as he put her down.

"Sorry Nanao. I just needed to make sure you were safe." He kissed her forehead before he turned and drew his wakizashi. "Please stay here." He left before she could give him and answer.

"You're leaving her alone? Just makes it easier for me-" The Hollow stopped when it felt something run though it's tail.

Shunsui could see that the Hollow looked like a snake. He went for the tail to try and slow down its movement. He easily cut through the tail.

"Gah!" The Hollow cried out in pain. "You'll pay for that, shinigami!" The hollow attacked, but Shunsui was faster.

Shunsui cut down the middle of the Hollow's mask. It dissolved with an eery...smile. 'What was she smiling at?'

"SHUNSUI!" He turned and saw the tail he had cut off. It had a face on it, and it was too close for him to block. He watched as the Hollow dissolved and revealed Nanao standing behind it. She had blood covering her uniform and falling down her chin.

"NANAO!" He dropped his zanpakutou and held her as she fell. He felt her blood soak into the front of his uniform. 'She must have been struck through the chest.' He started applying healing kido, but it wasn't doing anything.

"Shun...sui." He looked at Nanao with tears in his eyes. "It's okay...I'll be fine." Nanao gave him a weak smile as she brought her hand up to his cheek. "I love you...Shunsui."

"Nanao." Shunsui didn't hold back his tears as they mixed with the rain. "You're going to be okay. I won't let you die." The kido wasn't doing anything, just prolonging her pain.

"Take care of Akii...She will need her father." Nanao laid her head against Shunsui's chest and listened to his heart. It was strong and steady, even if it was at a fast pace, but it was so familiar to her now.

"She needs her mother too. And I need you just as much." Shunsui held her close as he rocked back and forth on his knees. He was trying to hold himself together, but it wasn't working. "Please don't leave me. I love you, Nanao, so much."

He didn't notice when a search party showed up looking for them. He didn't notice Inoue Orihime, Taichou of 4th squad, asked what happen. He just looked at the peaceful face of his wife in his arms.

~Flashback end~

Shunsui fell to his knees in tears. He looked up to see where his feet had taken him. Through his tears he could make out the shape of a grave marker. He cried even more hen he read the engravings on it. 'Here lies Kyoraku Nanao. Loving mother and wife. Best friend anyone could ask for. Greatest Boss ever.'

"I'm sorry Nanao. Even though I promised, I couldn't save you, or protect you. I'm sorry, I don't know if I can go on like this. It gets harder with every year, and ever storm. Akii loves the rain just as much as you did. She even made a kido that create a little rain cloud." Shunsui smiled thinking of when she had showed it to him by making his office flood with water.

He cried while he knelt in front of his wife's grave. He didn't notice the small girl standing behind him till she spoke. "Daddy?" He turned and looked at his daughter. She had a pink rain coat with flower rain boots. Her curly black hair poked out from under her hood a bit as it framed her violet eyes, the eyes that reminded him of her mother.

"Akii-chan?" Shunsui thought she was with Jushiro for the day.

"Are you missing mommy too?" Shunsui noticed the red around her eyes as she sniffled, she had been crying too.

Shunsui held out his hand for his daughter. She ran into his arms and cried against his wet kimono. He patted her back as he held her. "It's okay Akii-chan. Mommy may not be here, but she will always be in our hearts." He stood up and held her in his arms. "Let's go home. We'll both catch a cold if we stay out in the rain."

"Okay." Akii wiped her eyes and looked down on her mother's grave. "Bye mommy. I miss you, so much." Akii wiped her eyes again as she sniffled. "I love you mommy."

Shunsui kissed his daughter's cheek. She had been close to her mother, they were a close family.

He looked down on his wife's grave. "I love you, Nanao. I miss you too, but I know I'll see you again." He held his daughter close as she cried into his shoulder softly. "Goodbye, my lovely Nanao-chan."

*sniffle sniffle* please leave *sniffle* a comment or a question. *cries uncontrollably*

*wipes tears away* Please don't forget *sniffle* to place your vote *sniffle* on which song you think goes with this story. *curls up in small ball and cries* I need to not aim to make myself cry With my own stories. Polling closes February 20, 2014. then I will post the correct answer and the next poll.

Thank you to all of those that participated in the poll. It was 2. Really guys? So the most voted for song was Bring Me to Life, by Evanescence. That however isn't the song. The song that goes with this story, is Last Kiss, by Taylor Swift. If you don't think that fits, it's understandable. My mind can make strange connections. Like why a raven is like a writing desk. thank you for reading and please check on the poll for the next story in this compilation of stories.