Chapter 1

I sighed as I emptied out the last of the bags.

"How you doing, Squirt?" My aunt asked hesitantly.

I faked a smile. "Really good. I love the house." It was true. The house was not so much of a house and much more of a mansion. I had six bedrooms besides mine just on my floor. I had my own floor. My aunt had the lower level and I had the top. I had a door from my room and one of my living rooms onto a patio that led to the pool and hot tub in the backyard. I also had stairs down to the side yard. It was basically my own house. My room was huge and I also had a walk in closet filled with designer everything, thanks to my mom and my aunt. I had a wall dedicated to shoes. I still wasn't happy, though, and Abby knew why.

"Don't lie to me. I know you're not okay," she commented.

I snorted. "Then why ask?"

She laughed. "I guess I deserved that. You can talk to me, you know."

"I know. I'm going for a run," I replied.

She smiled. "Okay. Just don't get lost. There's not as many signs here in Virginia as there are in New York." I nodded. "I'll set up some of your stuff up here while you run."

"Thanks," I said as she walked out of my room. I walked into my closet and to one of the drawers. I grabbed a pair of black Nike shorts with a mint green stripe down the side, a matching mint sports bra, my iPod, and some green tennis shoes. My blonde wavy hair was put in a ponytail and I ran out to the road.

I just sprinted. I didn't care that I was tired. I slowed to a jog after twenty minutes of sprinting. I was in cross country at my old school so I was in good shape. I stopped paying attention to where I was going. I didn't care. I focused on the loud music blaring in my ears. I ran and ran and suddenly I lost my footing and fell to the ground. Or at least I was about to. I felt arms around me and looked up into gorgeous green eyes.

"Hey, slow down. You just almost tripped over a giant rock. You might want to watch where you're going," a very cute boy with dark, perfectly messy, brown hair said.

I nodded. "Thanks for catching me." I turned to run but he caught me.

"All I get is a thanks? No name, no story, nothing?" He asked with a smirk.

I raised an eyebrow. "What story?"

"Well, you're clearly new in town considering I've never seen you before and no one new ever is in Roseville. So, who are you?" He replied.

I replied, "Cammie Morgan."

"Zach Goode. I'm sure we'll see a lot of each other," he said with a wink. "Perhaps on a date?"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to say no. I have a boyfriend."

"You've been here a day and you have a boyfriend? Wow. You move fast," he commented.

I laughed. "Just because I moved doesn't mean I broke up with my boyfriend."

"Where are you from?" He asked.

"New York," I answered.

He snorted. "Long distance. Good luck."

"Someone's judgmental," I commented.

"Whatever. Have a nice run," he replied, jogging off.

"Nice to meet you, too, jackass," I mumbled.

He shouted back. "Thanks. Lovely meeting you." I rolled my eyes and ran home. I ran to my room and changed to a tank top and shorts. I had a video chat on my computer so I opened it.

I grinned. "Hey, Josh! Hey, DeeDee!" Josh was my boyfriend back in New York City and DeeDee was one of my closest friends and Josh's best friend.

"Cammie! It's great seeing you! How's the new house?" DeeDee asked.

I smiled. "Way bigger than a New York apartment."

She laughed. "I'll talk to you later. Josh just told me he was going to call so I decided I would crash the party for a little. Bye, Cam!"

"Bye, DeeDee!" I exclaimed. She waved one last time and headed out of Josh's families apartment.

"I miss you already," Josh complained.

I laughed. "I know. I miss you, too. At least you're coming to visit soon and then I'll visit next month."

"I know. I'm dedicated to making this work. I'm not letting any other boy steal my woman," Josh commented.

I giggled. "Well, you'll love the house when you visit. It'll still be warm and we can go in the pool and the hot tub."

"Anywhere that includes you and a swim suit is good for me," he replied and I laughed.

"You're such a pig."

"Have you heard from your mom yet?" Josh questioned seriously.

Tears stung my eyes but I blinked them away and shook my head. "She's still busy traveling for work. 'Our lifestyle doesn't pay for itself, you know." I just rolled my eyes to hide the pain.

Josh shook his head. "Cam, we've been together for two years. I know when you're lying to me and you are right now. It's okay to be hurting. I just wish I could comfort you."

I smiled. "Me, too."

I heard my aunt shout, "Cammie, I need help with something!"

"Sorry, Josh. I'll call back later. My aunt needs me," I replied.

"Okay. Bye. I love you," he said.

I grinned. "I love you, too." I blew a kiss and he laughed as I turned off the computer. I missed him already and all my friends and the noise of New York. I ran out to the living room. "What can I help with?"

"Just setting out your stuff how you like it. School starts tomorrow by the way!" She said joyfully.

I groaned. "You don't need to remind me." I grabbed out some books and set them on a nearby book shelf. Abby had furnished my upstairs modern yet girly, knowing I would miss my New York apartment. I really appreciated it.

"So, was that a boy you were talking to?" Abby teased.

I laughed. "Yep. My boyfriend, Josh, remember?" She grabbed my phone and rolled her eyes at the fact that a picture of Josh and I were my screensaver.

"He is cute, but are you sure you want to be tied down? Long distance is hard. New town full of cute boys. Take advantage of it!" She exclaimed. I blushed when she commented about new cute boys. "What's his name?"

"Whose name?" I questioned nonchalantly as I set down a lamp.

She rolled her eyes. "Don't give me that. What cute boy did you meet?"

"Josh," I replied.

Abby shook her head. "No. The new one." I mumbled and she grinned and said, "Who?"

"Zach Goode," I whispered.

She laughed. "Nice choice. I've seen him in the paper for his great football playing skills and he was cute."

"But I have Josh," I replied.

Abby rolled her eyes. "Hundreds of miles away. Come on, Squirt! Live a little! You don't need to get married at sixteen!"

"I'm not! But why get rid of a great guy for no reason? I love Josh and he loves me. I'm not throwing that away to have flings with random cute boys," I said.

"Okay. How about you don't tell Zach about Josh?" Abby asked.

I rolled my eyes. "I already did."

"Then tell Zach you broke up with Josh."

"And when Josh comes to town in a few weeks I do what? Say 'Hey, New York boyfriend. Meet Roseville boyfriend.' Besides, that's cheating. And I. Love. Josh," I told her.

She stared at me. "We both know what this is, Cam. If you had moved to New Jersey or Pennsylvania, you and Josh would have broke up. But instead, you moved almost 300 miles away. The only reason to revisit that New York life is Josh. You miss New York and now you have an excuse to go back and you'll have someone waiting for you. That all you want from this."

"Stop trying to be my therapist. I'm going to unpack stuff in my room now. Feel free to go downstairs. I'll see you tomorrow morning before school," I replied with a glare. She raised her hands in surrender and walked downstairs. I sighed and sat down, putting my head in my hands. Why was I just so awful to my aunt, who I love and is so sweet she is willing to take care of me? I'm a horrible person. I just walked to my closet and spent the afternoon picking the perfect first day of school outfit to impress.