So it's been about a month. I'd like to say that I've been intentionally keeping you all in suspense but honestly I just haven't been able to write anything in the past month that didn't make me want to vomit. I figured better to put it off than post a crappy update, so we meet again after a month. My unpredictable updates are part of my charm? On the upside, I did write a one-shot including puppies (and one kitty) for all you wonderful reviewers! It's called "The Trouble with Chekhov" and you can find it under my account or search for it. You know how to use Fanfiction :)

Jim's POV, USS Enterprise; Stardate 2254.92

"How many times are you two gonna screw this up?" I spun around and saw Jim standing in the doorway.

"Jim, I need to talk-" I tried to explain.

"First of all, she doesn't know why she choose the Farragut instead of requesting a transfer. Those great self-deprecating reasons she gave you are guesses. What's gonna happen when she realizes the real reason? She's gonna leave again?" He paused, seeming to wait for a response.

"Can't you go harass Spock for a while?" I grumbled and walked away.

"Bones, I'm just watching out for you. This girl's no good for you. She doesn't know what the hell she wants, and you don't need that shit."

"What's got you so pissy that you gotta take it out on me?" I shot at him, Addy aside I sure as hell didn't need this shit. Jim went quiet for a minute and I started to think that something was actually wrong.

"Garrovick is dead. So are three of his crew. I called for a meeting on the planet and now Spock's against me." His shoulders fell slightly and the facade fell completely.

"I- I'm sorry Jim. I know how close you were with Captain Garrovick." I put my hand on his shoulder but he shrugged me off and started building himself up again.

"I'm fine, I just need to get through this. How bad is Addy? Can Spock give her the details on this whole damn mess and see if she can remember her theories on it?" His voice started to develope that official tone.

"I don't know if she'll be able to remember it, and I don't want to tell her about the deaths yet. But I can't see what harm telling her the rest could do." If she knew that crewmembers were dead and figured out that she had been on the landing party it might trigger flashbacks.

"Alright, I'll send Spock down as soon as possible. We've got a couple of hours until the meeting, I'm gonna need you there, okay?" He said over his perfectly straight shoulder as he walked out.

And I just got her to sleep.

Addy's POV, USS Enterprise; Stardate 2254.92

I woke to Len shaking me slightly. It was a strangely unsettling way to wake up, and I jumped slightly before realizing where I was. I felt like I had woken up from a nightmare but I couldn't remember it.

"Darlin', somebody is gonna be down here soon to bring you up to speed on what's going on planetside. Before you were injured you were a pretty damn important part of our current mission. Commander Spock is going to walk you through it, but I don't want you to push yourself. If you can't remember, don't worry about it. Spock will be fine working on his own if need be."

"How long was I out?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Just now? About ten minutes. You were unconscious for almost thirteen hours."

"Mmkay. How soon is soon?"

"As soon as he can. There is a meeting on the planet in a couple of hours, so he'll probably want to get through as much as possible before that." I realized that he was holding my hand. I squeezed his slightly.

"Alright… he knows I don't remember anything right? I mean, I don't know how helpful I'm gonna be…" I was getting more than a little nervous.

"Trust me, he's well aware of the situation. He's going to give you all the facts we have, and then you just need to be there for him to brainstorm with." Len assured me. I nodded and smiled slightly.

"I'll be right back." I said before heading for the bathroom.

I locked the door and looked at myself in the mirror. Clutching the sink to stop the shaking, the edges of my vision started to blur. Deep breathes, just keep breathing. You're fine. It's alright. You're safe. What are you even afraid of? You probably just hit your head. Breathe. Relax. The red is the same color as engineering shirts, one of them probably helped you after you hit your head. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.

"Addy? Are you alright?" Len called from the other side of the door. I ran trembling hand through dirty hair.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just trying to make myself presentable." I lied.

"Okay…" Len said and I hoped he left. I widened my eyes and rubbed my face. I really was a mess. A sonic shower was all I needed, it would help calm me down.

So that's happening. Oh no's! She's got it. Don't worry. She's fine. No, really! Nothing really bad is going to come of this! Have I ever mislead you? ;D

I'd like to say reviews lead to faster updates but we all know by now that it's a lie. BUT they do make me really happy! And sometimes they get you literally fluffy one-shots!