Life goes on no matter what. Time does not stop. People carry on with their lives. It's just the way it is. In one moment, you have this picture of your future with all the people you love and then all of a sudden one of your loved ones is roughly taken away from this picture.

They are not going to be in your future anymore; they will not see you getting married or graduating. They are not going to be there period and you have to find a way to carry on. Because life goes on, no matter what.

Yes, death is part of life, but there is something so unnatural and saddening and just plain wrong about a premature death. About dying at such a young age, when people were supposed to be living and enjoying their youth. Kurt knows it won't be easy, especially for his best friend.

Nevertheless, they are getting through it together and they are going to need each other now that the initial state of shock has passed.

"So as you can see, I'm perfectly fine, I'm eating properly and there's no losing weight." Kurt says playfully as his parents smile at him.

Him, Burt and Carole are in the loft's kitchen.

"What about Rachel?" Carole asks concerned and the fashionable boy sighs heavily.

"She is okay. I swear. It's been almost a year so, you know..." He trails off, sadly as the couple nods. Carole's eyes are filled with unshed tears.

"So how is the gang?" Burt tries to light up the mood.

"We're good, I mean as far as we can manage to be, taking into consideration that we used to pick on each other when we had just a couple of hours together back in high school." He giggles genuinely happy. "Anyways we're fine."

"I'm really proud of you guys, not everybody can manage to have what you guys have. You are all pretty close." Carole states.

"Not all of us though."

"What are you talking about?" Burt asks.

"Remember when Blaine and I visited Brittany? Cause Santana asked me to check on her as she couldn't do it because… well it was complicated; they're Brittany and Santana."

"What about it?"

"It was… I cannot even… Well, we spent the day just comforting each other."

Carole smiles melancholic.

"Brittany had a reason as to why she did not go to the memorial."

"Kurt…" Burt sighs.

"I tried to call Quinn." He continues, as his voice gets bitter. "Nothing. She ignored me. Apparently she and Santana are still talking but nothing too special."

"You can't judge her son; every person grieves in their own way."

"Yeah, I just don't think Quinn Fabray is capable of such thing as grieving."

"Kurt!" Burt gets upset. "Help me here." He turns to his wife.

"What? Why should I defend the girl who fooled my son and lied about the identity of the father of her unborn child?"

"What's wrong with you two? Judging that girl like that? She is in pain just like the rest of us."

"How do you know?" Kurt asks petulantly, when deeply he wants to believe his father so badly.

"I met Judy Fabray one day and she was truly concerned about me and Carole, and especially…" Burt smiles sadly. "Especially Rachel." He finishes.

"What do you mean especially Rachel?" Kurt asks curious.

"I don't know, she asked a lot of questions about her. I didn't even know she knew that much about Rachel."

"Huh..." Kurt gets thoughtful.

"Anyway, I think she mentioned something about Quinn being sad."

"Oh… Quinn is sad." He scorns. "Touching." Kurt adds sarcastically.

"Kurt, I don't get it. Why is it so important if she is sad or not?"

"She was his ex-girlfriend." He sighs.

"His first but...".

"Can we stop talking about this?" Carole asks with a barely there voice.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry; yeah we can stop talking about this." Kurt nods, hating himself for bringing up that subject up. "You guys are in my city! We should be celebrating."

Even though for Rachel it was a little bit difficult to have Carole around at first, in the end she was genuinely happy. To Kurt was fun having his father and Carole in the city. When the couple left, he couldn't help but noticed that the mood was really light.

"What's going on in this glittery head of yours?" Santana pushes his shoulder with her shoulder. They are sitting on the living room couch.

"Am I witnessing you worrying about me?" He teases.

"Don't push it." She says casually. "You're avoiding my question."

"Have you been talking to Quinn?" He asks all of sudden.

"Quinn?" She frowns, as she is confused.

"Yes, Quinn."

"Yes… I mean, nothing special, you know her."

"Do I?" He says bitterly.

"What are you talking about?" Santana stares at him as if he has grown a second head.

"Nothing…" He sighs. "I still find it weird that she didn't come to…" He lowers his voice because he doesn't want Rachel to hear them. "Finn's memorial." Kurt finishes.

"Kurt, I don't know what you're thinking, but Quinn is not that cold, okay?" She takes a deep breath, she hates when she gets emotional. "She still is our friend, let's not assume anything." He nods ever so slightly. "Okay?"

"Okay." He smiles weakly.

"Besides, Rachel pretty much worships the ground Fabray walks on as if it is sacred or something."

Santana rolls her eyes as Kurt chuckles amused at the true statement.

"She will be mad at you for being mad at Quinn."

"Yeah, you're right."

"I always am." She smiles. "How they ended up being friends is a mystery to me. I never thought it was possible. For me there were only two options, they would kill each other, and this scenario used to be very attractive to me or-"

"What are you guys talking about?"

In this moment, Rachel joins them in the living room.

"How..." Santana starts talking.

"We loved my father and Carole visiting us." Kurt cuts Santana off.

"Yeah, it was great." Rachel says smiling.

After they had dinner and watched some TV, they headed to bed. But Kurt's thoughts were making it impossible for him to sleep. He didn't have the opportunity to ask Santana to finish what she was going to say before Rachel interrupted them and he doesn't know why it is so important.

After some time fidgeting in his bed thinking about a certain blonde, he eventually falls asleep.

Until he is…

"Fabulous as ever!" Kurt says at his reflection, he is staring at his mirror inside his locker. Distracted as he is, he doesn't see what is coming toward him.

One second later and all he hears is a loud noise as his body goes crashing into the cold metal of the lockers.

"That's for being a freak!" David Karofsky shouts as he walks away from Kurt. The fashionable boy sighs and stands up. Straightening up his clothes, he takes his belongings and walks with his chin up. He won't let David put him down this time.

Then he spots something, a scene he is so familiar with. He stands still watching his best friend and his stepbrother. He smiles and as he looks away, he sees her. Quinn is staring at the couple too, only she is not smiling. Kurt gets curious and tries to get close but Quinn turns around and leaves.

He walks and searches for her everywhere, until he finally finds her.

She is in that Christian club, beautiful as ever with her perfect short blonde hair. Sitting in such a impose way.

Suddenly the dream changes and this time, there is no Mercedes, or Sam, or teen Jesus. It's just him and Quinn sitting in the room.

"Why didn't you come? I thought you loved him."

"I did... I still do."

"Rachel needed you. You know how she cares about you. I just want to know why?"

"Ask Santana."


"Ask Santana…" Her voice is muffled now. He can barely hear her.


He shouts but it becomes useless as she disappears and the sound of his alarm clock on his phone startles him and brings him back to reality. It was just a dream, a strange dream, but a dream nonetheless.

"Ask Santana?" He gets confused as he tries to remember his dream.

Quinn and who else was there...? Oh yeah David!

"For me there were only two options or they would kill each other and this scenario used to be very attractive to me or ..."

"It can't be…" He needs to talk to Santana immediately. Usually he wouldn't dare to wake up his friend. But he can't wait any longer.

"Santana." He whispers in her ear.

After lots of attempts, the girl finally wakes up.

"What the hell Hummel!" She sits up startled. "What do you want?!" As soon as she lays her eyes on him she gets concerned. "What's wrong?"

"You know I wouldn't wake you if it wasn't extremely important." He whispers, as he doesn't want to wake up Rachel.

"I would hope so; otherwise I would have to hurt you."

"First, I'd like you to finish what you were about to say before Rachel interrupted us yesterday. You were saying: for me there were only two options or they would kill each other or…" He gestures to her to continue.

"Are you kidding me? Is that why you woke me up? I can't beli-"

"Santana." He says lower but firmly. She frowns but obliges, something about his attitude is making her worried.

"Or…" She sighs. "They would end up in bed together." She finishes and he runs his fingers through his hair.

"I need you to tell me something about Quinn. I don't know how to put this into words, but uh..." He stops as he is pondering the best way to say what he wants to say. "She grew up with a conservative background, I know she is your friend and Brittany's and mine too, she is very acceptable regarding her friends." He pauses. "But do you recall something that made your gaydar tingle? Like I don't know, a look or a suspicious behavior; anything like that?"

Santana smirks pleased and Kurt notices that she looks like she is having a flashback or something. She finally says:

"Well, we had sex with each other ... twice. Does that count?"

"You what?!" He manages to keep his voice low despite his utter shock.

"I really felt tingles though." She lifts her eyebrows up twice as a smirk appears on her face.

"I have to go."

"What? Why? Where are you going?"

Without further ado, he goes to his makeshift room and starts gathering the things he thinks it will be need for a quick trip.

"Kurt?" Santana questions him again as she walks into his corner.

"Look, I can't explain now, not with Rachel here."

"What about me?" Rachel enters in the makeshift room.

"Nothing sweetie." He gets close to her and caresses her hair. "I need to do something, a friend needs me now."

"That's bullshit!" Santana raises her voice. "You're lying to us."

"I'm not lying." He turns to Santana. "I'm gonna need you by the way. I'll send you a text."

"Kurt, you'll have to start making sense, because you honestly are not right now." Rachel says as she is starting to get worried about her best friend's demeanor.

"I can't tell you now, but everything is okay, I promise."

"You're really not going to tell us where you're going?"

Rachel tries again, after his morning routine and after he ate his breakfast. Still not willing to tell anything, he smiles at her. There is no way he could tell Rachel where he is going.

"Nope, and if everything goes right, I see you guys tonight." He winks and goes towards the front door.

"Tonight?! But, what about my… Kurt!" Rachel stomps her foot.

"You better not be doing drugs or something stupid like that… or cheating." Santana warns him and he is not sure if she is serious or not. He rolls his eyes and walks out of the loft.

The first thing he thinks after he sits in a seat on the train is:

"These are some freaking expensive tickets." He says to himself. Did Quinn really buy these passes under the pretense that she wanted her and Rachel to keep in touch?

Then he remembers that he needs to text Santana. He needs her to send him Quinn's address; he couldn't ask Rachel, of course. He sends her the text adding that she can't tell Rachel where he is going.

Santana sends him the address and then she sends him another message.

Santana: Is something wrong? Why are you going to New Haven?

Kurt: As I said before a friend needs me. But I promise it's nothing to be worried about.

Santana: Okay I'm trusting in you.

Kurt: S...Quinn and Rachel.

Santana: What about them?

Kurt: It's a little game. Quinn bought two very expensive metro passes for her and Rachel. Now it's your turn. Tell me something she did for Rachel that was so peculiar.

Santana: Why? What are you up to Kurt?

Kurt: I'm pretty sure you know something. You started this lady, now go on.

Santana: How did I start it?

Kurt: Just go on.

Santana: At our senior prom Quinn won prom Queen. She asked me to help her change the votes, so that Rachel could win.

Kurt: OMG!

Santana: The yearbook picture thing in sophomore year? She blackmailed Sue.

Kurt: But that one was not really about Rachel

Santana: Did you want that picture? Cause I know I didn't.

Kurt: Yeah! You're right! Rachel was the only one who wanted the picture.

Santana: What are you doing Kurt. Really?

Kurt takes a deep breath, until now this theory (if he can call it that) was only in his mind, but now it's about to be exposed to someone else. He starts typing again.

Kurt: Remember when Brittany was dating Artie and you were mad at him all the time? Badmouthing him whenever you could?

He knows it is a little harsh to remind her of her relationship with Brittany, but he couldn't think of anything else in the moment.

Santana: Yeah

Santana: What does it have to with Quinn though?

Kurt: I need you to go back in time. Think about how it was like at that time. Then imagine if one day you woke up to the news that Artie had passed away. How it would make you feel?

This time the answer doesn't come right away and he can even hear the engineers of her brain working... Well, kind of.

Santana: OMG!

Yes, she figured it out.

It would have been a real pleasure to look around the Yale campus, but he had no time for that now, which means he did not intend to engage in a Quinn Fabray search. As soon as he finished talking to Santana, he called Quinn. Fortunately, this time the girl answers.



"Hi. I..."

"Quinn honey…" He cuts her off. "I'm on my way to Yale; I'm half way there actually. We need to talk. I know you probably have classes today, but this is very important."

"Wait, you're what?"

"I'm visiting you." He says in a light tone, trying to be laid-back.

"Uh… I…"

"Don't say anything okay. Like I said, we need to talk."

"Do you know how to get here?"

"Yes, Santana gave me the address with the location of your dorm's building."

"Okay, I'll see you when you get here then."

"Yeah, I guess you will."

He hangs up and is surprised by a stream of tears running down his cheeks. He wipes it right away, it is not that he is one to repress his feelings and tears, but he can't deal with it right now. He has a guess that his meeting with Quinn will be very emotional.

Hours later and he is standing in front of Quinn's dorm room front door. One knock and the door is open and just like that, by seeing Quinn, he remembers of how much he cares about the blonde girl standing in front of him. Actually, he loves her just as much as he loves the others.

"Hi." She greets him with a half-smile.

"Hi there." He gets close and hugs her quickly. The first thing Quinn notices when he pulls away, is that he has been crying and then all of sudden she is panicking.

"Kurt, what's wrong?" He is taken aback by her torn voice. "You've been crying. What's wrong? Tell me!" He wouldn't have come to Yale because some fight with Blaine; he has Rachel and Santana for that. So Blaine is a no, she is barely breathing now.

"Rachel is okay." Kurt says kindly as he notices how pale she got.

Quinn breathes a sigh of relief. Then she frowns thoughtful. It is somewhat weird that Kurt assumed she was worried about Rachel. Kurt watches her attentively. He knows what she is thinking and he doesn't want to waste any more time.

"I know." He says meaningful.

"You know what?" She asks confused.

"I know." He says again and smiles. "Can I come in?" She nods and steps out of the way, so he can get inside.

"My roommate is not here. I shouldn't be here either but… what are you doing here Kurt?"

He looks around the room for a brief moment, it's very much like Quinn's room in Ohio, books neatly arranged in the shelfs, everything meticulously organized, despite being small, like any other dorm, the place is quite acceptable for a dorm, he thinks then he concentrates on the task at hand and turns back to face Quinn.

"I was pissed off at you." He says honestly. "I was very pissed off. I tried to call you…"

She swallows, feeling guilty; so that is the reason why he is 'visiting' her? Couldn't he just let it go? It does not matter anymore. He is gone and nothing will change it. She couldn't go to the memorial; she didn't deserve to be part of that moment.

She stares at him; all she wants in this moment is to tell him to go away. Really, she doesn't need to feel more guilty than she already is.

"But I had some clarity." He continues. "I thought you were the one who was dealing with Finn's death better than all of us."

Quinn closes her eyes as the air is been taken from her lungs at his mention of Finn's death.

"I thought you had carried on with your life and I got mad because you weren't at the memorial."

"You came here to..."

"But I was wrong." He cuts her off. "You're the one who is dealing with it in the worst way possible, pushing your friends away. I know what you're planning to do and I'm going to stop you before you even start it. You won't push her away just as a form of self-punishment. I won't let you."

"I don't know what you're talking about." She says angrily, face hardening, she is trying to build up her walls, Kurt knows it. But he won't let her.

"I'm talking about the fact that you're in love with Rachel!" He says rather louder than he intended.

"Get out!" She shouts abruptly. "Just go!" She demands.

"No!" He shakes his head. "I'm not leaving! It was not your fault Quinn!"

"I don't want you here!" Tears start running down her face. "Please just go, Kurt." She begs whiningly.

"It wasn't your fault."

He gets closer and she starts crying harder which leads him to get even closer. Kurt tries to hug her but she fights him. She fights him over and over, but he is determined, he wraps his arms around her shoulders tightly, her face on his chest, she is shaking with the intensity of her sobs. After a few more seconds of fighting his embrace, she finally gives in. She clutches her hands at the back of his jacket and cries loosely.

"It hurts so much Kurt." She says and soon she is taken by an onslaught of tears.

"I know. I know." He can't anything but hold her tight, his own tears starts wetting his cheeks. "We're going to be okay." He says kindly, as he was really trying to believe in his own words.