The Millionaires' Club


Disclaimer: I don't own Glee or any of its characters if I did there would be a lot more Santana and a lot less everyone else.

Summary: "Welcome to The Millionaires club where she sells records, while I sell my body."

Chapter One: V.I.P

Sex, drugs, and cigarettes.

It was what my life had become. Three nights a week, every other weekend, for a set fee of two thousand dollars an hour, or ten thousand a night I would become the girl of my client's darkest fantasies.

I would drop to my knees and make them regret ever getting married and starting a family with that hot messes they called their wives, and if I was feeling especially friendly I would leave them with enough money to dry clean their designer suits and ties before they went home to their pathetic excuses of marriage.

I had done it for years and it seemed like as time passed that my job only got easier, but the more marriages I ruined and the more money I brought in I found myself regretting some of my life choices.

I had moved to New York at eighteen because I wanted to live out my dreams in a city where anything was possible, but when you're barely legal, without a high school diploma, no parental support, and not a single dollar to your name New York can go from the being the place where dreams come true to place where only nightmares exist.

If it weren't for my extremely good looks and former background in cheerleading I probably would be suck in a shelter somewhere struggling to stay alive. Hell that's probably where I'll end up anyway when my time at V.I.P is over.

V.I.P or more commonly known as The Millionaires' Club was owned by Noah Puckerman. Noah was one of the lucky ones, when he came to New York a decade ago he immediately got a job as the lead guitarist in the band Risk Everything.

It started out as garage band playing a few gigs a week at the YMCA, but quickly became one of the highest earning bands in the alternative, adult rock genre. After their first CD dropped, Noah opened up V.I.P, a club exclusively for the rich and famous.

It started out was a private place where celebrities could sneak away from the paparazzi and grab a cold drink while listening to the hottest music to hit the charts, but when Noah started to notice that more than half his female staff found themselves leaving with his nighttime visitors he saw an opportunity that he couldn't let slip away.

An opportunity that allowed me to have a warm place to live and food on the table.

After six weeks V.I.P went from being a night club hot spot to being one of the only legal celebrity brothels in the United States. Women of all legal ages were pulled from the street of New York to satisfy the sick perversion of the world of the rich and famous while Noah ranked in the millions.

V.I.P girls brought pleasure to millionaires and politicians of all genders, skin colors, and appropriate ages for years, but it didn't become popular until I stepped into the place.

I was lucky enough to have met Noah a few weeks after I had first moved to New York. I had just gotten a job a Nolan's a rundown diner in the middle of Bushwick when Noah found me washing the dirty windows during an ice-cold December night, when he offered me a job at V.I.P there was no way I could turn him down, even if it meant having to go home with him to "practice."

"Santana, I need you on the floor in ten minutes." Noah Growled from behind the beaded curtain separating the dressing rooms from the back of the club. "Tonight's been slow Lopez so make me some money."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, I always brought in thousands of dollars when I worked the floor, I didn't need to be reminded of my "talent."

"I'll be out in five minutes Puckerman, I just need to change first."

"Well hurry up, we have a new visitor tonight and I want you to be especially friendly."

"I'm always friendly." I mumbled slipping the short sequined dress on to my head and over my curves. It was pricey but I could make double what it cost in a little under an hour, it was one of the benefits of being a high-class hooker.

"That's not what Hudson said the last time he was here, apparently you tend to get violent when you lose control of the situation."

"Who wouldn't?"

Finn was one of the sloppiest, nicest men I had ever met. He really didn't belong in a place like this, but I knew he only came as a way to entice the press when his popularity started to waver.

I grabbed my signature Ruby Red lipstick and smeared it on to my full bottom lip before smacking my lips together to create a thin red coating.

"Regardless Lopez remember you're here for their pleasure, not your own."

"I got it Puckerman, they sell records, while I sell my body I've lived your motto for years I don't need your constant reminders." I pulled the beads back and leaned up against the wall across from him.

"Besides I was only saving Mr. Hudson the embarrassment of an early ejaculation. I had only been sitting in his lap for five seconds and he was already staining his suite."

"God San I told you I didn't want to hear that shit anymore." I giggled at the disgusted look taking over his once handsome face.

"And I told you that I didn't want to work with men anymore, so if I have to make compromises so do you Puckerman."

I walked over and pressed a kiss to his smoothly shaven cheek while he wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his hands on my ass.

"You know most people aren't allowed to talk to their bosses like this."

"Most people don't fuck their bosses either Noah." I smiled prettily and pulled out of his grasp.

"Just get your ass out there and make me some money Lopez. V.I.P booth five asked for you specifically."

I nodded and walked down the smoke-filled, neon colored hallway where the music only got louder the closer I got to back of the club.

"Remember Lopez they sell records, you sell your body."

I rolled my eyes. I loved Noah, I mean he practically saved my life, but sometimes he could be a real pain in my ass.

Booth five was one of the most expensive spots in V.I.P so I knew before I even made my way up the steps that I would be making more than enough money for Noah and I not to have to show up to the club for more than a few weeks. I needed a vacation anyway.

"I heard we had a special guest in the house tonight" I whispered seductively leaning up against the door frame of the private booth.

Where I was expecting to see the room full of "important" people drinking and getting high while other V.I.P girls fucked their way through the night I was surprised to find a pretty young blonde sitting in the booth alone with a guitar in her lap and a pen and notebook laying on the cushion next to her.

"Uh, are you supposed to be in here?" I asked looking behind me for the real occupants, this girl looked too young to even be inside the place, let alone sitting at one of the most expensive booths.

"I would think so, I did spend ten thousand dollars for an hour of this amazing view." She whispered, as smirk slowly forming along her pretty pink full lips.

I have to admit she was crazy beautiful, but she didn't look like one of my usual costumers. She wasn't hidden under layer and layers of clothing, she barely looked old enough to even get into this club, and she didn't have a glass of hardcore liquor in her hand.

"Are you even old enough to be in here?"

She giggled and moved the guitar out of her lap so that she was slouching comfortably.

"My twenty-first birthday was last weekend, but is that really relevant?"

I shook my head and moved over to the couch where she was sitting.

"I guess not." I straddled her lap wrapping my arms around her neck.

Her hands slid up my thighs pulling my dress with them while I traced my nose across the soft skin a long her neck.

"I heard you asked for me specifically, was there anything specific that you wanted to do?" I asked pulling her long blonde hair away from her shoulder and licking the length of her collarbone.

"Well, I really just came here because I wanted to talk." She hissed pinching at my waist.

I sat up immediately studying her flawless face.

"What do you mean you just want to talk, you know where you are right?"

She couldn't be serious, no one comes to V.I.P and pays the outrageous prices just to talk to the girls. If she really wanted to have a conversation she could have just gone out on the street and talked to a stranger for free.

"This is a club for the higher class looking for companionship isn't it?" She asked pulling one of Pucks business cards from what I could only imagine was the inside of her bra. "Well I'm rich and looking for companionship, and I want to spend my last few minutes here getting to know you."

"You're not serious?"

"Oh but I am, my name's Dani by the way." She smiled offering me her tiny hand.

If she wasn't so cute I would have slapped her for wasting my time. I wasn't going to mess with jailbait and get nothing out of it. I may not like my job much anymore, but I still enjoyed it enough to get my pleasure out of it.

"If you just wanted to talk, why did you ask for me specifically? You could have had a newer girl for way cheaper." I asked sliding out of her lap and on to the cushion next her. "RJ bring me a Vodka and Coke, and bring the kid some juice something." I told the bouncer outside the booth. I really didn't want to do this whole "talking" thing sober.

"I'm not supposed to leave my post Santana."

"Puckerman won't care, and besides the kid isn't interested in what I usually have to offer." I pulled a twenty from the garter on my thigh and tossed it at him.

"Whatever Lopez. Don't say I didn't warn you." He took off leaving me and the kid by ourselves.

"I'm not a kid I'm twenty-one, and I never asked for you specifically. I just asked the guy with the Mohawk to send up the most beautiful girl working here tonight, it just so happened that the most beautiful girl working tonight is you."

She picked up her guitar again and began strumming it lightly. I couldn't help but stare as she really got into the song she was strumming. She had to be rich if she could afford to rent out this booth, let alone get into this club, but I had never seen her before. She must have been one of those kids that got rich off daddy's money.

"You're really good at that." I whispered when she started to hum along.

"Thanks," She smiled. "My dad taught me when I was a kid. I've played ever since." She moved so that she was sitting closer to me. "I could teach you a few chords if you want."

I smiled and shook my head. "No thanks, I've never been good when it comes to instruments, my Abuela use to make me play the violin in church when I was little, and I was so bad the not so politely asked me to stop."

She laughed and gave me a cute little smile that I couldn't help but reciprocate.

"I use to play in church too, it's actually where I got discovered."


She raised her perfectly sculpted eyebrow.

"You honestly don't know who I am?"

I shook my head. "Nope, never I've never seen you before."

"That's weird, I was literally followed by a flock of paparazzi when I walked in here earlier."

I blinked.

"Really, my face is all over Time Square, and I just had a concert at Madison Square Garden."

Still nothing. I had honestly did know who she was.

"You're a musician?"

"I am."

"What type of genre do you play?"

"I do a bit of everything, but my latest album was classified a pop rock." She pulled out a tiny pink iPod. "I don't know what kind of music you're into, but you should listen to it sometime." She tossed it into my lap before going back to her guitar.

"I don't know when I'm going have time to listen to this, I might have to keep it for a while." I whispered sliding my fingers along the cool plastic casing.

She shrugged. "It's cool, I have like five more sitting in my studio at home."

"You have your own studio?"

She laughed and shook her head.

"I guess it's better that you don't know who I am, I'll be easier if my social status doesn't get in the way."

"Get in the way of what?"

"Get in the way of us getting to know each other." She whispered running her fingers along the strings of her guitar. She had really pretty hands, I wonder what they would feel like between my…

"Hate to interrupt Miss. Sánchez, but your hour is up, and Santana has another meeting with a client in a few minutes." Noah interrupted, walking into the room with my Vodka and coke in one hand and her juice in the other.

"It's cool, I have a concert in Ontario tomorrow night that I need to catch a flight for," She stood up with her guitar and walked over to where I was sitting. "It was nice meeting you Santana, I hope you let me see you again." She leaned down and kissed my cheek before taking her cup from a very confused Puckerman.

"What the hell happened in here?" Noah asked when she walked out of the room.

"What do you mean, what the hell happened here, what does it look like happened?" I stood up and waked out of the room, downing my drink as I did so.

"It looks like you're still fully clothed. I better get paid for that hour Lopez, this is not a social network where you can catch up with old friends." He grabbed my wrist harshly, pulling me so that I was facing him.

"Let me go Puckerman, you already know you got paid, you're just being an asshole." I pulled away from him and walked down the stairs.

"You better be naked next time I come get your ass Lopez, I'm not paying you to play house with my fucking clients."

"Fuck off!" I yelled as I made into the club.

Noah could turn into a real dick when he was under the influence of Coke and all the other toxic shit he put into his body.

He was right though, I wasn't getting paid to sit and talk with clients. V.I.P was a sex only club and I didn't want Noah to cut my wages because of a stupid kid looking for attention. Dani didn't belong in a place like this anyway, she was too innocent, and this atmosphere would only fuck her up.

The next time I see her I'm going to tell her not to come back, The millionaires' club wasn't a place for children and I wasn't going to let her ruin her life like it had mine.

Glee has been a little disappointing as of late, so I thought I'd give this a try. I'm new to this whole thing so please be forgiving. I apologize for any errors you might run into while reading, grammar and punctuation give me headaches, but I honestly do try. I hope you enjoyed this chapter because there is more to come if you did, and I promise that it will get better.

Until next time,
