Quick Author's Note: Since I tend to derive my plot ideas from songs, I'm gonna make it a regular thing to start off each chapter with the song(s) it was inspired by. The musical theme for this chapter is 400 Lux by Lorde.

Seth sat awake exasperated with his restless mind, aboard a particularly lengthy flight. He looked to his side where Dean sat sleeping peacefully. Seth turned his attention away from him and took a drink of his water. He allowed his thoughts to transport him back in time to that fateful night months ago when he and Dean had first gotten physical.

"Let's do something, man," Seth said as he mindlessly flipped through the television channels.

"I'm tired and anyways I thought you said you didn't feel like going out tonight." Dean responded with a slightly questioning look on his face.

"I meant I don't feel like dealing with people," he clarified.

"Am I not people?" Dean asked, trying to look insulted.

Seth smiled and rolled his eyes, "You know what I mean, smartass. I also don't want to sit around in this boring hotel either, so let's go out and do something, anything." He observed the doubtful expression on Dean's face. "Come on, we can just cruise around a bit. Maybe something fun will present itself on the way," he finished in a hopeful tone.

"Fine, let's go," Dean finally agreed, not wanting to disappoint his best friend.

Satisfied, Seth leaped up from the bed and led the way out of their hotel room. Dean followed close behind grabbing his leather jacket and the keys to his rental.

Dean drove, meanwhile Seth tried to settle on a radio station that they would both enjoy. Besides the music that played intently throughout the car, a comfortable silence settled in between them. They just enjoyed each other's quiet presence and the calm scenery the city had to offer.

In the near distance, Seth spotted what looked to be a park, "Let's stop at that park up ahead and go for a walk, yeah?"

"You read my mind," Dean answered, turning his head to extend him a small smile that warmed Seth's heart.

Seth recalled how more than happy he'd been to just kill time with Dean, just the two of them. For a while he couldn't figure out how to go about interpreting his feelings for him. He still didn't know how they came to be, just that they were there.

It wasn't long before the pair reached the park. The sun had just set, only a dim pink and orange glow remained soon to be swallowed by the imminent darkness. There weren't many visitors roaming the park and the place welcomed them with a crisp breeze. The late autumn air had a chilling sharpness to it, making them both shudder when they stepped out of the car. They were starting to kind of second guess their decision to leave the warmth of their vehicle, but made neither made a verbal complaint.

They walked in close approximation to one another; both relishing in the other's slightly exuding warmth. They continued their stroll quietly, each with their hands in their own pockets, looking ahead. Dean noticed there was a great, big lake and wordlessly gestured to Seth that they make their way there. A very small, isolated pier stood on the verge of the lake. Seth walked up to the edge and sat down letting his feet dangle gently above the water. Dean stopped a few steps behind him, pausing several seconds to take in the darkened view before them. Seth turned around, wondering why Dean hadn't joined him already.

"Sit with me."

Without a word, Dean stepped forward and took a seat to Seth's left side. He fidgeted, feigning he was trying to get comfortable, but it was merely an excuse to move closer to Seth without making it too obvious. Their thighs were touching, in turn forming a tentative stillness around them. The two friends remained in a lull, neither knowing what to do or say. Dean turned and looked at Seth, studying his hard-to-read expression in the dimness of the evening. The cold wind was piercing, and yet feeling Dean's eyes intently on him, caused Seth to burn hot. Nervously, he turned to meet Dean's tense gaze, subconsciously licking his bottom lip before lightly biting it when he caught himself.

Time slowed to an aching pace and Dean clenched his jaw as he swallowed hard. His eyes alternated between Seth's chocolate brown eyes and his lightly bearded mouth. Seth himself let his own attention drift down to those light pink lips of Dean and held his breath. They both wanted to close the short distance that divided them. They longed to let their urges win for once, but they also feared the outcome of succumbing to those urges.

Unsure of whether he was being brave or just blatantly stupid, Seth gently leaned into Dean. His felt his chest tighten and his heart begin to pick up its once steady pace. In that moment Dean froze in place, overwhelmed at Seth's bold move. As Seth placed a delicate kiss on those lips he'd been yearning for, their eyes drew to a close. He was testing the waters and Dean not pushing him away was a good sign so far. He continued the tame, closed-mouth kiss though he felt Dean hesitant to kiss him back. Reluctantly, Dean pulled away just enough to speak.

"What are you doing?" He asked in a low whisper, his breath hot against Seth's lips.

"I'm asking myself the very same question," Seth breathed out.

Dean pressed their foreheads together, a conflicted expression overtaking his face. One of his hands drifted up to the back of Seth's head and buried his fingers beneath that messy ponytail, enjoying the softness of his hair. His other hand tenderly cradled the side of Seth's face in a very un-Dean like manner. He had wanted to lay claim to Seth's pretty mouth for years; now he was doubting himself, but more so doubting Seth.

"I don't want to make a mistake. I mean, I don't…" Dean struggled to articulate his thoughts. "I don't want you to make a mistake. And I certainly don't want us to jump into something and then fuck up and have shit to be weird between us."

"I understand," Seth sighed, starting to pull away.

Dean maintained his grip on him not letting him get away, well aware that contrary to what Seth said, he did not in fact understand. "So, you know, if you want this to happen, cool. But, like, let's not make this a whole fuckin' complicated thing. Just keep it chill, no strings, or whatever." He could feel himself start to ramble in his attempt to play it cool. Keeping the fear out of his voice that he had gnawing in the back of his throat contained was proving difficult. "You hear what I'm saying?"

"Yeah," was all Seth gave in response, earning him a skeptical look from Dean. He quickly mustered his most reassuring voice, "Yeah, man. I get it. I'm not looking to start something, like, exclusive either." Lie. Seth knew it. Dean knew it. Neither dared challenge it.



This time Dean was the one to initiate contact, eagerly kissing Seth who instantly responded. There was nothing delicate about their lip lock this time around. Seth's hands roamed Dean's body longingly not knowing where to settle. They wasted no time savoring each other, feeling themselves melt underneath the other's touch, all the while trying to retain some sort of composure.

Dean forced himself to break their steamy kiss, answering Seth's question before he could even ask it aloud. "It may be getting dark out, but we should really move out of the open," he panted. "Your hair is a fuckin' whistleblower."

"Shit, you're right," Seth concurred, his voice raspy and hushed. He looked around, promptly spotting a nearby playground area for kids with multiple play houses. "Come on," he said standing up and pulling Dean up by his hand. Not letting go of him, Seth urged Dean along. Impatiently, they made their way into the bigger of the structures. Both fed on the giddy thrill like a couple of horny teenagers.

As soon as they were inside, the two of them locked up again, wrapping their arms around each other engaging in a hot, open-mouthed kiss. Dean pushed Seth up against a wall, greedily wanting to devour every bit of his warm mouth. They made out ravenously, a fire igniting in and around them.

Mindful of their hasty pace, though exciting, Dean cupped Seth's face and relaxed them both into a more intimate embrace. Seth followed his lead, easily settling into Dean's passionate flow. They temporarily let themselves go completely and it was downright intoxicating. It electrified a charge between them eerily similar to the one they shared every time they had stepped inside a ring against each other during their FCW days.

He felt one of Seth's hands find their way underneath his shirt, further arousing Dean. He pressed himself harder against Seth, effectively grinding his own erection against his partner's, who let out groan in response. Dean fervently drank the gritty sound emitted from those perfect lips that were his and his only for the moment.

Wanting more, Dean swiftly unzipped Seth's tightly worn jeans and shoved his craving hand inside his boxer briefs. He began stroking his half hard cock evoking many more needy moans from Seth. He maintained the intense kiss taking extra pleasure in the fact that Seth couldn't much keep up as he jerked him off. The vibrations coming from Seth inflamed Dean to no end. He decided to take care of both of them and abandoned their kiss to undo his own pants. He grabbed his fully erect cock with his free hand and began massaging, matching the pace he had on Seth.

Seth wrapped his arms around Dean's neck, bringing their heads close together again. He placed sloppy kisses on and around Dean's swollen lips. He tried to stifle himself when Dean began beating him off at a much brisker speed, but his whines escaped him regardless. That only fueled Dean on whose grunts resonated through the cramped playhouse. He held off his own orgasm until seconds later Seth peaked, quivering as he came onto Dean's hand. In his frenzy, Seth pressed his face to Dean's neck and bit on the spot before he could stop himself. Dean let out a small yelp both in surprise and pleasure as he threw his head back and finally let himself go. He shook as his rush of sensual bliss rippled through him. They stood there, letting themselves catch their breath. Dean planted a last kiss on Seth's enthralling lips, who gladly welcomed it.

Dean had tried to contain as much of their cum as he could in his hands, but wasn't quite successful. The two were a bit of a mess, not that it really bothered either of them. They adjusted their clothing and cleaned up as much as they could within their limitations.

"So, you wanna head back to the hotel and wash up so we can catch some sleep before our early ass flight?" Dean suggested.

"Sure," Seth simply responded as he finished retying his hair.

"Alright," Dean said in a content tone. He walked out of their hiding place with Seth close behind.

Seth smiled to himself before turning to Dean, "Good thing Roman decided to ditch us for the evening, huh?"

"Heh." A smirk formed on Dean's face and he chuckled, "Yeah, good thing."

Seth sighed. He wondered if they would ever amount to more than just best friends who sometimes fucked. He turned up his music hoping it would help shut out his thoughts. He closed his eyes attempting to give sleep another shot.

Exhausted Author's Note: This chapter thoroughly kicked my ass which is why it took so long for me to update. There was a lot of rewriting involved. I hope it was worth the wait. Any and all reviews are welcomed. xoxo