"Do you wanna know a secret? Of course you do, I know! Do you wanna know a secret? I've got a giant one to show!"

Anna tried out her new song while skipping down the hallway. Singing was always something she had throughout those years where she was trapped in the castle. A way to express herself obnoxiously in the hopes that maybe someone would open a window somewhere and she could look out or escape. She wasn't quite as good at writing but she made up for it with her dancing. Most people didn't pay attention to the lyrics when a cute girl just started singing and dancing out of nowhere.

"I've tried to tell you many times now, but it's just so hard to say!"

Her singing was beautiful, as expected of someone able to practice all through her youth with no critics or teachers. Anna's voice was her own and she loved the sound of it. Anyone she knew would tell you that. She rounded the corner to the hallway with her destination and rubbed her stomach absentmindedly. She sang much quieter near the presence of her sister.

"The thing about this secret, is it gets bigger every day."

She took the last few steps towards the open door of Elsa's office. The Queen was, as expected, lounging in the large chair by the desk and writing some sort of document. The new blue carpets were sparkling in the evening's twilight, let in through the very large window beside the desk. The hearth was lit up with a great fire and the warm embrace of the flames could be enjoyed from Anna's place in the doorway. The well-worn armchair in front of the fireplace was mysteriously empty however.

"Hello, Elsa!" Anna cheered. Elsa set down her quill and turned to the doorway. She was smiling that bright smile Anna had come to get used to over the past few years. Her blonde hair was tied up in a bun, secured with long picks of ice. The Queen reached a hand up to tuck a few errant locks behind her ear. On the bridge of her nose was a set of icy lenses rimmed by a deep crystal frame.

"How are you tonight, Anna?" Elsa greeted. Her voice was a bit husky, a tell-tale sign she had been in the wine at dinner. I wonder what the occasion is?

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were my sister not the librarian," Anna teased.

Elsa raised an eyebrow causing the glasses to slip down her nose a bit. Her cheeks reddened at the realization. She turned around, removed the eyewear, and threw the frames into the corner of the room. Elsa cringed at the small cracking sound.

"Damn it, I spent a good twenty minutes getting the lenses right," she mumbled.

"Since when do you wear glasses, Grandma?" Anna couldn't help herself.

Elsa uncrossed her legs then crossed them the other way. "Hank suggested it when he noticed me squinting at all of the paperwork I do. He told me that his Mom wore eyeglasses when she read and complained about having to plow fields for a whole summer to afford them. You should have seen his face when I made some in the blink of an eye."

"I guess you may have the ice-powers, but I have the superior vision," Anna gloated.

"I'll trade you. You can have the ice-powers and be the Queen. You can keep Kristoff though, and no touching Captain Eriksson."

"Nah, I think I'm good with what I have. Where is Hank anyways?"

"On patrol," Elsa answered. Anna looked at her as if she had just been told a complex math problem. "He is a guard you know."

"He actually does his job? I thought he spent all of his time defiling you."

Elsa laughed. A tell-tale sign she was drunk. Usually Anna would have received a cold nip in the butt for that remark.

"He didn't want to sit with me while I wrote these letters. Said something along the lines of 'I don't love you enough to want to sit there and help you rub off the egos of some good-for-nothing royals.' More work for me!" Elsa sighed.

"I don't believe he said that," Anna accused.

"Yeah, he didn't," Elsa admitted. "It doesn't change the fact that these letters are horrible."

"At least I know why you're drinking. Let me help!"

"I don't know, Anna. These can be tricky-hey!" Anna had snatched the first letter on Elsa's desk and held it up to her face. Elsa tried to snatch it away but Anna put a foot on her sister's stomach to hold her down. Elsa grimaced at the forceful pressure.

"To Princess Rapunzel of Corona and her husband Eugene, It is a great misfortune that you could not join us for the wedding of Princess Anna to Baron Kristoff Bjorgman but we would be pleased if you could visit us on your leisure to enjoy the sights and sounds… Wait, these letters are about me! About my wedding!"

Elsa tried to hide her eyes. "Yes."

"Why are you doing this without me?"

Elsa cringed. Anna sounded hurt, and rightfully so. "Well, I thought you would be too busy enjoying your new marriage to be bothered by such a silly task as thank you notes so I took it upon myself to write them," Elsa explained.

"It may have only been a week since the wedding, but I don't think Kristoff would mind if I spent some time with my sister. We have our whole lives to enjoy our marriage." Anna set the letter down and frowned. She turned to the fireplace, unable to look her sister in the eyes. "You just don't trust me with the responsibility."

"Anna, no! I trust you just as much as I love you," Elsa pleaded. "Which is quite a lot." Her slightly inebriated mind felt the need to add.

"Then why don't you let me do anything for Arendelle! You handle all of the royal duties yourself, I think Hank knows more about running a kingdom than I do!"

"He'll need to," Elsa whispered. Anna's eyes widened. "That doesn't matter though, what matters is that you understand. I do trust you, and you're right, I've been keeping you shut out for too long. Starting tomorrow I'm going to give you some responsibilities."

"Starting now," Anna insisted. "With these letters."

Elsa's big eyes told of defeat. She chewed her bottom lip for a moment before reluctantly nodding her head. "Starting now. You might want to start drinking though, this is pretty boring."

"That's crazy, you just have to make it fun!" Anna picked up the quill and the letter she was just handling a moment ago. "Look how much fun this can be, 'It would be fun to hang out with you two, please come here soon!'" she enunciated every word as she wrote and ended the sentence with a drawing of a heart. She scribbled her name in poor handwriting at the bottom of the page and drew a little snowman. Elsa rolled her eyes. This was going to end a few alliances.

"See, it's great!" Anna said.

Elsa looked at the paper again. Sure, it wasn't proper, and it looked like something a child would write, but it was much more fun. It looked like less of an apology and more of a correspondence, less like a summons and more like an invitation. Elsa smiled.

"You're right, Anna. It is great."


Not much of a conclusion. Good thing it leads right into a new story! That's right, the long wait is finally over. Things happened, and then I had to change a whole bunch of writing because I didn't like it, and then I had to go back and fix all the old writing to keep it in line with the new stuff, but I'm in a place now where It's almost complete and I'm almost finished touching up everything I've written so far. Nothing that can't be done in the chapter editor at least. I may not have made the end of March like I suggested but the end of April isn't too far away. The sequel is VERY directly tied and continues very soon after we let off here. I would have just added more chapters onto this one but I believe with the addition of some new characters I needed to move it to the crossover section…

Also, you may remember that I gave all readers the option to use Hank in their own stories; so far one great writer has taken up the offer. Ravager Zero in "An Arm and a Leg" is writing his own version of Hank Eriksson who is familiar but also noticeably different. I personally suggest that story. I really like it and Ravager Zero is amazingly efficient in updating. s/10094752/1/An-arm-and-a-leg

Anyways, chapter one of the sequel is already up and I'll keep a standard release schedule like last time. Look for it in the Frozen Crossover section or under my profile since I'm not sure if direct links work inside a story. I'm also going to add a link to the story description. It's titled "Light at the End of the Snowstorm" and I hope you enjoy it! s/10282837/1/Light-at-the-End-of-the-Snowstorm

See you over there,
