I don't own James Bond, just messing around while I have the chance.

Well, here it is, the end of another fic. I do hope that you will enjoy this chapter. I am still thinking about doing a sequel to this, and would love your thoughts on if I should do so or not.

The Heart in the Storm

Chapter Thirty-One

Eve stood at the airport waiting, James and Q had landed a little while ago and she had volunteered to pick the two of them up and take them to MI6. She watched as they walked towards where she was stood, luggage trailing behind them. Even couldn't help the large smile that formed on her face. James was more relaxed that she had ever seen him, but it was the different in Q that really caused her smile. He looked relaxed; he was no longer the pale and drawn man that had left on the mission. He finally looked healthy, with a slight tan, and the open and relaxed smile on his face was wonderful to see. That wasn't the only thing that she had noted between the two of them. They walked that little bit closer to each other, hands brushing each other teasingly until they locked together, and walked hand in hand.

"Well," she called out softly as they neared her, getting their attention.

"Eve!" Q exclaimed as he looked to her, shook on his face at seeing the young woman.

"I volunteered to come and pick the two of you up. Our lord and master," she joked, "would like a quick run down of what happened and then you both have three more days off before you have to come back in," she told them both, a smile still on her face.

"That was very nice of him," Q muttered, not happy with ever more time off. He was a little eager to get back to work; he wanted to sort out Q-Branch as soon as possible.

Eve led the way out and to her waiting car. They got in and headed to MI6. It didn't take long for all three of them to be seated in M's office with M and Tanner, as James and Q debriefed them on what had happened in Hawaii. Thy told them everything they could remember about the Gallows, both of them knowing they would have to do the same again when it came to writing their reports, over the next day or so.

"You've both done rather well on this joint mission," M said, happy at the success they'd had.

"Yes, though we may be able to use the connection that you have with the Gallows. So make sure that the both of you email and call the two of them on occasions," Tanner said softly as he then looked to them all.

M nodded in agreement, "Yes it could prove useful," he paused for a moment and looked at them, "Why don't the two of you go home and get used to being back in England again, you have three days, before you need to report in."

"Thank you sir, for the consideration, but I would like to come back tomorrow. I need to start sorting out Q-Branch," Q told him straight.

"Very well, though there will be no mission for at least a week for you Bond," he said, he would rather give the young man a little more time off. He had been ill and while he looked fully recovered, he didn't want to take the chance, "Though if you do change your mind, just call in," he added, smiling mainly to Q.

The two nodded and were finally dismissed; Eve took them to Q's apartment at the young man's insistence. Eve quickly left the two alone as they flopped down on the sofa. Q yawned, he hadn't slept well, even though he had been able to drift off on the plane, thanks to James holding him and talking to him softly. It had been two long flights and his worry over them had kept him on edge."

"Come on, let's order something and then go to bed," James suggested as he looked to Q, he could see the tiredness creeping into the warm brown eyes.

Q smiled and nodded, "Yeah, Chicken Tikka sounds good to me if you don't mind. There are menus by the phone in the hallway," he told him, not wanting to get up.

James chuckled as he stood up and placed an order for the two of them. It didn't take long for it to arrive and the two hungry men to eat it all. They fell into bed together an hour later, neither of them thought anything about James being there and not going to his own flat. It just felt right for James to be there with Q.


It had been four days since they had returned and the gossip was flying around MI6, with its usual speed, much to the amusement of M and Eve. Whispers broke out once more as James walked into Q-Branch. It was not unusual to see the man in Q-Branch every day or several times a day, since they had returned. James had taken to go doing so after he finished a work out or a swim.

"Hey Q," he said softly, just in case Q was trying to concentrate. He knew that the younger man could ignore him if need be.

Q turned and smiled, "Afternoon James, how was your swim?" he asked him.

"It was good, though I'm rather looking forward to tonight," he smiled back.

"So am I," he nodded, as he turned back to the console for a few moments to finish up what he was working on.

James stood there watching him work until he was finished, and the two of them walked towards Q's office. They were talking quietly to each as they walked. Smiles on their faces as they went. The minions of Q-Branch watching the two of the closely as the two men walked that little bit closer to each other.

"Did you see that?" one of the minions asked their companion.

"Yeah, I did," she almost squealed out, "Do you think it's all true?"

"Well, neither of them were wearing one when they went away. Now they are wearing matching ones, and there is nothing about Bond having a mission at all during that time," he answered her as the two of them moved a little closer to the office. They hoped they would be able to see something that would either prove or disprove the rumours going around.

"So, 007 and Q are married then," she squealed as she twirled around a couple of times as they reached Q's office and both of them peered through some of the small gaps in the blinds.

"Too cute for words," she smiled more at what she had just witnessed.

"Way too sweet," the other said as he too smiled as they saw the notorious 007 kiss their Quartermaster. Their matching rings shining a little in the light of the room, neither of them had taken them off when they had returned from their top secret mission, and it didn't look like either of them would be doing so any time soon.

Well, there you all go, I do hope that you have enjoyed it. Thank you for all the wonderful reviews, they have kept me writing. I hope you will send me you opinion on if I should do a squeal to this or not. I do have a vague idea for one.