~ ~Diaries~ ~


Sha Yurigami

I saw her, as usual she was biting that idiot for his insensitivity She used to do that with Stiyl I laughed to myself before a feeling of bitterness began to dwell inside of me.

It's been ages since I've last spoken to her.

I missed the hour long talks we had over and over even when neither of us noticed that the night befell us. I missed the way she smiled – a smile reserved only for me-, missed the sound of her voice calling me by my name, the smell of her hair after a sudden rain shower.

I missed the way her eyes sparkled when she so gracefully danced through a flower field -like she did in the Netherlands back then.

I missed her.

But I can only watch her from afar like this.

My hands shook from th emotions tormenting m mind.

She was here in Academy City, protected by Kaamijou Touma. There is no need for me to be here anymore than necessary -no matter how much my heart yearned for her.

What I didn't know then, as I turned around to disappear into the shadows of this city again, was that Index always saw my retreating back.


… … …

Hello it's me again, yes I should update a few of my stories soon, but don't fret I just wanted to get this out as fast as possible, after all this is the one pairing in the Toaru-verse that never and I really mean never was done in fanfiction form as far as I know!

So let us give these two a chance and accompany them on a journey that will open your heart or makes you want to puke in case you're a little against this couple (but considering who it is that wrote this ) and yes I am aware that canon is completely different especially with Index, however it was something I needed to get out and I hope some people will enjoy it for what it is, I try to update daily with short chapters, so stay tuned.

P.s. the plot starts not before the chapter twenty, so if you're new you could just jump to the important parts or take your time enjoying this story like drinking tea leisurely, still thank you for giving this story a chance XD

Yours dear

Sha Yurigami