Miyabi Ouka was dreaming again.

Nowadays she's been dreaming of the same thing. And it's not just any dream. It was some sort of a flashback that happened to her seven years ago. It was late at night, and she's walking home from school all by herself. She heard rustling in the bushes, but she paid it no mind, thinking that it was just something like a cat. But when she turned a corner, she saw it. The most sinister, evil thing she had set her eyes on.

A gray cat-like creature, around five times her size, was standing before her, with its fangs curled up in a snarl and manic green eyes staring at her. A black crystal heart sparkled on its forehead. "Kiiiiiii!" it growled. Miyabi screamed as she ran to the opposite direction, and the creature gave chase. The seven-year-old pink-haired girl dodged trashcans and lampposts along the way, shouting for help until she reached Maizono Park, where she can hide in the jungle gym until the monster goes away. She remembered thinking, Why didnt anyone hear me?

"Ah!" Miyabi toppled over as she tripped over something and landed on a rough patch of gravel. She checked her injured knee, unaware that the monster has finally caught up to her. And when she finally looked up, the monster was baring its fangs, ready to take a bite out of her. Miyabi was about to scream again when -

"Pretty Cure... Cinnamon Shoot!"

A crimson bolt of light pierced the monster's black heart and the monster doubled over with pain before vanishing with a puff of smoke, leaving behind a pastel-green heart-shaped candy. Wh-What was that? Miyabi thought, and just then a girl who looked a couple of years older than her landed on the pavement, her flowing red-orange hair rippling against the cold October wind. She was wearing a weird red costume with black highlights, but to Miyabi, she looked really cool. A bow made out of some dark-red ethereal material vanished into thin air as the girl approached her.

"Are you all right?" the redhead asked, helping Miyabi up to her feet. "Did it hurt you in any way?"

Miyabi was speechless. She could only stare up at the girl, who has deep red eyes that reminded her of wisps of flame. She looked so amazing! she thought. "I-I-I... I'm okay.." She dusted her school uniform, trying to calm herself down.

The redheaded heroine smiled gently. "Okay then. Be careful next time, okay?" The girl then turned around, ready to leave, but Miyabi called out, "H-Hey! Who are you? What's your name!"

Without turning her head, the girl answered, "You can call me... Cure Cinnamon."

And before anything else, Miyabi woke up to the sound of her phone's atrocious ringtone.

"Cure... Cinnamon.." The name of her mysterious protector was finally dredged up from her childhood memories after so many nights. And now that she finally found out, she muttered the name many times to make it stick to her heart. She won't forget Cure Cinnamon any time sure, or so she had hoped. Ever since that incident, there were instances of monster attacks in the neighborhood, only to be calmed down by a mysterious maiden in red.

But.. where did she go? she thought. Sighing, she sat up from her bed and her hand fumbled through the blankets and pillows until she felt her phone. She pulled it out, flipped it open, and answered the call.


"Ouka Miyabiiiiii!" a girl's voice shrilled from the phone, completely waking the pink-haired girl up. "Do you have ANY IDEA how long I've waited before I can call you at the right time? I can't belie-"

"It's still five AM, you idiot!" Miyabi retorted back. "Why'd you call me this early anyway? Isn't it like, evening there in the US?"

"That's not important now," the caller said. "I just want to tell you..."

"Just spit it out, Kei!" Miyabi said impatiently. Until now, Kei still likes being dramatic... she thought.

"...Happy birthday, you giant loser!"

OP 1 - Sweet Start! Precure
Episode 1 - Miyabi's Special Day! The Birth of a Precure!

"Well look who it is! The birthday girl!" Satoru Ouka watched his oldest daughter - now fourteen years old - come down the stairs. "So what would it be, Miyabi? Toast? Pancakes? Blueberry muffins?"

"Do you even have to ask, Dad?" Miyabi's younger sister Rumi said, sniggering. "She'd want to have all them in one table! That's how piggy she is!"

"Honestly Rumi, I'd thought you'd stop teasing me now!" Miyabi sighed as she sat down on the couch next to her sister and suddenly trapped her in a light headlock. "Need I remind you who's the eldest here? Hm?"

"H-Hey! Get your sticky hands offa meeee!" Rumi struggled against her sister. "Daaaaaad! Tell her to cut it out!"

"Miyabi, stop strangling your sister," Satoru said, drinking his coffee and setting his mug on the coffee table. "You two should go get some breakfast now. Your mom and I will be opening the shop in a few moments."

Miyabi let go of her sister and went to the kitchen, where an ULTRA SPECIAL BREAKFAST has been laid out for her. Toast with butter and raspberry jam, pancakes with chocolate syrup, and blueberry muffins were placed on the table, waiting to be devoured. Rumi poured two glasses of orange juice while Miyabi tucked herself in and grabbed a muffin from the bowl.

"Mmmmmm~ Dad's special blueberry muffins are the absolute best!" Miyabi exclaimed, chewing happily. She took a bite of toast and a slice of pancake and downed it all with orange juice. Rumi could only stare at her sister's huge appetite. What a pig, she thought. Where does she hide it all? "Don't forget to swallow, Miyabi-neechan!" she snickered.

Miyabi frowned at her cheeky little sister and gulped. "Hey! You gotta appreciate the food in front of you, you know? And the only way to do it is to eat every last piece!" She drizzled more chocolate syrup on her pancakes and toast while Rumi made a disgusted face.

"You're so gross, Miyabi-neechan!" Rumi frowned, getting up from the table with a muffin on her hand. "I'm going back in my room." Miyabi didn't even acknowledge her sister leaving, and kept on chowing down.

"It's been fifteen years."

A woman in her early twenties sat on a chintz armchair, facing a long ebony table. Her silvery-white hair was mostly swept to the right side of her hair, and her gloved hands were crossed over her chest. She was wearing a long silver dress with a long V-neck that left little to the imagination. "We have waited far too long. We heard nothing from this Cure Cinnamon ever since. What happened?"

She and three other people are on the top of a crumbling tower in a pocket dimension, with the sky eternally swirling with purple and black hues. Such is the despairing beauty of the Anzentou.

"She vanished without a trace, Vanilla-sama," a young man with slicked silver hair said with a smirk, his intelligent blue eyes twinkling behind a pair of glasses . "But do not fret. Ever since her disappearance, it's been easy for us to gather enough Tainted Hearts to power both Sugarland and Earth for a lifetime."

"Yes I know that, Sorell," the woman named Vanilla frowned. "But the Candy Box is in her possession! These Tainted Hearts don't mean anything if we can't even use their full potential! We need to capture her and find the Candy Box as soon as possible!"

At the opposite end of the table, a girl with snow-white hair and bright red eyes grinned. It's as if she's dressed for Halloween everyday, with a floppy witch's hat and a black poofy dress. "Don't worry, Vanilla-sama! I'll find it for you right now!"

"You?" Vanilla glared at the witch. "You think this is a game? If we do not get the Candy Box, then what would -"

"Let her go anyway," said another silver-haired person, this time with a groggy expression on their face. They were wearing fluffy white pajamas. " 'S not like we have anything to do anyway-" The person then slumped over the table, snoozing.

Vanilla sighed. Such incompetence! "Fine. You can go. But you better get something useful out of this."

"All right!" the witch-girl cheered. I'll make Vanilla-sama proud... I have to repay her in some way!

"Ehhh? What do you mean, I can't help out in the shop today?!" Miyabi asked. She's in the kitchen of her family's cakeshop, Heart-shaped Hearts, and she's already put on her apron and tied up her hair. "But I want to work! You gotta let me work, mom! I'm underpaid!"

"What are you talking about, Miyabi?" Ayame Ouka said, rolling a square of dough. "You're never paid to work in here. You just LOVE working here so much that you don't care if you get paid or not. But your father and I decided that since today is your birthday, we want to give you a day off. Deal?"

"Deal?! But I don't wanna stop working! I need more training! I want to be the best patissier there is, like you and dad!" Miyabi whined. It's not fair... why are they giving me a break from work, just because it's my birthday?

"Why don't you go hang out with Shuu-chan for a bit? It's been a while since you saw him, right?" Ayame said. Shuu-chan is just the nickname of Saito Syuusuke, their next door neighbor and Miyabi's childhood friend. "I am not permitting you to work today, all right?" Ayame went on. "This is for your own good."

"But moooooooom!" But there's no use budging her. Miyabi heaved out a sigh as she hung up her apron and left the kitchen. Heart-shaped Hearts is not yet crowded at this time of day, but some people in Amatoshima like to drop by and eat breakfast here sometimes. Some of the customers recognize her and waved at her, and Miyabi returned the gesture. Seeing people's smiles... it makes me feel happy seeing them eat like that! I can still work, but not on the kitchen! I'll go manage the cash register -

"You are not running the cash register either," Rumi said stoically, ringing up an order and counting the change in front of the cash register. "...98, 98, 100. Your change is a hundred yen." She handed the hundred-yen coin to the customer and gave him a paper bag full of chocolate croissants. "Thank you and please come again!" She turned to her sister, who scowled back at her. "Mom said that you can't work today! It's your birthday, you weirdo!"

"I knoooow, but I just wanna make people happy by serving up these delicious food!" Miyabi explained.

"I get you, but do you know what would make people even more happy?" Rumi asked.


"For you to stop bugging me and get a life aside from cooking!" Rumi glared at her older sister.

"Fine fine, I get it!" Miyabi said. "I'm going to the park. Just call me if you need a hand, okay?" After getting a noncommittal nod from her sister, Miyabi opened the front door of the shop (the bell tinkled gently as she did so), and showed herself out of there. What am I going to do...

Eyecatch 1: Miyabi decorates a cake with pink icing, drawing chibified versions of her, Kei, and Mocha. Kei then sneakily grabs a tiny piece of the cake and eats it, while Miyabi sighs and smiles. Kei grins, and the Pretty Cure Season's Delight logo shows up at the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Eyecatch 2: Miyabi and Kei ogles curiously at the Candy Box as Mocha turns the knob over and over. Suddenly the Candy Box opens and out comes a myriad of Sugar Hearts, burying the two girls in them! Miyabi and Kei's heads pop up from among the hearts and laughs. The Pretty Cure Season's Delight logo then shows up at the bottom left corner of the screen.

"Some birthday this is," Miyabi muttered to herself, tossing breadcrumbs at pigeons.

She was seated under one of the hundreds of cherry blossom trees in Maizono Park. She really liked the atmosphere here, as the park is almost covered with trees and life. From the corner of her eye she could see a family of three by the playground, their son enthusiastically climbing up the slide and waving at his parents. She felt a bit wistful while watching them, remembering how she used to hog the slide all for herself when she was little. "I want to work during my birthday! Why didn't they get that?" she groaned.

"Get what ~momo?"

Miyabi turned around, but there was no one in sight. She shrugged and kept on feeding the birds on her lonesome until she ran out of crumbs. "Maaaan, this is so boring! Why can't I do something fun!" She was hoping that someone would come around and stop her from whining, but no one did -

"Oh! I know how you can have fun ~momo!" a little voice said.

Miyabi turned around once more, but there was no one there. "Wh-Who's there?" She stood up to look around.

"I'm right here, ~momo!" The voice came from the bush behind the bench she was sitting on. Miyabi crouched down and looked into the bush to find... a teddy bear. It has golden fur, black beady eyes and a chocolate-brown heart on its chest. It also has the same colored hearts stitched to its paws.

"Oh. It's just a toy," Miyabi said indifferently with a shrug.

"I'm not just a toy, ~momo!" the teddy bear toy suddenly spoke, flailing his paws around. "My name is Mocha, the Knight of Justice ~momo!"

"Aah!" Miyabi gasped, backing away from the bush. "Wh-What? A-A toy can talk?"

"I-I am not a toy!" the toy said indignantly. "I am a knight, you hear me? I come from Sugarland ~momo!"

"S-Sugarland?" Is that a new amusement part or something? Miyabi thought.

"My kingdom is in danger! You have to help me protect this Candy Box, ~momo!" A wooden box then materialized from thin air and landed softly on the grass. It has a knob on the side and a glass lid, and Miyabi can see an engraved heart inside. "Please, I beg you, ~momo! You must be one of the legendary warriors!"

L-Legendary warriors? "Y-You're out of your mind, uh, bear thing!" Miyabi said. Then she saw some patches of dirt on its fur and quickly felt sorry for the little guy. Talking toy or not, this little guy needs to be taken care of, Miyabi thought. It's as if he's been in that bush for a long time... "Hey... Why don't you let me treat you to some food at my place? I can get you cleaned up too!" This will give me an excuse to visit the shop today! she thought sneakily. Though I have to explain to my folks why I'm playing house with a talking teddy bear that I found in the park...

"I.. wh-what? You'd really do that, ~momo?" the bear said. "Well I have been out for a while and I just woke up from a nap in that bush so... sure, I guess!"

"Great! Then you can tell me more about this Sugarland and Candy Box thingies while we eat!" Miyabi said, cradling the bear plush in her hands. "So what's your favorite food?"

"Hmmmm... I seem to have forgotten, ~momo," the bear named Mocha said. "But don't worry, ~momo! The people at Sugarland have very huge appetites, so we basically like any sweet food!"

"Oooh, Sugarland sounds like my kind of place then!" Miyabi grinned as she ran towards her bike. As she and Mocha pedaled off, the white-haired witch girl smiled to herself as she sat daintily on her flying broomstick. "So the Candy Box is in that bear's possession?" she mused to herself. "Interesting!"

"Ah! Mocha! Thank you for waiting!" Miyabi said, entering her own bedroom with a plate of takoyaki in her hands. "My parents won't let me in the shop for today, so I got you some takoyaki instead! Hope you don't mind."

Mocha was lying down on the star-shaped carpet, feeling snug in the pink towel that Miyabi gave him. "Takoyaki? What's that, ~momo?" he asked.

"It's basically octopus rolled up into a ball with some dough and drizzled with sauce!" Miyabi said cheerfully, setting the plate down in front of the bear. Mocha blinked at it and grabbed a toothpick in his little hands. "We rarely have seafood in Sugarland, though..." he said before spearing the toothpick on one of the balls and taking a bite out of it. He slowly chewed, determining the flavor and texture of this exotic treat.


"Hm?" Miyabi faced him. "How was it? Is it good?"

"It's... SUPER AMAZING!" Mocha exclaimed, its beady eyes glinting as he shoveled more takoyaki into his little mouth. "It's nothing like the food back in Sugarland, ~momo!"

Miyabi smiled and took a seat in front of him. "So tell me about this Sugarland place. Is it a new amusement park or something?"

"No way, ~momo!" Mocha swallowed. "Sugarland is this amazing place where clouds are made of cotton candy and there are rivers made of cranberry juice and deserts with pepper instead of sand ~momo! It's a really nice place to live in, ~momo!"

"But why did you run away?" Miyabi asked. "Didn't you say that your land is in dange-"

"Miyabi-neechan!" Rumi called out as she knocked on the door, interrupting the conversation between the two. "Mom needs you in the shop now!"

"Ah yes, finally!" Miyabi got up from the floor. "Wanna come with me? I'll show you where I usually hang out!"

"Sure, ~momo!" Mocha nodded. Miyabi picked him up again and walked out of the room and down the stairs. I hope no one will ask where I got this talking bear plush, she thought. Hey! I can just say that I got him as a present from a classmate that I happened to bump into at the park! You're a genius, Ouka Miyabi!

Rumi led the way to the front entrance of the shop, opening the door for her sister. "Come on, hurry," she said. The shop seemed to be closed today, but why?

"What's the rush, sis?" Miyabi asked. Unless...

Rumi pushed Miyabi into the dark shop and followed her inside. Miyabi groped the wall for the lightswitch to flick the lights on, and -


It was a surprise! The neighbors are cheering and whooping at the birthday girl, and Syuusuke even made it! "Sorry I just arrived, squirt, but you know how it is!" he said with a playful grin, which made Miyabi blush slightly. Her mom and dad were beaming proudly at her, carrying a two-tiered chocolate cake with fourteen candles on it. "Make a wish, sweetie!" they both said.

Miyabi was so elated. And meanwhile Mocha couldn't help but be awed at this spectacle, with his mouth agape at all the colorful balloons and confetti, and a great selection of food on a long table! Everyone was too hyped to notice the sentient toy anyway.

"Thank you, everyone!" Miyabi said, almost tearing up with sheer joy. Now I know why my parents didn't let me in the shop for today... They must have worked so hard on this! "I just want to -"

"Come on, squirt! Blow the candles so that we can chow down already!" Syuusuke yelled, accompanied with some giggles from the crowd. Shuu-chan has a bigger appetite than me, Miyabi thought with a pout. She faced the cake and made a wish. But what wish should I make? Oh man oh man, I'm not ready for this after all! she panicked in her head. All right! I wish that -

"Eh? What's this?" An unfamiliar voice rang through the crowd. Everyone turned around to find the strangely-dressed girl with white hair, who looked the same age as Miyabi. "There's a party and I'm not invited? What a shame~"

The crowd started to react, asking whether they know this girl. "Who are you?" Rumi asked.

"Me? Oh, my name is Anise! Don't you forget that, okay? Because I am going to make this party even more exciting!" She took off her witch's hat and inserted her hand in it, retrieving a black-and-red wand. "Come forth, Tainted Heart!"

All of a sudden, Syuusuke fell unconscious and a black crystalline heart emerged from his chest and hovered towards Anise's hand. This is the point where everyone panicked and ran out of the shop, save for Miyabi and Rumi. "Now, Kigiki! Let's go!" Anise pointed her wand at Miyabi's birthday cake, and the Tainted Heart floated towards the cake and went inside it. The cake shone brightly, and when the light disappeared, a creature made out of cake with eyes made of icing and legs made out of iced roses. The black heart appears on its forehead as it let out a guttural growl. "Kiiiiiiiiiiiii!"

Miyabi's eyes widened. W-Wait.. that roar.. sounds familiar...

"M-Miyabi!" Mocha yelled, snapping the girl out of her thoughts. "Those are the things that destroyed Sugarland, ~momo! They're called the Kigiki!"

"Now surrender the Candy Box to me, and there won't be any other casualties!" Anise announced. "Come on, just give it to me! And then I'll be on my way~" There was an childlike tone in her voice that Miyabi did not like at all.

"Miyabi-neechan! We have to get out of here!" Rumi pulled on her older sister's arm. But Miyabi was unresponsive... "Miyabi-neechan!" Rumi shouted, tears running down her frightened face.

"Rumi!" Miyabi suddenly spoke. "Go get help! I'll try to handle this!"

"But Miya-"

"Now!" Miyabi barked. Rumi hesitated, then put down her hand and ran out of the door. Miyabi-neechan, she thought.

"Being brave, I see~" Anise smirked. "Well let's see where that bravery of yours can take you! Kigiki, attack!" With another roar, the Kigiki flailed its candle-arms around, ruining the desserts display. Miyabi was able to dodge his arms anyway as she tried to protect Mocha in her arms as well.

"M-My red velvet cake!" Miyabi stammered. "I spent all week perfecting the batter!" She glared and went up to the monster, pointing her finger at him. "Hey! It's bad enough that you have to crash my birthday party, scared the living daylights out of my guests, AND destroying one-half of this shop! But when you destroy one of my cakes, you have gone too far, my friend!"

"Aww? But it's just some stupid cake," Anise scoffed. "What's so important about it anyway?"

"What's so important? Don't be ridiculous!" Miyabi retorted. "Those cakes... I really worked hard to make them... They made people smile! My parents worked hard for this party to be possible because they love me so much! The reason why I want to become a patissier is to make people happy by tasting my creations! And I won't let you get away with this!" Cure Cinnamon won't be here to protect me from this thing... I have to be brave today! she thought.

Meanwhile Mocha was staring up at her, amazed. "M-Miyabi..."

"Ahahaha! Human dreams are so shallow," Anise said, rolling her eyes. "Kigiki! Just finish her off!" she commanded. "Gikiiiiii!" it yelled shrilly as it raised its candle-arm and swung down hard at Miyabi; Miyabi tried to dodge but she came up short and fell down hard on the floor. She looked up and saw the candle going down to hit her and-

A sudden flash of light burst out from Miyabi's chest and threw the Kigiki out of balance. "Kiiiiiiiiii!" it shouted, shielding its eyes. "What's going on?!" Anise asked, but even Miyabi did not know what happened. And then a pink heart-shaped candy came out from her chest, floating idly in front of her. "Wh-What's...?" Her phone also floated out from her pocket and it shone as well; and when the light dissipated there's a tiny heart-shaped mark on top of the keyboard, small enough for a -

"Th-that's your Sugar Heart, ~momo!" Mocha jumped off from her arms. "Could it be... Yes! It is! Y-You're the one, ~momo!"

"M-Me?" Miyabi turned to look at the monster. It was momentarily disoriented. "Wh-What am I?"

"You're one of the legendary warriors, the Pretty Cure!" Mocha cheered.

Miyabi's eyes widened, and all of a sudden she got a flashback from the dream she had this morning.

"Ah!" Miyabi toppled over as she tripped over something. She checked her injured knee, unaware that the monster has finally cornered her. And when she finally looked up, the monster was baring its fangs, ready to take a bite from her. Miyabi was about to scream again when -

"Pretty Cure... Cinnamon Shoot!"

"Cure Cinnamon... is a Pretty Cure..." Miyabi muttered. Just then she finally knew what to do. And with that, she placed her Sugar Heart on the heart-shaped hole on her phone and yelled, "Precure... Sweet Shining!"

The interior of the cafe has disappeared and she's floating in pink and purple light. She spun around, emitting sparkling pink light as she twirled. Her pink overalls disappeared and was replaced with a pink leotard, then a ruffled skirt with purple ribbons appeared around her waist. She placed her hand on her chest, and a purple collar bearing a small heart-shaped gem materialized near the collar, together with a pair of white bands with pink zigzagged lines on her wrists. Tapping her feet together produces pink heels with ribbons crisscrossing up the white knee-socks and ending into bows. Her hair was unraveled from the bun, separating into two curly pigtails and adorning itself with ribbons underneath two star-shaped clips.

She stopped twirling and landed softly on her heels. She somehow felt different, as if a more confident entity has possessed her to say, "The sweet taste of spring, Cure Taffy!" as she struck a pose. She's back in the shop again, with Anise looking very surprised and Mocha jumping up and down with joy.

Miyabi looked at her getup, raising her legs up to see her new shoes. And all she could say was, "Wh-What... is going on.."

ED 1 - Dream Of You

On the next episode!
Miyabi: Cure Taffy? Pretty Cure...? Mocha, what's happening?
Mocha: You're one of the legendary warriors, ~momo! Like a superhero, in your world!
Miyabi: I don't think I can understand that either.. eh? A superhero? That reminds me! Mocha, do you know someone named Cure Cinnamon?
Mocha: She sounds familiar... Ah yes! I remember!
Miyabi: Next time on Pretty Cure Season's Delight - I Can Do this! Miyabi's Super Training! D-Do I really have to train...