Vanellope had fallen in love with Rancis. King Candy could see it all too plainly. It was clear that he felt the same way about her. Neither was willing to admit it, however. She was a princess, and he was just a lowly racer. They came from two completely different worlds. Rancis reasoned that they'd never end up together, no matter how much they loved each other.
Vanellope knew now that her father was right. She enjoyed being in love. After each date with Rancis, he'd walk her home and she'd kiss him goodnight. Their love for each other only grew and grew as the months passed. Eventually, Rancis came to realize that Vanellope was the one for him. He then became determined to propose to her.
The next night, Rancis led Vanellope on a scavenger hunt. At the end of the hunt, she found herself on a tall hill in Sugar Rush. The sun was just beginning to set. As she gazed out over the plains, stunned by the beauty of the sunset, she noticed that Rancis had disappeared. She frantically started looking around for him, until she heard a voice. "Vanellope! Down here!" it said. She looked down, and there was Rancis, holding an open ring box. "Vanellope, I have loved you for a very long time. I know now that my love for you is as big as the Sugar Rush castle. Vanellope von Schweetz, will you marry me?" he said. Vanellope quickly responded, "YES!" A few months later, Rancis married Vanellope.