
disclaimer: I do not own Agents of S.h.e.i.l.d, I only own the OC :(



Chapter 1

"Yes Sir...I understand Sir... I have an idea to where she might go...I'll have Agent May head straight for Tampa once we've dropped the 0-8-4 off at the sandbox...I will sir." Director Fury hung up on Agent Coulson. Heading over to his drinks cabinet and poured himself a large scotch. Downing it in one he poured himself another. Going back over to his desk he rummaged through the bottom drawer of his desk looking for a photo frame he kept well hidden in there. The picture in the frame made him smile. Things before he 'died' seemed so much similar especially with the people in the photograph. He knew that his lay was going to bite him back on the ass one day and that had finally came true. The next couple of days for him where going to be hell for him.

The team was currently on their way to the Sandbox to deliver a 0-8-4 they had picked up in the Alps. They were 3 hours away from landing at the sandbox then it was another 7 hour flight to Tampa so they would be on Tampa until late after-noon the next day. That didn't please Coulson too much but they had to go to the Sandbox first. Once Coulson had spoken with May he was going to be making a call to Agent Aaron Keating to demand answers from him. Thinking of Agent Melinda May made him shudder she was going to kill him. So in the past 5 minutes two of his lies had managed to come back on him. Pressing the palms of his hands into his eyes, he left his office to deliver the bad news to Melinda. The team were in the kitchen having dinner, which he was about to start before Fury called. Everyone look up at Coulson as he walked into the kitchen.

"Do we have another mission, AC?" Skye asked. Coulson stood in the door way giving most of his eye contact to May.

"Not quite. Melinda, I need a word." May nodded and left the kitchen.

FitzSimmons, Ward and Skye all looked at each other with the same puzzling look on their faces. It wasn't normal to debrief May on a mission without telling the whole team at the same time.

"What do you think that was about?" Skye was the first one to break the silence between them.

"Whatever it's about didn't look good. Did you see Coulson's face, it was like he had seem a ghost." Fitz replied.

"Whatever it's about is none of our business." Ward said.

Skye rolled her eyes, "Well I'm not just going to sit here and wait for them to come back and maybe tell us, I'm going to find out what it was about myself."

"Skye don't, Ward is right it's none of our business. If they want to tell us then they will tell us." Simmons told Skye.

"Come on Jemma, aren't you just a little bit curious to find out what they are talking about."

"Of course but I'm not about to eavesdrop on their private conversation."

"Fine then stay here but if I find out anything interesting I'm not going to tell any of you." With that Skye left the kitchen. Fitz didn't hesitate in following Skye. It took another couple of seconds for Jemma to follow them. Ward only followed then because if Skye was to hear anything interesting he would never hear the end of so he might as well take that possibility away from her.


Neither May or Coulson said a word as they made their way up to Coulson's office. As May followed Coulson, she thought about what he wanted to talk to her about. She knew it couldn't be case related because he would have told the rest of the team at the same time. She thought it could be personal but that opened way too many door for her. However when it came to personal, she could only think of one thing that would have Coulson behaving the way he was. Coulson closed his office door behind may and went to sat on the edge of his desk then gestured for May to take a seat in the chair in front of him. May continued to stand with her arm crossed.

"Please take a seat, please Mel." Coulson pleaded so May slowly took a seat. Coulson's behaviour was scaring May now and it took a lot to scare her. Coulson stared at May trying to find the right words but they weren't coming to him.

"Phil you're starting to scare me. What this about?" May reached forward resting her hand in his.

"It's…It's…"He struggled with his words. Why did he have to be the one to deliver this to May he kept thinking over and over again, "It's about Bethany." Coulson finally reviled to May.

"What do you mean? What's happened?" Tears slowly trickled down her cheeks.

"All I know is that she ran way and nothing else." He hated seeing May cry.

"Why don't you know anything else! SHE OUR DAUGHTER FOR CHRIST SAKE!"


Please tell me what you think about this chapter and if you would like me to continue with the story

