Thief of Hearts

(Chapter Four: Playing With Fire)

The sun was shining and birds were singing outside the bedroom window as Regina opened her eyes. She nestled her head in against her husband's chest soaking in the warmth and safety of his strong arms. Until Robin had entered her life, she had never felt like this before. She never knew she could beloved like this and never thought she deserved to.

But now, laying here in the golden sun, with nothing between them but the thin white sheet, she couldn't imagine her life any other way. Robin stirred a little and Regina laughed feeling their infant moving wildly inside her. He cleared his throat and opened his eyes to stare up at the ceiling.

"I think this kid is practicing karate this morning," she said raising to kiss him as she held his hand against her belly. "And I think I might need a little more of what I got last night," she purred against his ear in her sexiest voice.

Much to her surprise, Robin darted out of the bed and shot across the room.

"What's wrong?" Regina asked trying hard not to be offended as he scrambled to pick up his shirt from the floor and hold it over his waist to cover himself.

"Look, I….I don't know what happened last night, but…"

"You didn't have that much wine," she said defensive.

Regina's eyes widened as she watched the look of shock on his face.

"You really don't remember, do you?" she asked.

"Ma'am, I am sorry…." He stuttered. "I don't remember anything that happened last night."

She watched as he raised the shirt from his lap and looked under it.

"I guess it is safe to assume that we…." He stared at her with crazy eyes.

"Yes," Regina said holding the sheet against her body.

"I don't usually do things like this," he said scratching the back of his head. "Was I drinking?"

"You had some wine."

"My head is killing me."

"I can get you some aspirin," she said turning to climb naked from the bed and pulling her robe from the chair across the room.

His eyes followed her across the room and he couldn't help but admire the curves of her body. In the bathroom she opened the medicine cabinet and stood on her toes, stretching to reach the bottle in the back on the top shelf.

"You're gonna have a baby?" he noted.

"Well, not today. Not for a few more weeks," she said with a smile smoothing her hand over her belly. "Is that why you're acting so weird? You're nervous about the baby coming soon? It is natural to be nervous," she said handing him the pills and a glass of water as he looked up at her from the floor. "You've never been a father before. Except for being around Henry this past year…" she smiled again. "You are great with him and he loves you. You're going to be great with this baby too, Robin, I just know it. This is our miracle," she said putting his palm against her abdomen to feel the baby kicking inside, "our dream come true."

Robin's eyes widened as he stood up shaking his head.

"Look, ma'am, I am not sure what all went on last night. But I do know that it was awfully recent for that to be mine," he gulped pointing at her baby bulge.

He stood up from the floor, hopping around in a circle as he pulled on his pants.

"I have no idea how I even got here," he mumbled looking around the room in a daze. "You are a very beautiful woman. And I am sure that whatever happened between us last night was amazing. I really do wish I could remember the details. But I can't be a father for your children. You don't even know me."

"Wha….this isn't funny," she said with. "Where are you going?" she asked with tears beginning to fall.

"I'm sorry," he said walking turning to leave.

Regina threw herself against the bedroom door blocking his exit.

"No, don't go! Please, don't go," she pleaded with him. "If we can just talk about this, I am sure we can fix it."

"Miss," he said lowering her hand from his chest and staring into her eyes, "I am sure your husband will be home soon. I think it'd be best if I wasn't here when he returns."

Regina drew a staggered breath as she tipped her head and stared at him with questions in her eyes. She pressed her lips together and searched his soul for a hint of that spark Robin had always held for her, but it was no longer there.

"You are my husband," she said softly.

He stared at her as his breathing became short and rapid.

"I know I forgot a lot about last night, but I am sure I would have remembered getting married. This has to be some kind of mistake."

"No, I can prove it," she gasped reaching aside to hand him their wedding photo from the night stand beside the bed.

"This can't be," he replied studying the picture and looking very confused. "Surely I would remember a wife and a baby."

He could see the hurt and disappointment in her eyes as she stared at him.

"You honestly don't remember?" she whispered with tears streaming down her face.

He shook his head and stared at the photograph in his hand.

"I don't even know your name," he said softly raising his eyes to focus on hers.

She couldn't hold it together any longer. She her breath was short and shallow as she began to cry harder.

"What have I done?" she gasped putting one hand under her belly.

"Like I said, I am really sorry. I just…I am just very confused. I have no idea what is going on here."

"It was the potion," she whispered softly. "Something must have gone terribly wrong."

"Maybe you should sit down," he suggested, helping her to the edge of the bed.

Regina watched as he picked up the glass she had handed him and filled it once again with water.

"Regina," she said softly as he turned to face her once more. "My name is Regina. That photo was taken just over a year ago on our wedding day. It was the happiest day of both our lives. And this baby," she said forcing a smile, "we started trying to conceive that night. It took a few months, but it happened. We agreed that we wanted a big family, three or four more," she said rubbing her hands over the bump.

Robin watched her carefully, noticing she had calmed once more and her breathing had returned to normal.

"I should go," feeling inappropriate about waking up naked in bed with a pregnant woman he couldn't even remember marrying.

Regina looked at him with worried eyes.

"No, please don't leave me."

"I have a lot of things to figure out," he continued. "But you are going to be fine," he assured her.

He stood, handing her the frame containing their wedding photo, then leaned forward and gently kissed her forehead.

"I wish you well, madam."

Regina could feel her heart in the pit of her stomach as she watched him walk out the door. She watched out the bedroom window as he disappeared down the street. That was it. He was really gone, he had really left her sitting here all alone.

She knew she had to think of a plan, but right now she was too distraught. Right now, the only thing she could bring herself to do was cry. So that is exactly what she did. Falling back into the bed against the sea of sheets and pillows that smelled like him, Regina broke down and cried.