Disclaimer: I do not own The Legend of Korra.

A Proposition- Chapter 1
Lin had received a call at three in the morning, her phone ringing on the bedside table. She picked up.
"Chief here." She mumbled. It was one of her lieutenants on the other end.
"Chief, I have an incident report and witness that you may be interested in."
Lin sighed.
"And this couldn't wait until morning because..?"
"Miss Sato was attacked by the Triple Threats and requests an audience with you."
"I'll be there in twenty minutes." She hung up the phone, and got out of bed. She changed out of her night wear into her police uniform, grabbed her keys and left her apartment.

She arrived at the station, looking slightly disheveled, her hair sticking out in odd places. Lin walked into her office where a tired Asami Sato sat in a chair in front of her desk.

"I received a call that you were assaulted by the Triple Threat Triad," Lin sat at her desk, turning on the desk lamp next to her. "You weren't harmed were you? I'm not sure why you requested me to talk to."

"No, not badly at least. I came here to talk to you about the Triple Threats." Asami looked up from the floor as she spoke.
"I'm sure you know about the sting operation that Mako and I did. Well, as payment for the extra man power to run the operation, I offered my top line Satomobiles."

"Not a smart move young lady. And now you can be associated firmly with the triads." Lin retorted.

"Let me finish. I didn't pay them because they double crossed us. And now they want me to still give them the vehicles that we had previously agreed on." Asami explained.
"And you requested to talk to me because...?" Lin raised an eyebrow.
"I have an offer to make you. I understand that the Republic City Police Force has been having budget problems concerning their transportation. I can give your force new Satomobiles."

"What's in it for you?"

"Be my body guard. At least until the Triple Threats are caught."
Lin almost laughed. Asami Sato's body guard?
"And why exactly did you choose me of all people? I already have a busy job. I can't just stop being chief and let the city fall apart while you run away from your own problems." Lin's brow furrowed.

"Just here me out. You can also use me to get to the Triple Threats. And who else is better at catching thugs than Chief Lin Beifong?"
Lin thought for a moment, looking down at her desk.

"You are right about the budget problems, and our frustrating inability to properly catch the Triple Threats in action. I will have to hand my position to my first captain if I do this, and I know that President Raiko will not be pleased." Lin paused. "I'll do it, but it's risky. I don't want you getting hurt."

"That's why you'll be my body guard." Asami replied. She stood up.
"Meet me this afternoon at the Sato Mansion and we can set up the arrangements."

"I hope you know what you're doing Miss Sato, I'm not the most pleasant security personnel to be around." Lin stood up as well, leading the heiress out the office double doors.