I own nothing!

Okay. I want to get this out of the way before anything. Guest, or whoever the hell you are, sorry if my story does not live up to your expectations. Whatever. I am not trying to make the characters OOC on purpose or anything. I did not search up every little thing about them to get a better grasp on their characters okay? I'm not an expert on them, and I have only seen Captain America, Thor, and tiny bits of the other movies. I'm trying to make everyone like their character as much as possible.

As for Naruko getting knocked out with a dart, she's still human! I'm not making her God!like or anything. Even powerful ninjas get defeated by the simplest things. And haven't you heard of imagination? She doesn't have to be defeated by the most powerful weapons possible.

I'm not trying to act like a bitch, but I just got a tiny bit angry.

Fury let Naruko continue telling the shinobi the plan and what is expected of them. "We do not want any civilians hurt or killed in the attack, so try to keep the fight in the air or finish it quickly. This world does not have chakra and causing innocent deaths is something we don't want. Be prepared at any time."

"Loki is in our custody, but we have to be wary of any thing he might do." Fury said.

"If you already have the man in custody, what's the issue?" Sakura asked.

"The issue Haruno, is that he has the cube, where, we don't know, but as long as that cube is missing and he still has an army, we are in trouble."

Gaara cleared his throat. "Do you know where the fight will be?"

Naruko shook her head. "Dr. Banner and Stark have been trying to locate where the cube is. It could be anywhere on the planet."

"Why does this Loki want to attack this world?" Shikamaru asked.

"He wants to rule the planet and become our ruler. I believe we are done." Naruko said the last part to Fury, waiting for his approval.

Fury nodded. "Yes, Agent Hill will escort you to your room where you'll be staying at. You are dismissed."

"Come on Bruce, Tony, let's go back to the lab." Naruko stood up and began walking to the door. "Kurama...You gonna come or you good?"

"I'm good." He replied, standing up.

"Naruko!" Kakashi called, "We need to talk."

"Actually, Uzumaki. I need you here." Fury interrupted. Naruko scowled, but went back to Fury's side.

Kakashi stepped forward, stubborn. "Please Naruko. Can we talk after?"

"I am a busy woman, Hatake." She replied, not sparing him a glance.


"Leave Hatake." She turned to him, hardening her gaze.

Kurama neared, eyeing Kakashi. "You heard her."

Sai came and led Kakashi towards the rest of shinobi.

"Hey kitten, we're still meeting up later right?" Tony shouted.

Naruko's eyebrow twitched. "Permission to shoot him sir?"

"As hilarious as that would be, I can not grant that. We need him."

"After this then?"

"Possibly." Fury smirked.

"Here that Tony? After all this, I'm hunting you down." She gave a fox-like grin.

Tony fidgeted and pushed Bruce along. "Never mind."

"Follow me please. Try to memorize the path." Hill said, already heading to the dorms.

After the room was empty sans agents, Fury talked to Naruko. "I want you to keep a close eye on them. You know what they do, and I am not in the mood if they mess up."

Naruko nodded. "Alright. Although, don't blame me if they provoke me to do something drastic."

"Naruko. I know why you are acting like this, and honestly, I don't care; this is a mission. Leave your emotions behind until we deal with Loki. After that, do whatever you want with them. This is not the time or place to hold grudges. Do you understand me?"

Naruko clenched her teeth. "I understand."

Fury stared at her before walking away. "Good. Keep it that way."

Naruko decided to leave Bruce and Tony alone for a while, heading down to the training room.

She changed into more casual clothing and set up a punching bag. She abused the bag with her kicks and punches, letting out some of the pent up frustration she had since the shinobi arrived.

In the end, it seemed Sakura will always choose Sasuke's side, no matter how much the evidence is piled up.

She scoffed, throwing a roundhouse kick at the bag.

Light footsteps rang out in the room, and Naruko slowly stopped her training. It was a Kunoichi, by the sound of her steps and how they purposely let their feet make noise. She couldn't recognize the chakra, but it was faintly familiar.


Ah, so it was Anko.

Naruko stayed silent, walking over to the bench by the wall, grabbing a water bottle. She took a long drink before answering.

"What do you want?"

Anko approached her but kept her distance, giving her space. "Nothing, I just want to talk." At Naruko's pointed look she elaborate. "Look, it's been years since I've last seen you. How have you been doing?"

Naruko eyed Anko warily. "Good."

Anko resisted the urge to sigh. She sat down on the bench, observing her body. "You definitely changed. Where's all the orange?"

Looking at her outfit, there was no orange in sight. Everything was gray, red, black, and blue now.

Naruko shrugged. "I'm not a child anymore. I still love orange, but I'm not going to go running around in neon orange." The only reason she wore the eye-burning outfit was because she wanted everyone to know she existed, that she wasn't invisible. Now out of Konoha, she didn't need to do that. People here acknowledged her.

"...And you have no trouble controlling the Kyuubi?" Anko asked, genuinely curious. The council had asked (more like ordered) her to find anything she could about the demon. The last thing she wanted to do was do what those bastards asked of her, but you couldn't blame her for wanting to know something about the Kyuubi.

"Is that why you came here? To weasel information out of me?" Naruko snarled. Maybe she should have taken the army by herself. "He's under control, but if you don't get the hell out of here, he'll be making a visit real soon."

"No, wait. I only want to get to know you better, that all-"

"What, so you can go back to your superiors and tell them everything you learned?" She stood up, clenching her fists.

"Stop being so defensive! Not everyone has a ulterior motive." Anko retorted, standing up as well.

Naruko paused. "Oh yeah? Cause that's the first thing I learned in Konoha."


"Yes, exactly what I said. Everybody wants something out of me. People aren't 'willingly' nice to me. They use me and they toss me away. I can count one hand the people who actually care about me from Konoha. Stop trying to get my guard down to spill my secrets, okay? It's not going to work on me."

"Who said anything about me deceiving you?" Anko questioned. "I may not been there for you, I get it, but I know how you feel."

Naruko narrowed her eyes. "And how would you know?"

"Because I went through the same thing. I'm sure you know how I was a good little minion for the snake bastard? Yeah, once I get back to the village, everyone's treating me like I could snap any minute. Parents leading their children away, people eyeing me every damn second. Just like they did to you."

Sitting back down, Naruko slowly calmed down.

"So now what? You want to make a club?"

Anko rolled her eyes. "No. I'm just saying I'm on your side. Konoha's a bitch."

Naruko smirked. "We're people glad I left?"

"Yeah. Few celebrated. Tsunade went on a rampage though, trying to find you when she woke up."

Naruko blinked in surprise. "Well then, I think that's enough chit-chat for today. Better get back to my room."

"Naruko? Who is Kurama? He had the same whisker marks as you." Anko asked. There was hardly any resemblance between the two other than the whiskers they both held, but one thing that unnerved Anko, was that Kurama had the same eyes as the Kyuubi. She didn't know what to think.

The young ex-shinobi paused as she got her things. "Kurama is...my best friend."

Without another word, Naruko left Anko to her thoughts.

Naruko closed her eyes as she meditated, letting her senses take over.

Deep breath. In. And out. In. And out.


"You know Bruce, if you want to ask me something, don't just stare at me." Naruko teased.

The slight intake of breath let her know she surprised him.

"Um, ah...sorry." He apologized.

She opened her eyes and stared at the slightly awkward scientist before her. She raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"Oh, I just wanted to ask how were you doing. It must be hard seeing people from your past again." Bruce hesitantly sat down in front of her, crossing his legs.

Naruko let herself think about what he said. It wasn't really that hard seeing them, but all that anger came bubbling up at once. She wouldn't let it cloud her mission however. Even if it felt good to put them in their place and yell at them, stopping Loki and Sasuke, and getting Clint back was the most important thing right now. Allowing Konoha to make her lose sight of the mission would be unacceptable. Only after this was all done, then she can have good release of her anger, and after, chuck them back to where they came from.

"I suppose. It went better than I suspected."

"What did you think was going to happen?"

"A fight. Me having to beat someone to the ground." Naruko stated bluntly.

Bruce chuckled nervously, not knowing if she was joking.

He looked down to his hands, playing with his glasses. "Naruko...I thought a lot about what you said in the lab the other day. About me turning my curse into a gift if I wanted to."

Naruko smiled, encouraging him to go on.

"I...I want to tame the other guy. I want to be in control." He stared straight into her eyes, keeping hold of them.

Naruko said nothing.

Finally, she clapped and squealed in joy.

Bruce looked at her strangely.

"Yes! We can finally get this show on the road!" She got to her knees and semi-crawled to him.

Grabbing his hands, she leaning towards him with a gleam in her eye.

Bruce instinctively leaned back, a little voice in the back of his head wondering as to what he was getting into.

A/N: I am so sorry my little followers! I have not updated in forever!

Life is a bitch right now. My classes were starting to overwhelm me and getting stuff ready for my 15 is stressful! It's in like a month and I can feel the panic setting in!

Plus, I am to blame. I have had some free time, but you know what has stopped me from writing? My laziness, reading, tumblr, writing other stories, writers block, and other stuff.

I have also become a Potterhead so, yeah, new reading material.

Anyways, I hope you guys like this chapter, I'll try to get my creative juices flowing.

I might not have a chance to update at all until after November 22, so I am sorry in advance! :(

I love you all! Thanks for staying with me, I know I can be so difficult!