Anna was in the royal library, looking for a book to consume her. It was a raining hard, and on days like this, Anna often found herself cozied up near a fire with a novel. Today, however, she was having the hardest time finding a book that looked appealing to her. Anna pursed her lips at the titles in front of her. Deciding none were worth her while, the petite princess grabbed the nearly two-story ladder from the end of the bookcase she was at and brought it more towards the middle. She climbed up a few bars and continued her search.

"Why do we even have bookshelves this tall?" Anna grumbled to herself as she climbed higher. "Wouldn't it be better to just have everything where we could reach it?" Before she realized it, Anna had reached the top of the ladder and was about to climb back down before a book caught her eye.

It wasn't a new book. It was rather plain, just black leather-bound with pealing gold letters on the spine. That's actually what set it apart; almost all the other books in the library were impeccably kept and colorful. Anna grabbed the book and, after nearly plunging to her death, made her way back down the ladder. She slammed the cumbersome book on one of the tables littered about and examined the front cover trying to discern the title. After she'd squinted at it for a while, Anna shrugged and flipped the book open at random.

"What language is this?" Anna flipped through a few more pages. "I mean, come one! What does this even say?" She held the book closer to her face. "S týmito slovami…som prepravený z tohto sveta…Nájdem môj osud dnes večer…budem si ten, ktorý sa hodí tak akurát."

A wind swept through the library, ruffling the pages of the open books. "What the-Ahh!" Anna cried as the wind caught her skirt and pushed it a little too high.

Kristoff had been strolling past the royal library looking for Anna when he heard her squeal. He doubled back quickly and pushed the heavy doors open. His curiosity was met with Anna being lifted off the ground, struggling against an unseen force to hold her dress down. "Anna!" he yelled, and, without hesitation, darted into the room and grabbed her ankle, the part of her closer to the ground. He looked up at her face, which looked rather flushed. Before Kristoff could comment, her skirt flapped in front of his face. By the time Anna regained control of her dress, both of them were beet red.

Without warning, the wind that had pulled Anna up blew more intensely, drawing Kristoff up as well. Then, with a puff of smoke, the pair disappeared.