So. Um, hi there.

First of all, I want to apologize for the lack of me writing. I've had a hellish year so far, with a huge ass standardize test I have to pass in order to graduate next year, I've been fighting with my parents so much, college choosing and robots. So yeah. I've been kinda busy.


Previously on Please Don't Leave Me-

Ryan blinked for a few minutes, trying to rid himself of the memory that he tried to hide. He didn't see Castle walk to him, or feel his hand on his shoulder, trying to get his attention.

The writer had concern written on his features, but when he couldn't get Ryan's attention, he got even more worried. The minute his hand touched Ryan's shoulder, the younger man flinched violently, and tried to get away from the hand on his shoulder. But he didn't get very far, as he collapsed in the writers' arms.

"Hey Beckett? Little help here?"

"Detective Beckett? Where are we on finding out what made Ryan collapse?" The senior detective tore her eyes away from the murder board, where the crime scene photos were tapped up along with Ryan's photo next to it.

"Lab results came back on the blood found on the scene; still waiting on Ryan's blood work though," Beckett said as her boss nodded.

"Who's blood is at the scene? Are they in the system?" Gates asked. Beckett nodded, almost jumping into her answer when Castle walked up, his phone in hand.

"Ryan woke up."

Gates looked at the cop. "Talk to him."

Once they go to the hospital, a doctor wearing a white lab coat walked up to them before they had even reached the nurses desk. Even in her 3-inch heels, the doctor still towered over Beckett, which made her feel weird. She was used to towering over people, not the other way around.

"Doctor…", she started before trailing off, not knowing his name.

"Just call me James", was all he said before Beckett went on.

"Jimmy-Jim good for you doc? What about Jummy-Jim?" Castle said. Beckett glared at him.

"OK, Doctor James. How is he?" Beckett interrupted Castle's rambling.

"Do you know what made him collapse?" Castle got out before earning a stern look from Beckett. He gave her a what? look.

"Detective Beckett, he had collapsed due to some cocktail mix of drugs in his system," he stated, walking with them back to the room where Ryan was currently lying down in, seeming to be asleep until the doctor tossed a box on his bed, hitting Ryan's knees. "I'm still waiting on his blood work to get back from the lab-."

"So in other words, you have no idea." Beckett interrupted.

"Not true. I have an idea, but I want to make sure before I jump to conclusions. Why isn't he awake yet?" James' attention was focused onto Ryan's unmoving form, until his body twitched and he opened his eyes.

Beckett had pulled a picture out of the man whose blood was found at the crime scene. "Have you seen this man? His blood was found at the scene, and we don't know if his disappearance is tied to you collapsing." She saw him shake his head and rub his eyes. She sighed.

"Do you remember anything on what made you collapse?" Ryan shook his head again. "What about what you heard?" she pressed. Nothing. She got up, silently signaling to Castle to leave, telling the detective to let her know if anything changed.

She realized that the doctor never left his room during the interview.

The phrase "Rise and shine, Sammy" was the first thing Sam heard when he woke up that morning. He shot up, half expecting Asia's Heat of the Moment to blare through the little speakers of the hotel alarm clock, but when nothing came out, all he realized was he startled his older brother.

"Dude, you ok?" Dean asked while tying his shoe. Sam nodded while catching his breath.

"Clowns or midgets this time?" Sam glared at his brother and changed the subject.

"You hear from Cas recently?" Dean shook his head.

"He better have a good reason as to why he's avoiding us. I don't like secrets…" Dean trailed off, looking at the TV and unmuting it.

"...were taken from the hospital no more than twelve hours ago. The NYPD is searching for the two men and asking for any information regarding their disappearance."

"I'm sorry, who did you say you were again?" Beckett asked the well dressed men in front of her. The taller of the two pulled out his badge, as did the shorter one.

"Agents Finn and Dave?" she asked. At their nod, she went on. "I'm sure you spoke to the captain-." They nodded again.

"Listen. I don't want you to think that just because your badge triumphs mine means that you get to take over the case-" Agent Dave interrupted her.

"We don't want to take over this case. Believe want to find them just as bad as you do. But the only way we can do that is if you help us." At her nod, Dave went on. "Now, they were taken from the hospital, right?" She nodded again. "We'll need surveillance video from the hospital and the crime scene."

"I can get you that."

"Has the next of kin been notified for the both of them yet?" Agent Finn asked.

"They are both on their way as we speak. Should arrive within the hour." Beckett responded.

Once in the breakroom with the necessary utensils, they started a search on the missing people, while wondering how their friend's blood managed to get at the scene.

Two loud thuds woke Cas up, making him look around in the direction of the noise. His captor made his way to the light, and Cas got his first good look at the man.

"I've finally found them." The man said.

Ummmm. Crap.

I'm so so so so so sorry for the delay. School has been eventful. The giant standardize test that I just had to pass to graduate for next year is apparently not going to count, which means we took a bull test for nothing. Also, its June and in June teachers like to cram so much work in and try and study for finals is just not going to happen.

The next chapter, I can say for right now, will take a while to get out. I'm sorry, but life and my sanity are kind of taking the front row at the moment.

Again, so sorry for the late update (Again I know) and I'll try and work faster on the next chapter.