Disclaimer: Attack on Titan belongs to Hajime Isayama not me

Note: I know using the word oriental to describe people is offensive, but that is how it is written in the manga so please refrain from trying to correct me. I already know it's wrong. I'm just going by what the character said.

"Well, if it isn't Bitchface McGee."

I glowered at my laptop screen as the Female Titan made her appearance. Having already watched the entire series of Shingeki no Kyojin, also known as Attack on Titan (or that one gay bondage anime), I held no love for the female titan this episode. At the moment, I was holed up in my room rewatching the series. It was mid-December, and I was home from university on winter break. As a vacationing college student and major nerd, I didn't really have all that much to do besides watching various anime, reading fanfiction, and browsing tumblr or pinterest.

Speaking of which, I quickly paused the video and switched tabs to see that role-play partner on the tumblr had responded to our thread. In case in you're wondering, I am one of the many Eren Jaeger (Yaeger if you're picky) RPers on tumblr. Eren has always been my favorite character, with my beloved Levi-heichou a close second. Personally, I thought Eren was amazing, and not just because of his titan-shifting ability. Although, that was awesome, too.

Finishing up my reply to my friend, who happened to rp as Levi (shameless Ereri shipping), I resumed watching the episode. Just a couple hours later, I finally finished the series. Glancing over at my alarm clock informed me that it was well past eleven and nearing midnight.

"Might as well make a quick snack before bed."

Stretching, I rose from my desk and ambled into the kitchen. The pantry was sparse as grocery day wasn't until tomorrow, but I managed to find something that didn't take too long to prepare. It probably wasn't a good idea to eat an entire bowl of ramen before bed, but I was a broke college student basically living off the stuff, so I honestly didn't care. After sating my inner Naruto, I happily readied myself for a long night of sleep.

With a startled gasp, I shot up in bed, searching for the sound that woke me. Immediately, my eyes fell on my laptop, which was playing the opening theme of SnK, Guren no Yumiya. Confused, I carefully slid out of bed and sat at my desk. I was certain that I had turned it off before going to bed. Shrugging it off, I reached toward the mouse pad, intending to shut it off for real this time. The moment my index finger touched my laptop, I was stuck. Literally, my body was frozen. I couldn't move. Is this what Hermione felt like when she got petrified in Chamber of Secrets? As soon as the thought crossed my mind, I mentally snorted. Way to sort out your priorities. Logically, the next thought to cross my mind was to freak out. Unfortunately, the more I seemed to panic, the heavier my body felt. It wasn't long until my vision started getting hazy and my hearing faded in and out. The last thing I saw was the scene where Mikasa was taken by human traffickers playing on my laptop screen.

The first thing I noticed when I came to was that I hurt, everywhere. My muscles ached as if I had just competed in the Olympics without ever having trained for it. The second thing that caught my attention was the fact that I was tied up. The third thing I noticed was the voices of two men.

"I'm wondering if we'll really be able to sell these two. We went through all the trouble of killing that one's parents before hauling her off. Lucky the other one was just a street rat orphan."

Frantically observing what little I could see from my facedown position on the floor, I hoped against hope that this was just some weird dream resulting from consuming ramen at 12 in the morning. 'After all,' I thought when I spotted the recognizable figure of Mikasa Ackerman, 'people don't just randomly wake up inside one of their favorite fictional series unless it's one of those really bad Mary-Sue fanfictions.' My aching body wouldn't quite let me believe that, however. Luckily for me, the soreness seemed to be fading. Setting aside the matter of whether I was hallucinating or not, I focused on what seemed to be going on. Perhaps it would be best to play along for now, at least until I can figure out what the hell is going on or I wake up, whichever comes first.

"Take a good look at their faces."

"Hmm? Great stuff, but they're still kids, not my thing at all."

What the hell was he talking about? I know I was a little on the short side, but my, um, assets were definitely obvious enough to indicate an estimate of my actual age, 18.

"No one's asking you about your tastes. She's an 'oriental'. There used to be different types of humans in the past. She's the last descendent of a clan that fled from that orient place into the wall."

"What about the other one?"

"I'm not sure what she is, but have you ever seen a person with that combination of features? I'm sure we could pass her off as the last of an exotic race of people. We're gonna auction them to one of those creeps at the underground mall in the capital. Given that they're the only ones of their kind, that should net us a juicy profit."

I supposed they meant my dark tanned skin and bleach blonde hair. It makes sense that they'd think I was exotic. They probably didn't have things like hair dye in this world. I slightly regretted my rebellious decision to dye my brunette hair blonde considering the situation I was in.

"Her father didn't look much like an oriental, did he? She's not pure."

"That's right! The mother was the only one really worth something! But you freaked out and killed her!"

"What was I supposed to do?! She was resisting!"

Mikasa seemed to be coming around with all the shouting. I tried to look her in the eyes, but her face was blank, and I knew she was remembering her parents' deaths. A kid's voice came from the door and I knew right away that Eren was here.

"Excuse me, uh…"

One of the men, the one that killed Mikasa's mother, quickly moved towards Eren.

"Not so fast, kiddo! How did you find out about this place?!"

"Uh, I, um …the forest. I got lost in the forest… and I spotted this cabin…"

Move over Leonardo DiCaprio, this kid deserves an Oscar. If I hadn't known who he was, I would've thought he was just some random kid who was at the wrong place at the wrong time. The two goons certainly bought his act.

"Come on, boy. A kid like you shouldn't be wandering about this forest all alone. There are scary critters in there. Wolves, and all. But don't worry my friend and I will accompany you to-"

"Thank you, sir. I've caught on already. Now die, motherfucker."

There was a loud thud accompanied by dying gurgles as the kidnapper vainly attempted to stop his throat from bleeding out. Nine years old and my baby is already a swearing, murdering, adorable psycho.

"Th-this can't be real!"

Eren took off while the other guy was still shell-shocked, but the slamming door brought him to action.

"Wait! Stay where you are! Damn you! To hell with you kid!"

Eren charged back in the room with his broom-knife thing, stabbing him in the shoulder. The man fell backwards, right into mine and Mikasa's line of vision. Not quite finished, Eren jumped onto him, screaming and stabbing him again.


Watching that, I wasn't sure what to feel now. On the one hand, I just watched someone get brutally murdered, but on the other, who knows what would have happened if Eren hadn't come. I certainly didn't want to become the plaything of some sick nobleman, even if this was a dream.

"It's over now. You're gonna be okay."

Eren knelt beside us and began cutting our ropes.

"You must be Mikasa. I'm Eren, Doctor Jaeger's son. I think you already met my dad. And who are you?"

I blinked when I noticed his attention was on me as he freed Mikasa from her binds then moved on to mine.

"My name is Andrea."

He nodded in acknowledgement and set down his knife. As soon as my arms were free, I tackled Eren in a fierce hug because honestly, even if this was some strange hallucination thought up by my subconscious, there was no way I'd turn down an opportunity to hug my favorite character, especially when it's an adorable younger version of him.

"Thank you."

I figured he'd be less weirded out if he thought I was hugging him out of gratitude for saving me than just randomly hugging a stranger. He seemed surprised by it at first, but laughed and briefly returned the hug, making me feel incredibly giddy.

"You're welcome. My dad went to Mikasa's house for an examination and I was tagging along. That's when we found-"

"There should be three of them."

Mikasa looked at us alarmed as she interrupted Eren. I gasped remembering that there was indeed a third man. How could I have forgotten?! Eren lunged for his knife as the third man came into the room, but he wasn't fast enough. The man kicked him away then lifted him up by his neck, strangling him.

"Little bitch, did you do this? I can't believe it. YOU KILLED THEM?! THEY WERE MY FRIENDS, ASSHOLE! FUCKER! HOW COULD YOU?! YOU ARE SO DEAD!"


I picked up the knife and charged at the man, not sure what I intended to do aside from helping Eren. Fat lot of help I was, the man backhanded my face and I crumpled to floor, my vision swimming from the blow. I really hope I don't get a concussion. Vaguely, I could hear Eren giving Mikasa his fight speech. The spots in my eyes cleared up and I sat up just as Mikasa ran the man through with the knife. He dropped to the ground, having been pierced through the heart. Immediately, Eren gasped for breath, clutching his throat, and I scrambled over to him and Mikasa.

"Are you two okay? Eren, let me see."

I gently pried his hands away to see the angry red handprints on his skin. I lightly prodded the marks, moving my hand away when he winced.

"Well, it's not too bad. It'll definitely be sore and you might have some minor bruises later but nothing serious."

"What about you? You got hit pretty hard."

I could tell Eren was eyeing what were most likely the beginnings of a bruise on my face. I covered my cheek with my hand.

"I'm fine. And you, Mikasa? Are you okay? You've got blood on your face."

She shook her head.

"This was from before, when they-"

She cut herself off, obviously referring to when her parents were killed. I reached over and pulled her into a tight hug. She stiffened at first, but quickly came apart in my arms, sobbing loudly into my shirt. I rubbed her back, trying to comfort when I realized I was shaking. It wasn't until I felt her tears soak through my oversized t-shirt that I felt something was wrong. I know I was a little small, but shouldn't I be a little bigger compared to Eren and Mikasa? Eren shouldn't be taller than me, not at his current age- Where the hell are my boobs?! Did I get younger?! What the actual hell?! All of a sudden everything came crashing back all at once, becoming a child, waking up in strange place, being in a fictional world, and watching people get murdered. It was too much and before I knew it, I was crying too. I felt someone, Eren pull us both into an embrace, but I was too upset to care.

I didn't know how long we stayed like that, but it was already dark by the time someone found us, although Mikasa and I had stopped crying before then. We were led outside by a soldier while another investigated the bodies. Eren's dad was there, and he grabbed Eren by the shoulders, chastising him for being reckless and endangering himself. I shivered in the cold, and moved closer to Mikasa, holding her hand in mine. She glanced at me surprised, but then looked away.

"I'm cold… Now I have… nowhere… nowhere left to go."

I gave her hand a quick squeeze, realizing I didn't have any place to go either. Eren stood in front of us, wrapping his famous red scarf around Mikasa's neck. I started when I felt a warm weight on my shoulders and looked up to see Eren placing his maroon coat around me.

"Have this. Now it's yours. Should be warm enough."

Dr. Jaeger stood next to his son, leaning down to be more level with us.

"Mikasa, come live with us. You've had it hard. What you need is rest. And who might this lovely young lady be?"

Turning his attention towards me, he offered me a smile. I shakily returned it as a small panic bubbled inside me. Where was I supposed to go now? It's not like I could join the military. I looked too young to pass for a twelve-year-old. If I had to guess, then I was only nine, just the right age to be a part of the main storyline, not that it was much of a story anymore, so much as the future, my future.

"Andrea Beltran, sir."

"I'm sure your parents must be worried for you. Perhaps we could find them. It shouldn't be too hard to find them, if their features are as unique as yours."

There they go again, mentioning my looks. Are they really such a big deal around here?

"I don't have parents, sir."

Eren frowned at news, regarding me with sympathy. I felt bad for lying, but it's not like I could have told them the truth. 'Oh, I come from another world where you entire existence is a fictional story people read for entertainment.' Yeah, that'd go over well.

"I see. Who do you live with then? Relatives, friends of the family?"

"I don't have family, sir. I stay by myself."

Eren rushed forward and grabbed my hand that wasn't still holding Mikasa's.

"You can come, too! You and Mikasa both."

Dr. Jaeger spluttered a bit before sighing in exasperation.

"As my son said, you're more than welcome to come live with us as well, Andrea."

I gave him a watery smile and nodded, relieved that I had a place to go. Feeling mischievous, I turned to Mikasa and stole Eren's line.

"Come on, Mikasa. Let's go home. Our new home."

Her eyes welled up with tears that soon spilled over.

"Yes… let's go."