Disclaimer: I don't own DMC or any of it's characters except for a few I made up.

AN: Hello everyone, as the story name says, this is a story full of passion and desire. I still don't know how long it's gonna be, I stll don't have it set, but what made me write this, is obviously to tell how it all began. This is after the first and best Devil May Cry game and it also contains in further chapters some mystery/horror themes, as for now it's romance and adventure I guess. Hope you like, and as always this chapter got extended more than I expected but, it's very provoking. 'Cause this is how it's gonna be at first, then comes the romance and all plus the action of course that can't lack.

"A Passage to Desire"

Chapter 1 "Devil Never Cry"

Mallet Island exploded just when Dante and Trish managed to escape in a jet. They flew away just in time before the expansive wave from the explosion and fire could reach them. It was the first time that Trish was out of the underworld at pure daylight. She had never seen the sky so clear.

"The sky, so clear, so blue!" Trish said marveled.

"The sky is fair. It'll always be above everyone's head, no different" Said Dante as he slightly turned his face backwards to have a glimpse at her.

"Like the sky, I feel like my heart is becoming clear" She said softly as she touched her chest. For the first time she felt free. She had no master anymore.

"Let's not forget though, the underworld's evil is still alive. They will someday return"

"There's no need to worry right? 'Cause the world has the Legendary Dark Knight Dante and his sidekick" Trish said enthusiastic and even stood up from her seat as if they were on the ground. As if heights wouldn't bother her at all.

Dante just grinned. Sidekick huh? Sounds good. He thought. Though we could be so much more. He hoped.

Dante landed on a safe place that was not too far from his shop. It was a cool jet but he didn't have a place for it, so he would just abandon it there. Who knows, maybe in that deserted place, he could come back and still find it there. They got off the jet; Dante jumped off first and he extended his arm to help Trish. She just grinned and even felt a little embarrassed. She took his hand and jumped off. She didn't need his help, but it felt good to be treated nicely; she even felt different. She felt no evil anymore, inside of her, corrupting her soul. It was so strange; she felt so changed, as a new person, as if the moment they escaped from the island had been her true awakening, her rebirth.

"Thank you Dante" Trish said softly as she stared to the ground. She felt such intimidated by him now that she couldn't look into his eyes. She didn't know why the sudden change towards him. She was feeling something strange in her stomach that she never felt before; she couldn't tell what it was. She felt so nervous all of a sudden.

"For what?" Dante said in a seductive voice as he grabbed her chin and lifted her face towards his. He wanted to stare into her eyes.

She looked at him for a moment, those deep blue eyes of his; she almost paralyzed. She hadn't realized before, the gorgeous his eyes are. Dante grinned as he saw her eyes, he could feel her through them.

"For all you've done for me. You saved my life even though I tried to kill you..." She made a pause. "...and you liberated me from Mundus" She stared down again. "From the demon world" Her expression seemed sad.

"You gave your life for me" He lifted her face again with his hand. "It it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to destroy Mundus and we wouldn't be here. You gave me power, you gave me strength and courage..." He smirked. "I have to admit I felt quite deceived when you attacked me, but you compensated that afterwards. I couldn't change my feelings anyway"

Trish frowned a little. "Your feelings?"

Okay he had talked too much; but wasn't it obvious that he was so madly in love with her? He even cried for her and maybe his tears had been what kept her alive. Would she have noticed? He didn't know what to say now. What could he make up? "Ummm... nevermind" He said as he turned around and started walking. "Shall we?"

Trish followed him. "Where are we going?"

"To my place" Dante said simply.

They continued walking and talking for a while, about his agency and how it works. His shop seemed to be farther than expected and Dante was starting to feel the consequences of all the battles he fought.

"You mind if we sit down for a moment?" Dante asked.

"No. It's okay"

There was a bench in a lonely park across the street, so they went there. Dante counted the seconds to lie down. He was so tired all of a sudden, he needed some rest. He lied down on the bench leaving Trish standing up.

"Ummm... I don't mean to be rude but, am I gonna stand here?" Trish asked jokey.

"You mind sitting on my lap?" Dante asked just to tease her, see her reaction.

"What?" Trish said gasping.

"That I'll just sit up" Dante said grinning, trying not to laugh as he slowly grasped from the bench to sit up, leaving her some space beside him.

Trish sat next to him and right that moment he started groaning.

"Aahh..." Dante complained in so much pain.

"What is it? Are you okay?" Trish said worried and instinctively touched him and he just complained more.

"Aaghh... I guess- my adrenaline just- went down- and now I feel so- sore- as if- thousands of demons had- stomped over me" Dante said gasping. "Lucky you, you recover very fast but I'm just a half demon. Look at you, you get thrust by a powerful beam and you don't feel a thing"

"Well, for a half-demon you are very strong, more than any other demon, plus I almost died there remember?" Trish said charming. "It reminds me, I can't believe you were actually leaving me there alone, knowing the place would blow up!" Trish complained but kind of joking.

"I thought you were dead!" Dante excused himself.

"Well thanks for making sure!"

"So you heard all I said?" Dante said a bit more serious and felt his heart pound stronger.

Trish just grinned. "You too gave me power and strength to live and... you did" She said slowly.

"I did? What?" He said pensive. What could he have done, what was she referring to? He remembered what he said and then realized what she meant. He felt so pleased with that; in the end he had been the one to fill her dark soul with light, it had been his main purpose. Then she must have felt his tears fall down on her cold cheeks too. "Trish... I- I.." He said slowly.

She laid a finger over his lips. "You don't need to say anything Dante. The time we spent in the underworld I got to know the real Dante. The more time passed, the more I realized the great you are and I really want to be your... sidekick. I want you to show me this world, to... to teach me everything..."

Dante grinned. Even in all this pain he was feeling, he felt great. She made him feel complete. That he had finally found what he was missing, what he had been looking for all his life and didn't even know he was. He never expected to fall in love, and as a matter of fact, he never thought he would. But that's just how it works, he just hoped she would feel the same way.

He turned completely face to face with her. "I will gladly teach you and show you everything" He said in a very seducing tone. He felt such an impulse to kiss her, but he restrained himself. He needed to know if she felt the same way. Why not give it a try? So he started getting closer to her, he looked deep into her eyes and she looked into his.

What was this she was feeling? She never felt like this before, ever. "Maybe we should get going" She said as she turned her face from him and stood up.

Okay maybe he was going too fast. Everything is new to her now, so he decided to give her some time, just slow things, let it happen when it should. He didn't want to screw up and lose her forever. What was he thinking? He wanted her forever? He never expected something like this, but she's got something that drives him totally crazy about her. He never thought of having kids and right beofre he sent Mundus to his rightful place he said 'when you do come back, give my regards to my son , will ya?'. She made him want that. He turned to look at her and it is as if he knew her his whole life; he wants her to be with him forever and to think that she could, put a smile on his face.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Trish asked surprised.

Dante was still sitting down on the bench trying hard to stand up. "I'm just... happy to be here..." He lowered his voice. "...with you"

Trish noticed Dante was having troubles to stand up, so she approached to him and put an arm around his back to help him up. He finally stood up and started walking slowly. The pain just didn't seem to disappear.

"C'mon Dante..." Trish said panting. "It's better if you lie down on a comfortable surface" She is strong but it was as if she were carrying a dead weight.

"I really feel like crap, sorry" Dante said as he stopped walking and tried recovering his breath. "This is embarrassing to me, you know..." He said as he bent down a bit and grabbed hold of his knees. "You are- the first person to- see me like this- and- a woman..." He said panting. "...much worse"

"You shouldn't be embarrassed. You're a hero, you saved the world..." She tried to cheer him up. "...though no one knows about it"

For a strange reason he felt that it was okay to show her his other side too. Not only his strong and cocky, fearless side, but his softer side as well, which he had actually forgotten he had.

She bent over beside him to help him up and casually he had a glimpse at her gorgeous cleavage (as if she were wearing a lot of clothes anyway). But she really got her creamy breasts so close to his face, that for a moment he felt his powers and energy return to him. Oh, so you're trying to seduce me, huh? He thought. Mmmm... I like that... He kinda began to lose himself in his thoughts.

"C'mon Dante, I can see your shop from here. We're close" She said as she dragged a dazed Dante to finally reach home.

They were about to reach to Dante's shop when Trish remembered what she had done to it. The place was surely, still wrecked, she felt really sorry for it. As they got closer to the place, Dante began walking straight and easier than before. He was anxious to arrive and then he remembered what Trish had done to his place. With luck, there could still be a part of it. She had even set in on fire. Trish noticed Dante's hesitation and now she didn't want to arrive.

"Oh Dante..." She said desperately. "... I'm sorry for wrecking your place. I shouldn't have done things that way..." Trish said repentant.

"Nah, don't worry about it" He said trying to make her feel better. "I could have saved a lot of money though..."

"I swear I'm gonna pay you till the last penny..."

"No, no. You don't have to. I love the way you broke into my shop" He said kinda teasingly.

"You did?" Trish stopped walking, surprised.

"Yeah..." Dante didn't notice she had stopped. "I wouldn't have helped you if you weren't so sexy" He then noticed he had left her behind.

"What'd you say?" She said hoping he would repeat that.

"That we should've taken a taxi" He tried playing with her a little.

They were almost there, so that didn't make any sense to her. Why was he changing his words? If he wanted to say something then he should just say it.

They were right in front of his shop and now Dante had been the one to stop walking. She even bumped with him.

"What's wrong Dante?" She wondered.

Dante suspiciously pulled out his shotgun and climbed up the few steps before his front door, which for a strange reason wasn't torn down. He remembered Trish had torn it down with the bike, so why did he have a door now? Could it be something demonic? He rathered not take it easy.

"You don't think it strange that I have a door?" Dante said dubious.

"You have demonic furniture?" Trish wondered as she stared to that neon sign.

"Nope. They exist?" He said as he put his ear close to the door to try to hear anything coming from inside.

She hadn't paid attention to the sign before. "Where did you get that woman shape neon?" She said curious.

"I had it made. It's my picture of the perfect woman" He said simply.

"Ohh... I see..." She gasped. She could swear it was a replica of herself holding two guns. So I'm your perfect woman... She thought. Maybe that had been the reason why he surprised when he saw her for the first time.

Dante pushed the door and it opened easily. He walked in with his gun ready to shoot. He turned on the lights. "What the hell?"

"What is it Dante?" Trish hurried inside to have a look.

The entire place seemed to have been restored. The furniture, the pool table even the jukebox; and the weirdest of all, the place was clean.

"What the hell happened here?" Dante said shocked. He heard a noise coming from the kitchen. An intruder... He approached to the kitchen door at the back of the office. He stopped feeling pain for a moment for his adrenaline began raising up again and just when he was about to open the door, a man walked out. If it weren't for his good and fast reflexes and recognition, he would've blown the brains out of the intruder.

"What the hell are you doing here Morrison?" Dante complained as he lowered his gun.

"I was looking for you and you just wouldn't arrive. I felt pity for you so I fixed your place" Said Morrison. "Oh and by the way, you owe me two grand" He said as he took a sip from a can of beer.

Dante was just thinking right before he entered to his place, that he would need a lot of money to fix the place; he just came from an exhaustive job that almost got him killed and he got not a single penny. When he found his place restored, he felt such a relief.

"I didn't ask you to fix anything, so..." Said Dante as he took a look around. "...thanks for your gift" He said as he turned to look back at Morrison. "Oh, and by the way... you owe me this drink" He said as he snatched the can from Morrison's hand. "And who knows how many more"

"Oh you ungrateful bastard" Said Morrison. He was a little pissed and drunk and he hadn't realized that Trish was there. He started walking towards the door. "Alright, I'll pay for tonight's drinks" He said walking unsteady.

"Morrison..." Dante called his name so he'd shut his mouth.

"Let's go find some hot chicks first" He kept saying.

"Morrison!" Dante said louder as he approached to him and mumbled. "Shut your fucking mouth" He took him by the arm and tried to kick him out.

Now Morrison could have a glimpse at Trish. "Oh, I see... so you got ahead of me..." He said as he took Trish's hand.

"Excuse me?" Trish said upset. Was he just implying she was a hooker?

Morrison kissed her hand. "Hello beautiful. I'm Morrison and you are?"

Trish just raised an eyebrow more than pissed.

"Trish..." Said Dante. "...why don't you go upstairs and pick a room while I kick this guy out?" Dante said as he kept holding Morrison by the arm with such strength that he made him forget he was drunk.

Trish wasn't pretty convinced but she just pretended to do as he said. She climbed up the stairs but she stopped at the middle. She continued moving her feet to make the sound, but she wanted to know what he would tell him. She can levitate, fly so it wouldn't be a problem to get a bit closer to hear better without their notice.

"What the hell is wrong with you Morrison!" Dante yelled upset.

"What are you talking about?" Morrison couldn't understand what was Dante's deal. "You're banging her anyway despise of what I say or do"

"What!" Dante frowned bothered.

"You got yourself a gorgeous bitch this time. Where did you find her?"

Trish just couldn't believe her ears. She was even more pissed than before. So all Dante wanted was to play with her, use her and then... She closed her hands into fists, she got so mad that her fists started to radiate electricity. She just flew upstairs and just waited for him to come upstairs to shove it on his face. And to think I was starting to... I almost fell for... And like always, women hear the bad part and think that's it, when there was a lot more Dante had to say, the good part. And she wouldn't listen to that.

"She's not a bitch, and I really like her! You better not have ruined things" Dante said pestered.

"Did I hear right? You really like her? Are you in love with her?" Morrison just couldn't believe his ears. He has plenty of years knowing Dante and never in his life he heard him say that he liked some girl.

"I- I..." Dante was speechless.

"You are!" Morrison said amazed.

"So what!" Said Dante. He's not of stone, he has feelings too.

"Well, I'm not surprised. She's gorgeous. You lucky bastard" He said. "I should appologize to her"

"Yeah, you should. But not right now. She would surely kill you" Dante said serious.

"Where did you meet her anyway?" Morrison wondered.

"Ummm... in my office, but mostly in the underworld..." Dante said simple.

"She's a demon hunter?"

"Now she will be. With luck, she'd still accept to be my partner"

Morrison tried to put things together and figure out what she was. If she wasn't a demon hunter but was in the underworld then...

Dante noticed he was thinking too much. "Yes..."

Right that moment, Trish had gotten closer to hear some more. She wanted to know why was Dante taking too long.

"She's a demon..." Said Dante.

"What!" Morrison didn't expect that. "Is she dangerous?"

Okay, so now they were accusing her of demon, great. She got pissed again and made it to the hallway upstairs again.

"Not anymore, I hope" Dante said simple.

"Wow. I never thought there were hot devils in the underworld" Morrison said a bit more calmed now. "Now I know why you like her. She's sexy, beautiful and powerful. She's totally your kind of woman, partner whatever..."

"Yeah. So will you leave now?" Dante said desperate. He needed to talk to her. He perfectly knew she'd be pissed.

"Okay. I will drop by tomorrow to appologize to her"

"Yeah, whatever" Dante said as he headed to the stairs. "Later..." He raised his hand and waved him goodbye with two fingers and his thumb as always, as he climbed up the stairs.

Morrison just left. It was still early in the afternoon, so he would probably come back at night and try to fix things.

Dante finally reached upstairs, and by the look of Trish, she was hell pissed.

"So you picked a room already?" Dante asked foolish.

Trish just glared at him. "I'm not staying Dante!"

"What? Why!" He said agitated.

"Why? I heard you guys talking!" She said completely mad. "So I look like a hooker, huh? And all you want is to get in my pants and dump me!" She said screaming.

"What! No! Of course not! Didn't you say you heard us talking?" Dante tried to make her understand the truth. "You didn't listen to the good part"

"The good part?" Trish said arrogant. "And what is that Dante?" She said as she put her hands on her hips and twitched her lips.

"What happened to the good Trish, the sweet Trish that just came from the dead to be by my side?"

"This, is what happened Dante. That I realized that this world is no better than hell!" She said disappointed as she tried to go downstairs and leave forever; perhaps return to the place she should've never escaped from. But Dante blocked the way.

"No Trish! Give me the chance to prove you wrong. It was just a misunderstanding!" He insisted and wouldn't move from the stairs

"Move away Dante!" She tried to push him away, but all of a sudden he was as strong as before.

"I won't move, I won't let you go!" He said tenacious.

"If you don't move, I'll electrocute you Dante!" She said menacing.

"If it didn't kill me before, it won't now. Go ahead" He said fearless.

Trish extended her arm towards him and golden electricity started flowing through her arm, trying to scare him, to warn him that she would do it. She wanted to change his mind, but he wouldn't. She fired her power right to his chest. Dante jerked and frowned in pain, but nothing would make him move. Trish started feeling so desperate and anxious. She didn't like hurting Dante.

"Why do you do this Dante?" She cried desperate.

Dante lowered his stare. "I...don't want you to go" He said softly, trying to regain his breath. "Can't you see that since I met you, my biggest fear is losing you?"

"Why?" She said sobbing. Her heart was pounding really fast.

"Is it so hard to tell? Can't you see what you make me feel?" Dante said softly and with so much tenderness as he directed his stare towards her.

"What do you feel Dante?" She said holding her tears, her voice was shaking.

Dante hesitated for a moment. Never in his life he had been in a situation like this. "I- I..." He moved closer to her, but she kept stepping back. "I'm in love with you Trish" He said certain. "I love you..." He said passionately. "There, I said it!"

"Love?" Trish said incredulous. "You can't love me Dante" She said a bit more calmed, but her expression was still sad.

"Why not? It's not something that I can control" He replied.

"You said I looked like your mother. That's why you saved my life, didn't you say so?" Trish said trying to get to the point. She did feel something for him too, but she didn't know what. And even if it were love, what was the point if he really saw her as some sort of mother?

"I just said that because I was disappointed. Because I didn't want to accept that you had me fooled, that I had fallen for you since the beginning and you were just..." He said desperately then took a deep breath. "...playing me from the start" He said as he lowered his voice and looked down.

Trish couldn't help to feel a little guilty. "I wasn't playing you Dante, I was just... obeying orders, I had no choice" She said softly. "I fooled myself too" She said as a tear rolled down her pale cheek.

Dante approached to her and this time she didn't step back. He wiped off her tears with his thumb and smiled. "Do you believe me now?" He said staring deep into her eyes.

Her eyes didn't take much to fill again with tears. "But, what is love Dante?" She said sobbing. " 'Cause I don't know love. All I've known is anger, wrath, despair, greed..." She said holding her tears and agitated. Her heart started pounding even faster. "I don't know what love is! What it feels like to fall in love, what it feels like to make love, to be touched, to be kissed, to be..." She couldn't help the tears escaping her eyes.

Dante held her by the arms and they looked at each other. Trish just embraced him as she had before and sank her face on his chest. He just held her tight to his chest and stroke her hair. She could feel his heart pounding really fast and strong. To simply be in his arms made her feel better.

"Trish..." He said in a soft, passionate tone. "...let me be the one to show you how it feels. I wanna make you feel what you never felt before, I wanna show you everything..." He embraced her even stronger. "While we have love, this world is much better than hell, despise of all the darkness and evil that may surround us..." He took a moment to then ask her. "So what do you say?" He looked into her eyes. "Will you be my partner? Will you stay with me?"

Trish drew apart from him for a moment and stared deep into his eyes. "I will stay..." She said softly. "...but, under one condition"

"Woman you had to be..." He mumbled. "What is it?" Dante wondered. "I'll do anything you want"

"I want you to change the name of your shop" She said serious.

Dante surprised a little, he never thought that she could ask for something like that. "And... what do you want it to be?"

"What you said to me, back in the island. It was beautiful" She said sweetly.

Dante wondered what it could be, he said a lot of things to her there. Trish noticed he was unsure of what it was so she gave him a clue.

"When I was...crying" She said softly.

"Devils never cry..." Dante figuered out. "If I do, will you stay?"

Trish just grinned and then added. "But, I don't want you to control me Dante. I just freed from Mundus like to still be attached to someone else. Let me be free..."

That was okay for a start and too much sincerity for once. But he would make her change her mind. She was probably feeling frustrated for not understanding the new changes, this new life. All the emotions she was probably experimenting right now. But he wouldn't give up that easily. He would win her heart and make her change her mind. It was just a matter of time. He didn't want to control her, but to be attached? He did.

Dante led her downstairs again. He remembered he had a neon sign that read never, so it would be easier to just change the 'may' for the 'never' even though the phrase would be misspelt. He had the neon sign inside a chest in the basement, which is going down the stairs of the laundry room. He showed her the place starting from the first story. He gave her a fast tour around the house. The office, thoguh there was not much to see there. At the back of the office, it's a bathroom and beside that door to the right is another door that leads to the kitchen. At the back of the kitchen is another door that leads to the laundry room, where there's another door that leads to the basement. They went there, and as Dante looked for the sign inside the big chest, Trish felt intrigued about another door there. The basement didn't seem too big, but where could that door lead? There were so many doors in this house. She approached to it slowly and opened it. To her surprise, there was just a wall on the other side.

Dante noticed about her curiosity, so he just told her that it was a secret room, but she just couldn't help to feel even more curious. She started touching the wall until magically a small blue light sparkled once and the wall divided into two parts, opening a path that leads to Dante's secret training room. Trish entered to it to have a look around.

Dante found the neon sign and then headed to the secret room with Trish. There wasn't much to see; it was a sapcy room, almost empty. In a corner to the left, there was a variety of weapons, devil arms and guns of all sorts. Beside this, there's some equipment for training, such as a punching bag, dumbbells and things of the sort. At the front middle of the room, there's a strange sort of podium that seems to have an integrated computer.

"This is it?" Trish asked surprised.

"You haven't seen a thing" Dante said as he turned on the strange computer, machine whatever, and started a mechanism. A lot of figures started appearing from nowhere at that empty space. "I can turn this into a firing range with demons and civilians. It's so much fun. It can be either just like a piece of carton, or more real and with movement to make it more difficult. Plus..." He said as he made that disappear and new demons appear. Though these new demons seemed more real and they could attack as a real demon. "I can do some training with hologram demons"

"Hologram? But they look so real" Trish said perplexed.

"Yup. But their attacks don't damage, unless I program it to do so" He said as he turned off the machine and the demons vanished.

"Wow. I never thought you would have something like this. It looks so fun, we should practice here someday" Trish said marveled.

"Totally. We could use it without the mechanism and just practice freely" He said as he started walking to the door, then he suddenly stopped. "It reminds me, I want to entrust you this" He said as he put the neon sign on top of the podium and headed to where he has all the weapons. Trish followed him.

"Luce and Ombra" He handed the guns to Trish, who was perplexed with the gift. "They once belonged to my father. I want you to have the now"

"Oh Dante..." She said softly. "I can't accept this, it belongs to your family"

Dante just grinned. Couldn't she realize that he wanted to make her part of his family? He insisted. "They have a lot of time hanging there. I know that you can make good use of them, now that we'll work together"

Trish thought it over and accepted. "They're beautiful" She said softly.

"Like you" He whispered. "The Sparda must have exploded together with the island, but..."

"No, no. It didn't. I still have it" She said as she made it appear through her chest. "Here, you can have it back"

Dante's eyes widely opened. "How did you do that?"

"I'm a demon and I have some magical powers" Trish said slyly as she insisted on giving it back to Dante.

"I gave it to you too, Trish. It's yours" He wouldn't have it back.

Trish grinned. "Alright. Thank you Dante"

Dante took the neon sign again and then they left the secret room and it locked by itself. They went to the office again and Dante showed her a space behind his desk where she could hang her new sword Sparda and a special place for her guns. Now, the neon sign was next.

They went oustside and looked at the actual sign. Dante turned it off so they could work on it.

"I'll go get a ladder" Said Dante.

"No. It's okay Dante. I can do it. You're really tired and you haven't lied down since we arrived. I'll fix it" She said as she took the neon sign from his hands. Dante stood outside the shop staring at Trish while she changed the sign.

Trish levitated enough to be able to change the signs and Dante just couldn't help to stare at her perfect form; those fine curves that were beginning to mesmerize him. He saw her and then that woman shape neon. Yeah it was her, he found his perfect woman. She used some of her magic to do the job; she took a couple of minutes to finish. Then, she still kept in the air looking at the new sign that read 'Devil Never Cry'.

"How does it look Dante? Is it okay there?" Trish asked innocently.

"It looks... perfect" He said still lost in her beauty. His voice sounded so sensual that she found it strange and turned to look at him as she descended to the ground. "That good?" Her feet touched the ground as she kept staring to the neon sign. She tried to have a better look, a wider vision; so she started giving steps back, until she stumbled with a rock and fell backwards, directly to his arms. He catched her so naturally.

"You okay babe?" He asked sensually as his eyes locked with hers for a moment.

Her back softly pressed against his strong stomach and she felt her heart pound faster and stronger just with his touch. She felt something in his touch that sent little sparks through all of her body. She slowly touched his thighs and slid her hands up as she straightened up feeling the hardness of his legs. She stood in front of him, still facing her back to him, but she kept her face turned, looking at him. She felt a desire to just stare at him. She liked how it felt, the sensation it brings to just look at him. She remembered she felt something like this when she spied on him on the island. So what was it, love?"

"You really work out" Trish said gasping.

"Yeah" He said seductively. "Have to have a strong body to last longer" He eyed her sultry.

She just smiled. "Now the good part" She said with a smirk as she walked to the steps and touched the wall beneath the sign. Her electricity flowed through her arm and traveled through the wall ending up at the sign. It lighted up with an intense golden light.

"Wow!" Dante gasped. "It never looked so good"

"Thanks" Trish said shyly. "That's as far my magic goes. It won't last too much but you can turn it on later" She said as her blue eyes shined brightly under the delicate light of the sunset.

They entered to the shop and Dante just went directly to the couch and threw himself with such pleasure that even Trish felt like doing the same.

"Ohh finally" He said gasping a bit more relaxed now.

Trish just sat on the lonely couch beside of Dante's. He had his eyes closed but he was having glimpses at her from time to time to see what she was doing. He'd try to provoke her and see what happens.

He took off his coat and tossed it to another couch. She glimpsed at him when he took it off. She was focusedly staring at his body. That tight red outfit looked so perfect on him. She just couldn't lay her eyes off of him. Those skin tight sleeves under his red vest just looked so good. His arms so muscled, his chest so strong; she just couldn't imagine how well his abs would look.

Dante grinned. He wasn't doing anything and it was working. "You know what I need?" He said.

Trish came back from her thoughts. She jerked a little. "What- what is it?"

"A nice hot bath" He said with a sigh as he slowly sat up.

Trish accidentaly looked at his crotch as he sat up. Those trousers were tight enough to let her imagination soar. His thighs looked so toned that she felt the need to feel them again. Oh, she wanted to approach to him, straddle him and... oh what was she thinking? Her natural and basic instincts were starting to possess her, to betray her. She needed to control herself. She shook her head.

"What's wrong Trish? You okay?" Dante asked as he stood in front of her.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realize the moment he stood up and approached to her. She raised her stare and jerked as she saw his crotch in front of her face. She tried staring to his eyes, but it was as if he were controlling her desires.

"I'm okay, I'm okay, it's just..." She better just close her eyes. "...I think...I need a bath too" She said panting. Her breathing accelerated in a second.

"Then why don't we do it together?" Dante whispered.

"What?" Trish panted.

"That if you're feeling any better?" He just loved playing with her head.

Trish just took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Did I just hear right or am I losing it already? Oh Dante, what are you doing to me? She couldn't stop thinking.

"You're a little agitated, are you sure you're alright?" Dante said a little concerned. Okay maybe he was being too hard with her (harder it was gonna get if he kept provoking her and the provoked would be him). Maybe he should just throw himself at her and pray she'll have her arms opened. He extended his arm to help her up. She took his hand, but she didn't expect he would pull from her arm with such force.

She clung to his body for moments feeling his firm chest. She didn't want to take her hands off him. Her heart just kept accelerating more. "Dante, what are you doing?" She gasped as their eyes locked. She felt herself giving in, surrendering to him.

"Nothing..." He whispered while his hands slid down her back till they reach her lower back. "I didn't measure my strength..." He said slowly as he began to draw apart from her, until he just held her hand to lead her upstairs to show her, her new room so she could settle in.

He left her speechless, breathless. His touch was just so temptingly fascinating that she wanted more. Is he just making me desire him? She sighed deeply as Dante took her to the second story. Oh she didn't want his hands to stop touching her. She wanted to have him close. Why did he have to stop? Why did he have to move away?

"This will be your room" He told her as he opened a door almost at the middle of the hallway. "It's next to mine for if you ever need anything at night you can always- come- to- me" He said shaking. "If you're bored, you can't sleep, whatever you need, want, desire..." He said slyly.

Trish just grinned. She entered to the room after she turned on the lights. She stood still, perplexed. "I see you clean very often here..." She said sarcastic.

"It could be worse" Dante said while he stood beside the door.

Trish just went out of the room. "Can I see your room?"

"Ummm... sure. Why not?" Dante said to her as he closed the door of her room.

She opened the other door, turned on the light and entered. "I like this one better. Can't we switch?"

"Sorry babe. But this is the biggest room, has to be mine" He said slyly. "Though we could always... share" He said teasing.

Trish raised an eyebrow jokey. "You're not that lucky"

"Well, I tried" He said playfully. "Okay, let me show you the bathroom" He said as he grabbed her hand and tried to take her out of his room.

"That's not fair! You have your own bathroom and I have to go, where?" She said after Dante led her to the hall. "To the end of the hall?" She complained. She just twitched her lips and folded her arms.

"C'mon Trish. You're gonna like it, it's the biggest bathroom" Dante replied, trying to convince her. "C'mon babe. Why don't you go ahead to the bathroom while I get you a clean towel?"

"Alright. Just because I do want to take a hot bath" She said as she headed to the other end of the hall across the stairs. She entered to the bathroom and actually didn't expct it would be that clean. It was really big as Dante said, for a bathroom that is. A wide bathtub with a curtain, then the toilet and quite some room like to undress, plus the sink and all that. She liked it.

Dante had gone downstairs to the laundry room to get her a towel and another one for him. He went upstairs again to give her the towel and he just opened the door to the bathroom so naturally without thinking of what he may find. He was left speechless and paralyzed, he even gulped and hoped she didn't hear him. Trish was turned away but she had just taken her corset off. Her long, golden hair reached till her tailbone and her nude back was just so tempting, it looked so perfect. Dante just kept beside the door, silent, admiring her. She put her hands under her hair and moved it in front of her shoulders, at her chest. Dante's heart started pounding really fast and hard. He could almost drool at her perfect form. Her now revealed nude back was really beyond perfection. Then his nerves of steel started to flag when he heard some particular sounds as she unbuckled her belt and zipped down her pants. She was slightly bending over to take them off when he just couldn't take it anymore and he just made a loud noise as he cleared his throat. He could see no more.

"I'm sorry Trish, I didn't know you were getting undressed... I should've knocked" He said standing right where he was. "Here's your towel"

Trish slightly turned her face to look at him, then she turned completely leaving her goodies at plain sight. Dante's eyes widely opened and the he just turned his stare to a corner of the ceiling. Trish tried meeting his stare and then he just closed his eyes better.

"What Dante? Nothing you haven't seen before" She said in her most sultry voice. "You don't want to look?" She said as she got closer to him.

"No, yes, no, yes, I mean..." He hesitated and started sweating so agitated. He slowly opened his eyes when he felt her so close to him. She was right in front of him, almost clung at his body. "...it's just- not- right" He said slowly while he covered his crotch with the towels before she could notice he had a hard on. Even with the towels it was visible, but at least it was a distraction. He struggled to look into her eyes and her eyes only and she just kept getting even closer to him, until her creamy, soft breasts touched his palpitating chest and pressed hard against him. Even his dick was palpitating. He gulped. Having her so close to him, simply felt awsome. He was struggling to control himself. His hands tightened and sqeezed the towels harder.

"What's wrong Dante?" She whispered sultry to his ear and sucked his lobe gently, nipping at it too.

He slowly closed his eyes and sighed deeply. "Don't do that... Trish... it's not- right..." He gulped while his respiration began to accelerate even more.

"Who says?" She said softly to his ear as she licked it slowly.

"I don't know..." He whispered. He was close to lose control.

Trish separated a bit from him and started caressing his chest. She stared at it and began to slowly lower her stare. Her hands also began to lower to his abdomen and even a little more. She just loved how it felt, the hardness of his whole body, so strong and... If only you'd be undressed...

Dante just couldn't take it anymore. The way she caressed his body simply felt so pleasurable, magical, that he just wanted to explode. He didn't know what it was what she really wanted next. He followed her stare and could predict what she wanted. How come, moments ago she wanted to leave forever and now she wanted him bad? That didn't make any sense. And of course that he wanted to make sweet love to her, but not just like that. He wanted to make her first time really special and passionate, not just lustful. He saw in her expression her true intentions and he rapidly caught her face with one hand. It even seemed he would kiss her, but no. His thumb was in front of her ear and the rest of his fingers at her neck. He made her look at him.

"Don't play with fire unless you wanna get burned" He said seriously and staring into her eyes.

All of a sudden she had lost control over him and things changed, it felt different to her. Now her heart pounded fast and strong. "Maybe I do want to get burned..." She said sultry as she returned her stare to those towels. She reached her hand there wanting to feel him.

Dante tightened the hold on her face and made her look at him again. "Don't play with me Trish, 'cause I'm not" He said serious as he let go of her. He gave her the towel and went out of the bathroom. He closed the door behind him and pressed his back against the door. He shut his eyes tightly as he took a deep breath.

"Oh Dante..." Trish whispered to herself as she pressed her bare back against the door too.

"Oh Trish..." He mumbled as he started walking to his room. Dante wondered what was her game. Was she really playing or did she mean that? She's the biggest temptation there could ever be. And if she didn't feel the same way he does and she just wants to experiment, then maybe it wasn't the best idea to live together. He thought it better to take things calmly. But she just seemed the one to rush things, but why?

Dante kept pensive all the while till he finished his bath. And even when finished, he just kept under the shower; the hot water was falling down his shoulders while his mind was just so lost in his thoughts. He just couldn't think of any other than her hands and her lips brushing his skin, it felt so incredible. Why did he resist her? What should he do? Succumb to her desires and his own, even if it's just to know how it feels or wait till he's certain of her needs, her real desires and feelings? He was in a predicament. She has just a couple of hours with him and he's already goin' crazy. What could await him next?

Trish took the hot bath. The hot water felt so good as it ran down her whole body. Each drop caressed her skin so smoothly, she loved that sensation. "Dante..." She whispered. She couldn't stop thinking of him, trying to imagine he was there with her. Imagining that it was not the water but his hands, his breath what were really caressing her skin so softly. What was this she was feeling? And why? Was it untrue what he said to her? That he loved her? Then why didn't he want to touch her now? She needed to find out. She stepped out of the shower and grabbed the towel. She pressed it against her chest and an intense scent filled her nose. It was incredible how the towel impregnated with his scent; she even felt more relaxed. It even made her smile. She dried her skin and then wrapped herself in the towel. She grabbed her clothes and meant to go to Dante's room with the excuse that she needed to wash her clothes to wear something. She walked the entire hall till the last door, which was his room. She opened the door without thinking, she just did and entered. Though she never expected that now she would be the one surprised.

"Oh my God Dante!" She said suddenly agitated as Dante walked through the room completely naked and drying his hair with the towel. She paralyzed for a moment as she glimpsed at his perfect, strong, toned body. No need to imagine him anymore, for she had now seen the real thing. And that single glimpse was enough to let her mind soar. Her cheeks colored in pink as she turned around. Her heart was pounding so strong that she felt it almost escaping her chest.

Dante had froze for a moment too and then he spoke. "What's wrong Trish? Nothing you haven't seen before" He said slyly as he started walking towards her. "No wait...you haven't, have you?" He stopped and slowly brought his hands down together with the towel to cover himself.

Trish slightly turned to look at him. "Well not a human one, just...from demons" She tried not to stare at him, though something inside of her was persuading her of the opposite.

Dante wrapped the towel around his waist. "I'm sorry Trish..." He said jokey as he approached to her.

"No, I'm sorry. I should've knocked" She said a bit embarrassed. "It's just that I didn't expect this..." She froze as he pinned her against the door, making it close with her back.

Dante raised her arms a bit, very slowly, her elbows flexed as his caring hands caressed her forearms till they reached her hands. He held them tightly against the door. "You didn't?" He said as he stared into her eyes so penetratingly. The more he clasped his hands with hers the more her towel got loose. So he pressed his body against hers, he let go of her hands and slowly slid down his fingers throughout her arms till he reached her shoulders. Their lips were just an inch away, a single impulse to lock them. He could feel her chest moving in and out with her heavy breathing. He wanted to kiss her desperately, but he knew that if he did, he wouldn't stop. So he evaded her delectable lips and kissed her neck instead, very softly. His lips brushed her skin with such delicacy that she felt her body weaken.

"Oh Dante..." She gasped while she closed her eyes. This was even better than she had thought. She could feel how his crotch started getting harder and harder. She just loved how that felt; so hard agaisnt her body. He slowly lowered his hands to her luscious breasts and squeezed them softly over the towel. "Aahh..." She moaned. She wanted his lips to lower more.

His lips caressed her skin from her neck till her shoulder and continued roaming at her chest. The sensation of his warm, thick lips against her soft skin, felt incredibly arousing. It started awakening so many feelings inside of her that she so much loved. She grasped Dante's head with both of her hands and tried to lower him more. She lifted one of her legs and wrapped it around his butt, then the other, and her creamy soft breasts ended up much closer to his face. The towel had opened a bit more from her waist and he pressed his pelvis even harder against hers.

"Ahhh..." She panted strongly.

Trish kissed his neck and nibble at it with the exact intensity needed to provoke Dante, and he lost control. He grabbed her by the ass from under the towel, her skin was burning up. He carried her to the bed and shoved her to it. She never let go of him, so she pulled him against her as they collasped on the bed. Dante continued kissing and nipping her skin but now more intensely. The towel was still covering her, but he opened it from her chest, but not entirely, just revealing her stomach from the center and part of her breasts while his hands did touch them and press them softly. He roamed his lips down to her navel, then to her lower abdomen and she went crazy. His hands slowly slid down her sides, caressing her skin so temptingly. Her heart was pounding so strong and her hips couldn't stop moving up and down, she couldn't control that. His lips were sucking at the exact spots that made her body squirm. She felt her pussy wet and palpitating. If this was just on her lower abdomen, how would it feel to have his lips and tongue down there?

"Ohh Dante..." She moaned strongly as her hands tried lowering his head, his lips even more. Suddenly it was as if Dante had regained consciousness, and as if he had been controlled by his demon and all of a sudden, he stopped.

He separated from Trish breathing heavily, his chest moving in and out. He stared into her eyes. "I'm sorry Trish..." He said panting. "...I lost myself for a moment..." He said as he turned around and sat on the edge of the bed.

Trish was shocked. Her chest was also moving in and out with her respiration. She covered herself up again and sat up beside him. "Why do you do this Dante?"

"Me?" He complained. "You're the one who came in here, almost naked and you keep provoking me! I'm not of stone!" He said agitated.

"I just came here to ask you how to use the washing machine" She replied. "And I meant why do you start something and don't finish it?" She said more calmed.

Dante took a deep breath and turned to look at her. "I'm sorry Trish, I don't mean to leave you like this, but I think we should take things slower, more calmed. At least until you're certain of what you want"

Trish stared deep into his eyes. "Then why do you do this?"

"Because you make me lose control, but I love you and I wanna do things right and I need to be sure that you feel the same way. I don't wanna screw up. I don't want to lose you" He said as he turned his face to the floor.

Trish took his hand and said softly. "And what makes you think that I don't feel the same way?"

Dante grinned. "I don't mean to be negative but, how can you be sure that you love me, if I'm the only man you've known?"

"I don't think I need to meet thousands of men to find out. And besides, you said you'd help me through this"

"Okay. Let me ask you something" Dante said serious. "What do you feel for me?"

Trish looked deep into his eyes. "Well... I don't know" She said hesitant. "...but you awake in me so many feelings...lust, and desire and..."

"So it's sex all you want?" He said a bit disappointed. He couldn't believe how easily and profoundly he fell in love with her. He felt something so strong and in such a short time.

"Of course not!" She replied instantly. "But, what is it what you want?"

"I want you..." He whispered softly as he stroke her hair. "...in every way, in every sense. I want you for good" He said certain.

Trish just stared into his eyes. "And... how can you be so sure?"

Dante grinned. "You just know" He approached to her and kissed her forehead. He didn't want to scare her. Everything was new to her. But for the first time in his life he felt like having a family, kids of his own; she awoke that in him, that paternal side. He never believed in love or even think it existed, until now. He always used women, because he didn't care, it was just to satisfy his mere carnal instincts. And he never thought, it didn't even pass through his head that he could fall in love and with a devil. But he couldn't wish for someone better, 'cause Trish has it all. The beauty, the power, even perfection in every way. He didn't want to lose her nor scare her. He just hoped she'd decide soon. He knew she loved him, but she just couldn't tell yet. She needed to experience a bit more.

Dante stood up. "C'mon, I'll show you how to use the washing machine"

Trish followed him to the laundry room. He showed her how to use it and washed his clothes too. They were both still naked, just wrapped around the towels. Dante took some clothes from there to get dressed, it was enough temptation already, but what about her?

"You mind turning around so I can get dressed?" Said Dante.

Trish raised an eyebrow. "Nothing I haven't seen before" She said jokey. "Kidding..." She turned around.

Dante got dressed. He wore one of his various regular red leather outfits with that tight black, long sleeve shirt under his vest.

"Okay you can look" Dante said playfully.

Trish turned around and looked at him. "Wow...it suits you so good..." She said slyly. "...though I prefer Adam's suit"

Whos's Adam? Dante frowned thinking.

"You know... Adam and Eve..." She looked at him sensually.

"Ohh, I can totally see that. Much more comfortable, isn't it?" He said playfully.

Trish started getting really close to him and now he was the one stepping back until his butt hit the washing machine. "So much..." She said in such a sexy voice that Dante even gulped. She touched his chest and felt his heart pounding a bit faster. She pressed her body against his and felt his heart pounding stronger every time. She reached a hand to his face and caressed his cheek. She slowly moved her hands and started curling a lock of his hair, so smoothly that he even grinned.

They were staring at each other. "You love playing with me, don't you?" Dante said grinning as Trish kept stroking his hair. He was holding himself from the sides of the washing machine when he decided that he would play with her too.

"A little, yeah..." She whispered to his ear. Her breath made him shudder just at the feel of it.

Dante slowly moved his hands and held her against him. His hands began to roam down her back very slowly provoking her to deeply moan to his ear making him excite. "Aahh..." He sighed. "You're gonna drive me mad"

Trish separated a bit from him, though his hands were still holding her from her lower back. She looked at him and just grinned. Then a loud roar filled the room.

"Oohh, I'm starving" Dante said jokey.

Trish chuckled and got loose from his hold.

"You wanna go eat something?" Dante asked.

"Sure" She said simply.

"Your clothes are taking a while still, I could borrow you something to wear if you..."

"You mind if I stay like this?" She asked slyly as she interrupted him.

"Mind? No. But you'd be such a temptation" He said seductively.

Trish just smiled and with a move from her arm, she was magically dressed again in her black leather outfit with boots and all.

"Wo! How did you do that?" Dante said amazed.

"I can do a bit of magic" She said sultry.

"Can you make my clothes appear?" He asked excited.

"I can make them disappear..." She said raising an eyebrow with a sexy look.

Dante just grinned. "So all this washing machine thing was just an excuse to..."

She interrupted him again as she approached to him and put a finger over his lips. "To be with you..." She whispered to his ear as she put her arms over his shoulders. "Yes..." Her voice sounded so sweet and soft and enticing... He could love living like this, totally.

"I'll order pizza" He said freeing from her grasp and walking to the kitchen.

Trish followed him and then she went to the office and sat on the love seat. Dante ordered the pizza but it was still taking some time. So he headed to the office and sat next to Trish.

All of a sudden, Dante was nervous. He kept resisting her charms and she just kept seducing him. It is in her nature to be sensual. Plus she had never had the chance to be with a real man and such handsome and attractive in every way; all she ever saw and survived were demons. So now, being with Dante was so exciting and fascinating. She just couldn't resist his natural charms either.

Trish began caressing his thigh, feeling the hardness of it. Dante couldn't get any more nervous. He had never felt like this with a woman before and he just loves this. Not a single woman had ever made him sweat (other than in bed, that is). He never felt nervous with a woman before. He gulped as her hand started sliding up his thigh.

"You really work out..." She said sensually. Her hand was an inch from his groin when he stood up in a rush.

"Speaking of which..." He said agitated. "What do you say if I teach you how to use your new guns?"

"At your secret room?" She said excited.

"Yeah, we could do some practice too"

Trish didn't even think about it, she was already there. She couldn't wait to see those strange mechanisms in action. She took her guns and Dante his, as well as his boots, 'cause he wasn't wearing any shoes. He led her to the secret room and turned on the special computer. First, he turned the room into a firing range. Target holograms appeared. They were these round, red and white strip targets. Trish stood at the middle of the room and Dante just leaned on the podium beside her. He advised her to begin with just one gun for practice.

Trish tried shooting, but nothing happened. She tried a couple of times, and still nothing. She got a little desperate and Dante just chuckled. She felt a little mad and turned to look at him. She frowned pestered as she put her hands on her hips.

"You wanna try with mine?" Dante offered her his guns as he tried hard not to laugh.

She tried shooting with his guns but they just kept making the sound of an empty round. "They don't have any bullets, how do you want me to shoot!" She said pestered.

Dante just couldn't help to laugh, and she just couldn't help to get more pissed. "You said you were teaching me and you're just laughing at me!" She complained.

Dante controlled his laughter and approached to her. He took his guns from her hands and shot to all targets, right at the center in less than five seconds. Trish was perplexed at his perfect aim and dexterity.

"You still think you need bullets?" He said as he holstered his guns. He made the targets appear again, giving her a second chance to try.

Trish held Luce with both of her hands trying to have better aim. She had never shot a gun before. Dante approached to her and placed himself right behind her. She felt his body really close to her that she even lost concentration for a moment.

"Concentrate..." Dante whispered to her ear.

She breathed in deeply as she closed her eyes. Having him so close to her made her feel so relaxed, so safe; and the feel of his toned body just awoke her desires for him. She felt her body weaken so she put the gun down. But Dante got even closer to her and lifted her arms from behind her with such delicacy, that she felt a lot of electricity flowing throughout her whole body. She kept her eyes shut as his hands slid softly till they reached her wrists. He tried steadying her hands.

"Can you feel it?" He whispered softly.

"Yes..." She said gasping. She knew he meant the power flowing through her, but all she could think about was his dick bulging in his pants. Oh yes, she could feel that. She gulped as his breath brushed her face and his lips whispered to her ear.

"Release it..." He moved his right hand to her hip and held her tight against him.

"Oh Dante..." She felt such deisre for him that she felt like an explosion inside of her. She fired the gun and as her power fired as an electrified bullet, he moved his left hand to her chest and felt her heart pounding very hard. She opened her eyes as he slowly slid his right hand to her abdomen and pressed her against him even more.

"It turns you on, doesn't it?" He whispered sensually as his hand at her chest slowly slid up to her neck and even higher, till his fingers touched her lips. He pressed his fingers against them and felt how soft and thick they are. She even closed her eyes again, for all this arousal he made her feel.

"Oh Dante..." She panted while she held herself from his hips; her back was so clung to his chest and they loved that feeling.

He turned her over and stared into her deep blue eyes. They felt such connection that instant that he even thought there was no need to resist any longer. He grabbed her face by the cheek, oh he wanted to kiss her delectable lips so badly. Their lips were left an inch away when the phone started ringing and he could hear someone knocking on the front door. Fuck! Damn pizza guy. Couldn't he choose a better moment? For the first time in his life he was pissed that the pizza had arrived.

Trish opened her eyes when she felt his lips stopped approaching hers.

"The pizza must be here"

She sighed. Why did you stop? Oh she wanted to feel his lips kissing hers so badly and passionately.

They went upstairs and by the time they got to the kitchen, the phone had stopped ringing, but the pizza guy kept kocking hard on the door, screaming pizza pizza! Dante finally opened the door and grabbed the pizza box. The pizza guy was the same one as always, and as usual he kept expecting the money that Dante will still owe them. Freddy had the chance to glimpse at Trish before Dante closed the door. He found it strange that Dante had company and even more that she was such gorgeous. No wonder Dante was pissed; he interrupted them. But anyway, Dante gave him a tip and at least Freddy left a little satisfied.

Dante put the pizza box on the centre table in the living room; they sat on the love seat and started eating. Dante could finish the whole pizza all by himself but he tried behaving a little and leave some to Trish. She had never had real food before. The needs in the underworld are not the same of those in the human world. She was beginning to know, feel and love the needs of the human world. Food tasted awsome and it felt good for the stomach. She liked the pizza but not to the extremes like Dante. They finished with it in ten minutes. And then she started feeling her mouth very dry. Thirst? How come she never felt such things before? Dante gave her something to drink and she just loved it. Other than 'water', she had never drunk anything.

"Dante, can we go back to the secret room? I wanna keep practicing" She said as she grabbed her guns again.

"Sure, why not. Let's see if you really learned"

They went back to the secret room and everything was as they left it. Only one target shot and there were like 15 more missing.

"Okay now. You know how to do it, now let's test your aim" Said Dante.

She stood still and pointed her gun to another target. She shot once. "Aahh..." She exhaled. Dante just grinned. She continued firing, hitting every target almost at the center, until she finished with them. She was breathing heavily as she kept holding Luce with both hands. She didn't change her position.

Dante approached to her and put himself behind her again. Her chest kept moving fast, in and out as Dante reached his left hand to her chest applying some pressure. "Relax babe..." He said softly.

"It's true..." She said trying to breathe a bit slower.

"What?" He whispered.

"It does turn you on" She said sultry. Luce's barrel was still smokey and electricity kept flowing around it.

"It does, doesn't it?" He said feeling her heart speeding. "That's what I meant..."

"I want more..." She said gasping. "...Dante, give me more"

Dante slightly chuckled. "Alright, let's give you more" Did she have to speak so sensually all the time? He let go of her and went to the podium to set a different firing range. Now instead of regular targets, they were moving demons and civilians. "How about you use both guns now"

Trish unholstered Ombra and started shooting as the demons began to appear. She was doing great, shooting demons with ease, until she shot to the civilians and Dante stopped the machine.

"What was that!" He complained.

Trish turned to look at him surprised. "What?"

"You shot to civilians!" He kept complaining.

"I was not supposed to?" Trish said innocently.

"You're supposed to protect them, not kill them!"

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry" She said arrogantly. "Don't be such melodramatic, this is just a game" She excused herself.

"No Trish, it's not" He said after a deep breath. "The problem is that if you can't control your lust for blood, you'd kill humans too in real life" He said serious.

Trish even felt a little insulted. "I can't believe you think I'd kill humans. I find them naive and stupid, but they don't do any harm" She said a little upset. "You don't trust me?"

"I do!" He said agitated.

"Then stop acting like a freak!"

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Relax..." He tried to calm her.

"You relax" She said pestered.

"Hit me" Said Dante.

"What?" Trish frowned.

"Let's fight. I wanna test your combat skills"

Trish just raised an eyebrow, and stood still when Dante pushed at her shoulder and her body shook.

"C'mon Trish" He did it again but applying more strength and this time she stumbled down.

She got pissed and used her powers to electrocute him as she stood up.

"Hey! I said combat skills not powers. I know your powers very well already" He complained a bit.

Just when she stood up, she launched at him with punches and kicks, but he evaded all of them. He had both of her fists held with his hands.

"You fight like a girl" He said jokey. "Really Trish, is that the best you can do?" He said cocky.

She raised an eyebrow pissed. She freed her fists from his grasp and leap up the ground and kicked him in the stomach. Her heels made him get out of breath. He bent over and got hit with a jab right at the jaw. His face shook and then she kneed at his groin and he fell to his knees.

"That was a- low- blow..." Dante said breathless.

"So what? Are demons asking you where to hit?" She said cocky.

Dante was holding back before, but if she wanted to play dirty, he wouldn't hold back. He tried hard to stand up, still holding his groin. "Aaahh, that really hurt. Hope I can still get a hard on" He said suffered. He straightened up and tried recovering his breath.

"So I fight like a girl?" She said slyly.

"Yup. Totally" Said Dante, still with some troubles to speak.

She pissed again and launched at him once more, but this time he'd fight back. She attacked him with strong kicks and punches, though he evaded most of them, just a couple hits moved him from the ground. She evaded most of his hits too, but when she lowered her guard, he punched her in the face and a little blood run down her nose and some more from a small cut beside her lips. She brought her fingers to her face and when she saw her hand with blood, she got mad.

"How dare you!"

"What? You don't hesitate to hit me, why should I?"

She directed a punch right to his face but he stopped her hand and her other hand too, she screamed in anger and kicked him on a side.

"You're flexible" He let out a sigh. He caught her off guard again and punched her on her lower abdomen.

"Aah..." She let out a suffocated breath as she bent over. She bent on one knee trying to recover her breath.

Dante worried for a moment. She was taking too much to stand up. "Are you okay? Did I hit too hard?" He said worried. He reached a hand to her to help her up.

She took his hand and stood up. She rapidly leap up the ground and kicked him on the face with her two feet together. She landed behind him and leap up again but this time she grabbed hold of his neck with her ankles; she twisted her body making him give a round in the air and hit the ground strongly with his back. She straddled him and started punching his face, until he stopped her, still a bit sore.

"That was- a good one..." He said panting and holding her wrists.

Trish was breathing heavily, her whole body was shaking, her heart was pounding fast and Dante just couldn't help to get a hard on.

"This, is how I wanted to have you" He said sultry.

Trish let out a sigh, feeling how his crotch started getting harder. "Oh yeah...?"

"Yeah" He said as he turned her over in a second and now he was on top of her. "That was good" He said staring at her penetratingly.

"Thanks" She said staring focusedly at him. "So no worries huh?" She said slyly. He was still holding her wrists; he had her arms over her head.

"Huh?" Dante wondered what she referred to.

"You can still get a hard on" She whispered sensually to his ear.

He slightly chuckled. "Yeah, no worries" He said as he licked that dried blood beside her lips.

She felt his tongue so tempting. She felt chills throughout her body. "It was fun" She said while she blinked slowly.

"Yeah..." Dante said softly. "Except when you hit me down there"

"Sorry..." She whispered softly.

Dante leaned to kiss her, they could almost savor their breaths, though their lips didn't meet yet. He just brushed his lips against hers, against her chin, beside her lips, tempting her. She freed from his grasp and meant to pull him into a kiss, when the phone rang again and Dante moved away.

"Now what!" He said pissed. Someone had to always ruin their moment. He stood up and meant to go get the phone, and once again, he left her wanting more. Why does he always have to do the same? What did she have to do to make him kiss her?

She stood up and followed Dante upstairs. It turned out it was Morrison. She just couldn't hate him more. He showed up at the office minutes later to appologize to her and try to make amends. And just so he would leave her alone with Dante, she said it was alright and so he left a bit more calmed. He didn't want to have the demoness mad.

So they were alone again. Trish stared at him naughtily. "So... where were we?" She said while she approached to him.

Dante took her hand and pulled her against him, he embraced her strongly when the phone rang again. He sighed.

Trish went to get the phone. "Devil Never Cry" She said then she hung up.

"What?" Dante asked.

"Wrong number" She said.

Dante embraced her again when the phone rang once more. "I swear I'm gonna disconnect that thing!"

She answered again. "Devil Never Cry..."

It was the same customer but since she didn't say 'Devil May Cry' he thought it was a wrong number. "Is this the Devil May Cry agency?" Asked the man.

"Yes" She replied. The man told her about the job. "Okay, great. Where's the place?" She seemed to be paying attention. "We'll be right there" She said as she hung up. "This one has the password, sounds heavy" She said as she stared at him.

"Okay. Let's get it over with in ten minutes. I can't let any single of those suckers live"

They both took their weapons and headed to the doors. They opened the door and walked out.

"Five minutes" She said turning to look at him.

Dante chuckled. "More than enough"

AN: Okay this is the first chap, hope the others don't get too long. Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed and please leave your reviews, I won't bite. I appreciate that you do, thanks. Till next chap, hope I can update soon. Comments, thoughts? Leave a review or don't hesitate to send me a PM. Good day. :D