Final chapter, no smut sorry. But I think this is kind of cute.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own glee, sadly.


Quinn sighed happily as Rachel pulled her body close for a cuddle.

The first time they cuddle after, Quinn had been tense and unnerved. No one cuddled after, it was like an unwritten rule, but then Rachel had nuzzled into her neck and she couldn't resist.

She had lay beside her until the brunette's breathing evened out and then slipped out of the bed.

She didn't have enough will power to do it the next time.

She ended up staying until the next morning and it was almost as though they were a normal couple… almost.

Quinn often forgot that she was a whore when Rachel was with her. Rachel treated her like her personal lover, she was so attentive to her needs even if she had a slight problem controlling her own orgasms.

She was getting better at it though. It was almost fifteen minutes last time before she came inside her.

Quinn let her eyes drift shut as she snuggled into the bed, feeling Rachel's heated skin flush against her back.

"Quinn?" The blonde smiled at the gentle tone Rachel was using.


"Would you like to go on a date with me?"

Quinn's eyes snapped open as she sat up in the bed, hugging the sheets to her chest as she looked down at the millionaire. "What?"

Rachel blushed, feeling stupid for asking but not seeing any reason as to why she couldn't ask again, "Would you like to go on a date with me? I know you probably get offers all the time but-"

"No." Quinn whispered. Rachel's eyebrows rose slightly before dropping. She knew it was unlikely Quinn would want to see someone like her on a personal level.

"Oh. Well, never mind- it was just a thought I mean-" Rachel could feel herself building up to a ramble.

Quinn shook her head frantically, dropping the sheet as she leant towards Rachel to explain her mistake. "No, no one has ever asked me before. I don't really understand why you're asking me really."

Rachel swallowed, "Well, you're beautiful, you seem like a nice person and I enjoy spending time with you . You've been extremely patient with me even though I'm sure I haven't been much good at anything."

Quinn tilted her head, trying to gauge Rachel's honesty, "Is it because I'm your first? Is that why you think you like me?"

Rachel frowned at her, "I'm not naïve, I recognise that you're special to me because you are the only person I've… done it with, but I really want to know more about you. That's why I keep coming back, after the first time I didn't really need to get um de-stressed again, I just wanted to see you. And now you probably think I'm a weird stalker." Rachel trailed off, and Quinn saw the burning flush covering her face.

She felt a smile grow on her face, "You aren't a stalker Rachel, a bit of a dork maybe, but not a weirdo."

Rachel half smiled, "Is this your way of letting me down easy?"

Quinn dropped her smile and bit her lip, "I'm a prostitute, I think you can do better than me."

Rachel's face darkened, "Just because you do something doesn't mean that's what you are. I played football in high school, but I was no football player. I like you, I don't care about anything else."

"What if it got out, what I do?"

"I'd make sure I would but if I did, I would have your back. Although, I'd hope if we did go on a date you wouldn't continue in this line of work."

Quinn took a deep breath, she liked Rachel. She really did, she just didn't want to disappoint her. But was she worth the risk? "I'd quit this, to keep doing this whilst seeing anyone is cheating, so I suppose I'd better go job hunting."

Rachel's eyes widened, "Is that a-"

"Yes. I'll go on a date with you." Quinn squealed as Rachel dove at her, peppering her face with sweet kisses.


It was simple. Cliché. Low key.

It was perfect.

Quinn had been a bit embarrassed when Rachel turned up at her tiny apartment, with a bunch of gardenias and a bottle of expensive wine. Although she was pleasantly stunned by Rachel wearing a tight black dress and tall leather boots.

Once Quinn had put the wine away and stuck the flowers in some water they'd went on their way. She had been surprised when Rachel walked to a silver Prius and held the door open for her. She had expected a limo- not that she would have been comfortable with the level of attention it would draw- and here Rachel was, driving them to the movies.

She had to admit that she was used to going to dinner then the movie, but once they had seen The Lego Movie and went to dinner she had to admit that Rachel had been clever. They had started off talking about the movie and ended up talking about anything and everything.

She learnt that Rachel had a hard time in high school, used to sing in a glee club and had been going to go onto Broadway but found herself struggling to pay her bills, so she took a business course alongside her musical theatre major and ended up discovering that she had a hidden talent for.

Quinn had found herself telling Rachel about going to college for creative writing and then having a hard time getting by after coming out to her parents.

It was weird that Quinn told Rachel so much, normally she never spoke to anyone about her family life and yet it was all spilling out with Rachel.

It was the best date Quinn had ever been on.

She was rather sad that I was over as Rachel walked her to her door.

Rachel had rocked back and forth on her heels, as Quinn tuned to face her after she unlocked the door, she had quickly pecked her on the cheek before pulling back. The blond had felt her lips quirk with how sweet the music producer was being.

"Would you like to come in?" Rachel looked slightly surprised but nodded nonetheless. "We could stick another movie in if you want?"

Rachel smiled shyly and followed her inside, waiting for Quinn to lead her to the couch.

They only got about ten minutes into the film before it was forgotten; their mouths having found something more interesting to do.

"Best date ever," Quinn moaned as Rachel began to kiss down her neck and then licked back up. She whimpered as Rachel pulled back to look at her.

"It was enjoyable then?"

Quinn huffed a laugh, "Of course! Didn't you think it was good?"

Rachel blushed and shrugged, "I hoped it was, I enjoyed it, but I have no point of reference."

Quinn sat up on the couch, "Okay, no way have you never been on a date. Not possible."

Rachel laughed nervously, "I haven't went out with anyone that I like romantically before, I went out with two of my friends once but it was just strange and not very pleasurable."

Quinn shook her head, "You are certainly one in a million Rachel. A generous, beautiful, talented one off person."

Rachel had resembled a tomato by this point, but had given her a cheeky smirk, "Does that mean I get another date?"

Quinn chuckled, "Depends, if you get in my bed in less than five minutes we have a deal." The blonde let out a squeal as Rachel scooped her into her arms only to pause.

"Um… where's your room?"

Quinn snorted.


Five years. Quinn could scarcely believe how lucky she had bee to land someone as amazing as Rachel.

She waited nervously as her wife unwrapped the small rectangular box.

She watched the brunette's movements slow as she glimpsed the contents of the box. Confused brown eyes jumped from the box to meet Quinn's, and the blonde held her breath. This could either go really well, or really wrong.

"Happy anniversary honey," Quinn smiled hesitantly.

Rachel blinked, "Is this…?" She held the box up.

"Uh huh." Quinn felt her heart soar as Rachel's face broke into a massive smile and she let out a joyful laugh. She was surprised as Rachel leapt from her chair to come and hug her.

"We're going to be parents Quinn!" Rachel squealed and Quinn grinned, her eyes watering as she saw how happy the little brunette was about it, not that she ever doubted Rachel would be displeased, but she couldn't help but worry.

As Rachel pressed her lips against Quinn's; the blonde couldn't help but smile into the kiss and think of how silly to ever think that any time spent with Rachel would just be routine.

It was anything but business as usual.


Read and Review.

Why do I always put 'read' at the end of a chapter? It makes no sense, I apologise.

I'm up for any suggestions with GP! Rachel, although no threesomes as I would just get completely confused as to what and who is going where.

I want to do a dorky Rachel one and another one is when the gleeks go camping and faberry shares a tent…