Black-chan: Now to clear things up, I asked "khr1410" if I can write a story of my own based on her story "The Sky shugo chara" and she agreed so here I am, finally publishing my story! Anyway, hope you guys like it~! And to khr1410, thank you for letting me use the idea and also, hope you enjoy~

Vongola Chara: Doki 1:
Birth of the Mafia Eggs!

It had been months since Representative Battle of the Rainbow. Tsuna had been having his usual day and it had been pretty peaceful for the boy. He was able to finally get back to studying in school without worrying about anything bad happening though sometimes, he could feel his intuition warning of assassins coming to Namimori.

However, he was not minding it much. Okay, at first, he did but then, he remembered his Cloud Guardian would likely "bite those herbivores to death".

Really, the brunet liked the new peacefulness but somehow, he felt as if he was missing something. He could even admit he missed the actions if only just a little.

"Oi, Dame-Tsuna," the young student felt a poke around his ribs and widened his brown when he was smacked by a strong and heavy hammer. He didn't really need to know who did it.

"Reborn!" the male Sawada screeched at his baby tutor who was trying to look innocent while a green hammer was around his back. "Why'd you hit me for?! I was resting!"

"I want you to gather your guardians in your room now," the sadistic tutor simply ordered and smirked with promise of torturous stuffs if his orders were not done. The small teenager gulped, feeling that he was going to experience some crazy things again. "I'm giving you ten minutes to gather them... One—"

"Wait, even Hibari-senpai and Mukuro?!"


"It's impossible, Reborn!"


"H-hey! Wait, I'm not ready!"


"HIIEEE!" a blur of brown with hint of orange came running down the streets and Reborn watched his student in high amusement. Chuckling to himself, he couldn't help but comment, "4.7 seconds. He improved his speed."

Tsuna questioned how in the world he was able to gather his guardians in his room without them trying to kill each other and thanked Kami that he was able to persuade Hibari and Mukuro in joining as well. Now, they just need to wait for the Sun Arcobaleno, who mysteriously was still not there, to come.

"Gyahaha! Lambo-sama's bored! Dame-Tsuna play with me!"

"Don't destroy Juudaime's peace, ahosi!"

"Maa, maa, come down, Gokudera."


"For disturbing my peace, I'll bite you to death, herbivores!"

"Kufufufu, it seems like the skylark is annoyed as ever."

"HIIIEEE! Please don't start a fight in MY room!"

"Ano... Bossu, where's Reborn-san?"

The young Decimo stared at his only female guardian and scratched his head nervously. "I'm sorry for suddenly bringing you here, Chrome. I think Reborn left after he send me to gather you guys...," he replied slowly, wanting to curse the hitman who was definitely enjoying his misfortune. 'I swear he's planning dangerous again.'

"On the contrary, I'm going to give you guys a vacation, Dame-Tsuna," Reborn suddenly appeared out of nowhere and let out a chuckle when his student jumped in surprise at his intrusion. "Now, I'll explain why I asked for you and your guardians."

"What do you mean by vacation?" the Sky Vongola unwisely interrupted whatever the baby was going to say next and was hit by Leon who changed into a hammer. "Itai! Reborn, that hurts!"

"Before the rude interruption, I will continue with what I was saying," the adult-inside-a-baby's-form started with a sly smirk as he called out someone to enter the room. "Giannini, bring in the machine."

The 10th Generations stared blankly at the bazooka, except some who were either amused or oblivious and slightly remembered how a bazooka also made them stuck in the future.

"Ano, Reborn...what's that?" Tsuna asked, fearing the answer and what was about to happen.

"A bazooka that will allow people to travel other dimension or parallel worlds," the home tutor answered, enjoying the bemused looks he received and without further explanation, he pointed it to the gang. "Ciao ciao. Enjoy the vacation~!"


Pink smoke surrounded the seven teenager and one child then when it cleared, no traces of the humans were found. The Sun Arcobaleno whistled innocently and held back a smirk.

"Now, to get the Varias and some others to join in."

A certain brunet blinked his honey-brown eyes as he saw himself in a place that was somehow like a starry sky. "Where am I?" he asked slowly and widened his eyes in shocked at how his voice sounded different. Then, he noticed something else was different, causing him to cry.

"HIEE! My voice is squeaky and I shrunk!?"

As if to answer his unvoiced questions, there was a poof and a letter gently came to his small hands. Reading, he mostly wanted to curse his Sparta mentor.

It read:


If you read this, that would mean Giannini's invention is a success which means you got lucky and will have a vacation. There is only a 10 percent of success after all.

Anyway, you are apparently in a world where there are creature called "Shugo Chara". They are someone's would-be-self that grants wishes and no one can see them, except for those who have shugo chara. Oh, and you're now a shugo chara , same with your guardians since it's the side effects of Giannini's bazooka.

Enjoy your vacation.

Love, Reborn.

P.S. There is no return button so you guys are stuck there for a long while. Ciao~

"Baka, stupid, sadist, Spartan, devil reincarnation!" the usually kind Sawada listed the insults he wanted to say to his tutor. "Love? Yeah, right! Gahh! I hate you so much, Reborn!"

Then, Tsuna started thinking of his guardians and what they were feeling in this situation and paled when he thought of his two dangerous guardians.

"Oh no! Hibari-san will bite me to death and Mukuro will want to possess my body more!"

And just outside the realm, children and teenagers alike looked at their beds in shock to see shugo chara eggs.

Chapter 1 Finished! 01-14-14
Black-chan: That's all for now and if you guys have thoughts on which KHR characters should be paired (as in shugo chara and owner relation) up with which Shugo Chara characters, review or PM me. This doesn't just include the guardians. Any KHR is included!