"Rose, do we really have to do this now?" The Doctor whined as Rose dragged him through the mall.
"Yeah! Now come on, or we're gonna miss it!" She tugged at his arm but he stopped in his tracks and refused to move.
"Why?" He demanded.
"Because there's a 50% off on all of Macey's and it ends in two hours!" She explained for the hundredth time in the past half hour. The Doctor was not a good shopping companion.
"I have a time machine!" He exclaimed. "I can take you to this exact moment ten years from this point in your timeline!"
Rose let out a puff of air. He was getting on her nerves.
"But we're here now." She hissed. "Why come back later if we're already here?" She emphasized every word, in a way that reminded the Doctor of Donna.
Ever since Rose had come back from the parallel universe, things haven't been quite the same between them. Since Rose was his first companion in a while after the time war, she didn't know what the Doctor was like when he was grieving. She had been wonderful, though. She had held him while he cried after they had dropped Donna off, lulled him back to sleep when he woke up from nightmares. But it was hard for both of them. The Doctor had become even more protective than before, afraid that he'd lose her again. Rose was more prone to mood swings and snappy comments.
None of it would have happened if one of them would have had the courage to make a move on the other. They were both afraid that if something different between them would begin, they would be separated once more. And neither of them would dare risk that.
So they carried on as usual, only the air around them was tenser. They barely even touched anymore. No more casual hugs or snuggling together on the couch to watch a movie, because that could lead to something more that would lead to heart-ache.
"All right, fine. I'll come pick you up in an hour." The Doctor said, turned away, and headed towards the exit. He rarely did this, but this was London, Rose's home town. She knew this place better than the back of her hand. What could possibly go wrong?
"Fine!" Rose shouted at his back. She felt tears of frustration sting her eyes. What had happened to them? How did they end up like this?
"I know, I know! I shouldn't have left her." The Doctor said to his ship. He unnecessarily pressed some buttons and fiddled with the orange handle. The TARDIS hummed angrily in response.
"Oi! I most certainly didn't!" The Doctor exclaimed. He glanced at one of the screens and adjusted the focus. "It's none of your business, anyway." He murmured. The ship jolted sideways, throwing him off balance, and he landed on the floor with a thud. He leaned on the banister and hoisted himself up, rubbing his lower backside.
"Sorry, old girl. I don't know what's happening to me." He gave the console a pat, and the ship accepted his apology with a hum.
"What should I do?" He wondered and sat down on the jump seat. The TARDIS then proceeded to send his mind images so kinky and nasty that he blushed a deep red. The ship he had stolen had an exceptionally dirty mind.
"Language!" The Doctor yelled, shocked at what the TARDIS' data base could provide. He slapped at his cheeks to cool them down.
"I should probably go back and apologize." He said. He took a quick detour to his room to check that he looked all right, ruffled his hair and straightened his jacket.
"Yep." He sniffed. "Still got it."
He put the ship's shields up and walked out, locking the door behind him.
As the Doctor neared Station Rd, he saw smoke coming from the area he was headed and immediately knew something was wrong. He started jogging through the streets, the light drizzle dampening his clothes. When he spotted the flashing lights of police cars and ambulances standing in front of the mall entrance, panic made his hearts skip a beat. He ran faster, leaping over fire hydrants and almost crashing into curious passerbys. He ducked under the police tape, flashed the psychic paper in the faces of astounded police officers, and headed towards the front glass doors. They were locked, so he fished in his pocket for his sonic screwdriver.
Damn bigger on the inside pockets. After two minutes of a frantic search, all he could find was his glasses, a packet of gum, some used tissues, and a spare pair of shoes. But no screwdriver.
He must have left it in the console room.
Shit shit shit.
He peered into the store. Paramedics in gas masks were walking around between frightened and confused citizens, handing out blankets. He left the doors and went over to a young police man, who was talking on his radio.
"Excuse me." The Doctor tapped his shoulder. The officer took no notice of him, and kept on talking and scribbling notes in a black pocket book.
"Excuse me!" He said a bit louder this time. The officer turned to face him.
"Sir, this is a restricted area. Please step back behind the tape."
The Doctor flashed the psychic paper. The officer glanced at the paper and his eyes widened. He let go of the radio and stood up straight, saluting.
"We, uh, didn't know you were coming, sir. This is not a priority one event." The officer cleared his throat.
It is to me, the Doctor thought. "Erm, at ease, officer…" He squinted at his badge. "Lee Brown. Well, Lee, why don't you, erm, brief me." The Doctor had never been an officer in command before. He would have to get used to the part.
Lee cleared his throat again and seemed to relax a bit. "Right. There was a gas leak, sir. The place has been sealed with concern that said gas is poisonous. Only certified paramedics were let in, no-one was let out. We're worried that the citizens carry the poison in their lungs, therefore they should be kept contained, So far no-one has shown any symptoms of disease, but we're no sure what gas it is, so we want to keep them there until the lab has results. Could take a few hours, could take a whole day. I'm not sure. Anyway, the situation is under control, sir."
The Doctor pondered over his words. This sounded like something completely ordinary. He was sure that no alien life-forms were involved. This was bad, because that meant that they could deal with this on their own and, for once, he had to follow their rules.
Which meant Rose was stuck inside.
"Thank you, Lee. And please don't call me sir." He patted his back and walked back to the glass doors, leaning his head against them and looking inside. After a few minutes he finally spotted a familiar blond head. His hearts leapt. Rose was sitting cross-legged on a bench with a blue blanket around her shoulders. Her hair was unruly and tangled, and she looked tired and worried. The Doctor tapped on the glass to get her attention, but she didn't notice. He knocked louder and louder until he was practically pounding at the doors. Rose finally turned her head and saw him. Her eyes widened. She dropped the blanket and ran to the doors, putting her palms on the glass and grinning at him. The Doctor covered her palms with his. He could almost feel their warmth through the glass.
"Sonic?" Rose mouthed. The Doctor showed her his pocket and mimed that it wasn't with him. Disappointment flashed across her face.
"I am so sorry." He mouthed back, stroking her hand through the glass. Rose mentioned for him to that she'll come back in a minute and ran from the doors. She returned moments later with a pad of paper and a pen. She sat down in front of him, and he did the same. Rose scribbled something on the paper, and then held it up. He read her slanted handwriting. It's okay. I'm just glad you're back. Just get me out of here, the note said. The Doctor pointed behind him, raised one finger, and then pointed at his watch. Rose nodded. He got up, brushed the back of his trousers, and walked over to Lee, who was leaning on one of the police cars writing something in his notebook. The Doctor snatched it and the pencil from him and Lee looked up, surprised.
"Can I have this? Thanks. Won't take long." He strode back to Rose and sat down. He held up his note. It read: I can't, Rose. For once I have to follow your rules. But I will stay here until you can leave. I am so, so sorry. I never should have left.
Rose replied quickly: At least this time we can see each-other. She smiled, trying to hide the pain in her eyes. Her reference was all too clear. His mind reeled back to the last time they had a wall between them. Only this time, it was just a wall. A transparent one, even. This time not universes stood between them, but just a sheet of glass.
A paramedic approached Rose. He touched her shoulder and said something inaudible. She stood up to face him and shook her head vigorously. She poked the poor man in the chest and he took a step back. The Doctor could see the determination and stubbornness in her eyes, and his hearts filled with adoration and love towards his little pink-and-yellow girl.
The paramedic soon gave up his fight and lumbered away. Rose, pleased, sat back down. The Doctor raised an eyebrow and pointed in the paramedic's direction.
He tried to take me away from you. Her note stated simply.
And? He replied.
And? Bloody moron, you are. No-one can ever take me away from you. She smiled her Rose Tyler smile that he could never resist.
Not even a dimension-jumping device. She added. The Doctor put his hand on the door and Rose covered it with her own.
Are you really gonna stay here all night? She wrote. He nodded and rested his head on the glass. Rose did the same. He was extremely uncomfortable in that position, with the hard asphalt digging into his bottom and his neck craning, but he was physically and mentally exhausted from the day, and he felt himself drifting off to sleep.
Someone far away was talking to him. Well, not so far away, apparently, since that someone also happened to be tapping his shoulder.
"Sir? Sir, sorry to wake you, but I have an update on the situation."
The Doctor opened his eyes and blinked. Lee was standing over him with a hand on his shoulder. It had gone dark, and the street lights cast an eerie glow on his surroundings. He yawned and stretched. The Macey's store was lit from the inside, so now he could see inside better. Rose was lying next to the door, her palm still pressed against it, fast asleep. Someone had draped a blanket over her and he could see her form rising and falling peacefully beneath it. He leaned on the door and stood up. His hair was even messier than usual.
"Yeah?" He croaked, his voice thick with sleep. He cleared his throat and tried again.
"The results are back from the lab." Lee started. The Doctor's eyes lit up. He looked at him hopefully. There was a moment of silence, and for a minute the Doctor was sure that something was wrong. What if Rose was sick?
But then Lee broke out into a grin.
"They are in no danger at all. We'll open the doors soon!" He said. The Doctor pulled him into a bear-hug and patted him on the back.
"Good man!" He exclaimed, and let go of the surprised officer. "Oh, this is brilliant!" He pulled at his own hair. "Brilliant!" He grinned from ear-to-ear, eyes sparkling. Lee leaned closer to him.
"I know you're not really a commander." He said quietly. The Doctor blushed.
"I, erm, look, I just wanted to-" The Doctor stammered, but Lee cut him off.
"It's okay." He said and looked towards Rose's sleeping form. "I understand. You just wanted to make sure she was okay." He smiled shyly. "I would do the same thing if my Jane would've been in her place." The Doctor smiled at him.
"I wish you and Jane my best." He said softly and shook his hand. They stood around awkwardly for another minute, not sure what to say. Finally, Lee gestured towards the doors.
"I should probably…"
"Oh! Right. Don't mind me. I'll be here." The Doctor stuck his hands in his pockets. He took a few steps back to let the Police do their job.
He watched as an officer approached the doors and unlocked them while a paramedic from the other side removed the contamination tape. The paramedic woke Rose gently, who immediately stood up and backed away to let the paramedic work. She spotted the Doctor and a smile spread on her face, tongue between her teeth. She waved, and he waved back. Then the doors opened and his Rose was running towards him, the strands of hair that escaped from her braid flying in all directions. She crashed into his chest and he held her tightly and never wanted to let go. It felt so good to be able to feel her warmth against him. He buried his face in her shoulder and smelled her shampoo. He could feel tears flood his eyes.
"I am so, so sorry." He murmured into her hair. "I never should have left. It's my entire fault. Oh, if you would have gotten hurt, I would never have forgiven myse-"
He couldn't finish his sentence because Rose's lips were on his.
It wasn't the first time that they kissed. But the first time, it had been to save her life. The second time wasn't even Rose. But this was purely them. Rose ran he hand through his hair, smiling against his mouth, and he wrapped his arms around her waist and back and held her tightly. When they separated, it was only because they had to or they'd suffocate. The Doctor leaned his forehead against hers, still holding her tightly. His hearts were beating wildly. Rose's eyes twinkled as she looked at her Doctor.
"Hi." She whispered.
"Hi." He giggled. "What was that for?" He asked. Rose rolled her eyes and smacked his arm.
"You know, for a 900 year old Time Lord that traveled all of time and space, you're a bloody idiot." She said.
"Oi!" The Doctor exclaimed, tugging at her braid. She swatted his hand away.
"I love you, my idiot Time Lord." She said.
His hearts fluttered. Finally. Finally he could say it. Those three words that she's been longing to hear and he's been longing to say.
"And I love you, Rose Tyler." This time, it wasn't a goodbye, but a promise. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
Their peace and quiet, as usual, didn't last long. They heard shouts behind them.
"You there! Don't move!"
Rose sighed. "What have you done this time?"
"Well, I might have told them that I was a police commander. They might have found out that I am not." They turned towards the shouts. Four armed officers were running in their direction.
The Doctor reached his hand out to Rose and waggled his fingers.
"Off we go!" He said.
She grabbed his outstretched hand, and they ran off into the night.
A/N: What do you think? Let me know in the reviews! And, if you send me a prompt tomorrow morning David Tennant will be at your doorstep with a box full of kittens.