Letting Fate Take Over

Chapter One: Forward.

Everyone kept their eyes on the petite beauty, Lisanna, as she made her way to the center of Magnolia High School.

Lisanna Strauss, at age 17, already extremely gorgeous, much like her older sister, Mirajane Strauss. Today was the day of the Homecoming Dance, and she was one of the few girls who were nominated for Homecoming Queen. She also happened to be part of ASB. She was always fond of how simple life was for her, she didn't have much to worry about. Lisanna was living a good life so far, she was well known in MHS, openly accepted by many, and best of all - to her, of course - she was currently dating Natsu Dragneel, one of her childhood friends, the same person she was rushing to meet.

Things couldn't possibly get any better! She thought.

The silver haired girl finally reached the heart of the school, where the grand Fairy Tail statue stood tall. From behind it, she spotted pink hair.

"But why?" The broken down girl studdered, trying to hold back her sobs.

"I'm sorry Lisanna, I've always felt like you were such a great friend. Though, to be completely honest, as much as I tried forcing the thought of you being more than just a friend, I couldn't picture you being that person." Natsu replied, softly, trying not to captivate more attention from their fellow classmates.

"Natsu..." Her voice trailed off. She didn't know how to reply to that, she felt very embarrassed. Not just that, but also betrayed, used, thrown away. She was hurting bad.

He, on the other hand felt a great amount of weight lift off his shoulders.

"Come on Lisanna, " He gestured to the building south of where they stood, their physics class. "We'll be late to Physics."

Silently wiping her tears, she followed him to class, with her head down. Trying to keep in her urge to stop the pink haired boy and show him what it was he had let go of.

Natsu Dragneel, a well known pink haired boy in Magnolia High. A guy who many girls fought over and few guys envied. Although he didn't seem to notice many girls giving him an unusual amount of attention. He didn't care for stuff like that. Natsu was a good kid, with a great amount of respect for everyone, except for certain types of people. The kind of people who he felt really didn't deserve it.

Now, the reason for the break up. It all goes back to when he actually noticed Lisanna. Natsu had known her since they were kids, but he's never really noticed her. He admitted to himself she was extraordinarily pretty, and started talking to her a bit more. Turned out they had much more in common, they were both courageous, down to earth people who put their loved ones before them. Holding themselves up with pride and honor.

Lisanna had taken a great liking to Natsu, though Natsu was thoroughly convinced she was like family to him. To his misfortune, she started announcing that they were going out without his consent. Hell, he didn't agree to being her boyfriend. Yet, she stood proud in front of many, gushing about her relationship with Natsu.

Natsu was then ready to go correct her, but his mind convinced him to give it a shot.

Hell, what have you got to lose? Lisanna is an understanding person. She won't hold anything against me.

With that, he started taking her out and spending massive amounts of time with her. But not once did he feel any romantic feelings for her and because of that, he didn't try to rush things. Natsu tried taking things as slow as possible, avoiding things he knew they'd regret later on. He knew it would most likely not work out, unless by some miracle he started loving her. Sadly, it didn't happen.

So, on this day, Natsu finally worked up the nerve to cut things off with Lisanna, to avoid a bigger heartbreak in the future. Although he was feeling utterly saddened because he made her upset, he knew it was a noble thing to do. To keep her from loving him.

He looked up at the clock, still twenty minutes left until Physics came to an end. He sighed. Natsu dared to look across the classroom, where his eyes found another pair. They were still shedding tears. Oh Lisanna, you need to let go. Stop looking back at me, keep going forward. I promise it's a step in the right direction. Please, it's for your own good. I just want to be your friend, nothing more.

"Natsu, I'd like to speak with you."


"Erza?" Natsu managed to choke out.

"Did you expect anyone else?" She said sternly.

"I don't have all day, Dragneel. You better get your ass over here before I DRAGneel your ass back." Erza said through clenched teeth, "Don't you go pissing me off. "

"Alright, alright, I'm coming." Defeated, again. Why do you let Erza win all the time?

Natsu and Erza then walked into the lonely restroom. The creaking of the door echoed throughout the ridiculously big room. Erza took a seat in the restroom's waiting room, while Natsu paced back and forth.

"So, how is he?" She asked, the curiosity was killing her.

"Jellal is fine, I don't see why you can't just go up to him and talk to him if you like him that much, Erza. "

"Because, what if he doesn't remember me? What if he isn't who he was before? What if he doesn't care? " Erza pointed out, "You owe me Natsu, therefore you have to tell me how your cousin is doing."

"But, you seen like a stalker this way, Erza... C'mon, we all know you're the Boss Bitch 'round these parts, man up." He replied with a cheeky grin.

"You don't get it," she spat. " I'd love to, but I can't."

"Well, what if I introduced both of you?" He sincerely offered.



"Yes? What would you like, Natsu?" Erza asked, "Another box of Kitty litter for your cat?"

"I want you to get Lisanna off my back."

"Oh, I see now," she inched closer. "Lisanna can't keep her claws off?"

"Uh, no. She can't, she's bugging the shit out of me, seriously." Natsu hated talking about her like that, but she was pushing his buttons. The only one who was able to get rid of her was the so- called Titania.

He also happened to know Erza wouldn't hesitate or fail to help him. They have both been friends since they were kids. She, Natsu, and prettyboy Gray Fullbuster would always fight. Yet, they loved each other to death.

"It's a done deal. Dragneel, just consider yourself a free man from this point on." They shook hands afterwards and took off in separate directions.

Geez, I hope I didn't screw up. Come through for me, Erza. Get Lisanna to forget me, get her to leave me alone, send her to another school. Anything. Well, no, not anything. Don't think that way Natsu, she's a great girl. Lisanna is really great, she should just forget about me. I love her, but like a sister...

The next day had already started off bad for Natsu. Happy, his cat, had decided to leave early in the morning, to God knows where. He went out in search of his cat, he shouldn't have had a hard time finding him, Happy did happen to be blue, after all. Ironically, he couldn't find his beloved cat. He had to take off to school, Natsu was unbelievably miserable.

"Hey Natsu?"

" Oh Hey, Lisanna, Mirajane, good morning" said Natsu flatly.

"So Hey, Natsu, can I talk to you?" Lisanna asked, already pulling him aside.

"Sure Lisanna. "

"I wanted to tell you I'm sorry about yesterday, I'm okay, I promise. I'd love to be friends with you, if it's what you want." All the while Lisanna talked to him about this, she felt like her heart was breaking.

"Really? " He was truly shocked. Natsu would've thought she would've pleaded for him to come back to her. Apparently, he thought a little too high of himself.

"Yes really. Please, don't worry about me... Well, I've got to get going, see you soon, friend!" She shouted while running back to her older sister. Lisanna tried to hide her tears, they started to come down from her eyes rapidly.

Lisanna, thank you. I misunderstood you, you're a really strong person. Well, I guess now I'm finally a free m-

Since he was too busy thinking to himself, he didn't notice the blonde girl mindlessly running in his direction. one thing led to another, then bam.


"I don't appreciate the staring." She said coldly.

"Shit, sorry. I feel like a douche. I'm not normally like this, really." Natsu didn't want to come off as a pervert to her, even the nicest of guys had these types of thoughts sometimes.

"Huh, really?" She didn't sound all too convinced.

Now, he was kind of irritated. "Well, I don't know about you, but to me it seems like you want people to stare at them. I mean, you are in fact displaying a generous portion of your boobs to the eyes of many. "

"I am NOT!" She tried arguing, but she couldn't help but see where he was coming from. She turned red.

"Again, I'm sorry for being a douche. It's not the impression I want to give anyone. It's not who I am, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. My name is Natsu, by the way, Natsu Dragneel."

She smiled. " Well, don't worry about it Natsu, I can see what you mean. It's okay. I'm Lucy Heartfilia, nice to meet you."

Her eyes, they're gorgeous...

"So, I'm actually new here," she said."Can you shower me around, Natsu?"

"S- sure." Am I trembling?

"Thanks, Hey, you've got really nice eyes, Natsu."

They aren't much compared to yours. "Oh, I guess? So let me show you around, c'mon. Let's start with the A building!"

"Okay, oww, hey if you don't mind, can you release my arm for a bit? your hand is scorching hot. "

A/N: It will get better, for you NaLu fans, stay tuned. For you NaLi fans, I don't know what to tell you except sorry for the break up. I hope you don't take it too hard. Although, I have to respect your ship, it's a ship I can definitely see going on, but I'm more of a NaLu shipper. Tell me if I'm being corny?