AN: Silla's turn. ^_^
Chapter 10: Sickly Amused
Alice groaned from her seat on an amusement park bench, head resting between her knees in an attempt to slow the rapid spinning of the world around her. When she had first come across the ride-filled place of wonder she had been enthusiastic in the exploration of it, loving the giddy feeling that she remembered from visits to such places in her childhood. It wasn't until later that her enthusiasm died a painful death.
Now, the blonde had always thought of herself as fairly capable when it came to speedy rides, but what Ace had dragged her onto could hardly be considered a ride. It swerved and dropped and spun and flipped its rider every which way, not even giving them enough time to recover from the last thing done to them before the next occurred. It wasn't until it was over and Alice had stumbled off of it did Gowland- who had said they could try out the rides for a while in the first place- have the chance to say that the ride was experimental and had yet to be tested by a guest.
Stupid Ace, Alice moaned internally, pulling me onto that deathtrap and not even feeling sick from it afterwards! Her stomach did another lurch and she covered her mouth, blue-green eyes closing automatically, I'm so glad I haven't eaten anything in a while, or else it would be covering the ground right now.
"Wow, Alice," Ace quirked an eyebrow from his place standing near her, "I never pegged you for the type with a weak stomach."
Her eyes snapped open once more and she glared at him, "Ace-"
She didn't continue because she felt ill again, turning her gaze back to the ground to stop herself from dry-heaving. If only Gowland hadn't left her alone with the brunet so he could get her something to drink. She'd prefer his company- or any of the park attendants', for that matter- to the man she was quickly realizing to be quite sadistic.
Ace, seeing her almost pained expression, crouched and leaned close to her face as he frowned, seemingly concerned for the first time since she had met him. He pulled a glove from one of his hands and gently touched her forehead, his own face moving even closer to hers. He was so close that Alice dimly noticed that his brown eyes had a reddish hue to them. Or was that the amusement park lights reflecting in them? She couldn't tell.
"You're really pale, Alice," he cocked his head, "and kinda cold, too."
The blonde snapped from her musings about his eyes and- upon realizing just how close the male had gotten to her- jerked herself away from him, face flushing quickly. His bare hand remained on her forehead, however, and he began to laugh.
"Now your face is hot!" He grinned, "I didn't think someone's face could change color so quickly!"
She pulled his hand from her forehead and opened her mouth to lecture him when Gowland- without her promised drink- walked into view, "Sorry it took me so long, I got distracted by…" he paused, blinking at the close proximity the two seemed to be in, "I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?"
Alice's face flamed in embarrassment, "No!"
"Good," a different- but familiar- voice hummed, "I don't think anyone wants to see you and Ace making out."
Alice sputtered indignantly and Ace sighed, putting his glove back on, "I see you've found us again, Boris."
The cat-eared man stepped out from behind Gowland and snorted, "Did you doubt I would?"
"No," Ace said brightly, "But I was hoping it would take you a little bit longer."
"As if," Boris snorted, "This is my home territory. I could find you easily."
Alice's companion gave a smug smirk, "Then why did it take you as long as it did?"
He bristled instantly at Ace's comment but Gowland spoke before he could, "Anyway, you can see I was distracted by Boris here who said he was looking for you two. Somethin' about being able to help you two find Peter White?" The amusement park owner shook his head, "I guess that explains why you want to go to Heart Castle, but I can't figure out why you'd want to find him, though."
Alice lit up at the news and she stood, all traces of feeling sick gone in an instant, "You'll still help us find Peter White? Truly?"
Seemingly taken aback by her excitement, Boris gave a weak smile, "Uh… sure. I don't mind."
The blonde had the sudden urge to hug him, only restraining with the knowledge of how unladylike it would be, and smiled gratefully, "Thank you!"
"No problem," was his easygoing reply.
Ace simply plopped onto the bench Alice had been occupying until that moment and sulked.