Author's Note: I do not own The Walking Dead or any of its characters, all rights of the show/comic books belong to the creator. I only own the OC whom is a dog; her breed and name are not yet decided. Anyways, there is a list at the bottom of the chapter of the breeds I cannot choose between so if any readers want to cast a vote on a breed leave a review. Also, I am completely open to name suggestions so if any of you have a few leave them in the review as well (if it helps with naming the dog will have different relationships with the Dixons, Glenn, Shane and Lori not telling what kind of relationship though). Please enjoy the story and criticism will be appreciated.

New Start in a Dead World

I always tried to be a good dog. I hardly ever bark, I stopped jumping on humans and furniture, I listened to commands, I stopped making messes in the house, protect my master and his mate whenever I can, and I stopped begging back when I was a small pup. So why did they always hurt me? I tried to be the best pet I could be, but my humans never understood that. No matter how hard I tried I always did something wrong in their eyes. But, like the loyal dog I am, I repeatedly stayed loyal and protected them. I knew my efforts would amount to nothing; a part of me just hoped that one day things would change. That one day my humans would come home rub my tummy and call me a good girl; that was all I ever wanted. But it never happened, and it never would.

This became apparent when one day my master came home with a bite mark on his arm. There was a really bad smell on him and it made me feel uncomfortable; it was similar to the smell of the beef his mate left out when they spent a week on "vacation" and she forgot to put it away, he smelt like rotting meat. It was only an essence though, which meant he touched the smelly object and after he bathed the smell left his body. The absence of stench did not settle my nerves because he started to get really sick. So when my master sat down on his chair I slowly made my way over to him to make sure he was alright. When I nudged his hand with my nose he struck me hard and commanded me to go away, so I did. With my tail between my legs I went over and stood straight by the opposite wall, focusing on my master; I didn't approach him again, but I kept a close eye on him. Something did not seem right, I could smell it. My master's breathing became irregular.

It was when my master's chest stopped rising that I began barking like crazy. I knew that meant he had stopped breathing, meaning he was dead, but I had seen on the TV that another human pressing on his chest and blowing in his mouth could bring him back. I thought that if I could get my master's mate's attention she could do that and bring him back, and then they would see that I am a good dog and like me. My plan did not go how I had hoped it would; in fact what happened terrified me. My master's mate did come at my barking and when she was about to hurt me for doing it she saw that master wasn't breathing anymore. She rushed over to him and tried to wake him up but it wasn't working. She pulled out the little box thing she talks into and started pressing buttons. Before she was done master had opened his eyes and groaned, but I did not move from my spot.

I stopped barking and did not go to my master, something did not seem anywhere close to being right. His eyes were dead and the stench I smelt on him earlier had started to form on him, combining with his sent. When his mate went to hug him he attacked her. He lunged sinking his teeth deep within her neck; he tour and devoured chunks of her flesh. I knew there was nothing I could do at this point backed against the wall as she screamed and choked on blood. Then she stopped. Her struggles and yells just stopped and her body went limp. What had once been my master had heard my whines, begging him to stop, after his mate stopped screaming and he turned to me. The look him his eyes showed one thing, hunger. His mate, whose neck was torn to pieces and whose stomach was ripped out and was now a bloody mess, had started to get up; she turned to me with the same look in her eyes.

I had never been scared of them in my entire life. Even during the beatings I was never afraid; during those times something in me always reassured me they would eventually stop hitting me. But at that time that same thing that had once reassured me told me to run, and run fast. When they advanced towards me I noticed the window above the couch was open and bolted. I was so close to the window when I felt my collar being pulled. My former master had grabbed it and was clawing at me. I didn't want to die so I did the first thing I could think of and bit him. He refused to let go so I started to shake my head rapidly and continued to try and pull myself free.

Despite it being against my instincts, it felt good to fight back against him for once. Right before he was about to bite me, by some miracle, the collar's band slipped out of the buckle. The second I realized I was free of his grasp I released my jaw and jumped on the couch and out the window. Both my former master and his mate tried to follow me out the window at the same time and, thankfully, got stuck. I took a few seconds to collect myself, because despite the window being relatively close to the ground I landed hard on my paws. When I looked up all I saw was madness.

Humans were going crazy, and the smell of rotting meat was everywhere. Some humans were acting like my former master and attacking those around them. Others were pointing objects that made loud noises at the ones eating other humans. I noticed they only stayed down when they were hit in the head though. Some of the human eating ones saw me and started coming after me so I ran away again, I know an unwinnable battle when I see one. Besides it's not like a I have a pack to protect anymore; why waste the energy fighting?

While I was running I saw Buster, a big mean dog whose owner ordered him to attack me whenever I was locked outside, being surrounded and attacked while he was chained to his tree. The worst part was while Buster was being attacked his master jumped in his truck and drove away; he didn't even try to save Buster and Buster saw it all. Buster looked positively heartbroken and stopped fighting the humans off. It made me sick; Buster wasn't even given a chance to live by the one who "loved" him. I remember watching the two of them playing and acting like idiots together through the window. They were like the perfect match. Buster even taunted me about him having a loving "best friend" while I has hated by my master. That's when I decided that IF I found a new master, he or she would not hurt me, like my former master and his mate, and be loyal and not abandon me when I need him or her most, like Buster's "friend." Our relationship will be give and take. My master will give love, loyalty, and protection, and I will do the same. With that in mind I continued running until I lost the crazy humans.

That was my first day of the sickness and since then I have learned some things and have come to some decisions. One, the crazy humans are called many things, but I have chosen to call them "walkers" because it was what I heard most humans call them. Two, walkers feel nothing, not pain or fear, so growling, barking and biting will not stop them or scare them away; doing those things will only encourage them. Three, walkers are attracted to noise, so keep barking and growling to a minimum or nonexistent. Four, stay low and run from walkers and hoards, walkers are slow so they won't catch me. Five, only head damage can kill them so if I cannot run away aim there and from behind to avoid getting hurt. Six, unlike humans, animals do not turn into walkers once bitten or scratched. Seven, humans turn no matter how they die, walker bites and scratches kill humans not turn them. Eight, expect the dead fear the living.

The living have become more desperate for survival and dangerous as time goes on, and unlike walkers some humans are able to think meaning they are unpredictable. I have stumbled upon many humans and most have been evil and deceitful. They betrayed the ones who depended on them, even family and friends. The few good human I found died quickly. They trusted the wrong people, were unprepared for walkers, or tried playing hero and failed. I no longer approach humans because I cannot bring myself to trust them enough. Despite my lack of trust in humans I still want someone to rub my tummy and call me a good girl. Unfortunately any human I consider for that role must be a competent master, but never measure up. If I do find that human I will protect him, and his pack, with my life from anything or anyone…

Chapter one is complete please review, remember name suggestions will be appreciated in reviews along with breed votes. I forgot to mention earlier that any additional breed suggestions will not be turned away; in fact they are encouraged and will be highly considered. Just keep this in mind. I would like the breed to be a generally well known, misunderstood stereotyped one. A breed that is easily identified and viewed in a negative light but is in fact a loyal, protective, and possibly family dog. If you have a suggestion leave it in the review and tell me why you picked the breed. Here is the list I have composed and reasons for picking each breed.

1:Pit Bull- with their strength and spirit comes an inspiring zest for life and a love for people, underneath the brawn, most are faithful, fun-loving, and affectionate companions. Used to be known as the family dog until they were used for fighting (if you don't believe me watch "The Little Rascals" the family dog was a Pit).

2:Doberman Pinscher- were originally bred to protect and defend. They are famous with their loyalty to owners. Better suited as a personal, or family, guardian than a junk yard dog.

3:Rottweiler- powerful dogs with strong jaws primarily meant to protect. Their personalities are generally steadfast, sensible, and serious (though some are happy-go-lucky clowns), the Rottweiler tends to respond quietly and with a wait-and-see attitude to influences in his environment, like to be dominant and will test for alpha position in the pecking order, but they will respect an assertive owner who knows how to lead a strong-minded dog. Will protect the right family at all casts.

4:Boxer- strong and square dogs. They can play well with kids. They are bright, energetic and playful breed. Also they have one of the most powerful head (when dealing with Merle you need one -_-).