BattleStar Galactica/ Mass Effect – For Fleet and Flotilla

Disclaimer – I do not own Mass Effect or Battlestar Galactica, they belong to their respective owners. However the OCs are MINE, MINE I tell you!


ACT I – A Long Three Months

Prologue - "Detailed Scans" - Unknown Star System, BattleStar Hades (BS-54), CIC – Three Months after the Cylon Attack on the Twelve Colonies

In the CIC of the massive Mercury Class BattleStar Hades', Rear Admiral Nicholas Harold stood at the central table and looked up at the blank DRADIS screen with a look of concern etched onto his hardened features.

There had been a troubling lack of activity from their Cylon pursuers for the last few days now, it was ironically starting to eat at him as a result as he knew that the likelihood of the Toasters letting them go was almost as likely as Harold meeting a Sagittaron who loved the use of modern medicine.

Harold chuckled to himself, Yep, that ain't happening...he thought as he fixed the top of his navy uniform.

He took one last look at the DRADIS screen before sighing and walking out of the CIC, leaving his XO: Jeff Davidson, in charge as he left for his quarters.

It'll be a good few hours before the Raptor recon teams report in anyway, and hell I've been going the last three days with less than twelve hours of rest, Harold continued his line of thought as he walked down the corridors of the Hades towards his quarters, The last thing this crew needs is a Commander who can barely keep his gods damn eyes open, they've been through enough already...

Harold finally reached the door to his quarters after a further five minutes of walking, with a yawn he took out his I.D card and ran it through the scanner, the synthesized voice announcing his name and rank as the door opened.

He almost stumbled into the room as it came to his attention just how tired he really was, mumbling something incoherently as the door closed behind him, he removed his navy officers uniform and his gun holster, putting the latter down on a nearby table with a loud clunk as he continued on his path to the bed. He fell face-first onto the hard mattress and groaned in mute pain as he tried to roll over, only to black out from exhaustion.

Harold knew that this 'free' and calm sleep wouldn't last very long...

Almost as soon as the dreamless sleep began, it ended with the sound of the intercom and his name being mentioned. Harold groaned as he sat up, blinking away the darkness starting to form at the edge of his vision.

"I say again, could Rear Admiral Harold call CIC immediately," repeated his XO's gruff voice over the intercom.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I frakking get it," Harold muttered after he'd finished yawning.

Harold swung his legs off of the bed and walked over to the intercom by his door, not bothering to pick up any of his removed items.

He pushed the transmit button on the intercom, "Harold here, report," he asked as he glanced over the rest of his room, it was bland for the most part, he never spent much time here.

"One of the Raptor squadrons have returned sir, they've found...something," reported his XO.

"Define 'something' Jeff," Harold sighed, "I hate unknown variables..."

"I know sir but I really can't explain this to you," Jeff's voice was genuine, he wasn't lying and that made Harold nervous, "They took a few pictures of the objects they found before they returned."

"I'll be right up," Harold said as he pushed his worries aside.

Harold killed the intercom and hurried to put on his gun holster and navy uniform, he left in a hurry, not caring that his light brown hair was sticking up all over the place.

Harold ran into the CIC, one of his hands brushing down the stray strands of hair as he entered, "Status!"

"Harold, Raptor Three-Seven returned from its scout mission by the gas giant on the outskirts of the system about an hour ago, they reported that they'd found numerous anomalies in orbit, mainly debris..." reported Jeff as he turned away from the central table, like Harold he looked concerned, very concerned.

"Such as?" Harold asked as he buttoned the top of his uniform.

"This," Jeff replied as he handed Harold a photograph, as Harold took the photograph he continued, "It looks like a warship, we have no idea who built it though, doesn't match anything in the database, Colonial or Cylon..."

Harold raised an eyebrow as he looked at the photograph, the vessel in question had undoubtedly been destroyed, a series of cracks and holes in the armour confirmed that. Just as Jeff had suggested though, it was definitely new, there was no ship he knew of that resembled that, it reminded him of a bird, more precisely and eagle, especially with its swooping wings near its midsection. Hell the damn thing gave off a metaphorical aura Don't mess with me, the fact that the Hades was more that four times the size of it however negated its appearance. What was more interesting was the colour of the ship, it was mostly gray but it had been lashed with white and red paint on the wings and rear of the hull, it reminded him of tribal war paint, Harold looked at Jeff, "You're not suggesting what I think you're suggesting are you?" he asked with a grin.

Jeff didn't smile in return, "I don't see any other explanation for it."

"Uh huh, so what? You're going to tell me aliens are real?" Harold continued, he didn't want to believe this, even with the evidence dancing in front of him, "Gods you're worse than the Gemenese," Harold laughed as he looked back down at the photo, he couldn't deny this...

"Jeff, I want a Raptor team on board that ship ASAP," Harold ordered moments later, "Let's just confirm your whole 'aliens' theory..."

"Aye sir," Jeff said before turning back to the central table and relaying the orders across the ship.

Harold picked up the rest of the pictures and glanced over the rest of them, his smile fading with each one he looked at, he finally stopped with the one of something that resembled a tuning fork, a massive tuning fork, with a blue glowing orb surrounded by rotating rings near the rear of the structure, he continued to stare at the picture, "My gods..." he whispered silently as his eyes widened.

BattleStar Hades, Upper Port Flight Deck – Twenty Minutes Later

Colonial Marine Lieutenant Connor May climbed into the Raptor he was assigned to quickly as the crews carried out their final checks before take off, he sat down close to the door and double checked his gear. He still wasn't entirely sure what the Admiral was mobilising two squads of marines for in such a hurry, he only knew that it had something to do with that Raptor patrol that just returned and that what it had found had gotten the few scientists the Hades managed to recover three months ago really excited.

Connor sighed, he never did get those eggheads...

"All right everyone!" boomed the characteristic voice of Captain Tracy 'Killshot' Harper over the Raptor's speakers, the Hades' CAG was certainly energetic but Connor got the feeling that she'd rather be flying a viper than one of these 'flying buses', "Welcome aboard Harper spaceflight excursions, where we take you on adrenaline pumping voyages, like looking through a derelict ship! Please remember to take note of your nearest exit and leave a tip on the way out..."

Connor grinned as the CAG continued but shook slightly as he felt the Raptor lift off from the ground and turn quickly before accelerating forward and leaving the flight deck, "As always, I am your Captain and your co-pilot today is the lovely Tom Ward, who is taking part today to keep his ass covered, isn't that right Tom?" She added with a snippet of cruel laughter.

"With all due respect sir, frak you..." Connor chuckled as he heard Tom's response to his introduction.

"Anyway Ladies and otherwise, we are expecting nothing but space on our thirty minute voyage however we are unable to supply in-flight snacks because of a lack of in-flight snacks, please file any complaints with the Admiral." Tracy finished with a small cackle of laughter, she had the mental image of one of the marines getting grilled by the Admiral because they were actually stupid enough to complain about in-flight snacks.

The Raptor continued to fly away from the Hades as it spooled up its FTL drive, the distant sun made the Raptor glow with a shade of blue as it shone brightly.

In the cockpit of the Raptor, Tracy turned to Tom, "Coordinates good?" she asked as she removed her headset.

"As good as we're getting," he replied as he pressed several buttons on the display above him, "Drive spun up. We're good to go!"

"Jump in five..." Tracy ordered as she double checked things on her end.

The Raptor continued to speed away from the Hades before it disappeared in a bright flash of light.

The Raptor reappeared on the other side of the system almost instantly, Tracy activating the thrusters seconds later to avoid the drifting debris, she turned back to Tom, "Do we have a landing zone?" she asked as she looked over the destroyed hulk of the former warship, Looks like the reports were right...this sure as hell isn't Colonial or Cylon...

"There is a large crack in the hull here," Tom pointed out as Tracy cruised the Raptor in, "Looks like kinetic weaponary..."

"But very high powered..." Tracy added as she picked out large alien text written on the ship's hull, Must be its their language, "What could have done this?"

"Whoever they are, I sure as frak don't want to piss them off," Tom continued.

"On that we can agree..." Tracy muttered as she put her headset back on, "Okay marines, we've found you a landing zone, looks like power is out though so EVA gear on and don't expect gravity..."

The small thrusters around the Raptor spat out puffs of white as the Raptor manoeuvred into the wreckage, both Tracy and Tom were stunned by the damage they were seeing as they eased the Raptor into a comfortable landing area.

"Okay," she said as she stepped into the Raptor's hold to talk to the marines who had put on full EVA gear and were ready to leave, "We're down inside the ship, and you're good to leave as soon as the decompression cycle is through," she added as she put on her own EVA helmet, "Remember boys, it's the eggheads that want to drool over this stuff so just check that the ship is clear and report back."

The marine squad leader stood up, "I am fully aware of our orders sir," he added with no offence meant, a soft alarm went off in Tracy's helmet, "That's the cycle complete, you can go now," Tracy opened up the Raptor's airlock for the marines and turned on her light to watch them leave, as she did so however her flash-light glinted against something floating in the distance, something scaly, something dead.

"What the frak is that!?" she gasped in horror as the entire team froze.

A/N Hello! One thing first:

What's Left of Us is on permanent hiatus until I can decide where to take it, sorry to all of you who were enjoying it but I feel that the spark I had originally for it is gone, it may come back so don't count it cancelled yet.

Additionally, I will be taking suggestive OCs for this story, be it ME or BSG, PM me with the details and I will work them into the story if they are acceptable (I'll get a template for you guys next chapter).

I may also implement 'Paragon' and 'Renegade' style choices as the story continues.

As always read, review, follow or favourite if you like what you see.