The Rogues

Chapter 1: Captured

Captain Cold-Leonard 'Len' Snart

Mirror Master-Sam Scudder

Captain Boomerang-Digger Harkness

Heatwave-Mick Rory

Weather Wizard-Mark Mardon

Pied Piper-Hartley Rathaway

Barry Allen couldn't remember the last time he had ever run this fast. He simply had to reach the Watchtower if only to reassure him that it was nothing more than a joke. That would be just like Hal; telling Barry that the Justice League had arrested the Rogues because, really, he had to have known that Barry would overreact just like he was doing right now. It was laughable because there was no way that the Rogues would go to Metropolis and there was certainly no way they would let themselves get caught by the League. They had very strict rules about who caught them after all; Barry was the only one who knew about…he almost stumbled over his own feet as something occurred to him. Piper. If this wasn't a joke then that meant Piper was back in Central City all alone…no. It was all a joke; a really bad one but a joke nonetheless. And if it wasn't then he was going to ream out the League seven ways from Sunday.

Captain Cold looked at his surroundings uneasily. As unofficial leader of the Rogues and surrogate father to a thirteen-year-old boy he had often found himself in many uncomfortable (and awkward) situations but this was beginning to border on impossible. They were trapped on the fricking Watchtower for crying out loud! Apparently Superman took offense at people coming to his city and trying to rob it but still. It was only an armored car for Pete's sake! It wasn't like they had been going after Kryptonite but, now that he thought about it, that sounded like something he could really use right about now.

"Sam, you ok?" he called.

Mirror Master groaned from the cell across him and probably would have flipped him one if his eyes hadn't been covered by a special visor that prevented him from seeing anything. Apparently they thought that if he couldn't see it then he couldn't jump through it. Idiots. All he needed to know was where a reflective surface was and then he would be gone, something that one of the others could easily provide him with by simply telling him.

"I'll take that as a yes. Digger?"

The Australian responded by letting out a stream of curses that, had they been at home, would have earned him a disapproving stare and several smacks on the back of the head. "I don't like Superman," Captain Boomerang muttered sulkily.

"Hear, hear," Heatwave called out heartily.

"Wonder Woman was rather easy on the eyes but her fists pack quite a punch," Weather Wizard sighed wistfully.

"Forget that," Cold growled. "There's no way out for us this time."

"Sure there is," Sam sat up on his bunk. "We're the Rogues for crying out loud! We've been in tougher situations than this and we've always escaped."

He didn't care if Sam could see him or not; Cold glowered at the other man. "We are in the Watchtower," he said slowly. "Flash isn't here and we've left you-know-who all alone at the base."

"Bloody hell," Digger swore. "'e's going to be worried sick about us."

"What are we going to do?" for once Mick didn't argue with Cold.

"We've trained for this," Len Snart said simply. "Delta Tango Foxtrot."

"No!" Mark yelled. "Rogues stick together."

"We've got someone else who needs us more," Sam cut in, not liking Len's idea anymore than the rest of them.

"And we won't do him any good sitting in here," Len finished. "So first opportunity then?"

"Agreed," Digger sighed heavily.

"I don't like it," Mark stated but didn't voice any further protests.

"Any idea who they're talking about?" Wonder Woman asked.

Batman shook his head. "None of my records indicate a sixth member of the Rogues. J'onn, have you been able to get anything?"

The green Martian looked slightly ill as he said, "Whenever I try all I see are some rather unsettling images of naked woman and us dead."

"We could always set them free," Green Lantern suggested, "plant tracers and bugs on them or even tag along invisible."

Batman frowned as he considered the idea. "It's a risk," he said at last, "but if they do have another member that we don't know about then it's entirely possible that he could break them out of here, seeing as how we don't know his skill set. Plus they're more likely to say what they were doing there if they don't even realize we're there. J'onn, can you make us invisible to them?"

The Martian considered the request then nodded. "I'll do my best," he promised. "By the time they realize that we're there we'll have the advantage."

"Should we wait for Flash?" Green Lantern asked hesitantly. "I mean they are his Rogues after all, they might talk to him."

"Please tell me it's a joke," Flash chose to make his presence known by skidding to a stop in front of Batman. Then he saw the monitors and groaned. "You guys did. Cold is never going to forgive me for this!" he moaned.

"He's your archnemesis," Superman said slowly. "You're supposed to capture them."

"We're all dead meat," Flash said to no one in particular. "I am so totally dead right now that it's not even funny."

"Were you aware of the fact that they have a sixth member?" Batman decided that it would probably be more productive to interrupt Flash's little rant than actually listen to it.

Flash went white as a sheet. "What…what do you know about him?" he stammered.

"Nothing," Wonder Woman said. "Other than the fact that they're worried about him and are more than likely planning an escape."

"Criminal scum like them aren't worried about anyone other than themselves," Superman stated matter of factly.

Flash snorted derisively. "Not everyone is like Luthor," he hissed. "Those guys are a family and you just messed with them. You're never going to get off their hate list now."

"I'm not worried," Superman crossed his arms and glared.

"You should be," Flash's voice was deadly serious as he looked the man of steel in the eye. "Someone once mugged the Weather Wizard and two days later was found on the steps of the Central City police station encased in a block of ice and covered in burns and frostbite. To this day that man will not step foot in either Central or Keystone. In fact he lives about twenty hours away, come to think of it."

"They've never faced us before," Wonder Woman sounded confident, Green Lantern didn't look so sure, having heard several stories from Flash.

Barry just shook his head, not bothering to comment on her ridiculous (to him that is) statement. Instead he asked, "Any idea why they were in Metropolis?"

"None," Batman frowned. "We were considering letting them go and just following them back to their headquarters…"

He was cut off by the sound of laughter as Barry tried not to choke on his own breath. Once he had finally regained control of himself he said, "You do know that they would probably go through the Mirror Dimension, right? And believe you me when I say that place is not fun. It throws off all perceptions and makes everything spin plus everything is backwards in there. The real world will seem backwards that is," he corrected. "But if you guys really want to go through with it then I won't stop you; just know that I'm not going to help you take them down when we get there but I will try and talk them out of killing you."

Batman scowled but sensed that was the best answer they were going to get from the scarlet speedster. So he nodded and said, "Let's take them to the interrogation room and see if we can give them an opportunity to escape."

Flash just shook his head but followed them anyways as they left the room.

Captain Cold knew something was up when the Justice League came in, Flash making funny hand motions. Cold just raised an eyebrow until he realized that it was a speedster's version of sign language. They really needed to teach that man to slow his hands down. A lot. However, he did manage to figure out that the League was going to let them escape and follow them back to the base. Cold's frown deepened. As much as he hated the thought of leading these…goons back to Piper he was convinced that Barry would allow no harm to come to the boy plus Piper had been itching to try out his hypnosis flute on someone other than his fellow Rogues. A predator's smile then crossed his face, alerting his fellow captives that something was up. They glanced warily at each other then decided to follow their leader's example, all save Sam who still couldn't see.

"What do you want?" Cold did his best to sound intimidating, unconsciously squaring his shoulders and narrowing his pale blue eyes.

"To talk," Batman replied, opening the cell. "Don't try anything funny," he warned.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Cold smirked. "Sam, don't tell one of your jokes. We don't want the big scary Batman getting upset at us."

Both Green Lantern and Flash were fighting smiles while Batman's scowl grew, if such a thing were even possible.

"Wouldn't dream of it, boss," obviously Sam had heard something in Cold's voice and had chosen to play his part until the time came.

The opportunity came less than a minute later after they had cleared the holding area. Batman nodded almost imperceptibly at Wonder Woman who stumbled, her grip on Cold's arm loosening. He immediately took advantage of it, thrusting his elbow into her stomach before leaping forward to tackle Green Lantern. Boomerang wrested free just in time and decided to help out Weather Wizard by raising both fists above his head and hitting Flash in the back of the neck. Superman turned and threw a punch at Heatwave who ducked, allowing the Kryptonian to shatter Sam's visor.

"Rogues, grab on," Cold yelled, as Sam saw his reflection in one of the Dark Knight's boomerangs.

J'onn now, Batman thought as he just barely managed to catch Cold's ankle as the criminals dove through his utility belt. Seconds later the Watchtower was deserted as the Justice League and the Rogues entered the Mirror Universe.

A/N: So do you guys like it? I recently re-discovered the Pied Piper and found some really awesome fan fiction on here where the Rogues knew him as a teenager and just couldn't resist doing this story. I really hope you like it. Please read and review!