Heart: I'm back with another Shugo Chara fanfic! Hip hip horrayy!

Ikuto: Meh.

Heart: It's AMUTO!

Ikuto: *ears and tail pops out* I'm ready for it. *tail swishes back and forth*

*~*~*~Ikuto's POV~*~*~*

"Ouch..." I mumbled, rubbing my bloody knee.

"Heh! Heh!" the 2nd grader laughed, and his other two ugly friends laughed with him. "You're so weak, you little 1st grader! You look like trash now! Why don't you just go back into the dumps?!" The 2nd grader yelled and kicked me again, hard.

"Stop it!" someone yelled, and the 2nd graders and Ikuto turned around and saw a girl with pink hair. Now, I know that pink hair is strange, but on the little girl I saw, pink hair looked lovely on her.

Her pink hair looked shiny, and her cheeks were lightly tinted pink. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of honey-gold. Her skin looked smooth and flawless, and she looked like a model, instead of a simple kid.

"Hey look! She's also a 1st grader! Let's pick on the too!" the bully said.

The girl stopped in front of us and glared at the bullies. "May I have the pleasure of your absence?" the girl spoke. Her voice was as beautiful as her looks. The bullies stood there gaping, but the came back to earth.

"You want to mess with me, firsty?!" the leader said and raised a fist to punch the girl. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see what would happened, but when I opened my eyes, I was shocked.

The pinkette had blocked his fist easily with one of her hands and had stopped it about five inches from her face. The bully was straining to hit her, but she was too strong for him. How?!

Pinky pushed the bully against the other bullies, and when the bullies scrambled up again, they ran away, terrified.

"Are you okay?" the pinkette asked, holding out her hand. I took it, and felt that her hand was unbelievably soft and warm.

"Ye-yeah." I said, but stumbled, my knees weak and bleeding. the girl gasped and helped me stand up.

"Come on. My house is very close, I'll help you patch that up. I'm Hinamori Amu, by the way. You can call me Amu!"

"I-Ikuto. Tsukiyomi Ikuto." I replied, not sure what to do; since I was pretty unpopular and didn't talk to anyone in my class, no one approached me. I hear some rumors about how I was an orphan though...

"Ikuto? Hey, you're in my class! I tried to talk to you once...but you ignored me..." Amu muttered the last parts, but I heard.

"Sorry, I thought you were another bully to pick on me..." I muttered.

"Oh...hey! We're here!" Amu and I were at an ordinary house. "There's my room!" Amu said, pointing to a balcony.

Amu opened the door and said, "I'm home! And I brought a friend!"

"Amu-chan?" a voice called, and some blond guy came. "Who's that?" he asked, pointing to me. I growled, remembering him. He was one of the bullies that picked on me sometimes. Why on earth was he at Amu's house?

"Oh, Tadase-kun! Why are you here?" Amu asked.

"Umm..." Tadase said. "We were supposed to have a playdate, remember?" Tadase empersized date.

"Oh yeah! Well...umm...do you think we can cancel it? I want to be with Ikuto first..." Amu said. I didn't show any emotion, but was secretly glad that Amu chose me over that jerk.

Tadase's face was full of anger. "Okay then, bye, Amu-chan." And then he left.

"Amu?" a lady came out of a room. "Where did Tadase go? And who is this young man here?"

"This is my friend Ikuto! He just got-"

"I tripped, ma'am, and Amu was kind enough to help me." I interrupted, not wanting her mother to know.

"Okay then. Why don't you two go upstairs into Amu's room and I'll prepare some tea, okay?" Amu's mother said.

"Okay mom! Come on, Ikuto!" Amu held my hand again and again that warm feeling came into my stomach.



Amu blushed and said, "He's not my boyfriend!" Then dragged me upstairs.

"This is my room." Amu said, leading me into a pink bedroom that smelled like strawberries.

"Your room's pretty cute." I said, and Amu blushed. "Thanks. Here, let me help you with your knee."

Amu pulled out a band aid with a blue cat hugging a strawberry and placed it on my knee. Then, what happened next shocked me the most, she kissed meeeeeeee!

Actually, she just kissed me on the knee where I was bleeding.

"There!" Amu said, smiling. "That'll make you feel better!"

I smiled. "Thanks. By the way, why did you tell Tadase to leave? I wouldn't mind if he stayed." Actually, I would've minded, but I wanted to know the reason.

Amu frowned. "He's mean."


"Well, I saw him bullying you in class a few times. I don't like him, but I don't like being mean to people, so I let him come over to my house sometimes for playdates...but he's different around me for some reason. He's nicer, but I dont' like the way he treats other people."

"Oh." I said, but I was personally happy that she said she didn't like Tadase.

"Oh my gosh! It's already 8 (pm)! It's too late for you to go home!" Amu said.

"Nah. It's okay. I can go home by myse-"

"No! You're still hurt and it's very dark outside! You're staying here!" Amu said.


"Call your parents and say you're sleeping over at a friend's house. You're staying, and that's that." Amu said, and I blushed slightly, happy that she wanted me over.


*~*~*~A while later~*~*~*

"Great! You fit perfectly!"

I was wearing Amu's father's old pajamas, which surprisingly fit perfectly.

"Amu! Ikuto! You look adorable together! Get closer and take a picture!" Amu's mother said, taking pictures of us.

Amu squealed and hugged me, surprising me. I slowly smiled and hugged her back and kissed her on the forehead, surprising her and making Amu's mother squeal and Amu's father scream.

Amu smiled, hugging me even tighter.

Then, she kissed me.

Heart: I LOVE THIS IDEA! It's perfect! Yay! I hope you like this story and please review!