I'm sorry I'm so crappy at updating, I swear I'm not doing it on purpose. I know where I want to take this story I'm just having trouble figuring out a way of getting it there. (Writer block is a bitch) I feel like such a failure of a writer and that I'm letting ya'll down. So if you have any advice or criticism that you think might help me progress this story further I'd greatly appreciate it. I feel like this is more of a filler chapter, but I needed a way to incorporate the suspicion and also to highlight Yuki's guilt because he feels like utter shit, as do all the other zodiac d-bags. So let me know what ya'll think I desperately need the feedback.

The last couple of days were hell for Yuki, the fear that Kyo woke up with didn't go away and it only seemed to intensify as the time passed. He wouldn't talk to anyone other than Yuki and still it was a rarity. Every time Hatori came into the room to check on him he would instantly transform into cat mode and try and hide himself underneath Yuki. Yuki would slowly stroke his fur during these times and whisper encouragements to him slowly calming him down and eventually getting back into his human form so that he could be properly checked out. Even then Kyo would cling tightly to his chest, muscles taught and trembling. Yuki would be lying if he said that he wasn't grateful that Kyo couldn't see the look on his face during these times because he knew that the cat would take his horrified and ill expressions as if they were reflected at him, but Yuki couldn't help it. His cat was just so battered and broken, it was wrecking him. Kyo's whole body was riddled with bruises and half healed cuts. Yuki had to couldn't stair for long, he knew that if he did he'd be out with Kazuma with whatever revenge mission he expected him to be on.

He knew that Kyo needed him more now than ever before and he was determined to be there for him no matter what, this meant that revenge was off the table for the foreseeable future. He looked down at his sleeping lover, though broken and battered he was still so beautiful in the rat's eyes. He cursed himself again for being so stupid and not realizing his feelings sooner. Mad that the start of their relationship on such a tragedy. Was mad at himself for the way he treated Kyo all those years and was mad for not seeing how damaging his words and actions were to his cat. He was mad at the rest of the family for doing the same and treating Kyo like trash even though Kyo never did anything to deserve it. He hated Kyo's mother for taking her own life and leaving Kyo alone to fend for himself. He hated Akito for what he did for taking Kyo's remaining life and strength and crushing it without a care in the world.

His resolve steeled, he knew that nothing else in the world would ever hurt his cat, not even Akito. He was cutting ties to the house and taking Kyo with him once he got well again. He didn't care what anyone else thought, and he knew that no one would be able to stop him. There was only one person that he was positive would help him with his plan.

There was blood everywhere. The ground soiled with it, mixing with the steady stream water from the morning rain storm. Kazuma paid little mind to this though as he bagged up the last of the remains weighting them down to later be thrown is some lone secluded lake. His fingers were still trembling and his heart was still pounding from the adrenaline that was pumping through his veins. The rage he felt after witnessing that horrific movie was only just starting to diminish, and in its place, was a growing sense of guilt. How could he let something like that happen to his son? Why wasn't he there for him? He hoped that Kyo would be able to get passed the shit-storm he was forced through and be able to move on with his life.

It was one of the reasons he took off, so that he could eliminate the ones who hurt his son. Make it so that Kyo wouldn't have to live the rest of his life in fear that the people responsible couldn't come back and ruin his life even more. He also needed info, he wanted to know what led those thugs so far out into the woods that they would be able to even find Kyo, wanted to know what motive they had behind the attack.

Now knowing the truth taking down the thugs was no longer his only goal, he wanted Akito's head served up on a silver platter. He wanted him to suffer just as much as he made Kyo's assailants suffer, but he knew that this wasn't something that he would ever accomplish. He also knew that his son needed him and he wasn't going to keep him waiting any longer. He had gotten the call a little over a week ago that Kyo had woken up and was asking about him. His main concern was that Kyo was blaming himself for his absence. The only thing that Hatori would tell him over the phone was that he was needed and that Kyo wasn't doing well. He picked up the weighted down garbage bags and made his way to his car ready to be down with his mission and back with his son.