Hi! Just want to say I quite like Annabeth's dad but it's just for the character in this story. Thanks?

Chp 1
Annabeth's POV

I'm trying really hard to not take a sledge hammer to my new alarm clock. Now don't get a bad image of me, I'm not a short tempered person and I don't have anger issues.

But when you spend all night on a project and your alarm clock starts to go off at six fifteen in the morning, you can get a bit irritated. Who set the time for it any- oh, wait. Never mind.

I crawled out of bed, taking a shower to wake myself up more. I came back into my bedroom, throwing on a pair of black skinny jeans, blue vans and a white t shirt.

I dried my hair and threw it up into a ponytail. I grabbed my school bag, keys and phone and went downstairs. My dad and my two half brothers were at the kitchen table.

I grabbed an apple and said, "Bye." I heard my dad move, the sound of his newspaper giving it away. "No, you'll come sit here like a family does." He said, sternly.

Here's a quick heads up. My dad and I didn't get along since my mom left him, saying he was too controlling. But she had to leave me with him? I always complained I wanted to rather be with her but then he would get all angry and shout. He hit me a couple times too.

"What family?" I asked, taking a bite of my apple as I walked to the front door. I heard his chair scrape back as he got out his chair and he came to me. I sighed and turned around, him standing their with a cross expression.

"Don't give me your crap about not wanting to be apart of this family, because you are now." He said, keeping his voice down so the boys wouldn't hear. It all happened so fast after that.

A shot sounded and he fell. Just as I was about to scream, a hand went over my mouth and a firm arm was put around my waist. "I want you to step back very quietly, and follow me out to the car." A males voice said into my ear.

I was hyperventilating a bit, and my sight was being misted because I wanted to cry. I didn't get on with my dad, but I didn't want him dead. A masked guy dressed all in black came out the kitchen, Bobby and Matthew being pulled along. Their feet were tied up along with their hands, and gags were in their mouths. Distinct lines of tears were going down their faces.

I got annoyed by them when they were being loud, but no one hurts my brothers. I'm not just scared now, I'm angry. I manage to kick the guy in the place it hurts and he released me.

So I ran. I ran up the stairs and into the bathroom and locked the door. I heard people come up the stairs and what sounded like one person came to the door of the bathroom.

I grabbed the heaviest tool I could find, a toilet cleaner and held it firmly in my hands. I heard the door being picked and then just like a flash a guy came in, knocked the object out my hands and had me in his firm grip.

He didn't have a mask on. He had midnight black hair and beautiful sea green eyes. If he wasn't endangering me right now, I might find him really attractive. He gave a lopsided grin and said, "Can we give this a second try? My partner is still recovering downstairs."

He managed to get me downstairs, me struggling against him. Bobby and Matthew were still crying and my dad was on the floor. I realized they must have shot him with a tranquilizer as there was no blood.

"Please, I need to tell my brothers something." I said, fighting back my tears. He stopped walking to the door and called over all the people he was working with in masks. "Bobby, Matt. I need you to be brave, okay? I'll be fine." I said.

Bobby started crying harder. "Promise me, you won't do anything stupid." I said. They nodded and the guys took me outside. I was pushed into the back of a big car and they tied my hands to the arm rest.

Once we started driving, they took off their ski masks. There were four of them there. There was the black haired guy from the bathroom, a Latino looking guy with brown hair and eyes, a blonde guy with striking blue eyes and a Chinese American looking guy with black hair and brown eyes.

They were all just looking at me. I felt so open, wanting to cross my arms across my chest because I felt self conscious. "You put up a fight, that's one thing." The black haired guy said.

I narrowed my eyes at them and cleared my throat. "Who are you people? What do you want with me?" I asked, my throat feeling closed up because I was scared.

They all chuckled and I just open my mouth out of shock. "I'm abducted from my home and scared as hell and you're all just laughing? That is so sick. You're monsters." I said, feeling my eyes tear up.

The Chinese looking guy gave a small smile. "And we're sorry, but this is very important. I'm Frank." He said. I scoffed and leaned my head on the head rest of the seat.

"Oh, just great. What the hell was so framing important that you had to commit a crime to solve it?" I asked, anger bubbling in my stomach. The black haired guy smiled at me. "We can't tell you right now, when we get to head quarters, it'll be explained. For now, all I can tell you is I'm Percy. This is Jason, and that's Leo." He said, gesturing to the blonde then the Latino.

I decided I didn't want to look at them because I might just start sounding really stupid. I stared at the side of the car. The black metal wasn't interesting at all. But a small stamp of an eagle was on the side.

"What happened on your arm?" Percy asked, bringing back my attention. I looked down to where a mark from where my dad had gripped my arm was.

I shook my head. "It's nothing." I said, so wanting to cross my arms and cover it with my hand. The marking was also on my wrist, where he had grabbed my wrist the other day to make me look at him.

"You shouldn't see us abducting you. We were almost saving you from whatever your dad was going to do next to you." Percy said, crossing his arms.

I bit back a comment and said, "You don't know what you're talking about." He shook his head. "Your dad drank sometimes, that's what got you your bruise on your right hip last week. I know you two had an argument last night and he gripped your arm, the reason you have a bruise there. And your stepmom doesn't do anything about it." He said.

I narrowed my eyes at him and said, "I see my right to privacy has been stepped into. What else you gonna do? Be perverts and try indulge in personnel pleasures?"

Jason sighed and said, "We're not going to hurt you. We're simply borrowing you for a bit, then putting you back in your home. Possibly with your mom."

I bit my lip and asked, "What about my brothers?" Leo smiled and said, "They're fine, no worries."

Percy got out his seat and picked something up that looked like a needle. He kneeled in front of me and talked in a volume that only we could hear.

"You're going to be fine. I am going to inject you with something that will make you sleep for a little while." He said, and I worriedly looked down at the needle in his hand.

He spoke softly and asked me to look up at him. I looked him in the eyes and he said, "I want you to keep your eyes on mine. I promise I'll make sure you don't get hurt. But that means you'll have to trust me."

I slowly nodded and I felt the sharp pain go through my arm as the needle was quickly pushed in and the liquid was immediately injected into me. I started to have shorter breaths out if fear, but he made sure I was looking into his eyes. The sea green was the last I saw before it went black.