He didn't know how can it end up like this.

He looked around himself, and saw many Cybertronians were moving around, trying as hard as they can to fix their planet.

Cybertron was in ruin when they all first arrived back here, but with all of them working together, their homeworld began to look a little bit better.

Even though they had no idea what caused Cybertron to be destroyed in the first place.

Optimus sighed to himself, the lack of knowledge of many event in his memories is disturbing.

He only remembered that he was exchanging conversion with Megatronus about himself ascending to a prime and then he felt like falling down a hole. When he opened his optics again, he was in a different place, later that he knew it was a flying ship that called Nemesis.

And also later that he knew that in was in a different time.

How many vorns have passed since the last of his memories? He tried to come up with a clear number but it always escapes from his mind.

At least when he first opened his optics, he saw a familiar faceplate of Soundwave.

Optimus tried to ask him what had happened of course, but the silent mech told him that he didn't have any idea either.

And he still called himself in third person.

Yep, it's good that something is still the same.

Then they discovered the rest occupants of this ship.

Most of them were vehicon, some were eradicons but there also somemech that called themselves insecticons, where are they come from? He never met any cybertronian like these before. We gathered everyone in to one place.

At that time he discovered more familiar face in a cell, Ratchet. And a mech and a femme that later he knew their designations were Smokescreen and Arcee.

It's odd that he felt like he heard those designations before.

Then Soundwave also brought two mechs, Dreadwing and Knockout to their party.

At first, it's chaos. Everyone wanted answers. They were arguing each other for a long time, and then finally decided the first thing they will do.

Go back home.

All of them were in devastated state when they found out that their planet was dead.

Before anyone could commit suicide out of grief, Soundwave told us that the key of vector sigma can activate the Omega lock to revive our planet.

So they went back to retrieve the key from planet that they first awoke.


He found all the keys like they have planned, and also something else.

A mech called Bulkhead.

And something that called…humans.

Bulkhead was confused with everything like they were, he also introduced us to the species that live on this planet.

When he first met them, they were insisting that they knew him and they were his friends.

Bulkhead also told him that they acted like this to him too, and he decided to trust them because there were no other cybertronians beside him at that moment.

They told him many things that he couldn't remember for a long time, and then Soundwave decided to investigate this event further so he went to talk with two human children alone.

They didn't look too much happy about that.

But unknown to him, when they finish both of them have a look of acceptance on their faces.

Optimus never knew that Soundwave is great with youngling.

He maybe has to write that down on his memory drive for later use.

Afterward, we and Bulkhead decided to go through spacebridge to revive our planet.

Both the children began to have a coolant in their optics, especially the femme.

Maybe they were really their friends after all.

After that it's just all rebuilding and fixing things.

Also they were all elected him as a leader.

Many of them have a missing friends, or family. Some could remember the event about their love one clealy but most of them have only just about a fragment of those memories. Some knew that they had a good friend but never knew how they have met. Some knew that they had family but never knew where they have gone. A missing piece appeared on every mechs and femmes alike.

Including him.

He didn't know where his brother in oath has gone. But every times he thought about Megatronus, it always bring some feeling to his spark.

Sadness is the most of them.

And that made him know, he will never met his brother again.

All of them also had the same conclusion about their love ones.

We didn't have any bodies to pay respect to, so we decided to make the nemesis into a memorial.

For replace our void of memories of our friends and families.

Optimus ended his thought and turned his gaze to the giant ship. So many things to do, So many things to recover.

He just hoped that he's good enough to lead all of them.

Then he felt a servo touch his shoulder pad.

He turned to look but saw nothing.

But somehow he knew who that was.

He smiled to himself.

It's futile to think about if he was good enough or not.

He just had to try his best.

After all, it's not good to disappoint a brother.


ST-3V3 didn't remember much.

He knew that he had family and he loves them.

But he can't remember their demise.

He remembered that he was a friend to some bots.

But he didn't know how they've met.

Sometimes he didn't even remember himself in those memories.

Soundwave and Shockwave have a theory that a virus had been released and destroy their memory files.

Who created it? And for what? They didn't know.

He looked around and saw each mechs and femmes help each other even those without rank.

Somehow he knew that this doesn't happen in a long time.

Somehow he couldn't stop himself to smile at this.

He helped in the rebuilding process, it's still a long way to go but at least we all can smell a bright future ahead of us.

Most of them felt happy even some of their memories went missing.

But sometimes he just wanted some answer to some event in his memories.

He even befriended to Soundwave' symbiote, Laserbeak for Primus sake.

How could he has achieved that, he really want to know.

They were even best friend actually.

ST-3V3 sighed to himself and then continued his work.

He walked pass a mirror in destroyed building, and saw a black color vehicon with red visor like always.

Hmm…maybe he could ask Knockout to change his paintjob, black color is cool but he think it look too dull.

Maybe yellow will look better on him.


Is he going to be okay?

ST-3V3: Real designation have been lost, but his core data is still the same.

...Did I really do the right thing?

...Query: There never had a right choice from the beginning.

I mean everything looks too good to be true. Like an illusion, like all the things we have done is…meaningless.

Query: It's the price for better future.

I guess so.

Laserbeak: Okay with this? Living on Cybertron not Earth.

It's still new to me. I'm still missing Earth but it will pass. I have nothing much left on Earth.

Youe human friends: Jack, Miko?

They already understand my choice, we talked to them, didn't we?

Laserbeak: doesn't miss them?

Of course I miss them. But I can't just leave you.


Without me you would sulking all alone in a ruin or a cave somewhere.

Laserbeak: challenge Soundwave?

It's a joke, don't take it too seriously.

Laserbeak: inferiority level has improved.


Laserbeak: still has a choice to make.


Memories: to remember or not.

I already decided with you, didn't I?

Choice: can be changed.

Pffft and let you keep all those memories and suffer alone? I am the one who decided to erase their memories remember? The thing that I can do is to remember for them.

Are we going to argue with each other more? Because everyone start to look at you like 'why is he standing still like that and not helping or working or doing anything at all.'

Sarcastic comment: Acknowledge.

…Things will be better after this right?

Soundwave: is working and trying not to appear to talking with himself.

Yeah yeah..He let out a smile in their minds. Whatever you says…sire.




Note: And I finished my first story.

Who know it would take three years to finish it right? (My bad, sorry)

I tried to do many things at one, my life, this story, other stories, etc.

So it would be reasonable that this story takes a little(?) times to finish.

Thanks all you guys to stick with me till the end. (Are you guys still there? It been so long since I updated.)

But really, thank you for all the reviews, it making me continued this story till the end.

That will be all, goodbye folks!