Santana's P.O.V.

These last three months have word doesn't even describe it. After Dominic's birth I stayed in Lima to be with him and help Quinn. The first month was pure hell. He woke up every one to two hours and I was fucking exhausted having to deal with the crying almost every night. Quinn is still at her moms but since Judy doesn't have a problem with me and Quinn and I are trying to co parent, I came over for most of the day, slept over every night and he was totally in my care when Quinn went back to work.

I can't really say much changed the second month but Quinn and I's relationship changed. Normally we wouldn't really have a conversation that didn't have anything to do with Dominic but now Quinn's telling me about work and how it was going back to school while she was pregnant. I don't know how she finished the year but she did it. She said that was her last semester though and she talked to her mom about going to Culinary school which Judy wasn't very happy with but supported her decision. From that point on we talked more and more everyday and I think we've gotten our friendship back. Quinn even started coming to Brittany's and would stay for awhile with Dominic. Everyone's come to see Dominic; Francine, Puck, Rachel, Tio and Rachel's dads, Quinn's friends, mine and even David. David is actually liking being an uncle and he loves playing with Dominic. Quinn hasn't spoken to Russell since we broke up and she doesn't really seem to be effected by it but I didn't want to ask her about it.

By month three, we've really become a little family. Dominic is getting smarter everyday and he's such a happy baby. All he does all day is try to grab things, laugh or smile and speak in his little baby language. Quinn hardly goes to her moms now but I feel like we're intruding on Brittany. She's already done so much and having all three of us here when I gave her this house, I don't think it's really fair. So this brings me back to the California thing. I have a house big enough for us but I don't know how Quinn will react if I bring it up...though I'm running out of options. I could get a house in Lima but I really don't want to stay here and I don't want them here either. Opportunities here are limited and I want my kid to have more, plus Quinn didn't want to stay here anyway so why raise our kid here? I don't have anything against Lima but I want to go home, with my family this time.

Dominic and I are lying on the couch and he keeps lifting his head and putting it back down on my chest. I don't know what the hell he's doing but its pretty funny. I sit him up on my stomach and he coos and leans down so his head is near my face. I laugh and he smiles and grabs my cheek with one hand and puts his other hand on my eye.

"What are you doing?" I say to him and he laughs. I pick him up into the air and he's now hovering over me.

"What's so funny?" I ask and he grins at me as he puts his fist in his mouth. Shit. I quickly put him back down on my stomach and breathe out in relief. This kids mouth is a waterfall and he's drooled on me more times than I can count, especially when I have him in the air. He's drooled on my face, in my eye and the one time it got in my mouth it wasn't just drool. I had baby vomit in my mouth.

"You will not drown me in drool today." I say and tickle his stomach. He giggles and moves his legs, almost kicking me in the face. This kid is so active. Now that he's three months and has grown into his features, it's easier to see who he looks like but it's not definite. He looks like Quinn most of the time to me but he'll have his moments when he looks like me. Either way he's fucking adorable and will be a serious lady killer when he gets older.

"Move over so I can sit down." Quinn says as she walks over to us. She's standing by my head so I look up at her then to Dominic.

"Should we let mama sit down?" I ask him. He just looks at me so I turn his body back and forth so his head moves like he said no.

"The kid has spoken." I say to Quinn and she rolls her eyes and hits my head.

"Can mama sit?" Quinn says in a fake sad voice and bends down to his level. She frowns, poking her lip out and Dominic looks at her then grabs her lip, says something then pulls Quinn's lip hard. I laugh and Quinn pulls away and stands.

"Shut up. Did you teach him that?" She asks and I shake my head.

"No but it was funny as hell. High five mijo." I put my hand in front of him and he grabs it.

"I guess that'll do." I say as I move my legs to the floor so Quinn can sit down.

"Don't teach him bad habits." Quinn says as she sits down with one leg under her and faces us.

"I didn't teach him anything, he just knew that was bullshit." Quinn hits my leg and I look at her.


"If his first word is anything other than mama, I'm kicking your a-s-s." Quinn says and I roll my eyes.

"His first words will be mami so I guess you can try to kick my ass if you want but you will fail miserably." I say.

"Stop cursing around him."

"I'll try but no promises." I pull Dominic towards my chest and sit up. I cross my legs then adjust him so he's sitting but leaning against me slightly.

"I can't believe he's almost 4 months." I say and Quinn nods.

"Time really flies."

"Yeah. So I want to talk to you about something." Quinn puts her arm on the top of the couch then rests her head on her arm and nods.

"Okay, so Brittany is...amazing and I'm really grateful for her."

"Are you telling me you like Brittany?" Quinn interrupts.

"Well..." Quinn's eyebrows shoot up to her forehead and I laugh.

"No that's not what I'm saying. Just listen alright?" Quinn nods.

"Brittany has been amazing but I think we're intruding on her. I know she probably doesn't mind but I do. I don't want to keep being here."

"So your solution?" She asks.

"I want to go back to California and I know you don't want to be in Lima forever so...I figure we could go there. I have a house with plenty of space."

"So, you want us to go to California and live with you?" Quinn asks.

"Yeah, just until you can get your own place. It would only be temporary, I mean I could probably get you a house right now if that's the issue." I say and Quinn shakes her head.

"Why do we have to go to California?" She asks.

"You want to stay in Lima?" I ask and Quinn shrugs.

"Not really but...I don't know. I just didn't expect that."

"Well think on it. I mean I don't need a decision now but soon would be better than later."

"No...I don't really need to think about it." She says. Ugh here it comes.

"I think it's a good idea."

"What?" I say and Quinn rolls her eyes.

"You're right. Brittany has done a lot and I think she would like her own space. My mom or anyone else could always come visit and it would be a new place." She says.

"Yeah, like a new beginning." Quinn nods her head.

"That's exactly what I want. A new beginning, which brings me to what I want to talk to you about."

"Well what's up?" I say and Quinn takes a deep breath.

"I'm sorry for...everything. I know I didn't handle this situation the right way and I'm just so sorry." She says and I nod my head.

"I can't really blame you. I don't know what I would have done if the situation was reversed so there's no right and wrong to it. We can just leave it in the past alright?" Quinn nods and moves closer to me.

"I can understand why you did what you did. My father...what he front of you -"

"Q we don't have to get into that." I interrupt her and she just nods her head.

"Right, sorry but I'm basically saying, I don't blame you for what you did...or almost did." She says and I nod my head.

"That's not all though. When we broke up...that was the most...rash thing I've ever done in my entire life. It was a lot to take in and no matter what, I love you. I couldn't stop it no matter how much you hurt me. I love you almost more than anyone else in my life. If it weren't for Dominic, you'd have that spot." Quinn says then runs her hand through his hair. I know what she means, this kid stole my heart too.

"I don't see myself ever getting over you and...I want to start over."

"You want to try again?" I ask and she nods.

"I could do that." Quinn smiles and grabs my hand.

"Good." She says then kisses me. Its soft but nothing feels different, in a good way. It feels stills as good as it always has. I go to deepen the kiss when I feel her pull away.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have -"

"Shut up." I say as I pull her back into another kiss. This is not the moment to be apologizing or even talking for that matter. I just want to feel her against me. Our kiss is broken by a soggy hand on our faces. Quinn and I can't help but laugh and look at him.

"I guess he wants some kisses too." Quinn says and we both kiss his cheeks. He squeals loudly and I chuckle against his cheek. Quinn takes him into her lap and I move closer to her then wrap my arm around her shoulders then kiss her cheek. None of this was never my intention when I found Russell, or when Puck did anyway. I wanted to kill him and finally get my revenge but I wonder if that would have made me as happy as I am right now? I never thought the end result would be my own family. Life may be a bitch but it definitely has it's moments when it's not so shitty.

A/N: There you have it, the ending of this story. Hope you enjoyed it and please share your final thoughts. See ya.