What Dreams May Come
Chapter 4: Everything You Are

A/N: I've had a major writers block and I was busy writing my first posted Lemon for Spirited Away, and I've been kind of sick the past week and had zero down time. AND I got banned from the computer....How I manage to post this stuff is really beyond me....
P/S: Sorry It's Short!!!


"Bella, I'm not so sure about this," Lily stood atop a chair in the Gryffindor Common Room with Arabella taking her measurements. "I know that it's a masquerade and everything, but couldn't I just rent a costume in Hogsmeade like everyone else," She looked down at Bella. Lily tucked some of her hair behind her ear. She would have been in Hogsmeade in the Costume shop like everyone else who was going to the dance, but Arabella insisted on making her and James costumes.

"Lily, It's going to turn out beautiful," Bella reassured her. "I love to sew the muggle way, but I never get that chance anymore," Bella said measuring Lily's leg.

"And if she pokes you so much that you're one big red splotch, she can sew you new robes to hide them all," James laughed as he flipped through a book he had checked out of the library on Quidditch.

"You're so mean!" Bella said turning around so her back faced James. "Am I poking you?" Bella asked Lily. Lily shook her head.

"Fine, fine," James said continuing the passage he was reading. "Are you going to do that to me too?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Yup," She said writing the last measurement down. "I'll probably do yours next weekend. I want to get started on Lily's costume first because it's pretty elaborate," Bella said as she looked down at her sketches she had made. "I'm going to go down into Hogsmeade to get some fabric now that I have this," She said holding up the measurements. "You can get down now sweetie," She told Lily. Lily jumped down, Her hair falling around her freckled face.

"See you in a bit," James waved as Bella left. "I can't believe that you're letting her make your costume," James said as Lily sat next to him in the armchair he was in. The common room was surprisingly almost empty considering First and Second years weren't aloud outside the castle.

"Yeah, I'm knid of a pushover," She told James. She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. She had another sleepless night because of another dream, this time about her killing James. She thought that it was perfectly normal and hadn't mentioned it to a soul.

"Have any bad dreams lately?" James asked. He didn't let it go. He was constantly asking her this. It's like he can read my mind, Lily thought.

"No, not one," She lied to him. She hated it, but she had a handle on this anyway. She looked in front of her. Everything was happening so fast again and she didn't want a repeat of last term. "Y'know James, I think I'm going to go and take a nap. I'm not feeling all that well," She said getting up and rubbing her forehead. "I'll see you at dinner, okay?" She winked at him and went up the stair to her dormitory.

"What did you do this time?" Kimmy poked her head up from behind a chair that was placed in front of James. James hadn't seen her in a while and was surprised to see her. She would probably accuse him of doing something he didn't do.

:Nothing, she just didn't get enough sleep, that's it," He told her. Kimmy squinted at him and searched him, looking to see if he was telling the truth.

"Sure," She said sitting back down in her chair. James rolled his eyes.

"That's what I get for Lily being young," He said as he sat back in the chair, relaxing. His thoughts engulfed in what was really wrong with Lily. She wasn't acting like her normal self lately. She wouldn't go sneaking off in the middle of the night with him, she was always too tiered.

Lily looked at herself in her mirror. "What's wrong with you?" She asked it. "Do I have a cold?" She asked her reflection once more. "I haven't been treating James very nice lately," She admitted. "I should be more considerate of his feeling too..." She looked down at the tile floor. She walked out and into her dorm and sat on her bed. She brought her legs up and hugged them as she drifted off into sleep.

"I'm back!" Bella walked through the portrait with fabric in both of her hands. It was dark red crushed velvet with some sparkle in it. "Where's Lily?" She asked a dozing James. James' eyes opened more clearly and saw Bella hovering over him.

"Sleeping," He replied rubbing his eyes. "Have you seen Sirius and Remus, I haven't seen them all day," James asked standing up.

"Ah, Sirius was in the Three Broomsticks with some girl with blonde hair, and Remus, I haven't seen him since last night," James hit his forehead. How could he forget?

"Thanks," He said as he took some of the fabric away from Bella. "Are you sure about this?" He asked taking a closer look at the fabric.

"Yeah, I would have chosen pink, but your costume would match hers, and I didn't think pink suited you very well," Bella said laying it all out. "I wanted to start today, do you think that you could wake her for me. Dinner's in an hour anyway, she might as well get up," Bella suggested.

"Sure," James said placing the fabric down and walking up into Lily's dorm. The door creaked open slowly as he pushed on it. There she was, bunched up in a ball on her bed. She looked so tiny compared to her bed that she way lying on. He walked on the hard wood floor quietly and watched Lily turn in her sleep.

"No," She whispered. She turned around, her eyes clenched shut, her hands tangled in the sheets making her knuckles white. "Stop!" She whispered even louder. Her face was so white. Almost had no pigment in it. James watched her as she tossed once more.

"Lily," He ran to her bedside and looked at her, her head trashing against the pillow. He grabbed her hands away from the sheets and held them in his own hands. "Wake up," He told her. Again and again. He shook her hard until her eyes flung open, her green eyes shinning darker than ever before.

"James," Her dark eyes lightened as she looked into his bright blue eyes. "Oh James!" She whispered as she hug her arms against his chest sitting up completely. Just another dream. It wasn't real. "I think I'm sick," She whispered into his ear.


Cold sick or disease sick or mentally sick? Find out in the next chapter, Taking Chances!!!
I know, I'm mentally sick....