Hey everyone! I'm just here to say that I'm new around here and this is my first fanfic, so just wish me luck so I don't mess up. Also, all opinions are appreciated, good or bad, so you just be honest and tell me what you think.

I will try to update as soon as I can, and there will no more than to weeks beteen updates.

Also, this story takes place sometime between D-Stabilized and Phantom Planet.

I do not on Danny Phantom.

It was a sunny afternoon. Two girls were walking down the road after the last day of school. One girl had long, dark brown and curly hair held back with a teal headband, and brown eyes. The other had shorter, light brown hair and brown, almost black, eyes. They were both wearing a school uniform: a white polo shirt with a blue collar and sleeves, gray skirt, white socks and black shoes. The one with dark, long hair spoke first:

"So…what are your plans for the vacation?"

"I'm just getting home this afternoon, get this uniform off and I'm off to the beach with my mom for two weeks. How about you?"

"I guess I'm staying at home with Casper. Mom and dad are on a cruise ship and Robin is camping with uncle Roddy".

"Why didn't you go with your parents to the cruise? Or with your uncle and your brother?"

"One: get seasick, and two: you know I hate fishing. And mosquito bites. Anyway, someone had to stay home with Casper. I still remember the last time we left him with the neighbors".

"Yeah, you told me he missed you so much that he broke their kitchen window. I'm surprised he didn't get cut or anything".

"I also thought it was weird, but didn't really pay much attention to it at that moment".

"So what do you plan to do in an empty house?"

"I don't know. Maybe I'll play fetch with Casper, or play in the computer, or text someone…I don't know".

"…And by someone you mean Mike".

"Knock it off, Alison. You don't even know who Mike is".

"He's the guy that I saw you texting with a big smile on your face the other day. Anyway, Amber and Mike doesn't sound so bad", Alison teased.

"Ha-ha. Shut up. I've been watching your behaviour around Nathan lately and it's kind of obvious that you like him", Amber said.

Alison just stayed silent, not being able to find a good answer.

By this time, the girls had arrived at a house. Alison said goodbye to Amber and ran up the driveway. Amber continued to walk home, daydreaming about her favorite cartoon, Danny Phantom. A while later, she arrived at a house in a suburban area. She walked up to the front door, opened it and walked in. A pure white dog came out from one of the rooms and walked up to Amber.

"Hey Casper! You miss me boy?"

Casper just looked up at her and barked happily. Amber left her backpack on the kitchen table and went to her room. Once there, she took off her school uniform and put on a teal tank top, skinny jeans and a pair of teal Converse high tops, muttering to herself about how much she hated skirts. Then, she grabbed a leash went with Casper to the park.

Meanwhile, in another plane of existence, Danny Fenton was in his room, checking ghost files on his computer. Suddenly, his ghost sense went off as he noticed a blue light in his room. He changed into his ghost form and turned around to find a young looking ghost.

"Clockwork? What are you doing here?"

"Come with me", said the ghost of time, as he changed into his adult form.

In the ghost zone…


"As you heard it. Dan Phantom has escaped", said Clockwork, holding up a broken piece from a Fenton thermos. "I could not stop him."

"Well but where is he?"

"I have tracked him down to another dimension", Clockwork said, "Also, I have found someone there to help you. She hasn't seen ghosts, much less hunted any, but she knows who you are and knows just as much as you". With that, he waved his hand and a blue portal appeared. He handed the piece of the thermos to Danny.

"Just show her this and she will know just what is going on" Clockwork said. Danny looked at Clockwork.

"How will I know who she is?"

"It won't be hard. She will find you in no time. But be careful, you wouldn't like to have her as an enemy"

Danny nodded as he stepped through the portal. He appeared in a backyard as the portal closed behind him. It was night time. He looked around and saw a house with a few open windows. He approached one of the windows and saw a girl about his age sitting on a black couch and a white dog next to her. The girl was doing something on a cell phone, probably texting and there was a blue laptop on a small tea table. The clock on the wall said it was about 7:15 p.m. Danny walked away from the window and stared at the broken piece of the thermos in his hand. He looked back at the window to find out that the girl was gone. Then, suddenly, everything went black.

Do you like it? Is it interesting? Should I keep writing? Should I stop asking questions?

P.S.: Cover art was done in Paint, so of it's too bad, there's the reason (okay yeah call me whatever you want for not having the right program).