So, this story came to me as I was reading the other crossover stories, (some of them are really good!) and I decided I wanted to try to write my own and this is the product of that. I should warn you that the characters might be OOC and I'm sorry for that. I hope you enjoy the story.

Frozen and Rise of the Guardians does not belong to me, though I do own the Rise of the Guardians DVD.

Elsa opened her eyes to darkness. She sat up slowly and tried to look around, but all she could see around her was the black of night. She furrowed her brows and tried to recall what had caused her to wake. She sighed loudly when she couldn't remember anything specifically waking her up and was about to lay down and go back to sleep when she heard a faint chuckle coming from somewhere in her room.

"Hello?" she asked, a little nervously.

When the sound didn't repeat, she shrugged and figured she had imagined it. As she lay back down, though, she could feel something crawling along her bed. She quickly sat up and tried to look down, but panicked when she couldn't see anything. She heard the chuckle again, closer this time, and whimpered as she tried to curl her self into a ball.

"Such fear, little one," a male voice whispered out.

"W-who are you?" she asked, trying to put more bravado in her voice than she felt.

"I'm the reason your nightmares exist," the voice said.

Elsa noted the the voice was coming from her left, near her window and shot an icicle in that direction. She hoped that would get rid of the strange. She heard a thunk as the icicle stuck to her wall. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself as she waited for the voice to come again, if it would.

"Impressive," the male voice praised. "You know, I know someone who has powers, just like you."

Elsa was about to launch a blast of snow towards the stranger when the last part of his sentence stopped her. This stranger knew someone like her? They had the same powers? She swallowed past a lump that had suddenly formed in her throat and turned into the demanding princess she had to be.

"Who are you?" she asked, her voice gaining strength.

"My name is Pitch. Pitch Black," "Pitch" said.

"What do you want from me?"

"Nothing, yet."

"Then why are you here?"

"Just wanted to prove a suspicion."

Before she could ask what suspicion, she heard a whoosh sound and then nothing. She carefully got out of bed and turned on her light, but could see nothing out of the ordinary that would support her claim that a strange man had been in her bedroom late at night. Sighing, she turned off the light and crawled back in bed to try to get more sleep, trying to convince herself that the whole thing really had just been a bad dream.

Well, that's it for the first chapter. I will try to update regularly, but I'm not sure how that will work out.