Magi: The Journey of a Guardian
Chapter 18: The story of a thousand nights begins
Hi Everyone! Thanks for all the favs, follows and thank you r us for the review.
I don't own magi or any of its characters!
Chapter 18: The story of a thousand nights begins
Last Time….
Alibaba's POV
"Well now that's over, let me introduce the two friends who will be having the leading role today!" Yunan exclaimed, pointing his staff to the sky to reveal two silhouettes. Instantly they began to descend, revealing Aladdin and Titus.
"Was there really a need for us to arrive in such a flashy way?" Aladdin asked the blonde magi.
"Just follow the director's orders. Plus we look cool! And it's exciting!" Titus exclaimed with a grin.
"Aladdin!" Sindbad and I exclaimed in shock as they landed.
The three Magi and the Guardian stood together, looking at everyone present.
"Gathered Kings. There is something I want to tell you all. Something no one knows. About another world. About Alma Toran." Aladdin said, causing silence to fall.
Current Events…
Robin's POV
I watched as people began to fidget.
"Alma Torran is the place the 'Djinn', 'Al Thamen' and I were born." Aladdin announced.
"Al Thamen!" Sindbad exclaimed
"The Djinn too…" Kouen muttered.
"The land where…." Mor trailed off
"Aladdin was born huh!" Alibaba finished with a grin and turned to me.
"Robin did you know already then? You don't seem surprised." I chuckled at his question.
"Yup, I found out a while back." I said cheerfully which caused Alibaba to frown.
"WHAT THAT'S NO-"Alibaba started to complain
"Alibaba." I said, cautioning him with a throwing knife in hand.
Alibaba sighed and turned to Aladdin.
"So Alma Torran is your birthplace. What kind of country was it? Was it really far from here?" Alibaba asked. Aladdin smiled.
"Not really. Alma Toran is another world which exists in a different space and time from this one. It's another world." Aladdin said with a smile.
"Another world?" Alibaba and Mor asked, tilting their heads to one side which cause me to laugh.
"Perhaps you mean it is located on another star, I believe our world is one of many celestial bodies." Sindbad said
"It's not quite like that Uncle Sindbad. It's more like a mirror. If there is a world inside of it, we can't reach it. Those two worlds can prosper and be destroyed without coming into contact with one another. However there are some exceptions…" Aladdin said, looking directly at me.
"By the way you are looking at your Guardian, it would seem she has something to do with those exceptions, No?" Koumei asked looking towards me. I sighed.
"Well our father somehow managed to send the family to another world and both I and Leo-nii have travelled between this world and another world which weren't really supposed to interact." I said.
"Wait then, how did you get here Aladdin? Robin? How did the djinns get here?" Alibaba asked.
"The Djinns and I were sent here by the great creator of this world while Robin was sent here by the creator's guardian and creator of the balance between light and dark. The great creator made the ruhk, the world, the forces... He is a man called King Solomon." Aladdin said.
"KING SOLOMON!" Kouen exclaimed. He must have read the toran scripts…
"King Solomon told me that I shouldn't tell anyone of Alma Toran. He said 'They will lose their ability of independent thinking. They will be unable to move forward and they may fall into despair. Also you will cause the balance Alya created to shatter and this could possibly cause a rupture in time and either the Light or Dark guardian may become unstable. However I disagree. I believe everyone here is strong enough to accept this information. And with it we may be able to prevent future conflict. TODAY I WILL DISOBEY THE GOD OF THIS WORLD!" Aladdin yelled, slamming his staff on the ground causing a huge pillar of light to form into a kind of projection. Several exclaimed in shock.
Yunan then began to help Aladdin with focussing the image.
Robin! Can you-
There's no need to ask Aladdin.
I made my way over to the two magi and held out my right hand.
"Alya's Sight." I muttered, Solomon's star appearing on my hand, I channelled my ruhk and the images I had gained from the ability into the projection.
"This is the image of Alma Toran that I and Robin obtained thanks to Solomon's wisdom and Alya's Sight!" Aladdin exclaimed
Everything began here, in this world similar to our own. First the land was created and water soon followed. It was a long time after that when life began to evolve. However there was one difference; there were several intelligent lifeforms born, not just humans.
"Intelligent lifeforms?" Alibaba and Mor asked, confused looks painted on their faces
"Yup. You may have not given it much thought… but don't you think it's odd that humans are the only creatures with intelligence in this world? Why can't other lifeforms use complicated languages and create civilisations like humanity?" Aladdin said, causing shock to appear on many faces.
"This wasn't the case in Alma Toran. With several intelligent lifeforms, it gave birth to a variety of cultures and Societies." I said with a smile. Images of the different lifeforms appeared on the projection. Gorgons, talking pigs, talking insects, Cyclopes, Elves.
"Wait they look like humans!" Someone exclaimed and I smiled.
"The elves may look similar to us however they are extremely different." I said walking forwards.
"What do you mean Imouto?" Leo asked and I grinned.
"They're like this." I said, clicking my fingers causing an illusion to wrap around me. The illusion altered me appearance making me seem taller, my body stronger and more developed. My ears elongated and a pale blue tattoo like markings began to cover my body. My pupils looked more like slits and my teeth became fang-like. I heard a few gasps and I then clapped my hands together, shattering the illusion.
"I only know this as the creator of the balance, Alya the first guardian, is an elf and I have met with her face to face." I said with a smile.
"Anyway…" Aladdin said trailing off
They were all happy. The world was huge in the beginning so the different species sis not meet one another… they fought among each other but even then that didn't last long. They all lived in peace until… they finally met. Fights broke out, some became allies, and others did not. With the passing of time, the conflicts between species grew fiercer, wiping out the weaker species. Among them was a species who made fragile bodies and had no natural weapons like fangs or claws. Every day was a struggle for survival. That species was humanity. But from humanity a man called "King Solomon" would appear. A man with the strongest power ever bestowed on a human. Before long he would outdo the world and create a new one.
Day by day humanity face may struggles. Like Death and being captured by another race for slaughter. Many thoughts went round in their heads and many prayers were said. "Dear God…If you do exist... why did you abandon us?" It was then that "God" Or rather a white mass descended from above and erased the threats humanity were facing. It then brushed the humans with its hands and with that they knew. This Light was their God, Il Illah. Ilah said that one species with respect and great power would be able to unite all other species and the world itself. The species Illah chose was Humanity. He believed they would be the ones who would help others the most and would never commit cruelty for they had suffered it. Illah shared some of his power with humans. The gift to create miracles, Magic. Grateful to God Humanity swore they would unite the world and create Alma Torran. They stopped conflict, gathered wisdom and guided their world to peace. Though this did not happen quickly. For 800 years chaos reigned until King Solomon, a great magician, united all the races. However… The kingdom was destroyed in a short amount of time.
"And this is why I want you to know what happened. If I tell you, I'm sure we won't make the same mistakes, Kings and their households, please listen to what I have to say!" Aladdin exclaimed with a determined look.
Side Story: Unhappy Nii-san!
(This is set just before the Summit)
"Robin, Are we there yet?" Aladdin asked, hands wrapped around my waist. I sighed and flicked Sephirot's reigns.
"You asked that five minutes ago Aladdin. We've just passed Akita so we've got another couple of hours to go at this speed." I said with a sigh.
"Awww but I want to see Neathia now!" Aladdin complained, resting his chin on my shoulder. I chuckled.
"We can go faster… but it can make you sick…"
"REALLY!? LIKE THAT WILL HAPPEN! LET'S GO THEN!" Aladdin exclaimed and I sighed.
"Well if you start feeling sick just say. Now hold on tight!" I yelled, Flicking the reigns three times which caused Sephirot to speed through the air.
"WOAHHHHHHH THIS IS AMAZING!" Aladdin yelled, or I think he did as it sounded like a whisper against the sound on the wind rushing around us.
"I feel awful…" Aladdin groaned as we landed in the palace courtyard in Balith.
"There was a reason why I was going slow." I said exasperated.
"ROBINNNNNNN!" an all too familiar voice yelled.
"Aladdin, can you walk?" I asked. Aladdin groaned. I guess not… I quickly picked him up, placing him on my back. I quickly jumped off Sephirot's back landing face to face with someone I did not want to see…. Leo-nii, who was current looking very dark and unhappy.
"Robin would you care to explain this?" Leo-nii said darkly. He seriously can't tell we're together from just looking right? I hope he's just being over protective again…
"Sorry Nii-san but Aladdin is not feeling well… Bye!" Yelled running away from him.
"NOOOOOO!" I yelled, causing Aladdin to stir.
"What's going on?" Aladdin mumbled.
"Just don't look behind us!" I yelled.
"Behind you? But I'm right beside you sister." Leo said. I looked to my right to see him running besides me, looking like he wanted to rip the pair of us to shreds. Crap.
"H-Hi Leo-san!" Aladdin said, stuttering.
Aladdin don't push him any further!
What do you mean?
Suddenly, I noticed some stairs which would lead to a balcony. I quickly ran upstairs.
"Sorry Nii-san but," I said, jumping up onto the balcony railing with a grin "We aren't hanging round here while you're having your sister complex problems!"
With that I jumped from the balcony.
"EHHHHHH! ROBIN WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Aladdin yelled as I grinned.
"Don't worry we'll be fine." I said, landing safely on the ground and then continued to run through the hallways of the palace.
Several hours later Leo had given up after some scolding from Sana about "Robin has every right to be with a boy, no matter who he is! So don't be so overprotective of her!", Robin managed to get Aladdin to safety, Leo's household seemed very confused as to what happened and Aladdin still didn't understand why Leo looked like he wanted to strangle him and run off with Robin ….