Hey my awesome readers!
Thank you so much for reviewing, following and favorite this story. Sorry I haven't be uploading much because of my schedule nowadays are really tight but I have some free time now so I was thinking this story to relax my mind so I hope you like this chapter! =3

Lily POV:

Hmm… What is my dear Lenny doing right now? He hasn't come back home yet so where is he? Maybe he is on a date with Rinny-chan! OMG! I knew that they would a prefect couple! I should prepare the plans for their wedding. I was just about to head upstairs to my bedroom when the doorbell rang.


'Who the hell rings a doorbell like that!?' I cursed on my mind.

"Miss Kagamine! Please open up!" oh…that Rin-Chan's voice.

I went to open the door and what I saw behind the door was the thing I wish I never saw. Rin was carrying Len on her back while panting really hard. I just she ran a distance just to help Len and Len… His cover in blood… and Rin was bruised really badly too. It left me speechless and I think my face was pale.

"Miss Kagamine, please help me!" Rin voice cuts through my daydream.

"Oh!" I snapped out of it. "Um… Quickly bring Len to his bedroom. I will call the family's doctor!"

"Okay!" Rin rushed upstairs with the unconscious Len on her back.

I quickly dialed her number while wishing that she will pick it up.

"Hello? This is Lenka. How may I help you?" the other end of the line picked up.

"Lenka!" I exclaimed.

"Ah! Lily! How have you been doing? I was jus-"

"No time to explain! Please come here immediately. I need your help." I cut her off.

"Lily what wrong?" Lenka sounded worry.

"Please just come here…" I cried out as I kneed to the follow because my legs were too weak to stand anymore. "Please… I do not want to lose my son too."

"Lily… I will be right there. Give me three minutes…" Lenka hangs up the phone.

After Lenka arrived, I lead her to Len's room and she told me to stay outside while she examinant on Len. I have no choice but to follow Lenka's instruction. I decided to went downstairs and wait in the living room. As soon as I enter the living room, I saw Rin silently crying on the couch.

Pushing my sadness aside, I decided to put on my smile and went to comfort Rin.

"Rinny-Chan, don't worry. Len is going to be fine," I pated gently on her back and sat next to her.

"Miss Kagamine … L-Len… He got hurt because of me," Rin cried out. "I just..!"

"Shh…," I calmly hush while gently continued to pat her back. "It's okay. Len just did what he wanted to do. He wanted you to be safe and in exchange, he hurt himself while protecting you to show you that he cares about you."

"B-but…* hic*..., " she sobbed.

"Lily," Lenka stood at the entrance of the living room. "I am done and he's okay. He's badly injured but he will be okay if he rest."

"C-can I see him!" Rin quickly asked without any hesitation.

"Sure," Lenka smile and Rin quickly ran towards Len's room. I watched as Rin disappeared from my sight.

"He's stubborn, Lily," Lenka said and cut through my mind. She turns to me and smiled. "Just like 'him'"

"Yeah," I agreed and mumbled "Like father like son."

Len's POV:

Ugh… Where am i? Why do I felt so sick? I slowly open my eyes to find myself staring at a familiar ceiling and realize that I am in my bedroom. I tried to seat up but I feel like there is some kind of weight that is pulling me down. I looked down at my side and found Rin sleeping soundly next to me.

What the heck happen? I was waiting for Rin at the school's gate and got a text message saying that… oh yeah! Those brats! How dare them stabbed me! I sighed and look at the sleeping Rin and smiled. At least she is not badly hurt.

Argh! My body hurts like hell! I tried to move but a voice cut through my mind.

"Don't move Len. You'll wake her up," my mom who is standing at my bedroom entrance warned me. "She been watching you the whole time when you are unconscious so let her sleep for a while."

"The whole time!" I was shocked at her words and my mom slightly nodded. "How long was that?"

"Three days Len. Rin did not even bother to attend school. She said she want to watch over you until you regain your consciousness."

"Rin," I softly said her name. 'You did that for someone like me?'

"You found a great friend Len. Please treasure her as much as you can," my mom smiled and left the room.

"The whole time, huh?" I mumbled while gently stroke her hair. As if a single touch, RIn woke up from her sleep.

"Len!" she exclaimed.

"R-Rin," I was pretty shock when she suddenly woke up.

"Thank goddess you're alright!" She cried out and hugged me tightly.

"Ouch!" I felt pain as she hugged me.

"S-sorry!" Rin quickly release me from her hug. " I've forgot."

"It's okay," I gently patted her head. Rin was kind of surprise that I did that.

"L-Len?" She stared into my eyes. Her aquamarine eyes were gorgeous as if they were really made out of jewels.

"Thanks," I smiled at her while continue to pat her head.

"Lenny!" My mom came in with a bowl of porridge in her hands.

"M-Mom!" I exclaimed out and removed my hands away from Rin's head.

"It's time for your lunch! You have been sleeping for three days so I am pretty sure you're pretty hungry!" mom happily said and handed the porridge over to Rin. "Rinny- Chan!"

"Y-yes?" Rin nervously said while she took the bowl of porridge from mom.

"Please feed Len!" my mom grinned.

"W-What!" I exclaimed as my face started to be redden a bit.

"Since Len's hands are injured…"

"No they're not!" I said but she simply ignored me.

"Please feed him."

"Okay," Rin nervously replied.

"Don't just agree with her Rin!" I cried.

"Now, now Len," my mom said. "Rest for a while and let Rin to feed you, okay? I'll be in the living room if you need me. Bye!" With that, my mom left the room.

Rin nervously face to me and stared at the bowl.

"You don't have to feed me. I can do it by myself you know," I said as I scratched the back of my head.

"No, you need to rest. Just let me feed you, okay?" Rin suggested. I looked at her and found a 'please-let-me-do-it' face.

"Fine,' I sighed out.

Rin smiled and scoop out a spoon full of porridge and brought it to my mouth then I touch a bite of it.

"Ouch! Hot!" I cried out and touched my lips

"S-Sorry," Rin quickly apologies then she said "Is it really hot?"

She scooped out another spoon of it and brought it to her mom so that she can gently blow it to cool it down. I look at her and without even thinking; I grabbed her wrist and feed myself the porridge.

"It's delicious," I said and blushed at my action. I look up at her face a saw shaded of red covering her face. Is she blushing too?

"Um… I am gonna bring you some water! I'll be back," she stood up and quickly left the room.

"Shit…" I blushed harder while cursing and pushed my bangs aside. "What the hell did I do?"

That's all for this chapter! Hope you enjoy it!^^

