Enjoy! Don't forget to review!
"Hey man! You wanna throw the ball back?" a jock called over to Lucifer. Lucifer spared them an annoyed glance because his eye-contact with his angel was interrupted by these buffoons. He threw the ball as far away from them as possible and ignored their groans. He crouched down next to his kitten.
"Are you okay?" Lucifer smiled. He remembered that from all the months he had watched his angel that he startles easily, so he decided to treat him much like a kitten.
"Y-yeah, I'm okay, t-thank y-y-ou for saving me." Sammy sat up onto his knees and tucked his floral-printed dress around him. He ducked his head and blushed when his eyes made contact with the strange man across from him. He felt so exposed, but he couldn't help but admire this man's body.
"No problem. My name is Lucifer by the way." Lucifer smiled and stuck out his hand.
Sammy turned an even darker shade of red, "My n-name is Samuel, but every calls me Sammy," he stuck out his dainty hand and placed it in Lucifer's hand to be shook. "You have an interesting name… when I was younger my brother and I learned all about angels, I-l like it."
Lucifer smirked at how is kitten stuttered and the cute blush that was adorning his cheeks.
"That's pretty cool. So tell me, what is someone as gorgeous as you doing out here all alone?"
Sam felt like he was about to faint. The hot guy from months ago was talking – no – flirting with him. "My brother Dean and I w-were going to have a picnic, but he cancelled."
"That's a shame. You shouldn't be out here all alone. There are a lot of predators at the park if you know what I mean," Sammy missed Lucifer's leering face. After all, he would know. He was in charge of ridding some of them every once in a while. He saw what the one jock did that he was in brief contact with. He made a mental note to rid of him later. Maybe he would make it a car accident.
Suddenly an idea struck Sammy, "I have a lot of extra food if you w-want to stay and eat with me! O-otherwise it might go to waste…" Sammy's bravado wavered at the end when he realized how odd it was to invite hot strangers one barely knew to eat lunch with them. It was practically a date.
"I would love to stay and eat with you." Lucifer smirked and watched as Sammy shuffled around to his picnic basket and began taking out sandwiches and drinks of different varieties.
"Okay, so I have Turkey and Swiss-Cheese on Italian and a Ham and Provolone Sandwich on Whole-Wheat. You can have either. I also have lemonade for drinks and goldfish, potato salad, and chocolate chip cookies for dessert!" Sammy started to bounce up-and-down as his attitude started to pick up. He was happy to have someone to hang out with, so his day was no longer a complete and total bust.
Lucifer smiled at Sammy and started to put food on his plate. "Did you make all this?"
"Yeah, I love to cook! It is one of my hobbies besides science and fashion," Sammy smiled.
"You do have a beautiful sense of style," Lucifer said while he looked into Sammy's eyes. He didn't miss the rosy blush going down Sammy's neck at his comment.
As they ate they began to get to know each other. "What do you do for a living?" Sammy asks.
"I help run the family business with my brothers and father." Lucifer says, it wasn't exactly a lie, but it wasn't the truth either.
"That's cool! I sometimes work at my brothers Flower Shop on the weekends! What is your family's business?"
"We do a bit of private investigating and look into people's lives for insurance companies." This again, wasn't exactly a lie. They sometimes did follow people before they killed them, but his angel didn't need to know that yet.
"That sounds kind of hard, but I'm sure you are good at it!" Sammy smiles as he opens up to his new friend.
"So tell me angel, what do you do?" Lucifer already knew, but he would listen to whatever his soon-to-be-wife would tell him. Sammy didn't need to know that either just yet. But only if he knew how whipped he already was for him.
"Oh! I'm going to school to become a Fashion Designer, but I also have a minor in Environmental Sciences, just in case," he smiles.
"Well, I'm sure you will have no problem becoming a Fashion Designer." Lucifer would have to tell his angel sometime soon that he would never be working. If anything he would stay home and make clothes among other things. But he would be twice as damned as he was now if his Sammy got a job.
"So tell me Sammy, do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend of any kind?"
Lucifer watched as his companion blushes and ducks his head, "No, nobody has ever really liked me." If he didn't have super-hearing Lucifer was sure he wouldn't have heard Sammy speak at all. He got some kind of sick enjoyment knowing that his babe had never been with anyone else and was glad he would be the first one to kiss him and hold him. And only him.
"Really? I find that hard to believe. Someone as beautiful as you must of have had dozens of admirers?"
"Well… now that you mention it I thought this one guy liked me, but he suddenly got really afraid of me, and never talked to me again. It was really weird!" Sammy was picking at his potato salad and Lucifer almost felt bad. Almost.
He remembered Kasper. That wimp. He cried and begged for mercy like a little bitch the night that Lucifer threatened his life. He remembered how wonderful his screams were as he drug him down to hell for a night. But that was all behind him. He let the bastard go with a warning to never talk or even look at Sammy again. Lucifer knew he still watched Sammy sometimes and promised himself long ago that when the Apocalypse started he would kill Kasper first. Then maybe gift Sammy with his head on a stick.
"I'm sorry to hear that. Sometimes guys can be real jerks. Rest assured Kitten, I am not one of them." Sammy blushed at what his new companion had said.
"W-what about you? Do y-you have a g-girlfriend..?" Sammy started to twiddle his fingers in his lap. He was secretly hoping that Lucifer didn't.
"No, but I am interested in someone." Sammy missed the pointed look that was shot his way and Lucifer almost sighed over how timid his Angel was. How he wished he would look up.
Sammy's heart sank, "Well, I hope all goes well for you." he said with a fake smile. "I t-think I should get going now. It is going to storm and I think that I s-should go check on my brother, he has never liked storms…." He trailed off as he began to pack up the remaining food. "Would you like to take the cookies…?"
Lucifer's smiled faded at his kitten's abrupt need to leave. He made a mental note to always be straight forward from now on. "Sure, I would love them. I would also love your number if possible?"
Sammy perked up at that and gasped, "What?!"
"I would like your number," Lucifer was every bit cool, calm, and collected as he said this. He was helping Sammy fold up the blanket and it wasn't until they were walking towards Sammy's car that either spoke again.
"O-okay, but number is ***-***-****, okay? You can call or text me any time before 9 o'clock unless it is an emergency. I'm usually in bed by then so… yeah…." Sammy trailed off as he bit his bottom lip.
As the number was put into his phone Lucifer smiled. "Thank you I will be calling you soon then." He was startled for a brief moment when his angel lunged at him to hug him. His breath was caught in his throat and it took every bit of self-restraint on his part to not rip off Sammy's flimsy dress. "Thanks so much for today Lucifer! I hope to talk to you soon! You have a good day and a safe drive home in this storm!"
"I will, you too Sammy," He said as he smiled.
It started to sprinkle so Lucifer let go of Sammy and watched him climb into his Prius and drive away. It wasn't until Lucifer was making his way to an alleyway to get back to hell that he remembered that his brother was going to be with Dean tonight if all went according to plan.
"FUCK!" he swore out loud. He couldn't let Sammy get to his brothers place.
He only had one choice.
He was going to have to kidnap Sammy. Not that he minded.
An update two days in a row? Say what? Anyway, I would like to thank the three people who started to follow my story! I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter and let me know what you think! The phone number was starred out by the way, so just put whatever you'd like in there.
I hope to update again tomorrow!
Also, I am proud to say that my chapters are getting progressively longer!