Friday came, and Lanny drove Holly to the Fruitcake Factory. Once they arrived Lanny sought out Wendy and Vicky and introduced Miss Holly to them. Wendy and Vicky were surprised that Miss Holly was more sociable than she appeared, but ended up glad that she was. The four of them had a great time.

Another two weeks passed like that, and not much changed. Holly realized that she really had fallen for Lanny, but decided to wait for him to develop feelings for her first. She didn't want to risk scaring him off.

As for Lanny, he had fallen for Holly but hadn't realized it at first. He didn't catch on until one night when they went to the movies. Holly had worked hard that day, and so ended up falling asleep on Lanny's shoulder without realizing it. Lanny blushed big time, making him grateful that it was so dark inside the theater. He didn't want to wake Holly up, knowing how tired she was, so he let her stay like that. As the movie went on Lanny realized that he actually liked Holly being that close to him, and noticed that his heart was beating fast.

"Wait a minute, have I...have I fallen for Holly?" Lanny thought.

Finally the movie was over, meaning Lanny had to wake Holly up.

"Hey, Holly, come on the movie's over." Lanny shook her gently.

Holly woke up and sat up.

"Oh, did I sleep through the whole movie?" She asked.

"Not all of it, but you did sleep through most of it." Lanny nodded.

"Sorry, I guess I was more tired than I thought." Holly said apologetically.

"It's okay, you needed the rest." Lanny smiled. "I'd better take you home."

"Right." Holly yawned.

They left the theater, Lanny still wondering about his feelings for Holly. Holly, who was still a bit tired, lost her footing and Lanny had to catch her.

"Heh, I guess I'm the clumsy one tonight." Holly joked.

Lanny didn't respond. In catching her he ended up grabbing her hand and he found his heart beating even faster. He now knew that he really had fallen for Holly and the realization made him lose his voice.

"Lanny?" Holly looked at him concerned. "Are you okay?"

"Huh?" Lanny snapped out of it. "Oh...yeah I guess I'm just a bit tired too. We both had better get home."

"Yeah." Holly nodded. "I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight."

"Same here." Lanny agreed.

Lanny drove Holly home and walked her to the front door. After saying their goodbyes, Lanny then left and went home. He spent the rest of the night and the most of the next day worrying about his newfound feelings for Holly. Finally he decided to just tell her first chance he got. He never felt this way before about any other girl and he didn't want to risk losing his chance.

So, later that evening, Lanny waited for Holly outside Santa's office. Holly was surprised when she opened the door.

"Lanny? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I had to see you...last night, in the theater, something came over me." Lanny was now blushing big time. "I, uh...I've..." He gulped.

"It's okay Lanny, nothing will ruin our friendship." Holly smiled.

Lanny took a deep breath, relieved, and finally said it:

"I've fallen in love with you."

Holly beamed. Lanny looked at her surprised.

"I love you too." She admitted. "I actually have for a while, ever since we started to pretend-date. I just didn't want to risk scaring you off."

Lanny couldn't believe his ears.

"Really?" He double-checked.

Holly nodded, still grinning. Lanny now beamed, and he and Holly drew closer together. Slowly, they kissed.

Ever since that day they stopped pretend-dating and now dated for real. Both their parents were very happy, though not as happy as Wayne and Magee. Noel was happy for them too, mostly for Lanny since he knew him better and so was closer to him.

Time passed. Eventually Wayne and Magee realized that it was time to start spending the rest of their lives together...and so they got married. Years later, Lanny and Holly did too.