It was the following year, later in December, after Wayne and Magee got back together. Magee had some free time, so she had gone with Wayne, Lanny, and Noel for some Christmas shopping. Lanny, again, was swamped with packages.

"Got enough presents?" Wayne chuckled, amused, after they finished their third store.

"Hey just because you don't have a large family doesn't mean you get to make fun of my large family." Lanny retorted, grunting from all the bags he was carrying.

"Well you should at least learn to pace yourself." Noel pointed out.

"I can't help it, when I see a great gift for someone I have to get it." Lanny shrugged the best he could.

"There goes the stereotype of women being the major shoppers." Magee smiled.

They then stopped, because they saw a crowd of elves and reindeer in a circle laughing at something. Confused, Wayne and his friends dropped their packages into Wayne's and Noel's snowmobiles - which were fortunately nearby - and went to check out the situation. They pushed their way through the crowd, only to find Dasher and his wife...and their new fawn. Wayne and his friends then remembered that Dasher's new son had been born recently. But what was really confusing was that the elves and reindeer seemed to be making fun of the fawn, who was cowering into his mom.

"Okay that's enough! Leave my son alone!" Dasher ordered, furious.

"Keep out of it Athlete Hoof!" A random reindeer retorted.

"I'm gonna kill Dancer for telling the rest of the team about that." Dasher muttered.

"Why are they teasing Dasher's son?" Lanny whispered to Wayne.

"Beats me, but I'm not gonna put up with this any longer." Wayne frowned. "And I know just the thing to stop them."

He went further out of the crowd.

"Hey everyone!" He said loudly.

The elves and reindeer stopped and looked at him. Either they were confused why he was getting their attention or they were expecting him to crack a joke. Either way, Wayne took this opportunity to say:

"You all know that teasing someone is a good way to get on the Naughty List right?" Wayne said with a hinting tone.

The other elves and reindeer left in a flash.

"Works every time." Noel chuckled.

"Wow, that really did work." Lanny went over to Wayne, impressed.

"Just a little something Noel used to use on those who teased me back when we were in school." Wayne shrugged.

"Thanks Wayne." Dasher smiled.

"No problem. So what were those bullies making fun of anyway?" Wayne asked.

Dasher and his wife winced and looked at their son.

"Hey kiddo." Wayne saw that Dasher's fawn was still cowering. "It's okay, the teasers have left."

"What's wrong?" Magee said sympathetically.

The fawn just sniffled.

"Rudolph it's okay, they happen to be friends of mine." Dasher said gently. "They aren't the teasing kind of elves."

Rudolph, the fawn, gave in and turned reveal a glowing red nose.

"A shiny red nose?" Lanny was surprised.

"Actually I'd go with 'glowing' in this case." Wayne was surprised too.

"I didn't know this sort of thing was possible." Noel was also surprised.

"Me neither." Wayne went over to Rudolph. "Hey don't worry, we're your friends. Lanny and I personally know what it's like to be teased all the time." He gently put a hand on Rudolph's shoulder.

"That's right, we're on your side." Lanny agreed.

"You can trust us." Magee smiled.

Rudolph smiled, relieved.

"So, do either of you know where he got that red nose?" Noel asked out of curiosity.

"No, he was just born that way." Mrs. Dasher explained.

"Well, then maybe it was supposed to happen." Noel smiled.

Rudolph's smile became bigger. He didn't say anything though, he was a bit too young to really talk.

Days passed and Wayne, Lanny, and Noel continued to hang out with Rudolph. Magee couldn't as often, being too busy, but she did work on a jingle collar for Rudolph in her spare time. She was planning to give it to him as a Christmas present. Ever since Wayne stood up for Rudolph the elves and reindeer stopped teasing Rudolph as often, much to Dasher and Mrs. Dasher's relief, but now and then someone would still snigger and point. Things got worse the following spring when Rudolph was old enough to go to school (reindeer have shorter childhoods than humans and elves after all).

It started out okay, until one rude buck butted Rudolph out of the cafeteria line.

"Hey watch it." Rudolph frowned.

"No you watch it bulbnose." The rude buck retorted. "This line is for proper reindeer, not glowing freaks."

Rudolph hung his head. Unlike his father he wasn't that confident about anything, except for maybe his kind personality. So he wasn't very good at defending himself.

"Excuse me, but he was here first." Another buck showed up. "Now are you going to let him back in line or am I going to have to get the principal?"

"Oh fine." The rude buck didn't want to risk detention or worse.

He reluctantly backed up and let Rudolph back in line.

"Thanks." Rudolph smiled.

"Don't mention it, just grab your food before Edward there changes his mind." The other buck smiled.

Rudolph went back in line and got his lunch. He then went over to where the friendly buck was sitting. There was a spot free so Rudolph took it.

"Thanks again, for before." Rudolph smiled again. "I'm Rudolph."

"I'm Kevin, and this is my twin sister Kelly." The friendly buck smiled as he gestured to the doe sitting next to him. "Rudolph. I've heard about you, you're the one with the glowing red nose...which I can see."

"Yeah...I'm surprised you haven't been affected by that." Rudolph frowned.

"Well in case you haven't noticed, we're not that popular either." Kelly chuckled. "See we're not that attractive, even though we don't have any 'stand-out' details. Plus our parents warned us not to judge by appearances."

"Yeah, I've been noticing that the unpopular ones are often more friendly than the popular ones." Rudolph nodded. "Wayne and Lanny, the two Prep and Landing elves, for example. However there have been some exceptions. Magee and Noel are also very nice."

"No way, you know them?" Kevin was surprised. "Wayne and Lanny are the most famous Prep and Landing elves ever! And Noel wasn't labeled 'Foremost Naughty Kid Expert' for nothing! And Magee...well, she needs no introduction. Every reindeer knows about her, especially the ones who report to her during Christmas Eve. I can't wait to join the team someday."

"Same here." Kelly smiled. "It is a great honor...the only problem is I'm scared of heights."

"Well, maybe my dad can help you." Rudolph suggested. "He knows everything about flying."

"Wait, your dad is one of the famous eight reindeer?" Kevin stared.

"Yeah, Dasher."

"The Dasher?" Kelly gasped. "Oh wow you're so lucky."

"Yeah, he's a great dad." Rudolph grinned.

Rudolph, Kevin, and Kelly continued talking. It wasn't long until they became best friends.