Chapter 1: Sarx

I'll just start out by saying it: She was beautiful. When Shoshanna brought her to the village that first day, and I saw her carrot orange hair rippling in the wind, her blue eyes twinkling in the sunlight, I became suddenly aware of my physical shortcomings.

First of all, my biggest "shortcoming" was just that. The only person I could look in the eye without having to crane my neck was Gimli, the demolitionist, and come on, he's a dwarf.

Second of all, a bottle rocket exploded in my face when I was little, and as a result I have to wear these huge Coke-bottle glasses. They cover a good part of my face, but you can still see my blue skin and pointy little ears.

That's right. I'm a goblin. And goblins and humans can't mix well.

And yet... when she turned to look at me, instead of quickly looking away or pointing and laughing, this redheaded goddess actually held my gaze. She smiled, revealing a row of small, perfect, white teeth. I smiled back, and I could feel the blood rushing all the way to the tips of my ears.

"Gather round, citizens. This is the new mechanic, Ginger," said Shoshanna, the mayor of the village.

Ginger. What a beautiful name. Like her hair. And a mechanic, too!

The various citizens of the village gathered around and applauded the new arrival. I saw Dante, the gunsmith, look at her and leer, and something inside me sank. Of course I had no chance. Not with a swaggering presence like Dante strutting around.

"Come on, Ginger. Your house is this way," Shoshanna said, leading her away from the village council and to a little house nearby. My heart gave a leap when I realized that she lived next door to me.

Suddenly, Dante darted in front of the door to her house and leaned nonchalantly against the door, swinging his gold watch chain.

"Hey, Nutmeg, how's about I show you around the town, eh?" he drawled, winking suggestively at her.

"Dante!" Shoshanna reprimanded him. "You know the rules. No hitting on the new arrivals, and besides, her name is Ginger! And you're seeing Maddie, anyways. I can't believe you, you sicko."

"Sheesh, Shosh," Dante drawled in a smooth voice, "not in front of the lady." But he tucked his watch in his pocket and slunk off.

After Shoshanna had left, I knocked on her door. She opened it. "Yes?" She smiled down at me. Her voice was beautiful and melodious. For a second, I was speechless.

Then, I remembered what to say. "Um, I'm Sarx," I managed to stammer out, sweat beading on my forehead. "I, um, live next door?"

She laughed, a clear and bell-like sound. "Ginger," she said, and shook my hand. It felt like my hand was on fire.

"N-nice to meet you," I spluttered, and then I bolted for my own home.

I couldn't sleep that night, I was so happy.