A/N : So this is a one-shot. Unless some want it to be a multichapter story! I don't know if it is all that good.

Feel free to leave a review (or more) on improving this!

WARNING: Few bad words, but I'm sure you all heard them before!

Reid was late. That was an understatement, he was beyond late. At least 3 hours, Hotch counted looking at his watch. He noticed the young agent had been falling behind in his work in the past three days, but he thought Reid would overcome it. Hotch walked out of his office and straight to Morgan's desk.

"Have you spoken to Reid lately?" Hotch asked eyes warming in concern. Morgan felt his heart clench from that simple question. Morgan knew Reid wasn't doing as well as usual. He was slower, less focused, and consumed more coffee than normal.

"I haven't, is he alright?" Morgan said standing up. He had full intentions of going to Reid's apartment. Before Hotch could answer, their Resident Genius had walked into the building. He looked worse. His green tie was loose and crooked, not matching his blue-untucked-dress shirt and black slacks. Morgan took notice of Reid's converse. They were brown, and untied. The bags under Reid's eyes were a deep purple, and Reid's eyes were bloodshot. He was paler in contrast to his hair. Reid looked like death times ten. Morgan shuddered inwardly. He hated seeing Reid look so disheveled.

"Reid, my office," Hotch said and Reid did an about-face and walked up the stairs.

"Hotch," Morgan said stopping Hotch in his tracks, "Go easy on him," Morgan said softly. Hotch nodded and walked into his office.

"Have a seat," Hotch offered gently. Reid was tense, Hotch could easily see him build up the walls. After a minute of silence, Hotch decided that Reid would not start the conversation.

"You're late, very late," Hotch said carefully, watching Reid for any type of expression. Reid only sighed. He wasn't feeling too great, and he barely made it out of his bed this morning.

"I overslept," Reid said quietly. Hotch studied Reid carefully. He could tell the agent wasn't lying.

"You've been doing that often Reid," Hotch pressed ever so gently.

"Yeah, I-" Reid cleared his throat, wincing in the process, "I haven't been feeling too well lately. Flu maybe?" Reid shrugged. Hotch then understood.

"If you were sick Reid, you could have called. I would have granted you leave," Hotch said with an eerie calm.

"I know, but I'm behind on my paperwork. I need to—" Reid froze. Hotch frowned, he knew that wasn't a good sign. Ever so slightly, Reid's hand traveled to his stomach and he shuddered. Then he regained composer.

"Reid you need to go home, you are obviously not well enough to work," Hotch said carefully. He didn't want to insult Reid.

Reid swallowed nervously. Hotch noticed that Reid began to sweat, and his neck and cheeks were stained red. Reid swallowed again.

"I'm sorry Hotch, but I'm going to throw up," Reid said, abruptly standing. Before Hotch could make a move, Reid ran out of the office and into the bathroom, no doubt gaining Morgan and Prentiss's attention.

"That was weird," Prentiss said looking at the door Reid ran into.

"I'm going to check on him," Morgan said standing up. He saw Hotch walk out of his office as well. Both men heading straight to the restroom.

Morgan felt his heart tug as he heard Reid throw up in one of the stalls.

"Hey Pretty Boy," Morgan said as soothingly as he could manage, "I'm going to take you home, okay?"

Reid only nodded, breathing heavily. He hated showing weakness.

"C-can you put my paperwork i-in my bag?" Reid croaked.

Morgan looked to Hotch, and Hotch shook his head no.

"Sure Pretty Boy," Morgan lied and walked out of the bathroom.

"Spencer, are you feeling too sick to move right now?" Hotch questioned rubbing circles on the agent's back. Reid took in a deep shakey breath.

"Yeah, I'm good," Reid said flushing down his stomach contents. Hotch grabbed Reid's shoulders and helped the man find his feet. Hotch didn't miss the wave of heat that radiated off of Reid.

"You have a fever, did you drink any water?" Hotch questioned looking at Reid seriously.

"Just coffee," Reid admitted as he began to walk towards the sink to wash his hands and rinse his mouth. Hotch didn't let Reid get more than an inch away from him. He slowly guided the sick agent out of the restroom and secretly wondered how Reid even got to the bureau without keeling over.

"I got it Hotch," Reid protested slightly. He didn't need constant help. He was sure it was just a flu bug, and it would pass over in a couple days.

"You do have it, I'm making sure you don't lose it," Hotch deadpanned. Reid was actually confused by, Hotch's words. He slowly watched as Morgan neared him. Reid couldn't help but notice the concern in Morgan's eyes.

"C'mon kid, let's get you home before you get any worse," Morgan said gently grabbing Reid's arm. Morgan felt Reid tense upon the contact, but Morgan didn't let up. He would be damned if anything happened to the younger man.

"Get better Reid," Prentiss said to the ailing agent.

"Thanks Prentiss," Reid mumbled. He couldn't help the headache that was starting to make itself known.

Morgan guided the man to the elevator. He couldn't keep his eyes off of Reid. There was something just so different about him, besides looking deathly ill. Morgan didn't know what it was, but he noticed that Reid shifted uncomfortably. No doubt from Morgan's heavy stare. Once out of the elevator, Morgan led Reid to the exit, but stopped. It was snowing. It was more like a blizzard, and Morgan noticed that Reid wasn't wearing a jacket.

"Pretty Boy, where's your coat?" Morgan asked hesitantly.

"I was hot," Reid said rubbing his eyes. Somehow, Morgan found that simple action slightly adorable. He shrugged of his coat and handed it to Reid.

"Put it on," Morgan ordered. Reid was about to protest when Morgan put his hand up. "I will not be killed by JJ or Garcia nor will I be stuck with desk duty from Hotch all because you got worse due to stubbornness."

Reid pursed his lips and frowned. He put on Morgan's coat.

"Now, we can go," Morgan said once again grabbing Reid and escorting him to Morgan's car. Once inside, Morgan turned on the heat half-way, keeping Reid's fever in mind. By the time Morgan pulled off, Reid was fast asleep. The simple effort of going to work for a good 15 minutes had worn him out greatly.

Morgan tried to stay focus on the road. He couldn't help but think about Reid.

"Since when do I focus on other men?" Morgan thought in fear. "I'm a ladies man."

Morgan looked over at Reid. The man was really pretty. Childlike, and innocent. That was Dr. Spencer Reid. Morgan couldn't help but notice Reid's lips. They looked so soft. He wondered if they felt that way. He remembered Reid and Lila. Morgan couldn't help but frown. She would know. He would never find out.

"But you're a ladies man," Morgan berated himself.

Morgan heard Reid mutter something in his sleep. Morgan wondered what Reid was dreaming about. He couldn't help it. He had to admit it. He might have a little man crush on Dr. Reid. Which is normal. Morgan smiled. It's a bromance. They're close, but not sexually active like that. Morgan thought of this as pure genius. Then he felt rather stupid, realizing that he was sitting next to one who would've figured that out faster. He pulled into Reid's apartment complex. Morgan never liked the idea that Reid lived there. Morgan didn't think it was the safest place for someone like Reid. Reid stirred in his sleep, no doubt feeling the change in the car's motor.

"Thank you M'rgan," Reid yawned and undid his seatbelt. Morgan did the same.

"What are you doing," Reid asked looking at Morgan with slight apprehension.

"Going in with you," Morgan said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Reid nodded and opened the door. Morgan heard a yelp and Morgan jumped out of his car, running to Reid's side.

"Man, are you okay?" Morgan asked looking at his fallen friend.

"I'm fine," Reid blinked. Truth was, the fall helped his headache intensify. "Just slipped on ice," Reid said as Morgan helped him back up. Reid took the lead and started walking towards the stairs. Morgan couldn't help but notice Reid's limp.

"Reid, are you hurt?" Morgan questioned. Inwardly, Reid cursed. Why was Morgan watching him like a hawk today?

"I'm fine. My knee acts up during cold weather. Gets stiff," Reid answered and Morgan instantly began helping Reid up the stairs. Reid was starting to get annoyed. He was sick, yes. Could he walk, yes. Why was Morgan smothering him, Reid couldn't figure it out. Despite all the annoyance, Reid still managed to keep his calm. He knew Morgan was only worried about him. When they approached his door, Reid looked at Morgan.

"Thanks," Reid said kindly and Morgan nodded.

"You're welcome," Morgan answered as he waited for Reid to unlock the door. Reid stopped and looked at Morgan.

"You're not leaving?" Reid asked hoping it didn't sound rude.

"Not a chance Pretty Boy," Morgan smiled. Reid nodded and squished that annoying feeling. He unlocked his door and entered; Morgan followed him. Reid took off Morgan's coat and handed it to him.

"Thanks again," Reid said as he made his way to the bathroom.

"What are you about to do?" Morgan asked. Reid looked at him once more, wondering why Morgan was so acute to all of his movements.

"I'm going to take a shower, because I didn't get that option when I woke up," Reid snapped. Morgan was taken aback. Why would Reid snap at him? He was only wondering where Reid was going. Then Morgan froze. He has been riding on Reid's dick ever since Hotch put Reid in his care. He was being clingy, overly observant, and overly worried. Like Reid was his girlfriend. Morgan shut his eyes in frustration. Why was he acting so weird around Reid? Morgan hoped the kid wasn't mad at him. He also hoped Reid didn't notice that Morgan has been staring at him the entire time.

Morgan sighed and decided that he would make Reid some lunch. Morgan searched through the cabinets and realized that there was nothing to eat besides an apple and coffee. Morgan frowned. He should've taken Reid to his place instead. Morgan decided to order Chinese. He tried to keep Reid's meal bland and small. Morgan also decided to pour Reid some water. He sat it in the freezer, hoping it would cool by the time Reid got out.

About ten minutes later, Reid walked out wearing only sweat pants. His hair was still dripping and Morgan couldn't help but stare at Reid as he sat down at the kitchen table. Morgan never saw Reid without a shirt on, and he had to admit, Reid was holding out on him.

"Holding out on me? I never wanted him to strip for me!" Morgan panicked to himself. Was it just him? Or was the room getting warmer. Reid was lean, but there was definitely muscle definition.

"Do you work out?" Morgan questioned raising an eyebrow. Reid frowned as he looked at Morgan.

"I still have to pass the yearly physical test we get," Reid said resting his head on the table. Morgan looked at him in surprise. It was definitely doing Reid some justice. Why did the kid wear so many layers of clothes? Morgan pushed the thought aside. "Stop enjoying the sight!" Morgan demanded to himself.

"You know, Morgan," Reid had hesitated earning Morgan's full attention. "I am sorry for snapping at you earlier," Reid's voice was weak.

"What?" Morgan said in surprise. Sick Reid was slightly bipolar.

"I have a killer headache, and I guess I'm just a bit on edge," Reid said softly. Morgan knew Reid's fever was definitely making the kid talk. Normal Reid would argue that he wasn't sick at all. Morgan smiled. He kind of felt better that Reid wasn't angry with him.

"It's okay, Reid. How about we get some water in your system. It'll help you stay hydrated," Morgan smiled taking the glass of water out the freezer. Reid took the glass warily. He had thrown up in the bathroom for a good five minutes, and he wasn't ready to go back.

"Thanks," Reid said quietly as he took a very small sip. Morgan watched him carefully. Morgan could tell that Reid was feeling nauseous, and that his throat was sore, but he didn't say anything. He was already working on the genius's nerve. There was a knock on the door, and Spencer stood. Morgan moved past Reid and walked to the door. Nobody was going to see Reid half naked.

Morgan stopped at the door. Was he getting possessive of Reid? He shook his head and opened the door. Reid watched with slight interest as Morgan walked into the kitchen with what smelled like Chinese. Reid could feel the water working its way back up.

"I got you some rice and some soup," Morgan said handing Reid his food.

"Thanks," Reid said as Morgan gave him a spoon and fork. Reid didn't want to eat, but he still felt bad about snapping at Morgan. He didn't have the heart to tell him he didn't want to eat. Reid carefully took the fork and grabbed a small bite of the rice. He was surprised that he didn't gag. Morgan smiled happily when Reid took another bite. He knew the boy was hungry given that he threw up whatever was left in his stomach. When Reid drank some of his water, Morgan noticed the change in Reid's posture. Reid started breathing heavily and his arms wrapped around his midsection. Morgan knew what was coming; he jumped up and grabbed the wastebin, thrusting it towards Reid who took it gratefully. Morgan watched as Reid heaved. Morgan wasn't too sure what more he could do. He grabbed a pot and poured some water in it. He placed it on the stove and turned on the heat. It was time for some home remedies. He looked back at Reid who was shaking under the stress from throwing up. Reid nodded to himself, and Morgan cursed, he should've been encouraging Reid.

Reid slowly stood. Morgan noticed that the kid looked weak on his feet. Morgan automatically stood beside him.

"Where are you going," Morgan questioned trying to think of a way to help Reid.

"I'm going to take out this trash and—and-" Reid paused feeling the room spin. Morgan grabbed him, held him close, and this time, Reid held onto him. Morgan was surprised.

"You need to lay down," Morgan said not bothering to let Reid go. Reid merely nodded. He's been sick before, but never this sick. For him, this was scary. Morgan held him tightly as he led Reid towards his bedroom. Slowly, Morgan helped Reid into the bed. Reid sighed in content as the fatigue washed over him. Morgan frowned. Reid's fever didn't break, that much he knew. Reid only seemed to be getting worse. He seemed alright after he left the bureau, but Morgan could tell that Reid was definitely trying to down play his illness. Morgan ran a hand through Reid's hair. He ignored the slight dampness from the shower and ran a hand across Reid's face. Morgan jerked his hands away. He never caressed Reid. It was weird and strange, but Morgan couldn't help but enjoy that one intimate moment. Morgan refused to continue, Reid was sleeping. It would be like molesting a child or taking advantage of a drunk woman. Women. Morgan was interested in women. Was he? He wasn't so sure anymore. Morgan sighed and covered Reid. He knew Reid would be hot, but he also didn't want Reid to get cold.

He walked out of the room and dialed the one person who he knew could help him figure this all out.

"How is 187?" Garcia asked in a shaky breath.

"I'm not too sure just yet mama. He threw up some more and he's now sleeping," Morgan said fondly.

"What was that?" Garcia quipped.

"He's sleeping," Morgan repeated.

"No not that, but the way you said it!" Garcia laughed.

"How did I say it?" Morgan asked in all seriousness.

"Like, you said it in a loving way," Garcia whispered. Morgan wanted to hang up. He wanted to scream and shout. He wanted to jump off a cliff!

"Actually Baby girl, I have a confession," Morgan said slowly.

"Oooh what is it!" She said mysteriously.

"I am kind of confused right now," Morgan admitted. He ran a hand over his head and walked into the kitchen.

"What do you mean? Is Reid not really sick?" Garcia questioned. Morgan realized that Garcia's "loving" was just a joke.

"No mama, Reid is really sick. Bad case of the flu or something," Morgan said softly.

"Then about what?" Garcia asked.

"I think I have a—a crush on Reid," Morgan said softly and Garcia screamed.

"What?! When was this?! I thought you were only interested in women!?" Garcia yelled.

"Hey, this is confidential and I thought so too, but I have been mistaken. I don't know how to explain it," Morgan sighed sitting in the chair. He really was confused, this was all new.

"Well let's think about this," Garcia said calmly. "Did you guys kiss or anything?" Morgan choked on his own spit.

"What? No! I mean, I stared at him on the way to his apartment, I got jealous of Lila for kissing him, I wondered if his lips were soft, then I was checking him out when he walked in the kitchen without a shirt on. I was basically asking him a million questions like where are you going? How are you feeling, and then I ended up caressing his face while he was sleeping!" Morgan shouted the last part. He was getting frustrated.

"Well, how do you feel when he touches you?" Garcia asked. Morgan thought for a second.

"He never really did, except when he got dizzy and he held onto me. I was just shocked," Morgan muttered.

"I'm coming over. I can't do this over the phone," Garcia said and hung up before she could hear Morgan's protest.

Morgan sighed and walked back into Reid's room. Reid looked so damn young and innocent. Morgan just wanted to hold him. Morgan was strong. He could beat these emotions. How would his mom react? What would his sisters think? What would the team think of him? Most importantly of all, what would Spencer think? Morgan felt conflicted. He didn't know what to do. This was all new to him. In a way, Morgan wished he realized this earlier. Then he wouldn't have gave Reid all that advice on picking up women. He heard a slight knock on the door and Morgan ran to open it.

Garcia walked in quietly and looked around.

"This place is like a library," Garcia said in awe.

"I know right," Morgan agreed. Garcia looked at him gently.

"Talk to me Derek," Garcia pressed. Morgan sat down on the couch and focused on the floor. He didn't know what else to say. This was all new to him.

"I think there was a reason why I never settled down with a woman," Morgan admitted and Garcia looked at him expectantly. "I mean I can't say that it was Reid from the start, I mean the kid hid from me during his first year on the job. I guess it was when I started to get to know him, Penelope, personally. He never judged anyone and he always had an easy-going type spirit around him. Penny, I think I have feelings for Reid," Morgan finally said. Garcia gasped. Then she smiled which made Morgan feel rather awkward.

"So are you going to tell him?" Garcia asked.

"What? No! He- he likes women," Morgan said his eyes downcast. Garcia pouted slightly. She only seen Reid look at women, not really any men, unless he was profiling.

"Well maybe I can ask him how he feels about dating men," Garcia smiled brightly.

"No Garcia, he might catch on. I left so many clues on accident and he has an eidetic memory," Morgan said in thought.

"Derek, you may never know how he would feel if you don't talk to him," Garcia pressed.

"Garcia, I can't! He's not ready for that. I don't want to ruin our friendship. I'd rather us stay friends and there be nothing, than for him to know and walk away from me. Besides I'm new to this. I can pull any women, but how exactly can I reel in Reid?" Morgan said leaning back. This was slowly breaking his heart. He said he had a crush on Reid. Why was it becoming so damn painful?

"I mean, I wish I knew how to get Reid's attention, but give it time. Profile him, you guys are best friends. You can figure this out. Like when he get's better, take him out to a bar. See what catches his attention. What type of women. Maybe, just maybe, you might find out if he's interested in men as well," Garcia smiled. Her plan was brilliant. Morgan smiled at her also finding it brilliant. "If you're lucky, you may find out exactly how you feel about him too. Just remember, you are always my Chocolate God, even if you would prefer smart men over smart women," Garcia winked.

"Come here baby girl," Morgan said pulling Garcia in a hug. She hugged him back and he released her.

"Want to watch a movie?" Morgan asked.

"Sure," Garcia smiled and Morgan turned on the tv.

Hopefully Garcia was right. Maybe he can figure this out. Maybe when Reid gets better Morgan could try to get an answer. For now, he would just have to wait.

The End.

For now! I hope I didn't just make you waste a minute of your life.

That would be awkward.

Please leave your opinions!