Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series, nor do I want to own it, although it would be nice. I am in no way profiting from this story or any of its characters.

Chapter 2: Harry's Assets

Harry had awoken in a clearing at the heart of a rainforest, at least, he thought he was awake. He surveyed his surroundings with predatory, emerald green eyes. Suddenly, he heard a rustling in the trees, quickly turning his head to face the threat, he was merely greeted with the sight of a large shadow retreating into the jungle.

Harry had decided to follow, only to find himself returning to that same spot in the clearing each time he passed the treeline. He decided it was time for his real self to wake up, so he lay down and closed, his eyes, concentrating on waking up.

Sure enough, Harry's eyes shot open but still, he was sure he was still sleeping as there was a rather beautiful blonde draped over his chest. Harry breathed in through his nose and caught the scent of vanilla filled his nose.

Once again, Harry was awoken, but still not awake, this time, Harry was face to face with a silhouette of a man with unruly hair, roughly the same size as Harry.


The figure stepped forward, only to reveal bright, emerald green eyes that matched Harry's perfectly, only there was something missing. Harry just couldn't put his finger on it, but before he could dwell on it, the figure let out a deep guttural shout.


And once again, Harry's eyes opened, although this time he was greeted by a snarling goblin and a worried looking McGonagall.

"Ah Mr Potter, decided to wake up then. About time too, time is golden after all." Said the goblin, hoisting Harry to his feet.

"Did I pass out? The last thing I remember is…"

"Becoming the most powerful wizard in Britain? Not easy to forget. Now Mr Potter, if you will follow me, we have some things to discuss." Said the goblin. "Professor McGonagall, this may take a while, I suggest you have a browse in the Alley."

McGonagall nodded and left with a promise to Harry that she would collect him and bring him back to Hogwarts when he was done.

Harry followed Bloodtooth to his office, and was told to stay there until he could get a hold of, presumably, another goblin. Moments later, the doors swung open and a surprisingly tall goblin walked in with Bloodtooth.

"May your vaults flow with gold, Lord Potter-Black. My name is Ragnarok, King Goblin and Head of Gringotts bank." Said the taller goblin in gobbledegook, clearly trying to catch Harry out.

Harry heard a whisper in his ear, telling him what to say. He looked around but no one was there.

"And may the rivers run red with the blood of your enemy's, King Ragnarok." Harry said with a bow.

To say the goblins were surprised was an understatement, Bloodtooth literally jumped at Harry's words.

"Ah! Harry, I knew you had it in you, I just had to be sure. You're going to know a lot of things you didn't before, it was the same with James before you, and Charlus before you. I have been the Potter's account manager for some time before my Kingship and will continue to be so long after, with your permission of course."

"It would be my pleasure, King Ragnarok."

"Please Harry, just Ragnarok when not in public, we're friends here! Although down to business, we will have to give you a lineage test, this will show an and all houses you are Head of, through Houses Potter and Black, but also show magical and blood heir ships. It will also show you which magical traits you possess. However, it will require a drop of your blood." Said Ragnarok.

Harry just nodded and took the dagger provided, slit his finger and allowed the blood to drop onto the parchment before him. He watched as the blood travelled down the page, spelling out words and reminding him all too much of the Chamber of Secrets messages left on the walls in second year.

After about five minutes, Ragnarok declared to test finished and showed Harry the results.

Lineage Test of Harry J. Potter

Headships Through Blood.

House Potter

House Peverell

House Gryffindor

House Ravenclaw

Headships Through Magic

House Black

House Emrys

House LeFay

House FitzGerald

House Flamel

Headships Through Conquest

House Slytherin

House Gaunt

Magical Traits

Double Cored

Multi Animagus

Natural Occlumens


Wandless Magic

Magical Affinity


"Well. Uhm. Wow. Well. Uh." Said Harry, rather unimpressively.

"Oh. Yes. Well! A speechless Potter, never thought I'd see the day. Let us tally up your assets, yes? Let's see." Ragnarok walked over to a large book in the corner of the room, he stopped and looked at it. "Asset list of one Lord Potter-Peverell-Black-Gryffindor-Ravenclaw-Emrys-LeFay-FitzGerald-Flamel-Slytherin-Gaunt." He shouted into the book, a few minutes of waiting and Ragnarok started pulling out a roll of parchment that was at least ten feet long.

"Well Harry, I'll just give you the breakdown. Roughly two point six billion Galleons in liquid assets, nine family manors as the Gaunt and Potter manors have been destroyed, homes in France, America, Germany, Russia, China, Luxembourg, England, Scotland, Wales, Central Africa, South America, Japan and Ireland. It also seems that you own most of Diagon Alley, Knockturn Alley, Godrics Hallow, Rue de Magique and Veneficus Philosophiae, a magical island in the heart of the Bermuda Triangle. You own the majority of the Daily Prophet and your father invested into muggle companies, such as Apple and Microsoft. Also, you control about seventeen percent of the Wizenagmot. Any questions?"

"Yeah, how soon can I move into the Peverell Manor? And what is Magical Affinity and a Teleporter? I've been taking apparition lessons but I have no idea what a teleporter is."

"Ah, as a goblin, I am afraid I do not know a lot about wizarding magic, however, if I remember correctly, the Peverell Manor has an extensive library, full of ancient tomes, legal and… not. So you'll find out there. It may take a week to establish wards and get the pace cleaned up but you could go there once off the Hogwarts Express." Said Ragnarok, writing down a reminder to get started on wards for the Manor. "I suggest you buy a new wardrobe, one befitting of your stature."

"Actually I was hoping to keep most of the Headships under wraps. You know, just let people know I'm Lord Potter-Black. Make them underestimate me."

"Of course Harry, very wise. And because of your standing in this bank, you will be presented with a bottomless money bag, unstealable of course. Invisible and intangible to all of the people you don't want to know about it."

"Thank you Ragnarok, may your gold multiply and your enemies fall."

"And yours Harry."

Harry left the office and met with McGonagall in the foyer of the bank.

"Ready to go Mister Potter?" asked the Professor.

"Yes Miss." Harry grabbed her outstretched arm and that vanished, only to reappear outside the gates of Hogwarts.


Daphne Greengrass was an impatient woman. She hated waiting around and wanted to dive right into the fray, although she would never show this in public.

"Come on Tracey! We're going to miss lunch!" shouted the curvy blonde to her skinny brunette best friend.

"Relax Daph, we'll be fine. Hoping to run into Potter again, are we?" teased Tracey.

"Stuff it Trace, go screw with Blaise or something." Daphne teased back, albeit not as tactfully as she had hoped.

"I'm only joking with you Daph, we all know you bat for the other team!"

"I do not!" screamed the blonde, furious at her best friend's words.

"Okay, okay, let's just get to lunch, yeah?"


Daphne and Tracey pushed open the door to the great hall when a black cardigan smothered Daphne's face and the top of her head once again, connected with a certain Gryffindor's nose.

"Ow!" shouted the bespectacled boy. "What was that for? Greengrass? Again?"

"For Merlin's sake Potter, watch where you're going!" Daphne took out her wand and healed his nose, feeling sorry for the poor boy.

"You know, we really must stop meeting like this." He said, a coy grin playing at his features.

"I agree, last time you ruined my book." Said Daphne, not once dropping the icy look on her face.

"Oh, I'm sorry, at least I didn't break your nose. Twice!" he said, outraged at her accusing him. "Which book was it?"

"My runes book, not that it's any of your business." Said Daphne, brushing past him, making sure to hit his shoulder hard. Although she couldn't help but notice the smell of cinnamon that would drive her crazy.

Meanwhile, Harry breathed in the familiar scent of vanilla, he knew it from somewhere but he didn't know where.


Harry was in the Room of Requirements, or the Come and Go room as it was known to the elves. He had asked the Room for somewhere to practice his spell work. He also wanted to learn about his new abilities but that would have to wait until he got to the Peverell Manor. For now, he would settle on controlling his increased power.

He took out his wand and cast a Stunner at a dummy, although nothing would happen.

"What the… Stupefy. Incendio. Rictusempra. Petrificus Totalus. Expelliarmus! Bombarda! Expulso! Depulso! Bombarda Maxima! EXPECTO PATRONUM!" And with the last spell, something did happen. The usual light of the spell travelled back up through the wand, splitting it in half and hitting Harry square in the face. His whole world, engulfed in total darkness.


Harry awoke once again in the clearing of the forest. Again he saw the shadow of something large beyond the treeline. This time, however, he did not chase after it. Instead he stood perfectly still, allowing it to come to him.

Out of the shadows came a great black panther, or so Harry thought. This particular panther was a magical creature called a Nundu. Very few exist and no wizard had ever lived to tell the tale.

"Well aren't you magnificent." Harry remembered his lessons with Hagrid and tried what worked with most magical creatures. Harry bowed before the Nundu, looking it straight in the eyes without blinking or flinching.

Much to Harry's surprise, the Nundu bowed back and prowled over to Harry. He was terrified until the huge cat gave him a gentle nudge. All of a sudden, everything went black once again.

He was back staring into the eyes of the silhouette, his eyes, but somehow not.

"So who are you?"

"I, Harry, am the embodiment of your second and larger core."

"Why can't I see the rest of you? Why are your eyes so dead?"

"If I knew that I wouldn't need your help. I'm proposing a deal, help me get free and you get all the power of the two cores."

"But then what happens to me? Surely the two of us can't stay in the same head?"

"Harry, you are a natural Occlumens. You can lock me away in the deepest recesses of your mind, but as long as I am able to see the outside world I will be happy."

Harry thought for a moment before deciding to help his other self. How bad could it be? It was himself after all.

"Okay, I'll do it."

"Good, I can sweeten the deal by transferring some of the second core into the first."

Little did Harry know, the 'other him' wasn't planning on being a prisoner inside his head for very long. No, no, he had much bigger plans.

A/N: Well, still quite short, I know, but the first few are just giving information, setting a theme for the plot. I do plan on making it quite a long story. Maybe even more than one. And yes, I have made Harry way overpowered but that doesn't mean he'll win out all the time. That's all for this week but I probably should have mentioned that I'm not following the canon storyline down to the very letter, such as Harry liking Ginny in fifth year and them being a year older. Although the major points have stayed.

Well, R&R and I'm always open to constructive criticism!